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Partizan President in Special Interview with Israel Hayom: "War is a Disaster, Belgrade is Safe for Everyone" | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Partizan President in Special Interview with Israel Hayom: "War is a Disaster, Belgrade is Safe for Everyone" Ostoja Mihailovic and his team are great friends of Israeli basketball: "We are proud of it" • Hoping for calm: "Only peace can benefit you" • Aware of Maccabi Tel Aviv's challenge far from home: "Meets it very well" • And praises Dani Avdya: "A bright future" • Exclusive.

Ostoja Mihailovic and his team are great friends of Israeli basketball: "We are proud of it" • Hoping for calm: "Only peace can benefit you" • Aware of Maccabi Tel Aviv's challenge far from home: "Meets it very well" • And praises Dani Avdya: "A bright future" • Exclusive

Ostoja Mihailovic, president of Partizan Belgrade and one of the most powerful and influential people in the Serbian capital, is a great friend of Israel. Much thanks to him, the Israeli teams have been hosting Belgrade in recent weeks and holding their "home" games in Europe.

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Only a day had passed since the start of the war in the south in early October, and before people around, including in Israel, understood what was happening, Mihailovic announced that Belgrade would be ready to host Maccabi Tel Aviv and help the Israeli teams with whatever they needed. We caught up with him here in Belgrade for a special and exclusive interview.

"There's no reason to explain much. We are friends, and friends are there for you in difficult times," Mihailovich clarifies at the beginning of the interview the quick mobilization on behalf of the Israeli groups. "Partizan experienced what it looked like to play away from home because of the war. We know what it feels like, so we offered our help."

Is Belgrade safe for Israelis?
"Belgrade is safe for everyone. As you see, we are very good hosts, and our country is open to everyone. Yes, there are some challenges, but I'm sure your teams feel safe in Belgrade."

We know that there is a good connection between the people of Serbia and the people of Israel. What can you say about it?
"It's something we're proud of. Our ancestors built that connection, and we continue it."

What do you think about what happened in Israel on October 7?
"What can I think about the war? Unfortunately, I participated in the war when I was 19. I had to take my rifle and defend my country. War is never good for anyone. The war itself is a disaster, and the consequences are felt for many years after the cessation of the war. Only a peaceful solution can benefit you."

Maccabi Tel Aviv players in Belgrade. Feeling safe, Photo: AP

Last month it was reported that several Euroleague teams had asked to suspend Maccabi Tel Aviv until the end of the war. Offer rejected. Mihailovich claims that he has not heard of this idea, and in any case states his clear position: "I didn't hear that anyone asked for it. In difficult times, athletes are the ones who help people get on with their lives. As I said, in our history we have felt it. We believe athletes should continue their activities. Yes, there is a challenge for Maccabi to keep playing because of the many circumstances, safety assessments, etc... But we, as clubs, need to be here to help each other."

The same groups claimed that there was no difference from the Russian groups that were expelled."
Now we get too much into politics. We need to analyze political circumstances, limitations due to sanctions... We will need more time to elaborate everything and clarify it. Let's skip politics as much as we can in this interview. CSKA is our 'brothers' club and there is a very strong connection between the clubs, as well as between Russia and Serbia. Of course, we are not happy about their suspension... Nor Zenit's, Onyx Kazan and Lokomotiv Kuban's. I repeat again, we believe that athletes should not stop their activities if there is a possible way to continue."

How do you think Maccabi Tel Aviv has dealt with the difficulties and challenges outside of Israel so far?
"So far, she's doing it well."

You had a very good professional experience with Yam Madar, even though the relationship ended poorly. Would you consider bringing in more Israeli players in the future?
"Sure, why not? If there is an interesting Israeli for us, we will be happy to sign him in the future. We ended our relationship with Yam as we did... This should not affect deals with other Israeli players in the future."

Yam Madar in a partisan uniform. Will not affect the arrival of other Israelis, photo: from Twitter

A few years ago, Dani Avdija chose to play for the Israeli national team rather than the Serbia national team. What do you think of him as a player, and is he a miss for Serbia?
"Dani Avdija is a very good player, there's no doubt about that. However, I will not comment on his decision to choose the Israeli national team because in my opinion it is an individual decision of the player and his family. He has a bright future."

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Source: israelhayom

All sports articles on 2023-12-02

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