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Hanau murders: AfD targets - majority gives the party joint responsibility for such violence


Terrible bloody deeds in Hanau (Hessen): Eleven people lost their lives. There are new details about the perpetrator and the crime scene. The AfD is also targeting. All information in the news ticker.

Terrible bloody deeds in Hanau (Hessen): Eleven people lost their lives. There are new details about the perpetrator and the crime scene. The AfD is also targeting. All information in the news ticker.

  • In Hanau (Hessen) there was a bloody deed with eleven deaths.
  • The alleged perpetrator has left a letter of confession.
  • The investigators assume a racially motivated terrorist attack.

Update from February 23, 10:14 a.m .: As a result of the bloody deed by Hanau, the AfD is also becoming increasingly popular. According to a survey by the Kantar für Bild institute on Sunday , 60 percent of Germans share responsibility for right-wing extremist acts of violence. Only 26 percent are not convinced of this, the remaining 14 percent were undecided.

At 49 percent, almost half of those surveyed stated that right-wing extremism posed the greatest terrorist threat in Germany . Islamist fundamentalists see 27 percent as the greatest threat, only 6 percent suspect left-wing extremism as the greatest evil. In addition, 46 percent of the survey participants believed that the German authorities paid too little attention to the dangers posed by right-wing extremism , 41 percent disagree.

Update from February 22, 2020, 8:09 pm: Piter Minnemann is 18 years old and narrowly escaped death in the attack on the “Arena Bar”. A pizza saved his life , he describes the picture (article behind the payment barrier).

He knew all the victims and was sitting at the table with his friends. Piter had brought a pizza with him but was unable to get dinner from his seat. That was the only reason why he had implemented himself and that might have saved his life.

When he got a chair, the first shots were fired in the restaurant . "We all ran backwards," he describes the scene, "but the door there was closed." So he and his friends threw themselves behind the counter. Tobias R. completely shot his magazine and then left.

Hanau murders: Video from surveillance camera exposed - it is supposed to show assassins on the run

Update from February 22, 2020, 3:27 p.m .: The alleged assassin of Hanau Tobias R. has apparently been filmed by surveillance cameras. That reports the picture (article behind payment barrier). The recordings clearly show the shooter escaping from the first crime scene , a shisha bar on the Heumarkt. The shots are blurred, but the assassin's pistol could be seen in his hand. Shisha - bar owner Mustafa Kurt said to the paper: “He shot in front of my shop and hit some cars. I went to my bar shortly before, otherwise I might be dead now. ”

Hanau murders: City prepares funeral service for victims of the attack

Update from February 22, 2020, 1.40 p.m .: Hanau plans a central funeral service for the victims of the allegedly racially motivated assassination attempt. This will be prepared in coordination with the relatives and the federal and state authorities, announced the municipality of Hesse on Saturday. Hanaus Mayor Claus Kaminsky (SPD) convened a special session of the Round Table of Religions on Monday. "We want to make sure that we always act according to the real needs of the relatives," said Kaminsky. "In this context, we will clarify how the various needs around grief can be taken care of." According to the city, the committee includes 36 Hanau church and religious communities, which meet regularly.

Hard words against right deeds and ideas also come from the carnival. In his role as head valet, Andreas Schmitt delivered a sermon of anger that got under the skin of many.

Hanau murders: father of the assassin is targeted

Update from February 22, 2020, 8.50 a.m .: Did the shooter from Hanau have know-how and helpers ? The investigators investigate after the fatal shots. According to "Bild", Hans-Gerd R. (72), father of the alleged assassin Tobias R., should have come into focus. The investigators should lead the 72-year-old as a suspect - although they do not assume that Hans-Gerd R. was directly involved in the murders.

But it will be checked whether the father should have "favored the act", the paper writes. The 72-year-old is said to be known to the police because of false suspicions, slander, false statements and extortion. A former friend of Tobias R. reported that he had forbidden the son to make friends with migrants during school hours.

After shots in Hanau: Thousands take part in rallies

9:21 pm: According to police, around 3,000 people gathered for a rally in Hanover on Friday after the alleged racist attack . Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) and Mayor Belit Onay (Greens) were also there. The event was titled "Hanover against Racism - Hanover for Diversity", it was organized by the alliance "Colorful instead of brown".

