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Coronavirus: Robert Koch Institute publishes new figures - these federal states are affected by Covid-19


The virus has arrived in Europe. Now there are more and more cases in Germany. North Rhine-Westphalia is particularly affected.

The virus has arrived in Europe. Now there are more and more cases in Germany. North Rhine-Westphalia is particularly affected.

  • The Sars-CoV-2 corona virus has been troubling the world since January.
  • The Covid 19 outbreak in Italy has now reached the Federal Republic.
  • North Rhine-Westphalia is particularly affected by the virus.

Update from 6:28 p.m .: In the afternoon, the Robert Koch Institute announced new figures for the Covid 19 cases known in Germany (status: 3 p.m.). The Saarland and the new federal states continue to count no infected people. The 129 known cases are distributed as follows.

  • Bavaria : 15 cases
  • Baden-Württemberg : 23
  • Hesse : 8
  • Rhineland-Palatinate : 2
  • North Rhine-Westphalia : 74
  • Lower Saxony : 1
  • Bremen : 1
  • Hamburg : 1
  • Schleswig-Holstein : 2nd
  • Accordingly, two suspected cases in Rheinland-Platz and Hamburg have not been substantiated. Most of the new cases come from North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria .

    Around 60 countries worldwide are affected - according to the World Health Organization, around ten more than the previous day.

    Coronavirus: New cases in NRW - also police officers and firemen infected

    Update from 4:47 pm: Two police officers are also affected by the coronavirus infections in North Rhine-Westphalia. As the district police authority Viersen announced on Sunday, the two were tested positive for the virus on Saturday. Accordingly, the officers who work for the district police but do not live in the Viersen district do not currently show any symptoms of illness and are isolated at home.

    "We take the situation seriously, but there is currently no cause for concern," said police department head Manfred Kruecht. All necessary precautionary measures against the spread of the virus would be strengthened. "The security of the citizens in the district of Viersen is still guaranteed," added District Administrator Andreas Coenen, head of the district police.

    At the same time, it was announced on Sunday that two members of the Cologne Fire Brigade had also tested positive for the novel corona virus. One of the two infected fire fighters came from the Heinsberg district, the other from the Düren district, as the city of Cologne announced.

    Coronavirus in Germany: First case in NRW without a Heinsberg reference

    Update from 4:09 p.m .: For the first time in North Rhine-Westphalia there is a proven infection with the novel corona virus , which has no connection to the Heinsberg district . After a two-week vacation in Iran, a 51-year-old man from Münster showed symptoms of the disease and reported to the Münster University Hospital, as the city announced on Sunday.

    The positive test result has been available since Saturday evening. According to the city, the Münster native is treated in hospital and isolated from other patients in the university clinic. The wife voluntarily went into quarantine. According to the clinic, the man shows "mild symptoms and is in good condition."

    Coronavirus: woman from Heinsberg fears too few preventive tests

    Update from 2.10 p.m .: In the district of Heinsberg (NRW) , a woman affected by the quarantine has now expressed doubts as to whether sufficient tests are being carried out to prevent the spread of coronavirus . “My husband and I, we both work in sensitive areas. We will go to work again tomorrow without being sure that we are not infected, ”the woman told dpa on Sunday. Her husband is a carer, she has a lot of professional contact with young people, the woman who works in the social field said.

    "We didn't take a smear . For people who work in sensitive areas, tests should be carried out by default , ”she said. And not without reason: with 65 infected people by Sunday lunchtime, the Heinsberg district is severely affected . In mid-February, the woman and her children attended the carnival session in Gangelt, which is the starting point for infections in NRW. The woman and her children are said to have had direct contact with the couple , who are now seriously ill with CoVid19 .

    Coronavirus in Germany: number of infected more than doubled in two days

    Update from 11.50 a.m .: The number of coronavirus infections detected in Germany rose again until Sunday morning. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 117 coronavirus infections have now been detected. The number has more than doubled compared to Friday . Two days ago there were only 53 records . Most infections are still in North Rhine-Westphalia . So far 66 cases have been registered there. There are 19 infected people in Bavaria and 15 in Baden-Württemberg . As there is always new evidence, the actual number of cases is likely to be somewhat higher.

