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identity crisis


Irit Linor

One of the far-reaching details of Donald Trump's century plan is the exchange of land between Israel and the Palestinian state - if it arises. There is no need to dwell on the "mother", because in order to reach the affected country, the Palestinians will have to undergo a personality transplant, and in short: there is no situation for applying Palestinian sovereignty to the triangular villages, and yet the idea has been put forward, like other ideas before it. For example: "Gaza will be Singapore of the Middle East" (Avigdor Lieberman, Defense Minister, 2018).

And when people say things - others respond. The idea of ​​liberating a castle, Taibeh and Umm al-Fahm from the yoke of the Zionist occupation sparked the anger of Arab MKs: "Delusional and dangerous," tweeted MK Ahmed Tibi. "Netanyahu has asked Trump for buses to transfer Arab citizens. There will not be and will not be." The article for News 12 expanded: "We will struggle to preserve nationalism and that our citizenship will be equal and not threatened by a bunch of delusional racists."

"In the Triangle, hundreds of thousands of Arab citizens are living in their homeland," recalled MK Joseph Jabarin. "The annexation plans include a section that lays the ground for transfer and denial of their citizenship. Every citizen, Arab or Jewish, whose values ​​of democracy and equality are at their feet, must stand with us and fight with us. "MK Aida Thomas Slimman:" The transfer plan is a real danger. Like the settlements, like the annexation intention - Netanyahu manages to accuse the Israeli public of war crimes "The idea of ​​denial of citizenship was abhorrent when only Lieberman offered it. Now with the American plan, it will become an Israeli tone."

Reactions from the Arab MKs were surprising. Why shouldn't they want independence from us? Tibi was at the same time both a Knesset member and Arafat's adviser. Hanin Zoabi got on the marmarah. Azmi Bishara Regal in favor of Hizbullah. The children Samir Kuntar and Dalal Mugrabi, no MK of the joint list accepts the existence of a Jewish nation state, we are racists, violent, apartheid. Who wants citizenship in such a country?

Given that living together in the Zionist State is a fact of 71 years, one would expect both sides to accept it. In my opinion, Israeli Jews made this move. There is no tone for transfer and exchange. We are together in the Israeli story and no one goes anywhere. But the sense that Israeli Arabs sometimes evoke is of embarrassment: what do they want?

A poll conducted by the Israeli Democracy Institute in 2019 yields confusing results: 77% of Israeli Arabs deny Israel's existence as a Jewish state. On the other hand, 70% of them believe that there is no conflict between Palestinian identity and loyalty to the State of Israel. 63% of Arabs oppose national service, but almost everyone enjoys working with Jews and would like to live next door. 65% of them are proud of their Israeli. The highest figure since 2003, and this is still after the National Law.

The dichotomy is also at the personal level. Slim Jubran had fun in the Supreme Court, but admitted in a 2018 retirement interview that he couldn't sing "Hope." Why? The answer is unclear. On the one hand, "if the state expects all its citizens, including the Arabs, to respect its national anthem, it should respect them and their rights." Okay - so this is protesting Arab discrimination? Not necessarily. Gibran also had a problem with the words "Homia Jewish soul," meaning that the anthem was another of the symbols of the Jewish nation state, and it was no longer a matter of civil rights.

Illustration: Einat French

"If one day the words of the national anthem are changed, I think I will have no problem singing it," the judge added. "I definitely think words should be added to suit the Arab citizen in Israel as well." Arab MKs complain of violence in Arab society and at the same time oppose the establishment of police stations in Arab localities. And when I say "Resist", I do not only mean parliamentary opposition, but also the burning of the police station in Kassem village in 2017. Arabs playing in the Israeli national team, Beavers Nathu is the captain But he, too, refuses to sing "Hope." So is Abbas Suan. Again, embarrassment: What do they want?

A common explanation is that Israeli Arabs want equal rights. This is a convenient answer, but it is incorrect because at the political level the equal right that the Arab public representatives in the Knesset want is a national definition within the State of Israel, which is the abolition of the Jewish nation state. And this is where the embarrassment comes into play again: The reason we are having this conversation is, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

At times, a maternal psychic can feel that Israeli Arabs, like their Palestinian brothers outside our borders, suffer from a continuing adolescent crisis: want to rebel against parents, but not throw them out of the house. Be co-decision makers, but without responsibility. Knock away from family joys, then get annoyed that they stop inviting them. Struggling for a Palestinian state, but revolt against the possibility of replacing Israeli citizenship with Palestinian citizenship without leaving home. It does not look like a desire for integration or equality but as a 17-year-old tantrum.

Israel managed to reach maturity, but the embarrassment of victory led us to have family relations even with Hamas's Gaza: while these were firing rockets at us with a firm cliff - like good uncles we continued to provide electricity. We have little regard for the responses of Arab MKs, who, in obscure praise, praise Abu Jihad (Tibi) or seek to abolish Zionist hegemony (Odeh), and still get a seat in parliament, with condescending compassion from the High Court judges, as if to say: You are young And too agitated to apply the Basic Law: the Knesset. The parent-containing approach is cute, but since the War of Independence, 71 years have passed, and the youth also has an expiration date. The first step in the process is the disqualification of all MKs from the joint list who deny Israel's existence as a Jewish state, or support terrorism, as written by law. Or as the family says: If you want to eat mom's food - don't curse it.

For further opinions of Irit Linor

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-02-06

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