And also at the site of the Wednesday attack, an alliance will take to the streets next Saturday from 2 p.m. against agitation and contempt for human beings . According to the city, the organizers expect up to 2,000 participants . The demonstration is intended to move from Freedom Square in downtown Hanau to the two crime scenes . A private organizer is also planning another rally on the central market square in the afternoon.

7:16 p.m .: Apparently the alleged gunman from Hanau visited one of the two crime scenes just a few days before his fatal attack , where he later shot several people., citing the Turkish agency Anadalu, reports of a man in a green jacket and dark hat, whom a surveillance camera apparently shows in the bar. A picture of the scene is now circulating on the Internet. The person shown on the video is said to be dressed similarly to Tobias R. in one of the videos that he published on his homepage . The face of the person in the picture is also very similar to that of the suspect, writes

Hanau: The suspect is said to have been at one of the crime scenes a few days before the attack

The Turkish agency Andalu writes that it would be Tobias R. When asked, the video came from the Arena Bar in Hanau , where Tobias R. supposedly shot three people on the evening of February 19. Later, six other victims and the suspect's mother died in the attack. The latter subsequently committed suicide.

As continues to write, there is apparently something to suggest that the surveillance recordings are actually Tobias R.: He is said to have lived only a few hundred meters from the bar . What exactly he did there four days before the bloody deed is unclear. Several people who spoke to Focus around the bar never want to have seen him there before.


A police officer photographs traces after the fatal gunshot in Hanau.


Hanau: Repatriation of a 22-year-old victim should be made possible through a GoFundMe campaign

16:56: In the attack in Hanau, the 22-year-old Ferhat U. was also killed on Wednesday evening. The body of the young man should now be brought back to his family in Turkey . The 22-year-old's parents are obviously not doing very well financially. That's why Ferhat's uncle Imran O. started a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for the return of his killed nephew. "Ferhat was 22 years old, a happy person and had only recently finished his apprenticeship," said Imran O. according to a circular email from the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe. It was painful hours, days and weeks for the family to cope with this loss. If you want to support Imran O. in your campaign with donations, you can do so on the website that was set up for the campaign.

4:25 p.m .: New shocking details about the attack in Hanau are now known. As reported by the dpa, the alleged assassin Tobias R. is said to have shot two of the fatalities in their cars while driving through Hanau. Authorities officials said in a conference call on Friday members of the interior committee, participants reported. However, the question of when the first emergency call was received by the police on Wednesday evening was still not answered.

Hanau: Tobias R. lived in Munich until 2018 - most recently he lived with his parents

According to participants in the meeting, the deputies learned that the assassin had been subleased in Munich until 2018 . Furthermore, they were apparently informed that the alleged gunman had recently been unemployed , lived with his parents and had little social contact . Two firearms are said to have been found at his parents, a Walther small-bore weapon and a Sig Sauer . When exactly the mother of the suspect was shot has not yet been explained. The father had also not been heard so far.

4.13 p.m .: The Hesse State Criminal Police Office (LKA) has published the nationalities of the victims of the attack in Hanau. Accordingly, three of the fatalities have German citizenship , two Turkish , one person Bulgarian and one Romanian . In addition, a victim came from Bosnia-Herzegovina and a dead man was German and Afghan . As reported by the German Press Agency, this information comes from an email from the LKA that was sent to the city of Hanau.

Hanau: The injured were among others German and Turkish citizens

According to the LKA, two persons with German and Turkish citizenship and one person with German-Afghan nationality are among the injured .

14:22: Hanaus Lord Mayor Claus Kaminsky (SPD) has rejected the term "xenophobia" for the motive of the alleged perpetrator after the allegedly racist attack in his city. "The people who were murdered here in Hanau were not strangers. They were fellow citizens," Kaminsky said to journalists on Friday as justification.

Many people in the city have a migration background. "And they're all no strangers," added Kaminsky. For him, in addition to a "psychopathic component", racism and hate are relevant for explaining the motive.

