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CAN 2024: “You still want to create a buzz”, when the Moroccan Boufal laughs at a question from a journalist


Highlights: Morocco beat Zambia 1-0 in the group stage of the African Cup of Nations. Sofiane Boufal was questioned in Arabic by a journalist after the match. The former Angers and Lille player burst out laughing upon hearing the question. The same scene took place during CAN 2021 with the same two protagonists. Boufal prefers to respond in French where he is most comfortable. The Atlas Lions progressed to the semi-final of the World Cup in Qatar, eliminated only by the French team.

Questioned in literal Arabic by a journalist after Morocco-Zambia, the ex-Angevin preferred to burst out laughing upon hearing the question. The same

Just after Morocco's victory against Zambia (1-0), synonymous for the Atlas Lions with first place in Group F in the group stage of the African Cup of Nations (CAN), the traditional interviews post-match action on the sidelines has begun.

One of them caused a funny little scene which has since been making the rounds on Moroccan social networks.

While the journalist began to question Sofiane Boufal, the Al-Rayyan player in Qatar, in Arabic, the latter appeared embarrassed while the journalist asked his question.

Embarrassed but amused at the same time.

After a few seconds, the player is handed the microphone and says nothing.

Then the two men burst out laughing and Boufal, the former Angers and Lille player, said to him in Arabic “you want to create a buzz again”.

💬🇲🇦 A Moroccan journalist asks Sofiane Boufal a question in Arabic but Sofiane did not understand the question and therefore asks the same question in CAN 2021 😂🌍

“In French please!

» 2022

“Do you still want to buzz?

» 2024

— TFT MOROCCO (@TFT_Morocco) January 24, 2024

Because this same scene took place during CAN 2021 with the same two protagonists.

While Boufal was already being questioned in Arabic, the player replied, a little embarrassed, “In French please” in the language of Molière.

Boufal was born thirty years ago in Paris and, like some of the Moroccan binational players, only has an imperfect command of Arabic.

This is why he prefers to respond in French where he is most comfortable.

During the last World Cup in Qatar, the scene was repeated several times as the exploits of the Atlas Lions progressed to the semi-final, eliminated only by the French team ( 0-2).

In the bays of the Qatari enclosures, while Boufal passed through the mixed zone, he asked to respond only in French in order to better control his remarks.

Conversely, some of his teammates preferred to respond exclusively in Arabic.

Within the Moroccan selection, both languages ​​are spoken without this affecting the proper functioning of a team which remains one of the favorites for the final victory at the CAN.

Source: leparis

All sports articles on 2024-01-25

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