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With the death of Judge Bonadio, Cristina Kirchner was an enemy, but also an excuse


The Vice President may no longer include the deceased federal judge in her complaints for the causes in investigation that may be against her

Nicolás Wiñazki

02/04/2020 - 18:14

  • Clarí
  • Politics

Claudio Bonadio died. Head of the Federal Criminal and Correctional Court number 11. He is the first and most visited by Vice President Cristina Fernández, always as former President, and always since leaving power in December 2015. Bonadio had become the Fernández's main judicial adversary . He prosecuted it several times for several causes, many of them raised to oral trial. He investigated it in other cases that also reached the last procedural instance but from which he was removed from the investigations when the K were in power: previous management. Cristina died an enemy, but also an excuse .

The vice president was when she began to attack Bonadio in public, who dared to inquire about her assets , and then about the legalities with which she and both of her former officials ruled.

"Gunman Judge." "Hitman". "They spy on me and do nothing." "He was removed from the cause of cover-up of the AMIA." "He sent the Metropolitan Police to Santa Cruz and they illegally entered the house of Kirchner's parents." "He destroyed my house in a raid." "Weapons causes me."

Those are just some of the criticisms, even Chicanas that bordered the insult, with which the former President spoke of the magistrate who most irritated her.

Fernández included Bonadio in each of his complaints in which he described himself as a persecuted politician.

Bonadio died on duty. Cristina will no longer be able to include it among the short-term excuses that make up her long list of regrets for the judicial misfortunes she suffers.

Together with her lawyer, Carlos Beraldi, the current vice president denounced the most annoying judge before the Magistracy Council. He never managed to dismiss him .

Yes, while enjoying the height of power, courts of appeal raised Bonadio from investigations against the Kirchners who also later went to trial: Hotesur and Los Sauces, for example.

These examples could be read today as cases of judicial war in reverse: the policy was brutally imposed on Justice .

Bonadio was a controversial judge . He admitted that he was appointed by Carlos Menem and, above all, by that effective organizer of the three powers of the National State: Carlos Corach . He did not hide his sympathy for Peronism .

He prosecuted and requested the lawlessness and detention of who was already a national senator when he advanced with prosecutor Carlos Stornelli in the Cuadernos case.

He also dismissed at the time four private secretaries of the K. It took longer than usual in his average time to determine whether former Vice Amado Boudou truncated or not the roles of one of his many cars.

Amid Cristina's escalation against the judge, Bonadio dismissed her when she determined that she was indeed a lawyer and had never tricked her college degree.

These cases were ignored by a former President who, acting in the Casa Rosada, criticized the magistrate who cornered her, although by constitutional mandate she was prohibited from publicly speaking about pending cases.

With the K in power (in the previous administration) Bonadio received threats referring to his musician son , and some indication that a file against him could be born out of nowhere.

No one from space K asked that these facts be clarified. No one can arrogate to know if those personal attacks influenced any legal decision of the magistrate. They are naturalizations of a dislocated nation.

Beyond the excuses, Fernández could never reverse any procedural decision that Bonadio issued against him, neither before the Federal Chamber, nor before the Cassation Chamber, nor before the Supreme Court.

The strongest phrases of the President, senator and today vice against Bonadio altered the Judiciary.

At that time, he seemed to act with temperance and smiled when asked what he thought about it. He smiled and raised his shoulders as a sign of "it will pass". He used to ask his interlocutors to let him work.

He listened to Radio Miter while his collaborators brought resolutions for him to sign. He signed them without measuring the consequences of public disputes from the power that those same papers were going to bring.

As it was said, Cristina will not be able to include Bonadio in her complaints because of the causes in the investigation that may be against her.

The magistrate elevated most of these files to oral trial.

He is not there anymore. The tests that he considered important, the testimonies and the defendants, and an infinite number of regrets, yes.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2020-02-04

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