After bloody deeds in Hanau: police paint over lettering - new details about the perpetrator

1:13 p.m .: The suspected perpetrator of Hanau did not speak to anyone about his plans before his attack on Wednesday evening, based on current knowledge. So far, there is no evidence that the 43-year-old previously "spoke to other people or asked for support," said Attorney General Peter Frank in Berlin on Friday. Frank added that it was still the subject of the investigation to find out whether the alleged perpetrator had exchanged information about his plans "in the real world" or virtually over the Internet.

1:10 p.m .: Among the victims of the bloody deed of Hanau is also a man from Regensburg who moved away from Bavaria three years ago.

11:38: The investigators assume that the alleged gunman from Hanau was mentally ill. The President of the Federal Criminal Police Office, Holger Münch , spoke on Friday in Berlin based on initial assessments of an obviously "serious psychotic illness".

11:28: The alleged perpetrator from Hanau allegedly played passionately for the youth team of Eintracht Frankfurt in the past. Tobias R's sports career ended in a knee injury, however, reports the "Bild". Eintracht Frankfurt just mentioned caused a great response to an interjection on Thursday evening during the minute's silence for the victims of Hanau.

During this time Tobias R. started to change. "He raced through Hanau by car, took a start pistol out of the glove compartment, aimed at people and said: 'We'll all get them," quotes the "Bild" friend of a youth. The latter said to the newspaper: “He was an inwardly torn guy. On the one hand, an overly precise philistine who could get upset about anything and everything. And on the other hand, a fan of gangsta rap, someone who wants to break out. "

Meanwhile, the police sprayed lettering in an underpass near a crime scene. There, the alleged assassin's website was sprayed onto the wall of an underpass. Tobias R. had published letters and videos on his website. The website and the YouTube channel of the alleged perpetrator are no longer accessible.


The address of the website of the alleged perpetrator of Hanau was read in an underpass. The police sprayed the lettering.

© dpa / Nicolas Armer

After bloody deeds in Hanau: Nationwide commemorative events

8.15 a.m .: Memorial events were held across Germany on Thursday evening. There was also a rush at a vigil on Hanau's market square. Thousands of people listened to the words of Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Hanaus Mayor Claus Kaminsky - many with a queasy feeling.

"People live together really peacefully, no matter what their origin, no matter what religion," a 23-year-old Muslim , son of Turkish parents, told Focus Online . And yet, an urgent question has not left him since Wednesday evening: “If this crazy guy has lived here with us for so long, how many of them are there? What will they do next? "

It is "a feeling of fear that is spreading there," explains the 23-year-old. "Even here at the vigil when we arrived at the Makrtplatz. I've never had that here in Hanau, ”he continues. His friend agrees: "I turned around on the street this morning, just to see who's behind me."

Bloody deed in Hanau - companion of the gunman confesses: "Knows that we have many questions now"

Update from February 21, 6.10 a.m .: The alleged gunman from Hanau had been a member of the Frankfurt shooting club "Diana Bergen Enkheim" for several years. The club chairman has now spoken to Focus Online .

He last saw Tobias R. in early 2019, explains Claus Schmidt. "I am shocked, sad, angry. I have absolutely no words. My sympathy is with the survivors of the victims, the many people here. It is terrible what happened, ”says the chairman.

What Schmidt is aware of: "Of course, I also know that we have a lot of questions to answer." But it is insignificant compared to the great suffering that the shooter has caused. Xenophobic slogans have never been heard from Tobias R. in the club, “not even regular table slogans ”. Upon request, Schmidt could not say whether a certificate of good conduct was available for the suspect.

As a reaction to the bloody deeds, for the time being, all shooting training is canceled, says Schmidt, who emphatically makes clear in relation to Tobias R.: “In these circumstances, the word comrade is prohibited. Such a man cannot be a comrade. "

Hanau: Details of the alleged perpetrator - he apparently filed a complaint before the bloodbath

8:06 p.m .: According to initial findings by the investigators, the alleged gunman from Hanau had no criminal record. The federal prosecutor's office also announced on Thursday that there were no political proceedings against him. Further findings from the previous investigation: The 43-year-old apparently shot nine people between the ages of 21 and 44 on Wednesday evening. These are foreign as well as German nationals.

