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The battle for Trump's political trial continues after Christmas


(CNN) - The vacation that President Donald Trump once saw as the precursors of a vindictive Senate trial, became an interlude of a stalemate while fighting ...

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(CNN) - The vacation that President Donald Trump once saw as the precursors of a vindictive Senate trial, became an interlude of a stalemate while fighting the Democrats for the time and place of his symbolic day in court.

A Christmas respite from a prolonged contesting contest did not last until Boxing Day (December 26).

"Why should crazy Nancy Pelosi be allowed, just because she has a slight majority in the House, accuse the president of the United States?" Trump tweeted when the holidays came to an end. “Now Pelosi is demanding everything that Republicans were not allowed to have in the House. The Democrats want to lead the majority Republican Senate. Hypocrites! ”

The president's only official word at Christmas was a four-paragraph statement sent by email from the White House.

"Together, we must strive to foster a culture of deeper understanding and respect, traits that exemplify the teachings of Christ," the president wrote.

LOOK: Pelosi is in no hurry for the political trial against Trump

Just one day before their Christmas greetings, Trump's campaign had emailed a statement of themselves promoting the launch of a new website “designed to help supporters of the president win discussions with liberal friends, relatives and flakes of snow they find during the holidays. ”

And Trump himself was furious inside the golden living room of Mar-a-Lago, encouraging neither respect nor unity in answering a question about his nemesis in Washington, the president of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

"She is a tremendous damage to the country and is not doing a good job and some people think she does not know what she is doing," he said, sitting in front of a videoconferencing screen that minutes before he had transmitted to US troops around world. "A lot of people think that, a lot of people have said it," he added.

It is almost no surprise that the quiet Trump officials called to harmony are not reflected exactly in his actions or words. Just accused by the House and anxious to begin his trial in the Senate, Trump is spending the holidays in a tense intermediate while lawmakers discuss his next steps.

It doesn't seem to stop

A week after the political trial vote, there are no signs of a break in the Christmas dead end on how and when your political trial will take place. Democrats have demanded to know the parameters of the trial before sending their charges of political trial and have made it clear that they believe it should include witnesses.

Meanwhile, Republicans are strongly opposed to calling witnesses, believing that a quick trial is the best way to avoid further consequences of the political trial drama. But at least one moderate Republican, Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, questions the comments of the party leader who promises to coordinate with the White House, saying they have confused an already confusing process.

The uncertain interval was not what Trump expected when he resigned last week to becoming the third American president to face a political trial. Even when it became clear that he would not avoid that stain in his legacy, Trump considered the trial in the Republican Senate as an inevitable claim.

LOOK: When does the political trial against Donald Trump begin in the Senate?

The president has shown impatience to start the process. But the Republican leader in the Senate does not seem to share his enthusiasm, and says he is happy to delay the start of a trial for which he is not particularly excited.

"I am not anxious to have this trial, so if she wants to retain all the papers, go ahead," Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said on "Fox and Friends." "We are in a dead end".

Pelosi wrote in a letter to the Democrats this week that he was not going to appoint Democratic managers, those legislators who will argue the case in the Senate, until he knows more about how the trial will proceed, leaving the two sides in a difficult situation of stagnation.

The confrontation has irritated Trump, who has his own views on how the trial should proceed (with witnesses and dramatisms) but seems, for now, willing to put aside those visions for the more firm and concise procedure favored by many Republicans

“Ultimately, that decision will be made by Mitch McConnell, and he will, he has the right to do whatever he wants; He is the head of the Senate, ”Trump told reporters on Tuesday.

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Republican sources told CNN this week that McConnell is open to go to the full Senate without the support of Democratic leader Senator Chuck Schumer on a rule to carry out the political trial. He would need the support of 51 Republican senators to pass that rule, which many Republicans believe he could block.

Still, not all members of his party are enthusiastic about McConnell's handling of the matter. Murkowski said in a television interview this week that McConnell had "confused the process" by saying he was acting in "total coordination" with the White House by setting the parameters for the trial.

"To be fair, when I heard that, it bothered me," Murkowski told KTUU, a CNN affiliate. "For me, it means we have to step back so as not to be in the hands of the defense, so I heard what leader McConnell had said and I thought that had confused the process even more."

Ready to take his own way

McConnell's preference remains to reach a bipartisan agreement with Schumer, such as the one reached during the Clinton trial, Republican sources said. There is an expectation that the two men will still try to discuss a bipartisan path as the Senate returns to the session in January.

But if they cannot reach an agreement, McConnell would surely go to the Senate to establish the procedures for the trial.

Republicans say they want the charges to be transmitted first from the House to the Senate to begin that process, which the Democrats refuse to do until they see the proceedings.

Without any of the parties moving from these opposite positions, there was no indication that they would reach an agreement in the coming days. That left Trump uncertain and agitated while settling in a two-week stay at his Florida resort.

Before leaving, some advisors expressed concern that he would spend his time in the complex surrounded by conservative allies who could convince him to avoid the legal advice he has received and press for a trial that is a media show.

Since leaving Washington last Friday, Trump has been concentrating the positive attention that has become a hallmark of his getaways south of Mar-a-Lago. After weeks of full disputes with the Democrats who ended up in their political trial, their return to Palm Beach resembled the return of a hero, if the hero was wounded and hungry for revenge.

MIRA: Democratic presidential candidates defend the political trial against Trump

When he left Washington, Trump was disturbed by an editorial in Christianity Today calling for his removal. He received guarantees during the weekend that he remained in a good position with white Christian evangelicals from Jerry Falwell, the evangelical leader and president of Liberty University who spent several afternoons at Mar-a-Lago last weekend.

Perhaps with those voters in mind, Trump also changed the traditional episcopal church where he was praised on the last Christmas Eve for a more modern Baptist service, with fake snow and smoke.

Later, he was seen chatting in the club's ballroom with Alan Dershowitz, a retired professor at Harvard Law School who is said to be a possible addition to his legal team.

Trump also met Washington Capitals captain Alex Ovechkin at the club and posed for photos while the Russian-born hockey player handed him a shirt.

Political judgment

Source: cnnespanol

All news articles on 2019-12-26

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