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Yossi Beilin

For about three years now, President Donald Trump has been promising us a solution to the never-ending conflict, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Also speaking in his speech at the White House this week, he said that businessmen are using this conflict to describe unbridgeable gaps. He wanted to put on the agenda a solution that none of his predecessors had proposed, and even declared that if his son-in-law Jared Kushner could not solve it - nobody could succeed. no less.

Kushner himself talked about the solution coming through precedent measures, that it was about vision and not states, and that the economic side would have a very big weight in the solution. But when you look at Trump's peace plan, she reminds, most of all, of last-century plans: Back to the two-state solution, a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem (and here, in general, the circle was invented so that Jerusalem remains united, and yet there is room not just for the Palestinian capital but Even to an American embassy!) A large part of the West Bank will be handed over to the Palestinians, the status quo will remain on the Temple Mount, and more, and more.

One can certainly say that the administration has accepted the principles that are important to the Palestinians (not all of them), and it offers stingy solutions to implement these principles. With the $ 50 billion offered to the Palestinians as a temptation, I wouldn't suggest they go to the grocery store.

As a matter of principle, the Palestinian "annoyance" is not a solution to anything. Even if this is not the last opportunity for a Palestinian state, as the President declared, it was correct, in their view, to say that they are ready to speak, showing their red lines, which they will promise not to cross. But this is a completely different thing. While Benny Gantz welcomes the plan and is ready to negotiate with the Palestinian side, the next step Netanyahu promised is annexing the Jordan Valley. By saying this, the entire event became a form of licensing for annexation, after the Palestinians rejected the plan.

Netanyahu has made it clear that the area, which is planned, for the Palestinian state, will be preserved by Israel without annexation for the next four years, while the rest will be annexed as soon as possible. Such a statement, endangering the peace with Jordan and Egypt and the security coordination with the Palestinians, would not allow any Palestinian party to join. This is a plan that is entirely for the Palestinian negative, so that the way to annex half of Area C is open.

Netanyahu, deeply pressured by the circumstances created, ranged from a request for immunity to a repeal, between a request from Trump not to present his plan, and a request from him to present it now. He sees the 61 mandates moving away from him, and his trial is approaching. It is difficult to know whether annexation of the Baqa or the return of Naama Issachar will make the big electoral change and give him the majority needed to overcome the High Court's future ruling against his harsh indictment. But Naama is not a prisoner given by Nathan Sharansky, and the Baqqa annex is not supposed to protect Israel from Arab shipping troops coming from Jordan and through it.

The public may be impressed by this, and it may respond with a nod, as he responded to Trump's assertion that he acknowledges the annexation of the Golan Heights, or does not regard violations of international law. It is very likely that the Pur has fallen and that the electorate, especially those at the center, are not particularly impressed by the Republican right-wing move in Washington vis-à-vis Israel, in the absence of US and Palestinian Democrats on the Middle East.

The Trump plan is not an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, and is not the last chance to reach a pact between the nations. Annexing parts of the West Bank, without an agreement between us and the Palestinians, is a blatant violation of the 1995 interim agreement and international law. A government that will emerge after the election, and which is determined to achieve peace, can only achieve this goal if you do not see a green light in the Trump program for annexation.

See more opinions by Yossi Beilin

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-01-30

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