The suspect and his 72-year-old mother were found dead in an apartment after the crime. A firearm was lying next to the bodies. The father of the alleged shooter was reported to be unharmed. According to the German Press Agency, the federal prosecutor does not list him as a suspect.

It was also announced on Thursday afternoon that the alleged gunman from Hanau had received a gun license in 2013, according to the responsible district authority. Tobias R. therefore apparently owned his weapons legally, he was a sports shooter. The first weapon was registered in 2014, said a spokesman for the Main-Kinzig district on Thursday in Gelnhausen. Finally, two weapons were entered in the gunner's gun ownership card. In his club, the 43-year-old was considered unremarkable. The permit was checked in 2019. According to the authority's knowledge, the alleged perpetrator did not have a hunting license.

Hanau: A school and two daycare centers remain closed on Friday after the attack

7:24 p.m .: After the act of horror in Hanau, a school and two daycare centers are to remain closed on Friday. The reason for this is the ongoing police investigation in the Kesselstadt / Weststadt district, the city administration announced on Thursday. The Heinrich Heine School, Children's Castle West and Children's House West are affected by the temporary closure. An emergency service had been set up in a daycare center in the immediate vicinity. The lessons at the Heinrich Heine School will then start again next Wednesday after a previously planned break over Carnival. The school and the two daycare centers were closed on Thursday.

6:22 pm: Among the nine victims of the Hanau attack is a Bulgarian citizen. The Bulgarian authorities announced on Thursday. It had previously been announced that five Turkish citizens were among those killed. According to information from an umbrella organization of Kurdish communities in Germany, several deaths of Kurdish origin.

Hanau: Authorities are said to have known about Tobias R.'s conspiracy theories since November

4.48 p.m .: As reported by, the authorities are said to have known about the conspiracy theories of Tobias R. since November last year. Because the alleged gunman apparently already wrote to the Attorney General Peter Frank in November. He is said to have submitted a "criminal complaint", the picture is available. In the letter of November 6, the suspect is said to have officially “filed a complaint against an unknown secret service organization”. In addition, he is said to have requested from the authority "that you approach me and communicate with me" is quoted from the advertisement at

Tobias R. is said to have described himself in the letter as a “normal citizen”. He was neither an intelligence officer, nor had he ever worked for an intelligence agency. However, according to, the suspect has information that "thousands of German citizens are being monitored by a secret service". The alleged perpetrator is also alleged to have claimed that there are people "who are able to read another person's mind and who are also able to latch onto it and to some extent carry out some kind of remote control".

Hanau: Tobias R. is said to have filed a criminal complaint with the Federal Attorney General

Tobias R. is also said to have sent a warning to Attorney General Frank. The latter would, in the case of investigations, "most likely mess with an organization that is currently the most powerful in the world. I have pointed out which manipulation methods are to be expected. ”Furthermore, the text of the criminal complaint, which according to comprises 19 pages, should also contain large passages of the farewell manifesto. Tobias R. is said to have published this manifesto on the Internet before his terrorist attack.

15:39: Federal Attorney General Peter Frank summarized the previous findings on the victims and the suspect of the attacks in Hanau on Thursday afternoon. According to Frank, nine people with a migration background were shot . There are also six other injuries , including one seriously injured . Now it should be determined whether the alleged perpetrator had supporters or supporters, said Frank. The Federal Criminal Police Office had been charged with the investigation . The perpetrator's environment and domestic and international contacts would be checked.

The attorney general also reported that the suspect left “video messages and a kind of manifesto” on his website. In addition to "confused thoughts and abstruse conspiracy theories, these showed a deeply racist outlook" .

The Hanau incident is part of other right-wing terrorist attacks in recent months. You can read a terrifying chronology of right-wing terror in Germany at *. On the occasion of the terrorist attack in Hanau, ZDF will also be broadcasting a special TV program on May May at 10:45 p.m. of Maybrit Illner. The topic of the program with a view to Hanau: "Right-wing terror out of control?"

Hanau: According to Attorney General Peter Frank, suspect has a "deeply racist outlook"

3:12 pm: According to Attorney General Peter Frank , the gunman at Hanau is said to have had a “ deeply racist outlook ”. That was the result of the evaluation of video messages and a kind of manifest on his website, Frank reported on Thursday in Karlsruhe.

