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Ratin Obasohn in an interview with "Israel Hayom": "What didn't work in Hapoel Jerusalem? They didn't give us time to connect" | Israel today


In a special interview, the Belgian guard, who played last season in the team's uniform from the capital and will face Maccabi Tel Aviv tonight in the Euroleague in Villervan's uniform, talks about his great love for Israel, what caused the failure in the arena and the connection with Oren Amiel • his good friend Jaylen Adams who signed with the Yellows last week he Warns: "He knows me well enough to know not to try me with his tricks"

Ratin Obasohn played in Israel and Hapoel Jerusalem for only one season but entered the hearts of the fans from the first second he stepped on the field.

The disappointing season last year for the Reds sent them to rebuild and as a result the Belgian guard who was the team's leading player did not continue with the club.

'Uba' immediately received an offer from the French champion Villervan, and got to play for the first time in his life in the Euroleague.

Just before he meets Maccabi Tel Aviv once again, this evening at the temple, this time with his new team, the guard took time to give a special interview to Israel Hayom.

Ova, first of all, how does it feel to return to Israel?

"Great feeling, I feel like I'm back home."

Villerban wanted you very early in the summer, how did you feel to receive an offer from a senior Euroleague team?

"First of all, it's very flattering. I was very excited, it makes you even more hungry to succeed. It's something I've worked for for a long time. When I received the call and the offer from them, I felt for the first time that everything I've gone through and sacrificed is starting to pay off and receive recognition. It's a very special feeling."

You had a good season personally and you also had an option in your contract, why didn't you continue with Hapoel Jerusalem?

"Honestly, there were many reasons. In Jerusalem they wanted to rebuild and bring new players and new blood to the team and I respected that. You can see that only two players remained there and they did what they planned. On the other hand, I wanted to advance and play at the higher levels and then I received an offer to play in the Euroleague. At the end of the day You can say that it worked out for both sides."

Oba in Jerusalem uniform.

Expected more patience from the decision makers, photo: Danny Maron

Were you disappointed with their decision, did you want to continue?

"Let's put it this way - I really like Jerusalem, very much. I really enjoyed my year there. From the people in the organization through the audience, the city and the state, I connected very much to the place and to it. I have a warm place in my heart for Hapoel Jerusalem and I accept their decision."

Oren Amiel brought you with him from Nimbork, what didn't work for you at the beginning of the season?

"We needed time to connect as a team. We had Oren's talent and leadership, but we didn't get time to connect and in fact we didn't get a real chance to succeed. Players arrived very late to the team and it hurt us. At the beginning of the season it takes time to get to know new friends but because of the late construction of The squad all arrived late. We wanted to connect but we had to win the first game without being ready. It was a perfect storm of bad things going in the wrong direction. I believe to this day that if they had assembled the team earlier in the summer, at the beginning of the preseason for example, and given the coach And we have time to work, I truly believe we could have achieved great things, but unfortunately life went in a different direction."

Do you think the decision to fire him was a mistake?

"It's a difficult question, it's hard to say. I like him very much personally, we're still in touch to this day. Professionally, it had a positive effect on the team because we started winning and I think we made the best of the situation. Honestly, it's hard to say even in retrospect whether it was the right decision or not ".

Obasohn is on his way to the basket.

Excited to meet Maccabi Tel Aviv again, photo: EPA

What did Hapoel Jerusalem lack in the previous season?

You lost all the important games.

"The small details. We had a very talented squad, if you look at the amount of talent that was on the squad then compared to the squad that is there this year you will see the difference right away, but the small details made the difference. What does it mean to win a game? How do you prepare for an important game? What does it mean to win a championship ? All those things weren't there for us. Talent can help you, but it doesn't solve everything. When you want to win a championship you have to make more soup and hit shots and that's where I think we failed. We weren't there mentally in the big games."

Is there any special feeling before the match against Maccabi, Jerusalem's biggest rival?

"Of course, it's the kind of big game you want to take part in since childhood. It's a special game on a very home field. We'll have a tough task."

Just in the last few days Jaylen Adams signed with Maccabi.

How will the matchup be between you?

"Listen, it's undoubtedly very funny, it's amazing how the circle of life works. Jaylen and I talked during the summer, I told him that I wish him luck and I don't know if we'll meet in the future on the field and now he signed with Maccabi Tel Aviv the week I arrive here and I meet him. It will be nice to meet him, he is like a brother to me. We were together for a whole year. We went through experiences together, won games together, lost together, laughed together and cried together. No matter where he plays, he will remain like a brother to me."

Adams (left).

Good friends, photo: Alan Shiver

Will there be some trash talk between you?

Did you do special tricks in front of him?

"Jaylen knows me well enough to know not to try me with his tricks. When you play with a person for a whole year you really get to know him. It will be funny to play against us, I automatically know when he's going for his shot. I'm ready for it and happy for him."

We know that basketball can be unpredictable sometimes, do you think there is a chance that we will see you play in Israel again?

"Never say never. This country has a special place in my heart, Jerusalem has a special place in my heart. You can never know what the future holds for you, right now I'm doing very well in Villerban, I'm enjoying playing in the Euroleague and I'm very satisfied. We'll see what's in store The future is for me."

Why did Hapoel Jerusalem fans connect with you in such a significant way last year?

"I think they saw that I care. I don't speak Hebrew, I haven't played here for years, but they knew that 'Uba' goes on the field and he cares. I care about my team, the tradition and the place. I believe they saw that I go on the field, no matter If I'm tired, sick or bleeding, I'll always give it my all."

Finally, do you have a message for Hapoel Jerusalem fans?

"I miss you, your encouragement, the atmosphere at the games and the handshakes afterwards. I miss my walks in the streets of Jerusalem and the fans who approach me on the street. When you come to Hapoel Jerusalem you quickly learn that it is much more than a basketball club, it is a tradition and a culture, it is a city and the community. I miss and wish Only good for them."

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Source: israelhayom

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