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Despite bereaved families' protest: Bar Association will renew attorney Leah Tsemel's office | Israel Today



Adv. Leah Tsemel, who has represented the terrorists for decades, another photo as chair of the Military Courts Committee • The bereaved families protested: "Tsemel is not taking any measures to represent those who murdered our dearest of all."

Attorney Leah Tsemel, perhaps the most controversial legal figure, who has been representing the terrorists for decades and has been referred by bereaved families as "the devil's advocate" photo tomorrow (Monday) for another term as chairman of the Bar Association's Military Courts Committee.

Every four years there are elections for office, but Attorney Zamel, who has been in office for eight years, is the only candidate.
The role of the committee headed by Sergeant is to monitor prisoners' terms and the terms of defense attorneys who come to meet with them. In the bar, people raised their eyebrows and wondered if a more balanced person could not be found for the job.

Bereaved families against Leah Tsemel // Photo: Jonathan Shaul

Jerusalem District Chairman Attorney Asher Axelrod actually thinks this is an excellent subscription: "She has been fulfilling this role with great success for eight years, examining the level of maintenance at the Ofer Military Court of Appeal, and maintaining The connection between the defense attorneys who appear there, and the president of the military court. "

Meanwhile, 108 bereaved families from the "Choosing Life" forum, accompanied by the "If You Want" movement, sent an angry letter to the attorney's office, Avi Haimi: "This is not an ordinary lawyer but a devil's advocate who does not A means to represent those who murdered our dearest of all. "

"It is inconceivable that your bureau will allow this appointment to be executed. The blood of thousands of terror murderers is crying out of the earth and it is worth noting that anyone who protects those animals will not be represented by the Bar in any capacity, small or large," they wrote. Lieutenant Colonel Boaz Kokia, father of the late Nahal fighter Ron, who was murdered in a terrorist attack in Arad, added: "Shame that the Bar Association is taking on a terrorist advocate for a prominent role instead of lawyers who served and stood out in the army ranks. It's an unparalleled shame. "

More on:

"Canceling 'Leah Tsemel, Advocate' Screening: Illegal"

Bereaved families furious: Supreme judge expressed grief over the death of a Jewish terrorist

Chose Chairman: Open a new page in the Bar

Adv. Ilan Katz, who serves as co-chair of the Bar and Security Committee of the Bar, who previously served as President of the Military Courts, attacked the move: "The High Court has already stated in 1977 that Mrs. Zamel identifies with the enemies of the state "It's enough to mention the work she refuses to condemn the murder of Jews. Her appointment adds no respect to the bar."

Attorney Raanan Bar On, who serves as a tribunal in the Disciplinary Court of the Bar, added: "Attorney Zemel is a longtime lawyer, with a long history in the military courts, but it is hard to ignore the fact that his political leanings are evidenced by his frequent statements. The legal line it is taking. "

Attorney Ben Gvir, chairman of the Jewish Power List, asserts: "Tsemel is the brightest symbol of betrayal and moral loss in the relentless protection it provides to the worst of Israel's enemies, and the unfortunate decision of the Israel Bar Association means sticking a finger in the eye of thousands of families who lost their loved ones Because they are Jews. "

Source: israelhayom

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