    According to a dpa evaluation, there are now three cases in Rhineland-Palatinate instead of two as specified by the RKI. The Saarland and the eastern states, including Berlin, have so far been spared the corona virus. Worldwide, the RKI currently has 85,207 CoVid19 cases , the majority of them in China. Most cases outside of China are found in South Korea with 2931 confirmed infections.

    Read also: No need to panic: The corona virus is really that dangerous

    Coronavirus: Three infections in Frankfurt am Main - a total of four new cases in Hessen

    Update from 9:38 a.m .: The corona virus has now reached Frankfurt am Main . Three Covid19 infections have now been confirmed there , the Ministry of Social Affairs in Wiesbaden reports on its website. All those infected in Frankfurt are men . There is also a fourth case in Hessen : A woman from the Groß-Gerau district has also been infected. This increases the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Hesse to eight , and 100 people across Germany are now infected .

    Coronavirus alarm was also on the government plane on Friday. When Development Minister Gerd Müller (CSU) was returning from India to Munich, the worrying suspicion reached him by phone.

    Update from March 1, 2020, 8.33 a.m .: In the district of Heinsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia , home quarantine for around 600 to 700 hundreds of residents has ended today due to the corona virus . The approximately 300 carnivalists who were in session at a meeting on February 15, like their families, had been put under quarantine as a precaution. Since Sunday, people without symptoms of illness have been able to move freely again, said a district spokesman in the morning. The 47-year-old man, who is considered to be the first infected in NRW, had attended the carnival session.

    Coronavirus in Germany: Number of people infected with Covid19 increases - five new cases known

    Update from 9.47pm: On Saturday evening, the number of people infected with the coronavirus in Germany increased further. There was also a case from Hessen, three new victims from North Rhine-Westphalia and the first infection in Schleswig-Holstein . In the case of a man from Lübeck, the infection chain leads to Munich. As a result, almost 96 people are infected in Germany. The numbers are largely spread over Baden-Württemberg and especially NRW, the east of the Federal Republic has so far been spared the new virus. An overview.

    • Bavaria : 4 infected
    • Baden-Württemberg : 15th
    • Hesse : 4th
    • Rhineland-Palatinate : 3
    • North Rhine-Westphalia : 65
    • Lower Saxony : 1
    • Bremen : 1
    • Hamburg : 2
    • Schleswig-Holstein : 1

    Update from 8:51 p.m .: A teacher from a primary school in Mönchengladbach has become infected with the new corona virus. The city announced on Saturday evening and announced the closure of the elementary school, along with an associated sub-location

    until March 15th. The teacher had been in quarantine at home since Thursday and had previously had contact with third-grade students and the teaching staff on one class day. Therefore, the approximately 70 pupils in the third grades, all 30 teachers and the rest of the school staff should remain in quarantine at home .

    Siblings of the affected pupils can still go to other schools or kindergartens. The parents of the quarantined boys and girls would also not have to remain isolated at home. According to the city, a total of 375 children in 15 classes attend elementary school.

    Corona virus in Germany: further cases in Bremen, Hamburg and Baden-Württemberg

    Update from 6.45 p.m .: In the meantime there is also the first confirmed case of coronavirus disease in Bremen. According to the local senate, it was a woman who had been in Iran last week.

    Update from 6:36 p.m .: Two further Corona cases in Germany were added early Saturday evening. In Baden-Württemberg , a 42-year-old woman from Freiburg was infected, who is said to have had contact with a previously known case.

    There is also another case of coronavirus disease in Hamburg . According to this, a woman from Iran reported in Hamburg was brought to the hospital with mild symptoms. 15 cases are now known in Baden-Württemberg and two in Hamburg.

    Update from 3:49 pm: In Rhineland-Palatinate there are now two more corona cases, as a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health in Mainz announced on Saturday. The two people come from the immediate vicinity of the man from Kaiserslautern who was infected a few days ago (see update from February 27).

    Update from 1:24 pm: Four children in North Rhine-Westphalia have been diagnosed with a corona virus infection. They go to the daycare center in the district of Heinsberg, where a woman suffering from Covid-19 works as an educator. This was announced by the district of Heinsberg on Saturday. All four affected are doing well.

    A total of 114 children attend the day care center. Around 100 boys and girls took the test, with four finding positive. Overall, the number of people who have been proven to be infected with the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 in the Heinsberg district has now increased to 60.

