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Professor Brigitte Macron has returned to service


At the head of her own training institute for "big dropouts", the first lady delivered on November 15 her first "masterclass"

She did not want to stir up microphones and cameras and had therefore not announced the appointment. Only a photographer from the Elysée Palace was present to capture the moment. Brigitte Macron, who has been piloting her own training institute for "dropouts" for a few months, called Live (The Vocational Institute for Jobs), gave her very first course.

It was on November 15 in Clichy-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis) in front of the 57 enrolled students, all of whom fell between the cracks of National Education and Pôle Emploi, including a large majority of women. Their average age: 34 years.

Two hours devoted to the theater

Brigitte Macron gave lessons to 57 enrolled students./Elysée

The former French teacher had not taught since her departure in June 2015 from the popular Lycée Franklin (16th arrondissement), to support her husband in his political ascent. For her "universes", she had concocted a course devoted to the theater, from Antiquity to Georges Feydeau, one of her great passions with her husband.

For almost two hours, "she showed the students how to write a play, explained to them the social role of theater in Antiquity, and played them small scenes from Molière, Racine, Corneille or Alfred Jarry", reports a relative, witness of the scene.

President of the educational committee of the school, her official title, she should give her second "masterclass" in January.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-01-02

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