2:56 p.m .: The alleged perpetrator from Hanau , Hesse used to live in various places in Bavaria. According to Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU), the 43-year-old German lived temporarily in Upper Franconia and in Upper Bavaria . "Most recently, he was probably in southern Bavaria in 2018," said Herrmann on Thursday in Friedberg in the Augsburg district. At the time, however, there was no evidence that the man was an extremist.

14:24: There are apparently new findings on the victims of the devastating attack on several shisha bars in Hanau : The news channel n-tv claims to have learned from security circles: All nine killed had a migration background. Four of the five people injured by the perpetrator also had "foreign roots". There is no official confirmation yet.

Hanau: a pregnant woman among those killed?

2:04 p.m .: The picture claims to have received a shocking detail about the victims of the bloody deed in Hanau : According to the sheet, there was also a pregnant woman among the people killed. So far, little is known about the nine victims of the shooter - but apparently five Turkish citizens and “several” people of Kurdish origin lost their lives.

1:42 pm: Hanaus Lord Mayor Claus Kaminsky (SPD) appeals to the cohesion in the city after the allegedly racially motivated attack. "We will do everything humanly possible to maintain our grown togetherness. We do not allow destruction," Kaminsky told journalists on Thursday.

Kaminsky spoke of a " great wave of solidarity " that had reached the city. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) expressed her sympathy on the phone. "The last few hours are among the most bitter hours this city has ever had in peacetime," said Kaminsky. The city has decided to end the carnival celebrations for this year.

Hanau: Apparently five Turkish citizens among the dead

1.30 p.m .: According to a report by the Turkish news agency Anadolu, five Turkish citizens are among the fatalities in Hanau. The state news agency referred to the Turkish ambassador in Berlin Ali Kemal Aydin on Thursday.

The Turkish foreign ministry in Ankara has since condemned the "villainous attack" in Hanau. He was a "new and serious impact of growing racism and Islamophobia". It was time to stop such attacks. "

12.12 p.m .: The shock is deep in the people of Hanau . After the horrific act of blood in Hesse, one of the victims is said to have spoken on Turkish TV. As reported by , Muhammed was hit on the shoulder. Before that, he was hiding behind a wall. Muhammed was in the arena bar, the second bar that was attacked in the evening. He is said to have told the broadcaster A Haber : "First five to six shots were fired from outside, then the shooter came in."

The alleged perpetrator is said to have shot everyone he saw - around a dozen people were said to have been in the bar on Wednesday evening. Muhammed initially fell on the floor: "The boy who was below me had a hole in his throat," he continues. Apparently he couldn't breathe properly. "I told him to say his last prayer," said Muhammed.


A woman at a crime scene in Hanau. She puts down a mourning candle.

© dpa / Boris Roessler

Hanau (Hessen): Father of the alleged perpetrator apparently questioned - Kurds among the victims

12.05 p.m .: According to the largest Kurdish umbrella organization in Germany, there are several people of Kurdish origin among the victims of the Hanau bloody deed.

This was announced by the Confederation of Kurdistan Communities in Germany on Thursday. Relatives of the victims of the "right-wing terrorist attack" gathered in the Kurdish cultural center in Hanau , where they were assisted by numerous people.

Hanau: bank robbery triggers the bloody deed? Right-wing terror in Hesse - First details on fatalities

11:57: After the bloody deed in Hanau on Wednesday evening, there is more news. As reported by , the police apparently questioned the father of the suspected perpetrator about the act. He is said to be unharmed and not aware of the fact. According to RTL information, the man is politically active - at the local association Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen . The offender's 72-year-old mother is dead (see below).

Meanwhile, carnival and carnival events throughout Germany are canceled. Among other things in Munich, as reported by * .

11:51 am: Chancellor Angela Merkel will comment on the terrible events in Hanau at 12.15 pm. We report in a separate article in the live ticker.

11.33 am: While the investigators continue to evaluate the confessional letter, the car of the alleged perpetrator Tobias R. examined. It is feared that explosives have been placed on it.


The alleged perpetrator's getaway car is towed away.


