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Panorama of Arab and international political events of 2019


Damascus-Sana The year 2019 witnessed many different events on the Arab and international arenas, including counting tours


The year 2019 witnessed many different events on the Arab and international arenas, including holding several rounds of talks on resolving the crisis in Syria in the Kazakh capital Nur Sultan, electing two new presidents of Tunisia and Algeria, and protests in Lebanon to demand an improvement in the living situation in addition to announcing the killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, an organization leader. ISIS terrorist, finding the body of the founder of the terrorist group “White Helmets” and targeting the Saudi Aramco oil facility.

Among the most prominent events of this year ..


1 - 1 The US Federal Staff Union announces prosecution of the President's administration
Donald Trump against the backdrop of the government shutdown.

4-1 A general strike in Lebanon to protest against the deteriorating economic conditions.

5-1 American journalist William M. Arkin resigns from the "NBC" news network for its support of the administration's war-fueled policies.

12-1 Syria regains its membership in the International Federation of Railways.

15-1 The British House of Commons overwhelmingly rejects an agreement Prime Minister Theresa May signed with Brussels to exit the European Union.

16-1 Malaysia refuses to host events in which the Israeli occupation entity participates.

19-1 Thousands of Turks protest in Diyarbakir, denouncing Erdogan's repressive policies.

20-1 U.S. Presidents Donald Trump, French Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Theresa May cancel their participation in the Davos Forum in light of the turmoil sweeping their countries.

22-1 The so-called American alliance is committing a massacre against civilians fleeing “ISIS” terrorism in Al-Baghouz village in Deir Al-Zour countryside.

23-1 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro cuts diplomatic ties with the United States of America.

25-1 The World Peace Council condemns the American attempts to intervene in Venezuela.

31 - 1 Announcing the formation of the Lebanese government.


2-2 Russian President Vladimir Putin announces the suspension of Russia's participation in the missile treaty in response to the US decision to withdraw from it.

13-2 Syria's permanent representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar Jaafari, reiterates Syria's full support for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

19-2 The Cuban Minister of Culture, Alabido Alonsoa, expresses his country's firm support for Syria in the face of the terrorist war against it.

28-2 The United Nations Special Envoy to Syria, however, Biderson stresses that resolving the crisis in Syria begins with respect for its sovereignty, unity, and independence.


1 - 3 The sons of the occupied Golan reject the occupation's measures by replacing the ownership of their lands and confirm that they will only accept Syrian real estate records.

3-3 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov calls on the Turkish regime to implement its obligations under the Sochi Agreement on Idlib.

3-4 Russian President Vladimir Putin issues a decree suspending the implementation of the Medium and Short-range Missile Treaty.

8- 3 South Africa reduces the level of its relations with the Zionist occupation entity.

11-3 Russia's delegate to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Alexander Shulgin confirms that the investigation of the OPCW's committee on Duma was not transparent.

23-3 Kazakhstan President Qasim Gomart Tokayev signs a law to change the name of the capital, Astana, to Nur Sultan.

25-3 Trump signs a declaration regarding the occupied Syrian Golan as a subsidiary of the Israeli occupation entity and the Syrian Foreign Ministry confirming that this declaration is a blatant attack on international laws, especially Resolution 497 of 1981 which confirms the legal status of the Syrian Golan as occupied territory and rejects the annexation decision and considers it null and void Legally.

27-3 British Prime Minister Theresa May agrees to resign after referring the Brexit Agreement to the British House of Commons.

31-3 Russian President Vladimir Putin calls for the adoption of political means based on principles of respecting the sovereignty of states to resolve the crisis in Syria.


2-4 A massive sit-in in front of ESCWA in Beirut, denouncing Trump's declaration regarding the occupied Syrian Golan.

3-4 United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reiterates that the Golan is occupied Syrian territory.

8-4 Russian President Vladimir Putin confirms Russia's rejection of the US President's declaration on the occupied Syrian Golan.

12-4 Kim Jong Un re-elected as Chairman of the State Affairs Committee of the DPRK.

16-4 The European Union renews its rejection of Trump's declaration on the occupied Syrian Golan.

26-4 The closing statement of the 12th round of the Astana talks on Syria affirms the necessity of implementing the Sochi Agreement on Idlib and eliminating terrorism there.

(The month of May)

1-5 Syria renews its full solidarity with the friendly leadership, government and people of Venezuela in the face of its external conspiracies.

2-5 The President of the International Trade Union Confederation, Mike Macawayba, says that we are confident of Syria's ability to win and face challenges with the steadfastness of its people.

10-5 Trump says Saudi Arabia is a very rich country that has nothing but money and I think they can pay money in exchange for our defense of them.

11-5 Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders calls for a moratorium on arms sales to the Saudi regime.

