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Iraq after the assassination: Prime Minister Al-Mahdi Magna; The Crowd Celebrates | Israel today


Iraqi Prime Minister Attacks on Suleimani's Assassination in Baghdad Despite Reporting Intelligence in the State Collaborating with US in the Middle East

Iraqi Prime Minister condemns Suleimani's assassination in Baghdad, despite reporting that state intelligence has cooperated with US • At the same time, crowds of Iraqis are celebrating on the streets

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abd al-Mahdi, whose liquidation was being carried out near the airport, first responded to the assassination of Quds Force commander of the Revolutionary Guards, General Kasim Suleimani: "I condemn the US aggression that violated Iraqi sovereignty."

Iraqi protesters are celebrating reports of Suleimani's death

This response comes despite estimates that Baghdad is Iraqi intelligence that has cooperated with the United States in eliminating Suleimani. Sources quoted in the state said there was great outrage against the military among a-Sha'abi suspicion.

In the meantime, documents were released of crowds of Iraqis celebrating on the streets expressing joy after the senior's assassination. A journalist in the country noted that the incident reminds her of 2003, when Saddam Hussein's regime fell.

More on:

Assault in Baghdad: Who is the man who was killed with Qods Force commander Kassem Suleimani?

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Also, on social networks, masses of Saudis and Gulf nationals expressed joy to the Iranians. Other surfers from Lebanon and Iran expressed great sorrow and heartbreak over the death of a Quds Force commander.

As mentioned, in Iraq, there were still many happy voices of Suleimani's assassination, which made Iraq another area of ​​the Revolutionary Guards' playground as a whole and Quds force in particular.

In Iraq, many happy voices have been heard over Suleimani's assassination // Photo: Reuters

Revolutionary Guards and Quds Force also deployed branches in Yemen through the Houthi rebels, Syria with the help of Bashar Assad's regime and Lebanon with Hezbollah, both through the political and military arms of the terrorist organization.

While about 65 percent of Iraqi citizens are Shiites and cities such as Najaf are the most sacred to Shi'ite, most Iraqi citizens prefer to concentrate on the nationwide protest against corruption in the country and the Iranian influence on governance. And the biggest symbol of Iran's influence on Iraq is Kassim Suleimani, who was eliminated

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-01-03

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