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Carto quiz Tour de France: will you be able to locate these mythical places of the Grande Boucle ?


Highlights: Play your games! Locate as quickly as possible on the map the cities, passes or arrivals that have made the legend of the Great Loop since 1903. The degree of difficulty of the game depends on the time you will take to answer. The name of the place in question will be displayed above the map. By clicking closer, you will get the distance - in kilometers - to its actual position. It is the accumulation of these distances that will determine the number of points you have won. The lower your score, the higher you will be in the ranking.

Play your games! Locate as quickly as possible on the map the cities, passes or arrivals that have made the legend of the Grande Bou

Photo: LP / Olivier Boitet


Carto quiz: locate these mythical places of the Tour de France

Play your games! Locate as quickly as possible on the map the cities, passes or arrivals that have made the legend of the Great Loop since 1903.

Jean-Gabriel Bontinck and Victor Alexandre

Last updated: June 22, 2023

Would you know where to place the starting point of the very first Tour de France in 1903, Montgeron? And where is Sainte-Marie de Campan, the forge where Eugène Christophe repaired his fork?

In 120 years of history, the Grande Boucle has crossed the highlights of French territory. Some already known, others entered the legend by the force of the exploits of the convicts of the road. You hear about these mythical places every summer in July, you see the runners suffer there. But where exactly are the legendary sites of the Tour de France?

Read alsoAll the quizzes of the Parisian

As the 110th Tour de France starts on July 1st in Bilbao (Spain), test your knowledge with this little game.

Did you know, for example, that in Coutances, in 1924, the Pelissier brothers abandoned the Tour, inspiring Albert Londres to "the Convicts of the Road"? Do you remember the descent during which Lance Armstrong cut through fields, towards Gap? And would you know how to place Halluin, where the police raid that launched the Festina affair in 1998 took place?

We propose you the name of one of these highlights of the Tour de France, it's up to you to click as close as possible to its real location in the map

The degree of difficulty of the game depends on the time you will take to answer. The name of the place in question will be displayed above the map. By clicking closer, you will get the distance - in kilometers - to its actual position.

Read alsoCarto quiz: do you know how to position the major cities of France?

After ten questions drawn, it is the accumulation of these distances that will determine the number of points you have won. The lower your score, the higher you will be in the ranking.

This "Carto quiz" was made using the main passes used by the riders, as well as the busiest cities since 1903.

" READ ALSO When the Tour de France really went around the France

Will you be able to place all these mythical places and cities of the Tour de France?

Source: leparis

All sports articles on 2023-07-01

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