    Corona virus found in teachers in NRW: school remains closed

    Update from 1:16 p.m .: Coronavirus has been detected in a teacher in Lüdenscheid in North Rhine-Westphalia. A spokesman for the Märkischer Kreis said on Saturday at dpa request that 36 contacts had been sent to home quarantine. They have cut back on all that are now being sent to the laboratory. The district's special school with 95 students and 20 teachers will remain closed until the end of next week. The teacher had taken part in the carnival session in the particularly affected district of Heinsberg, which was previously the starting point for NRW.

    Update from 12.25 p.m .: After an employee of an open all-day care center (OGS) became infected with the corona virus, a primary school in Bonn will be closed for two weeks from Monday. Around 185 children attend school. They are now being tested for the virus, said the head of the Bonn health department, Ingrid Heyer, on Saturday. To this end, crisis teams would visit the families at home later in the day.

    The 23-year-old OGS employee shows only slight coronavirus symptoms * and is in home quarantine, said the medical director of the Bonn University Hospital, Wolfgang Holzgreve.

    Corona virus in Germany: NRW sees need for more tests

    Update from 12:02 p.m .: The spread of the corona virus in NRW has reached a new town in Bonn (see previous report). The state's health ministry is now expecting the need for tests for the Sars-CoV-2 virus to increase, as reported by *. However, according to the Ministry, it is not known how many tests are carried out every day. A spokesman for the ministry said: “It can be assumed that the number of samples to be examined will continue to increase. Therefore, the investigation capacities will continue to increase. "

    New case of coronavirus at a school in Bonn (NRW)

    Update from February 29, 9:19 a.m .: An employee of an open all-day care (OGS) in a primary school in Bonn has also been infected with the corona virus, as the city announced on Saturday. He had previously celebrated carnival in Gangelt (Heinsberg district). All parents are now being contacted and asked to initially leave the children at home, said a Bonn city spokeswoman.

    In the district of Heinsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia, the number of people who have been proven to be infected with the coronavirus has risen to 38. A spokeswoman for the district said Saturday morning that another person was reported late Friday evening. Wait for the test results of dozens of children from the day care center where one of the sick people works. All cases in NRW are related to the district of Heinsberg. Among the known cases, only the 46-year-old educator and her husband are treated in the hospital. The condition of the men is serious.

    Update from February 29, 8.32 a.m .: Bavaria is potentially at risk due to its proximity to Italy. This is what the current measures for corona virus protection in Bavaria * look like.

    News from February 28: Number of corona cases in NRW increased

    10:27 p.m .: In the North Rhine-Westphalian district of Heinsberg, the number of coronavirus cases has increased to 37. In response, the crisis team decided that the daycare centers, schools and daycare facilities in the district should remain closed until March 6th .

    The public administrations will partially reopen to the public from March 3. Meanwhile, a crisis team of around 100 is fighting against the spread of the new virus.

    Fraudsters want to use corona virus in Germany for themselves

    22:01: Brazen fraudsters in Brandenburg wanted to get money quickly through the corona virus - their victims, unsuspecting seniors. But the fraud was exposed.

    A telephone caller claimed to be the grandson of two women from the district of Oberhavel, who needed 100,000 euros to treat his coronavirus disease , as the police in Neuruppin said on Friday. The police stopped an 85-year-old in Mühlenbecker Land shortly before the 22,000 euros were handed over to the fraudsters. This sum was also necessary for treatment. In this case, the caller pretended to be the grandson's attending doctor.

    21:08: In the meantime, a second infection with the corona virus has been confirmed in Hessen. A 29-year-old from the Hochtaunuskreis was affected. Germany currently has 55 corona cases .

    Corona virus in Germany - expert gives drastic figures: "It can take two years"

    8:18 pm: According to an expert, high numbers of infections with the new corona virus are to be expected in Germany. " It will probably be 60 to 70 percent infected , but we do not know at what time," said virologist Christian Drosten of the Berlin Charité on Friday. "It can take two years or even longer." The infection process only becomes problematic if it occurs in a compressed, short time. "That is why the authorities are doing everything they can to detect and slow down outbreaks."

    Germany is excellently prepared for the lung disease Covid-19. "If the whole pandemic happens before the virus becomes a common cold virus and no longer stands out, it can be dealt with in two years, we can deal with it," said Drosten. "If it is a year, it will be much harder because we have significantly more cases at the same time."