At * there are more backgrounds to the terrible bloody deed of Hanau. Chancellor Angela Merkel has already responded.

11:12: Several videos of the horror night in Hanau * are now circulating on the Internet. The oppressive footage quickly shows how dramatic the situation on Wednesday evening was.

10:57: According to the initial findings of the security authorities, many people with a migration background are among the fatalities of Hanau . At first it was not known whether foreign citizens were among them. The German press agency learned this on Thursday from security circles.

10:51 am: On Thursday, at 6:00 p.m., a funeral service will take place on Marienplatz in Hanau , as Mayor Claus Kaminsky (SPD) announced. In the meantime, flowers have been laid near the crime scenes and candles have been lit.


Mourning in Hanau.


10.40 a.m .: In a YouTube video published by the alleged Hanau offender Tobias R. , he clearly addresses the American population: "Wake up," he says again and again. The video ends with the words: “Fight. Now. "-" Fight. Now."

In the meantime, further details about the person become known. On his homepage, which is no longer available, Tobias R. wrote that he was born in 1977. He apparently grew up in Hanau , went to school there, graduated from high school and later did his civilian service. After all, he is said to have completed an apprenticeship as a banker, apparently afterwards he studied business administration in Bayreuth.

Hanau: Right-wing terror in Hesse - Was a bank robbery the trigger for the bloody deed?

10:22: It is now known that the alleged perpetrator is supposed to be a 43-year-old man from Hanau . So far, he was neither known as xenophobic nor did he appear to the police, as Hesse's Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) announced.

As it became known in the morning, the perpetrator is said to have been a bank clerk himself. According to the picture , the man was one day the victim of a bank robbery . He reported that in his confessional letter.

Afterwards he would have had to go through a file at the police station in order to recognize possible perpetrators. Then he noticed that almost everyone in this file was non-German. It was clear to him that something had to be done.

During the interrogation, he then noticed that the suspects could be foreign citizens . Was this past event the trigger for the terrible act on the evening of February 19?

Hanau: Right Terror in Hesse? Shisha Bars Shots - Eleven Dead Confirmed

9.46 a.m .: According to Hesse's Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU), one person is still seriously injured. There are also an unknown number of other injuries. The deeds are said to have occurred in shisha bars. According to current knowledge, it is the case that the alleged perpetrator was a sports shooter.

9.35 a.m .: Hesse's Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) has now confirmed: The Federal Prosecutor's Office sees suspicion of a right-wing terrorist act ”. In addition, the mother of the alleged perpetrator is among the dead. Find out more in our ticker from the Hessian state parliament.

Meanwhile, according to Chancellor Angela Merkel, Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) has also canceled an appointment because of the violent crime in Hanau . A spokesman for his ministry said the minister would be represented by a state secretary on Thursday at an appointment in Berlin, which deals with digitalization in administration. Seehofer wants to be kept informed about the latest developments in the case.

Hanau: Suspected perpetrator had recorded confessional video

9.25 a.m .: New knowledge of the alleged perpetrator of Hanau: The man apparently has spread an extensive collection of explanations and worldview theories on the Internet before the violent crime. In a video that lasted almost an hour, he claims, among other things, that Germany is controlled by a secret service with extensive capabilities. He also comments negatively on migrants from Arab countries and Turkey , as the dpa reports.

9.20 a.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has canceled a planned visit to Halle in Saxony-Anhalt because of Hanau's bloody deed. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said on Thursday on the Internet service Twitter. "The Chancellor is continuously informed about the status of the investigations in Hanau ," continued Seibert.

Merkel had wanted to visit the Leopoldina National Science Academy in Halle. According to Seibert Minister of State Henrik Hoppenstedt (CDU), this appointment will now be made.

Chancellor #Merkel cancels her trip to the Leopoldina in Halle because of the murders of #Hanau. Minister of State Hoppenstedt will represent her there. The Chancellor is continuously informed about the status of the investigations in Hanau.

