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China Global Television Network broadcasts plea guilty, Zheng Wenjie complains to British Telecommunications Authority


Zheng Wenjie, a former staff member of the British Consulate in Hong Kong, claimed to have been ill-treated while being detained by Chinese police. Zheng Wenjie complained to Ofcom on November 27 against China Global Television Ne

Instant international

Written by: Kaiyi Liang

2019-11-29 01:10

Last updated: 2019-11-29 01:11

Zheng Wenjie, a former staff member of the British Consulate in Hong Kong, claimed to have been ill-treated while being detained by Chinese police. Zheng Wenjie lodged a complaint with the British Telecommunications Authority (Ofcom) on the China Global Television Network on November 27 about a plea of ​​guilty convictions, arguing that the practice violates the principles of fair, just and accurate broadcasting and damages Zheng Wenjie's reputation.

The 14-page petition was released on the 28th. Zheng Wenjie pointed out that he was tied to a "tiger chair" by Chinese police during the detention. After a long period of time, he agreed to confess a lighter charge of prosecution and avoid being treated more cruelly. Zheng Wenjie claimed that the police had asked him to write down two confession books and read them out aloud for shooting by the police. After that, he was repeatedly asked to read lectures provided by the police and take confessions.

Zheng Wenjie believes that China Global Television Network knows that the clips used by the broadcast were obtained under extreme coercion and distress, saying that the TV network mistakenly pointed out that he had been tried, but was in fact "administrative detention" outside the law. Zheng Wenjie also pointed out that in the broadcast of the confession clip, he could not hear his voice, and the CCTV clip used by the TV network failed to prove the allegations.

The British Telecommunications Authority confirmed receipt of the complaint. China Global Television Network did not respond.

[Zheng Wenjie case] Chinese embassy in the UK made representations to the British Foreign Office

[Zheng Wenjie case] After the video was released, the British embassy in China suspiciously deleted the statement from the mainland netizens.

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Chinese ambassador to the UK says Zheng Wenjie's confession on illegal facts has been protected

UK-China Relations

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2019-11-28

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