    Corona virus in Germany: first politician affected - CDU man Miller infected

    Update from February 28, 5:27 p.m .: More and more people in Germany are infected with the new corona virus . Now the first politician is affected. The Corona case in the Böblingen district of Baden-Württemberg is Matthias Miller (CDU). The 29-year-old is the district chairman of the Junge Union.

    Miller is currently in a clinic in Baden-Württemberg, is said to show only mild symptoms and is well. According to information from the picture (article behind payment barrier), Miller is said to have been infected on a trip to Milan.

    Update of February 28, 4.30 p.m .: The corona virus has been detected in an employee of a large consulting company in Düsseldorf. 1500 colleagues have now been instructed to stay at home for now. "We have informed all employees of the branch concerned and asked them to stay at home until further notice," said a company spokesman.

    Around 1400 Ernst & Young employees in Düsseldorf and another 110 employees at the Essen branch, where the man also worked occasionally, are affected. According to Ernst & Young, the employee had no contact with clients. A restricted operation can be maintained by working in the home office, the spokesman emphasized.

    Corona virus in Germany: hamster purchases in supermarkets - usury prices for protective masks

    Update of February 28, 3:05 p.m .: The number of people infected with the coronavirus continues to rise in Germany . Not only is the government preparing for a major outbreak - private individuals are also responding. The fear of the corona virus is now leading to the first hamster purchases . Various retail chains spoke on Friday (February 28) of increased sales of products such as canned food or disinfectants . In the short term, there were also bottlenecks in some stores. Noodles and toilet paper are also currently in high demand.

    Respirators are still in high demand. Some of these are now offered on the Internet at exorbitant prices . Third-party providers, for example, set up masks for several hundred euros on the online portal Amazon . According to the search history, the usual price is around 20 euros, reports the star .

    The respirators , which are sold at exorbitant prices , are also partly conventional surgical masks. However, the goods on offer are advertised with keywords such as “pandemic mask”. Amazon is now planning to take action against the usury business : In the United States, sellers have already been warned, the star continues.


    Coronavirus: Exorbitant prices for respiratory masks

    © Screenshot Amazon third party

    Coronavirus: Infected person was in German bathing resort for four days - spokesman said

    Update of February 28, 1:01 pm: As has now become known, a person infected with the corona virus from North Rhine-Westphalia stayed in the Brandenburg leisure resort " Tropical Islands " for four days. The well-known water park near Berlin has thousands of visitors every day.

    91 employees of the bath are now to be tested for the coronavirus *. Until the results are available, the people concerned are free. As a "Tropical Islands" spokesman said, there is no danger for bathers . According to his own information, the man was said to have had no closer contact with other bathers, but with some employees . On the weekend in question, around 3,500 to 4,000 guests were in the water park every day, according to " Tropical Islands ".

    Coronavirus in Germany: new cases from Baden-Württemberg - special type of investigation

    Update of February 28, 11.40 a.m .: Two other people from Baden-Württemberg have been infected with the corona virus. In the first case, it was a man from the district of Ludwigsburg, who had been “fished out” during the so-called influenza surveillance , said the Ministry of Social Affairs in Stuttgart. This means that samples in the laboratory of the State Health Office that have been tested for influenza are also automatically checked for the coronavirus *. This is the first case that has been identified in this way.

    The second case is a man from the Rhein-Neckar district, who presented himself on Wednesday (February 26) after returning from a skiing holiday in South Tyrol with slight symptoms in the emergency department of the Heidelberg University Clinic . The test turned out to be positive. There are now ten people in Baden-Württemberg who have been infected with the corona virus.

    The first case of the corona virus in Germany came from Stockdorf near Munich. The man who is considered the first to be infected has now spoken about the time with the disease.

    Corona virus in Germany: First infection in Hamburg

    Update of February 28, 6.55 a.m .: The corona virus has now reached northern Germany . The first infection was confirmed in Hamburg on Friday night. A total of 20 other new infections have also been announced in North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Württemberg, Hesse and Bavaria since the previous evening. The German Medical Association called on citizens with only minor illnesses to avoid visiting the doctor in order to keep capacities free for possible corona patients.

    The first patient affected by the virus in Hamburg is an employee of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), as the health authority of the Hanseatic city and the UKE announced. The man therefore lives in Schleswig-Holstein and recently returned from a vacation in Italy .

