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5 Things October 29: the military incursion against the leader of ISIS and a shark of 907 kilos


This is what you should know to start the day: a poet president in Argentina. Bogotá has its first mayor "thanks" to the Berlin wall. The Trump administration will extend temporary protections ...

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A poet president in Argentina. Bogotá has its first mayor "thanks" to the Berlin wall. The Trump administration will extend temporary protections for Salvadorans in the United States for at least another year. This is what you should know to start the day. First the truth.

1. Poet, musician and has a famous dog: this is the elected president of Argentina

Alberto Fernández will be the next president of the Argentines. The candidate for the opposition party won with more than 48% of the votes, from the hand of former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, her teammate and now elected vice president. But that surely you already knew. Now look here what you might not know.

2. This is how the military incursion against the ISIS leader went inside

The operation against ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - the most significant death the US army has achieved in the Middle East, since that of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden - began around 5 pm on Saturday at night when eight helicopters carrying teams of elite US troops, including Delta Force operators, flew exactly one hour and ten minutes over "very, very dangerous territory" to the complex, according to President Trump. Numerous planes and ships also participated in the mission. After arriving at the complex, the troops broke a wall to avoid a trap at the entrance and that was when "hell broke loose," the president added.

3. Bogotá has its first mayor "thanks" to the Berlin Wall

If it had not been for the fall of the Wall, it is very possible that Claudia Nayibe López Hernández had not been elected this Sunday as the first mayor of the capital of Colombia. Although politics ran through his blood, when he was young he won a scholarship to study medicine in Poland, but a world event changed his course. “I won the scholarship to Poland. I had everything. I was two weeks away from leaving, the Berlin Wall fell, the Polish Government fell, ”he told Semana Magazine in 2018. Here we tell you his story and how he began his political life at age 18, at the end of the 1980s, a bloody time where drug violence had subjected the country.

4. Attacks against the transgender community increase in the US

Transgender people suffer discrimination on a larger scale than any other group in society, according to the human rights organization Human Rights Campaign. A Honduran immigrant and a “trans” woman resident of Texas has been the victim of an attack and says that since she emigrated to the United States she has lived discrimination and transphobia in her own flesh. In the state of Texas hate crimes do not include gender identity and suspects can only be charged if federal authorities approve. This is the testimony of Daniela Calderón Rivera. See other similar stories in the special Human Being Project, the CNN initiative against discrimination in Spanish.

5. Pediatricians may ask more about smoke alarms than weapons in the home

A team of doctors and researchers added questions about the safety of weapons storage and the safety of smoke alarms to questionnaires completed during pediatric controls. The smoke alarm questions were intended to counteract the effect of the gun question, and the researchers purposely chose something they considered "uncontested," said lead author of the study in question, Carole Stipelman. The questions were put one after the other, so skipping the gun question would have been a conscious effort, he told CNN.

At coffee time

The world's first guitar-shaped hotel opened with great success

A $ 1.5 billion guitar-shaped Hard Rock property in Hollywood, Florida, opened with drums and cymbals last week.

What makes sodas so addictive?

Reducing your diet sodas is a quick way to improve your health and lose weight, you probably already know that. But ... why are they so addictive?

Apple introduces more expensive AirPods Pro, with new design and noise cancellation

This Monday, Apple introduced its AirPods Pro, a high-end version of its popular AirPods. The headphones have a new design, new features, including noise cancellation technology, and a higher price.

It's an asteroid ... No, it's the smallest new dwarf planet in our solar system

A large asteroid could be reclassified as a dwarf planet, which could make it the smallest in the solar system, after new research revealed its shape, astronomers said Monday.

The day's figure

More than 907 kilos

A great white shark weighing more than 2,000 pounds (907 kilos) and measuring more than 4.5 m long has been swimming along the Florida coast.

The date of the day

The extension of the TPS to Salvadorans "is a recognition of the achievements and good work of the government."

The US ambassador to El Salvador, Ronald Johnson, said this phrase amid the announcement that the Trump administration will allow more than 250,000 people in El Salvador to remain in the United States. under a temporary immigration status for at least one more year.

And to finish…

A sink swallows a bus in Pittsburgh

The Port Authority bus was stopped at a red light when a rectangular hole was opened in the street, just below it, swallowing the rear half of the vehicle, Allegheny County authorities said.

Alberto Fernández Bogota Bogota

Source: cnnespanol

All news articles on 2019-10-29

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