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Formula 1: Max Verstappen, the itinerary of a prodigy raised the hard way


Highlights: Formula 1: Max Verstappen, the itinerary of a prodigy raised the hard way. The 26-year-old Dutchman won the third world title of his career in Qatar. It is the culmination of the colossal and sometimes sacrificial work he had done during his youth. Without work, talent is nothing. Or so little. Some understand this at a very young age, and do not waste their gift. Others will never have this discipline and self-sacrifice. In the opinion of all those who have worked with him, Max Ver stappen is undoubtedly in the first category.

PORTRAIT - The 26-year-old Dutchman won the third world title of his career in Qatar, which is the culmination of the colossal and sometimes sacrificial work he had done during his youth.


You are not born a champion, you become a champion." This phrase, which sounds like a motto, has been trumpeted by many athletes, from Tony Estanguet to Raphaël Poirée, and even an American equipment manufacturer with the famous comma that made it the slogan of one of its advertising campaigns. What it doesn't say, or what it merely implies, is how one becomes one. With the strength of the wrist, showing an inexhaustible determination and a sense of sacrifice that is often out of the ordinary. Without work, talent is nothing. Or so little. Some understand this at a very young age, and do not waste their gift. Others will never have this discipline and self-sacrifice. In the opinion of all those who have worked closely with him, Max Verstappen is undoubtedly in the first category.

To discover

  • Formula 1: drivers' standings
  • Formula 1: the calendar of the season

If, at 26 years and a few days old (he turned them on September 30), the Dutchman won his third world championship title this Saturday in Qatar during the sprint race-...

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Source: lefigaro

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