    So far, eight people in Baden-Württemberg have contracted the corona virus. The first case has also been confirmed in Heidelberg, reports * .

    Corona virus in Germany: 30 further infections confirmed - RKI: virus more deadly than flu

    Update from February 27, 10:01 pm: The new type of corona virus is spreading rapidly in Germany. On Thursday, 14 further infections with the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 became known in North Rhine-Westphalia, as well as four new cases in Baden-Württemberg and one each in Rhineland-Palatinate and Bavaria. This brought the number of current infections in Germany to 30.

    In addition to the 30 current cases, 16 more Sars CoV-2 infections were reported in Germany more than two weeks ago. These people are now all considered virus free.

    RKI President Lothar Wieler said the likelihood of dying from flu was 0.1 to 0.2 percent. According to the figures known so far, the rate for Sars-CoV-2 is almost ten times as high - at one to two percent. 80 percent of those infected had only mild symptoms, but 15 percent were seriously ill with the lung disease Covid-19.

    In Germany, too, people are beginning to make hamster purchases and stockpiling food. Experts recommend these foods in the event of a disaster.

    The fear of the corona virus is also great outside of Germany. In the United States, the fear of the coronavirus feels like it is spreading faster than the disease itself. Some US stars are now taking drastic measures to avoid becoming infected.

    Corona virus in Germany: further infections confirmed - also in Bavaria

    Update from February 27, 9.45 p.m .: After a stay in Germany, a woman in Sweden has tested positive for the new corona virus. The Swedish health authority said on Thursday evening that it infected the virus in Germany. According to the Swedish authorities, the woman is now in a hospital in Uppsala, 70 kilometers north of Stockholm.

    The first case of corona infection has been identified in the Netherlands. Health Minister Bruno Bruins said on Thursday evening on Dutch TV that it was about a man who was lying in a hospital in the southeastern city of Tilburg. The man had recently returned from Lombardy in northern Italy. The man was lying in the isolation ward. For the time being, no further details were given about his state of health.

    Update from February 27, 8:42 pm: In Baden-Württemberg, four other people have been infected with the new corona virus. The Ministry of Social Affairs announced on Thursday evening in Stuttgart. This raised the number of confirmed Sars-CoV-2 infections in the state to eight. Three of the new cases are two women and one man from the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district and the city of Freiburg, respectively. They had taken part in a business meeting in Munich and, according to the Robert Koch Institute, are among 13 contact persons for an Italian participant who had tested positive in Italy. The three patients are in a clinic.

    Update from February 27, 7:52 pm: In Baden-Württemberg, four more people have been infected with the new corona virus. The Ministry of Social Affairs announced on Thursday evening in Stuttgart. This means that the number of confirmed infections in the state has risen to eight.

    Coronavirus in Germany: 14 further cases in NRW

    Update from February 27, 7.48 p.m .:

    All 14 tested positive had been released home in quarantine because inpatient treatment was not necessary, it said. Those affected mainly lived in the community of Gangelt in the Heinsberg district, one person lived in the city region of Aachen.

    A total of around 400 people are under quarantine at home, as the authorities had previously informed. Among them are 300 people who had attended a carnival session in Gangelt. According to the authorities, all known infected people had contact with a Gangelt couple who are being treated at the University Hospital in Düsseldorf. The condition of the 47-year-old husband is serious.

    According to the authorities, “patient zero” that caused the outbreak in NRW is still unknown. It is assumed that he infected the 47-year-old as the first patient in the known infection chain. Because of his critical condition, the 47-year-old could not be interviewed.

    Update from February 27, 7:21 pm: In North Rhine-Westphalia, 14 other people have been shown to be infected with the novel corona virus. The district of Heinsberg and the NRW Ministry of Health announced on Thursday evening that the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the district of Heinsberg had increased to 20.

    Update from February 27, 5:38 pm: The 47-year-old, who continues to fight for his life at the University Hospital Düsseldorf, visited the Tropical Islands in Krausnick in Brandenburg a few days before the diagnosis. Brandenburg's Minister of Health Ursula Nonnemacher confirmed this on Thursday. According to this, the infected person visited the water park from February 20 to 23. The operation should therefore not be stopped, all 91 employees are tested for the virus.