13-5 The President of the Russian Republic of Crimea, Sergey Axionov, affirms the strong relations between his country and Syria.

14-5 Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiades describes the attempts of the Turkish regime to explore for gas off the coast of his country as a "new Turkish invasion".

16-5 Speaker of the US Democratic House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi stresses that the administration of President Donald Trump does not have a congressional mandate to launch a war against Iran.

17-5 Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzia, says that the illegal international coalition killed thousands of Syrians and destroyed an entire city.

29-5 Syria and Russia call on the international community to pressure Washington to remove its occupying forces from Syria as soon as possible.


1- 6 conference in the Bulgarian capital on the occasion of International Jerusalem Day.

4-6 Syria and Russia affirm the continuation of cooperation in various fields and to address the unilateral coercive economic measures imposed on Syria.

5-6 Russian President Vladimir Putin during a press conference with his Chinese counterpart confirms that his country and China are working together to settle the crisis in Syria.

6- 6 US Senator Richard Black confirms that the crisis in Syria will end as soon as the American forces withdraw.

7-6 British Prime Minister Theresa May officially announces her resignation from the leadership of the Conservative Party.

14-6 Launching the work of the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, President Putin renews his country's support for Syria until the final elimination of terrorism, and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stresses that the United States threatens security and peace in the world.

15 - 6 The thirtieth conference of the International Federation of Journalists unanimously adopts a draft resolution calling for the lifting of sanctions imposed on the Syrian media.

16-6 The sons of the occupied Syrian Golan declare a general strike against the Israeli occupation plan to install air fans on their lands.

17-6 Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan assures Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Walid Muallem that Beijing will continue to provide support to Syria.

22-6 Anatoly Bibilov, President of South Ossetia, Syria is at the forefront of the global anti-terrorist front.

26-6 With the participation of Syria, the work of the Standing Committee of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly was launched in the Iranian city of Isfahan.

28- 6 British academics .. The report of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons on the alleged Douma accident is false and deliberately ignores the engineering evaluation.


4-7 The Gibraltar authorities detain the Iranian "Grace 1" ship on the orders of the British authorities.

5-7 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reiterates the need to eliminate terrorism in Syria.

7-7 Iraqi President Barham Salih renews the call for the need to find a political solution to the crisis in Syria.

12-7 The US House of Representatives approves an amendment to prevent US President Donald Trump from launching a war against Iran.

15-7 The European Union sanctioned the Turkish regime for oil exploration near the coast of Cyprus.

18-7 The US House of Representatives refuses to sell arms to the Saudi regime.

23-7 The former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson wins the Presidency of the Conservative Party.

24-7 Cuba renews its condemnation of the Trump Declaration on the occupied Syrian Golan.

25-7 Trump uses the veto against Congressional decisions to suspend arms sales to the Saudi regime.

31-7 California State issues a law that bars Trump from running in the primaries if he does not publish his tax returns.

(The month of August)

1-8 A new round of Astana talks on settlement of the crisis in Syria in the Kazakh capital.

2- 8 The British Guardian newspaper .. Saudi Arabia paid hundreds of millions of pounds to polish the image of the Crown Prince of Beni Saud bin Salman.

3- 8 More than half of the Democratic lawmakers support starting Trump's removal measures.

18-8 Bar Associations in Turkey declares boycotting Erdogan's public judicial opening ceremony in his presidential palace.

21-8 Trump renews blackmail by his European allies and says I will release ISIS prisoners if their countries do not take them back.


1- 9 The European Union renews its rejection of the Israeli settlement policy and confirms its illegality.

4 - 9 Chairman of the opposition Turkish Republican People's Party, Kemal Kılıçdaroوlu .. Erdogan bears responsibility for what happened in Syria.

5-9 Bulgarian newspaper reveals the formation of the United States secret task force tasked with transporting weapons to Syria and Yemen via Turkey and Qatar.

9-9 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov affirms the necessity of making efforts to eliminate terrorism in Syria and resolve the crisis there according to UN Resolution 2254.

9-11 The European Union warns against the announcement by the Prime Minister of the Israeli occupation entity, Benjamin Netanyahu, of his intention to annex Palestinian lands in the West Bank.

13-9 Former Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu resigns from Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party.

9-14 The Yemeni army announces a specific operation targeting the Saudi Aramco oil facility.

19-9 Russia and China use the veto against a draft Security Council resolution aimed at protecting terrorists in Idlib.

21-9 The Venezuelan Deputy Foreign Minister, Robin Dario Molina, stresses the necessity of elevating the Venezuelan-Syrian economic relations to the level of political relations.

9-25 The Abkhazian Foreign Minister expresses his hope to open his country's embassy in Damascus early next year.

