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Itching in five parts of the body: what triggers are behind it


Itching on five different parts of the body: what can be behind it Created: 05/11/2022, 19:00 By: Judith Brown Itching is not only annoying, but usually also indicates illness. Itching can have different causes, depending on where it occurs. Itching on the skin is a warning system of the body. It occurs when the body produces messenger substances such as histamine. The production of this messe

Itching on five different parts of the body: what can be behind it

Created: 05/11/2022, 19:00

By: Judith Brown

Itching is not only annoying, but usually also indicates illness.

Itching can have different causes, depending on where it occurs.

Itching on the skin is a warning system of the body.

It occurs when the body produces messenger substances such as histamine.

The production of this messenger substance is stimulated, among other things, by allergies, intolerances and inflammation.

Itching thus draws attention to the fact that something is wrong in the body.

If it lasts longer than six weeks, there may be psychological or strong physical causes behind the chronic itching.

It can also occur in different parts of the body.

Depending on where it itches, this can be a warning sign of certain diseases.

Itching on five different parts of the body: what can be behind it

Itchy scalp can be triggered by care products.

© Thomas Eisenhuth/IMAGO

Itching is a symptom of many diseases.

The following diseases are associated with it:

  • allergies

  • skin diseases

  • fungal infections

  • thyroid dysfunction

  • Liver and kidney diseases

  • Metabolic disorders (e.g. diabetes mellitus)

  • nerve diseases

  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies

In addition to the itching, other symptoms can also occur, such as redness, burning, swelling, weeping or pus.

If the symptoms persist for a longer period of time, a doctor should be consulted to have the cause clarified.

Itching also occurs preferentially on certain parts of the body.

Behind this, in turn, there can be various triggers.

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Itchy eyes: allergies or bacteria as triggers

If the eyes itch, they are usually dry.

This happens when the composition of the tear film is disturbed.

However, allergies can also trigger itchy eyes.

Those affected may then suffer from hay fever.

In addition to pollen, animal hair or house dust can also irritate the eyes.

This often leads to allergic conjunctivitis.

In addition to itching, symptoms such as burning, tears or redness are often added.

Once an eye has become inflamed, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

After all, viruses or bacteria can also be to blame for the symptoms.

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Itching on the scalp: care products are often to blame

When the scalp overreacts and starts to itch, it is usually due to certain ingredients in shampoo, hairspray, conditioner or dye.

In these cases it is advisable to change the product.

Washing too often, water that is too hot or residue from care products can also lead to an itchy scalp.

Other possible triggers are eczema, fungi or allergies.

A doctor should be consulted for symptoms such as redness, pimples, dandruff, blisters and weeping spots.

Itching on the feet: athlete's foot can be the cause

If your feet and between your toes are itchy, athlete's foot could be the cause.

This is often manifested by dry patches of skin, redness and scaling in the little toe area.

A dermatologist can use a swab test to determine if the diagnosis is actually a fungal infection.

Itching on the legs: shaving leads to dryness

Dryness plays a big part in itchy legs.

There are fewer sebaceous glands in these parts of the body.

If you shower frequently, you risk washing away the skin's natural protective layer and drying it out.

When shaving, the skin is then additionally overstimulated.

There is redness.

Itching starts or gets worse.

Shaving your legs before bed can help.

This allows the skin to recover overnight.

Dryness can also be combated with a nourishing cream.

But varicose veins can also cause itching in the legs.

They often lead to feelings of tension, swelling and skin irritation.

This should also be checked out by a doctor.

Because the risk of thrombosis is increased by varicose veins.

Itching in the intimate area: Taking antibiotics can be a trigger

Itching can also occur in the intimate area.

This can be caused, for example, by a fungal infection or an infection caused by bacteria or viruses.

Too much intimate hygiene often also leads to dehydration in the intimate area.

Other possible causes are hormonal changes and the use of antibiotics, as they can disrupt the protective function of the intimate area.

The most common triggers in the area of ​​the anus include bacterial infections, injuries to the sensitive skin, eczema, hemorrhoids, anal fissures and worms.

The itching in the intimate or anal area usually occurs together with discharge, redness, soreness, weeping, swelling and blisters.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor.

Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2022-11-06

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