    Corona virus in Germany: Situation on Tenerife is getting worse

    Update from February 27, 5:23 pm: The situation in a quarantined hotel in Tenerife seems to be exacerbating the situation of the holidaymakers. German vacationers are now turning to Heiko Maas with a dramatic petition.

    Update from February 27, 5:05 p.m .: Football, especially the amateur sector, is also affected in Germany. Some teams canceled their training camps in Italy, in some places in Germany there are no association games. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer and Health Minister Jens Spahn also commented on the corona virus in amateur sports, as reported by *.

    Corona virus in Germany: Another suspected case in Duisburg?

    Update from February 27, 2020, 5:02 p.m .: Are there two other suspected corona cases in Duisburg? As reported by RP Online, the Evangelical Clinic Niederrhein is said to have confirmed this. The couple had therefore recently returned from a trip to Italy. Meanwhile, there is now a suspected case in the Austrian government.

    Corona virus in Germany: Eleventh person infected in Germany

    Update from February 27, 2020, 4:20 p.m .: The novel coronavirus has been found in a patient in Kaiserslautern. The Rhineland-Palatinate Health Minister Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler (SPD) said on Thursday in Mainz. The slightly over 30-year-old man came to the West Palatinate Clinic with symptoms on Thursday. Until recently, he was in Iran and had contact with a "symptomatically conspicuous person", said the minister.

    Corona in Germany: virus more deadly than flu - infected carnival couple is openly hostile

    Update of February 27, 2020, 1:47 p.m .: Is the Federal Government showing the correct course of action in dealing with the corona virus ? No, says the virologist Alexander Kekulé. Gegenü criticized the expert that in Germany so far only patients with known contacts to China would be tested for the novel corona virus . However, Kekulé suggests that all patients with severe respiratory infections should be tested for Sars-CoV-2.

    Meanwhile, there is also bad news from Frankfurt: The corona virus also has a firm grip on the Dax. Yields are at a record low and German industry is facing a “stress test”, warns an expert. The federal government has now set up a crisis team to deal with the beginning coronavirus epidemic.

    Corona in Germany: Virologist criticizes handling the virus and calls for more tests

    "What happened there in northern Italy could just as easily have happened in Germany," said the virologist, referring to the southern European country that has become the center of the European corona threat. The infections in Italy were often initially classified as colds. A circumstance that would also happen in Germany. In order to better contain the epidemic , the corona infections would have to be detected earlier.

    Kekulé is also demanding stricter entry controls for flights from China to deal with the epidemic. Because even the virologist comes to the realization that the new virus is much more dangerous than the flu. The Robert Koch Institute came to this assessment on Thursday.

    Update from February 27, 2020, 11:32 am: The couple from the Gangelt district in North Rhine-Westphalia, who had become infected with the novel corona virus, are likely to be exposed to severe insults on social networks. They had attended a carnival event with around 300 participants when they did not know about their infection and thus spread the virus . For this, the couple is now harshly criticized on the Internet.

    "Personally, I find it irresponsible with symptoms , like generally going somewhere with the flu," criticizes a user on Facebook. "It can be out of control now. Who knows where these people have been everywhere. That will give something, ”complains another user. Another Facebook user demands: "Especially with the realization that" purely coincidental "deals with something other than a" mild cold "or the flu could have been left at home."

    Corona virus in Germany: District Administrator defends infected couple after serious allegations

    The responsible district administrator stood behind the couple in a Facebook video on Thursday morning and condemned their use on social networks. "They don't deserve our reproaches, they deserve our sympathy," said District Administrator Stephan Pusch. Until a few days ago, the corona virus was still very far away, the politician continues. "And who would have avoided carnival because of a slight cold? It could have hit any of us. "

    The statements of the district administrator are well received in Pusch's video address, which he also published on Facebook. “In my opinion, they were fever-free at the time and because of a cold, not everyone stays at home. Then no one is allowed to shop anymore who coughs. Sorry, think you should be aware that it could have hit anyone, ”writes one user. “You can't blame those affected. They didn't know it, ”says another.

    Corona in Germany - Robert Koch Institute announces: Virus more deadly than flu

    Update from February 27, 2020, 11:00 a.m .: The novel corona virus is more deadly than the flu . The President of the Robert Koch Institute said Professor Dr. Lothar Wieler at a press conference in Berlin on Thursday, as reported by How much higher the death rate can only be said after the epidemic has ended .