26 - 9 Crown Prince Bani Saud Muhammad bin Salman admits responsibility for the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul in 2018.

27-9 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Walid Muallem refutes the allegations of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo regarding a chemical attack in Latakia last May.

28-9 The foreign ministers of the Group of 77 and China affirm that unilateral decisions regarding the Syrian Golan and the occupied Palestinian territories are invalid.

29-9 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Walid al-Muallem, in a Syrian speech to the United Nations General Assembly, stresses that countries that have been hostile to Syria should review their accounts and correct their mistakes.

(Month of October)

7-10 Four people were killed and five wounded by gunfire in the US city of Kansas.

12-10 Germany stops selling arms to the Turkish regime due to its aggression on Syrian soil.

15-10 Spain suspends arms exports to the Turkish regime as a result of its aggression on Syrian soil.

17-10 Lebanese demonstrations and sit-ins to protest the deteriorating living and economic conditions in the country.

22-10 To complement his continued support for terrorist organizations, Trump agrees to give millions of dollars to the so-called "White Helmets".

23-10 Tunisian President-elect Qais Said takes the constitutional oath.

27-10 Trump announces that his country's forces killed the leader of the terrorist organization ISIS, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.

28-10 The United Nations Special Envoy to Syria, non-Pederson, reaffirms that the constitution belongs to the Syrian people and the role of the United Nations is limited to facilitating the work of the constitutional debate committee.

29-10 Saad Hariri submits his resignation from the Lebanese government against the backdrop of continuing Lebanese protests.

30-10 The first session of the committee discussing the Syrian constitution is held in Geneva.


1-1 11 Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova asserts that the White Helmets are coordinating with terrorists to carry out provocations using chemical weapons in Syria.

2-11 With Syria's participation in the opening of the international forum against imperialism for democracy and against neoliberalism in Havana.

3-11 Washington's growing rejection of Trump's policies.

5-11 Opening of the thirty-seventh session of the International Fair of Havana, with the participation of Syria.

7-11 Syria and Russia call on the international community to pressure Washington to force it to remove its occupying forces from Syria.

9-11 China reaffirms the need to protect and respect Syria’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, and Iran renews its support for Syria’s sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity.

11-11 The founder of the terrorist White Helmets group was found dead in Istanbul.

12-11 With Syria’s participation, the start of the Nairobi International Conference on Population and Development.

13-11 India confirms its full support for Syria in its war on terror and its willingness to contribute to its reconstruction.

14-11 The BRICS leaders affirm their commitment to Syria's sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity.

20-11 An Israeli aggression on Syrian and foreign lands, Russia condemns the aggression and considers it an act that contradicts international law.

11-24 The British Daily Mail newspaper reveals that a leaked email shows manipulation of the OPCW report on the alleged use of the chemical weapon in Douma.

25-11 The British Labor Party pledges to impose an arms embargo on the Saudi regime and the Israeli occupation entity.

11-30 Syria participates in the meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on combating terrorism.

(Month of December)

1 - 12 The Iraqi Council of Representatives agrees to accept the resignation of the Adel Abdul Mahdi government.

2- 12 China imposes sanctions on American organizations on the background of Washington's support for extremist activities in Hong Kong.

3- 12 France threatens a strong European response if customs duties are imposed on French products announced by Trump.

4- 12 The Saudi aggression continues to detain 13 ships carrying oil derivatives and foodstuffs for the Yemeni people.

7-12 The Judicial Committee of the US House of Representatives lays down the constitutional foundations for Trump's removal.

8- 12 demonstrations in Brussels, Madrid and Paris, protesting the failure of their governments to confront climate change.

9-12 Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn calls on European Union countries to recognize Palestine as a state.

11-12 Italy calls on the European Union to take a stand on violations of the Turkish eastern Mediterranean regime.

13-12 Announcing the victory of Abdel Majid Taboun in the presidential elections in Algeria, by 58.15 percent.

15-12 Cyprus protests against the deployment of the Turkish regime's drones in the north of the island, claiming to search for oil resources in the exclusive economic zone of Cyprus.

20-12 Russia and China veto a draft resolution in the Council
International security on the transfer of humanitarian aid to Syria takes advantage of the humanitarian situation there.

21-12 Broad condemnations of the new American economic measures that Trump signed yesterday against Syria and a number of countries in the world.

23-12 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Walid al-Muallem said during his visit to Russia that the United States, the Turkish regime, the Israeli enemy and some countries in the region are conspiring against Syria to hinder its efforts to combat terrorism.

25-12 The twelfth meeting of the Syrian-Russian permanent standing committee was held in Moscow and the signing of joint agreements.

26-12 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: We will respond to Washington's unfriendly steps toward Moscow.

Source: sena

All news articles on 2019-12-29

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