- Steffen Seibert (@RegSprecher) February 20, 2020

Hanau (Hessen): After shots at shisha bars - Federal prosecutor sees "signs of xenophobic motivation"

9.15 a.m .: Now it's official: The investigators see signs of a right or extreme right background to the bloody deed of Hanau . After the fatal gunshots, the federal prosecutor's office investigated "evidence of xenophobic motivation". The authority took over the investigation because of a "special importance of the case", said a government spokesman on Thursday in Karlsruhe. The federal prosecutor initially did not provide any more precise information.

Meanwhile, Hesse's Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) comments on the events. In a separate ticker, we will keep you up to date on its classifications and findings.

8:46 a.m .: All of Germany is in a stiff state. Meanwhile, further details seep through: According to the picture , the alleged perpetrator had a hunting license.

8:41 am: Another image reporter speaks of incredible details in a live broadcast. There were so many cartridge cases flying around that he found one in a car even the morning after.

8.29 a.m .: In the meantime, it became known that the Attorney General had already taken over the investigation at night because of the special importance of the case. For Mayor Claus Kaminsky, it was one of the worst nights Hanau had ever experienced in peacetime. A leaden mood had spread in the city.

Hanau (Hessen): terrorist speaks about shots in shisha bars - mother of the perpetrator also dead?

8.25 a.m .: Terrorist Peter Neumann explains in an interview with the picture : "I believe that Germany has a problem. But that's not just a problem in Germany. You have to see that in an international context, it's a new movement. Most people get information from the Internet. They build an ideology from individual pieces. ”According to Neumann, the perpetrator put together a“ manifesto ”. It almost sounds a bit like the "Reich Citizens' Scene" - also because of various conspiracy theories.

8.09 a.m .: It should now be clear who was found dead in his apartment next to the alleged perpetrator. According to the picture , this is Tobias R.'s mother .

According to the picture , the messages left behind are "confused views". The man spoke of erasure and cleansing. The perpetrator himself is said to have been a banker - one day he was apparently the victim of a robbery. According to Bild reporter Frank Schneider, he reported this in his confessional letter.

After the robbery, Tobias R. would have had to go through a file at the police station in order to recognize possible perpetrators. Then he noticed that almost everyone in this file was non-German. It was clear to him that something had to be done.

24 pages and at least two videos are currently to be evaluated. There should be no evidence of other perpetrators. Five people are currently said to still be in mortal danger.

Hanau: Bloody deed in shisha bars: perpetrator leaves gruesome message - right-wing terror in Hesse?

8:01 am: According to information from security circles, the suspected perpetrator of Hanau published a video on YouTube a few days before the crime. In this video, the man speaks in fluent English a " personal message to all Americans ". The clip, which was still available on the Internet on Thursday morning, was obviously recorded in a private apartment and was put online a few days ago.

In it, the man says there are underground military facilities in the United States where children are mistreated and killed. There the devil would be paid homage. American citizens should wake up and "fight now" against these conditions. The video does not contain a reference to an impending act of violence in Germany. The motive of the crime with a total of eleven dead initially remained unclear.

Hanau / Hessen: Bloody deed in shisha bars - the perpetrator leaves a gruesome message

7.45 a.m .: Is the motive of the perpetrator clear? As the picture wants to know, a man named Tobias R. is said to be the gunman of Hanau . According to the paper, from his confessional letter it follows that "certain peoples would have to be destroyed whose expulsion from Germany could no longer be achieved". The existence of the letter has been confirmed by the authorities - but the content has not yet. It has not yet been confirmed whether this is actually a right-wing radical motif.

7.33 am: According to information from security circles, a letter of confession and a video were found in Hanau after the night of death. Both are now being evaluated, the motive is still unclear, it said on Thursday morning. First the picture (see below) reported about it.

Hanau / Hessen: Horrible bloody deed: Eleven people die - Did the perpetrator leave a confession video?

7.16 a.m .: A man from Hanau reports to the picture about further details about the shots. "It is incredible what happened," he said during the night. He was 46 years old and had known the fatalities all his life. "We all know each other here in Hanau," he added.

Meanwhile, more details leak out. As the picture further reports, the alleged death shooter left a confessional letter and a confessional video. Hanaus Lord Mayor Claus Kaminsky said to the newspaper: "An evening that can not be imagined worse."


The undated satellite image provided by Google shows the crime scene Hanau-Kesselstadt (left) and the crime scene Hanau-Heumarkt.

