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Sunday afternoons


Highlights: Xavi Hernández and Joan Laporta's statements take us back to a time and states of paranoia that led to the most shameful decision in the club's history: paying the most greedy person in the CTA. Of everything that happened last Sunday at the Santiago Bernabéu, I was surprised by the bravery with which the referee of the match, Mr. Hernán Maeso, nipped such a coven in the bud and blew the final whistle. Have we fans become so submissive? So stupid that we accept the flawed word of our coach, or our president, as a dogma of faith?

The latest statements by Xavi and Laporta regarding the Madrid-Almería controversy take us back to a time and states of paranoia that led to the most shameful decision in the history of the club: paying the most greedy person in the CTA

Of everything that happened last Sunday at the Santiago Bernabéu, I was surprised by the bravery with which the referee of the match, Mr. Hernández Maeso, nipped such a coven in the bud and blew the final whistle without even flinching.

Let's say that, in the same situation, I would have extended the last minutes of the match until mid-July, which is when the League becomes a vague memory and the sun is already heating up from the early hours.

Or maybe I stretched that gum until well into August, with Bellingham and Camavinga asking me to please allow them to go on vacation, as the working months pass slowly, while the summer nights fly by between sighs.

Hernández Maeso whistled the end, I insist, even knowing that the sky was falling on him, fully aware that so much rectifying and ruling against the contracting party of the second part would bring him a sea of ​​gossip and undisguised accusations.

Because it is well known that “

ninety minutes at the Bernabéu are very long

”, but not even Juanito himself could imagine how long the echoes of the Madrid temple will resonate since Florentino Pérez decided that defeating enemies on the field is not enough, It is also advisable to crush them outside.

“I like that Real Madrid TV shows such good movies,” my father often says.

I believe that he does not finish defining how many channels make up Real Madrid TV, although most are called something else.

More information

The RFEF denounces to the Civil Guard the extraction of audiovisual material from the VAR system in Real Madrid - Almería

In Barcelona they closed Barça TV a while ago.

The crisis arrived like a cyclone and among the measures adopted to cut costs, it was decided to close a channel that, at least in its early days, bothered to offer quality content without opting for the easy route of the classic


, the


of the nineties and the daily mass.

It was never a surveillance body.

There was no need for an altar on which to sacrifice referees or journalists with names and surnames: any self-respecting culé assumed, with absolute normality, the story that a powerful force was rising against Barça and that someone had their Star of the death parked in Madrid.

The latest statements by Xavi Hernández and Joan Laporta regarding Sunday's controversy take us back to a time and states of paranoia that led to the most shameful decision in the club's history: paying the most greedy person in the CTA to try to cushion, or even reverse , the refereeing hegemony of Real Madrid.

Or the second most greedy, it is not a medal competition either.

All this supposedly, of course.

It is also an assumption that four presidents of the club paid Enríquez Negreira for altering the competition, but not the payments themselves, of which there are sufficient records and even invoices.

More information

Laporta on the VAR: “The League is adulterated”

“The competition is adulterated,” Laporta denounced this past Monday.

He thus endorsed the doubts about the cleanliness of the competition expressed by his coach, Xavi Hernández who barely maintains his position for winning that same League - suddenly adulterated - last year.

Have we fans become so submissive?

So stupid that we accept the flawed word of our coach, or our president, as a dogma of faith?

I wish Hernández Maeso had never whistled the end of the game.

And I hope someone posts a tutorial on leaks (acceptable and unacceptable) on YouTube for those days when not even my father can find a good movie to watch among all those broadcast on the many Real Madrid televisions.

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