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The double European 3000m steeplechase champion is five months pregnant and responds to criticism


Gesa Krause covered a five kilometer in Trier in 17'31'' a few days ago, facing some criticism in Germany. She responded to her detractors.

Five kilometers in 17'31'' with a belly rounded by five months of pregnancy.

At 30, Gesa Felicitas Krause signed a small achievement on New Year's Eve in a race organized in the German city of Trier where she is licensed.

A performance that allowed the double world champion to take 17th place in this event which marked the beginning of a break in her career.

For me, it was the last competition for the next few months.

I could not have dreamed of a better end to the year.

Thank you Trèves, it was a treat and an endless pleasure

, “said the champion on social networks to illustrate a photo of her at the finish of the course.

The participation of Gesa Felicitas Krause in this event, however, made people cringe in Germany on social networks.

Many contributors have wondered about the danger of pushing your body to its limits while pregnant.

I'm not sick, I'm pregnant

Gesa Krause

Faced with criticism, the athlete gave an interview to DW Sport, assuring that she was not putting herself in danger even if she feels that her body can no longer be solicited in this way after 22 weeks of pregnancy.


I'm not sick, I'm pregnant.

I did not expect to be able to run so fast at the 22nd week of my pregnancy.

It makes me proud and happy.

Running longer distances has become more difficult, especially for the pelvis and the joints, which are already beginning to feel the weight of the belly.

But I love running and I think there is a way to combine the two.


The practice of sport recommended pregnant under conditions

The practice of sport is authorized and even recommended by specialized medicine when the pregnancy is considered risk-free (non-twin).

The benefits for the body are numerous.

During the first two trimesters, it is therefore quite possible to run, but beyond that softer sports are generally recommended, such as walking or swimming.

Source: lefigaro

All sports articles on 2023-01-09

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