© dpa / ---

Apparently, the shooter is said to have rung the doorbell at the door of the shisha bar on Heumarkt. According to the picture, the fatal shots were fired in the smoking area - five young people, including a woman, are said to have lost their lives in the process. According to the picture, the victims include Kurdish people. However, a background to the fact remains unclear.

Horrible bloody deed in Hanau / Hessen: Eleven people die - video shows police officers on duty

6.54 a.m .: Videos are already circulating on Twitter about the terrible events in Hanau . One shows armed police officers, an ambulance and several men standing on the street with their hands raised.

At the moment there are 8 9 dead and several injured in a killing spree. My condolences to the families .. #Hanau

- Sernur (@sernuur) February 20, 2020

Meanwhile, n-tv reports more details. Many questions are still open, for example: Who is the dead person who was found in the apartment with the alleged perpetrator? The police had not yet given any information - not even about the gender. On the other hand, it was clear that for reasons of investigation tactics one did not want to reveal too many details.

6.40 a.m .: After the fatal gunshots in Hanau , the federal government has now spoken out. "The thoughts are with the people in Hanau this morning, in the midst of which a horrific crime was committed," government spokesman Steffen Seibert wrote on Thursday morning on Twitter.

"Deep sympathy goes to the families affected, who mourn the loss of their dead," he added. Seibert expressed the hope that the injured would recover soon.

The thoughts are with the people in #Hanau this morning, in the middle of which an appalling crime has been committed. The families affected, who mourn the loss of their dead, express deep sympathy. We hope that the injured will recover soon.

- Steffen Seibert (@RegSprecher) February 20, 2020

Horrible bloody deed in Hanau / Hessen: Further fatalities confirmed - police make horrible discovery

6.17 a.m .: After the terrible events of Wednesday evening in Hanau , further details are gradually released. On * you can read what is currently known and what is not. There you will also find depressing pictures of the crime scenes. At * you can also find out everything about the horrific bloody deed.

5.54 a.m .: There are now further details on the terrible bloody deed in Hanau, Hesse. Apparently, eleven people died on Thursday night. There were initially eight deaths before the number was increased to nine.

As the police announced on Twitter, the alleged perpetrator is also dead . Officials found two more bodies in an apartment early Thursday morning. Among these, there is a high probability that the perpetrator was a police spokesman. There is no evidence of further perpetrators.

❗ #Update after # shootout in #Hanau ❗

The alleged perpetrator was found lifeless at his home address in #Hanau. Special police officers also discovered another body there.

The investigation is ongoing.

There are currently no indications of other perpetrators.

- Police Southeast Hesse (@Polizei_soh) February 20, 2020

Hanau: Gunfire in Hesse - eleven people are dead

The police initially stated the number of deaths as eight, in the morning as nine. In addition, several people were injured, police said.

But what happened there in Hesse late Wednesday evening? According to the police, the following details are known to date. At around 10 p.m., a perpetrator attacked a shisha bar on Heumarkt - in the west of Hanau . As the police reported, several guests were shot.

Subsequently, a dark car is said to have fled the scene, a short time later other people were killed in the Kesselstadt district further west.

According to the current state of knowledge, eight people were fatally injured in the shooting in #Hanau.

➡https: //

- Police Southeast Hesse (@Polizei_soh) February 20, 2020

Horrible bloody deed in Hanau / Hessen: Eight people dead after shots in shisha bars - police are puzzled

First report of February 20, 5.42 a.m .: Violent act in Hanau, Hesse: Eight people are dead after being shot at two shisha bars - five more are injured. The background is still completely dark. The police cordoned off the area around the two crime scenes extensively. The perpetrator (s) are still on the run early in the morning, the police are still in large-scale operations. At the moment it is only known the number of victims and that there were two crime scenes - only around two and a half kilometers apart.

Most recently, the deadly attack in Halle shook people in Germany. Terrible tragedies have also recently occurred in Berlin, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.

After the fatal shots in a shisha bar in Harnau, shots have now occurred in Stuttgart. Another target was a shisha bar.

*, and are part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network

akl / dpa

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Nicolas Armer

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-02-23

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