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Rugby: towards a Club World Cup for 2025?


The Rugby Club World Cup would have been approved by all parties and could see the light of day in 2025.

It's a revolution in the world of rugby.

According to The Telegraph, the creation of a Club World Cup, bringing together the 16 best teams from the northern and southern hemispheres has been recorded.

This new competition could see the light of day by 2025.

16 clubs concerned

According to the first information, eight clubs from the northern hemisphere, seven from the southern hemisphere and a Japanese team will participate in this competition.

They would be divided into four hens.

The winner of each pool would advance to the semi-finals, before the final crowned the best club team in the world.

The clubs qualified for the Champions Cup will go through the group stages.

South African franchises joining the Champions Cup next season will be considered northern hemisphere teams and will also qualify.

At the end of the first four rounds of the Champions Cup, the eight best teams will qualify for the new tournament, the absence of European knockout stages means that no additional matches will be added to the season.

Project finalization phase

This Club World Cup, which is similar to the Champions League in football, would take place in place of the knockout matches of the Champions Cup.

The Premiership final would be brought forward to early May.

This new competition, scheduled for 2025, would only be played once every four years.

The format has been endorsed by key stakeholders including Premiership Rugby and player representatives.

There would remain only the details to be settled concerning in particular the travel or commercial plans.

The first edition should take place in several European countries before refocusing on a single country thereafter.

Source: lefigaro

All sports articles on 2022-07-21

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