    Update from February 27, 2020, 10.35 a.m . : Due to the urgency of the situation, the Robert Koch Institute will report daily on the status of the Corona outbreak. It is a "dynamic event" that makes this procedure necessary, says RKI President Professor Dr. Lothar Wieler. The rapid spread of the virus is primarily about saving time and slowing the spread of corona.

    Coronavirus in Germany: KATWARN triggers - experts anticipate further infections

    Update from February 27, 2020, 9.46 a.m .: The corona virus is back in Germany. Ten people in the Federal Republic of Germany have been infected with the virus since Tuesday evening. Experts also say that this number will continue to grow. This could also be due to the fact that one of the infected was at a carnival event attended by 300 people. The party guests must now spend 14 days in quarantine at home.

    The KATWARN disaster warning system in the Heinsberg district also warned of the risk of infection . There, the residents were informed of the situation and asked not to "block the emergency numbers or to go to medical practices or hospitals themselves".

    Update from February 27, 2020, 9:38 a.m .: Even if new cases of infections with Sars-CoV-2 are still pending on Thursday, experts expect more infected people . Last but not least, this is due to the fact that the infection chains are sometimes not understandable. For this reason, authorities are now looking for further corona cases with larger campaigns among friends of the infected.

    Corona virus in Germany: ten infected in Germany - regional train stopped on suspicion

    Update from February 27, 2020, 9:22 am: The number of corona infected people in Germany is now ten on Thursday morning. Among other things, five people are currently being treated in a hospital in NRW. The situation could become controversial with regard to a regional train that was stopped at Idar-Oberstein (Rhineland-Palatinate) on Wednesday evening.

    A passenger who came from a business trip from Italy had complained of symptoms, whereupon the train was stopped and tests were carried out on all passengers. The results of the approximately 40 tests can be expected in the course of the morning.

    Update of February 26, 2020, 10:49 pm: The reports of new infections do not subside . Again two Covid-19 cases were found in North Rhine-Westphalia . A couple from the community of Gangelt in the Heinsberg district have become infected.

    A spokesman for the district confirmed to the German press agency not only the illnesses, but also that the woman was an employee of the 47-year-old from Düsseldorf, who had been seriously ill and was mentioned earlier .

    Corona virus all over Germany: infection alarm due to returnees from Italy - carnivalist in mortal danger

    Update from February 26, 2020, 9.47pm: Funky scenes in Idar-Oberstein. The federal police stop a regional train on the way from Frankfurt to Saarbrücken in the middle of the southern Hunsrück. According to DPA information, a passenger had experienced symptoms and alarmed the authorities.

    The man had recently returned from a business trip to Italy and has now been taken to a hospital for further check-ups.

    70 passengers were on the train, 40 of them in a compartment with the allegedly infected man. The police and red cross recorded the personal details of the travelers, and then the train was allowed to continue its journey.

    Read also: Corona hamster buying a fake? This photo goes viral - now the background is clear

    Corona virus all over Germany: next infections in the south - carnivalist in mortal danger

    Update from February 26, 2020, 7:27 p.m .: The corona virus has now reached Rhineland-Palatinate. According to the German Press Agency, a soldier is infected again. He would be treated in the Bundeswehr central hospital in Koblenz.

    Update from February 26, 2020, 6:48 p.m .: The bad news doesn't stop . As the picture reports, there is again a confirmed corona infection . A 32-year-old is said to be ill in Rottweil , Baden-Württemberg. He returned from his family vacation in the crisis-ridden Italian region of Lodi three days ago. Child and woman were probably tested negative. They are isolated at home.

    Meanwhile, the paper also wants to know where the sick Bundeswehr soldier could have been infected. He apparently had contact with the infected 47-year-old from North Rhine-Westphalia, who celebrated at a carnival event and is now in mortal danger . Because of a previous illness, the coronavirus is difficult for him, he is currently under artificial respiration.

    Corona virus back in Germany: Kindergarten teacher and senior doctor falls ill - NRW uses drastic means

    Update of February 26, 2020, 6:34 p.m .: Now Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn sounds the alarm. The CDU man speaks of the beginning of an epidemic that would put Germany at risk.

    Germany / NRW / Cologne: Tübingen senior physician infected with coronavirus

    Update from February 26, 2020, 5:07 p.m .: The coronavirus patient is a senior physician at the University Clinic in Tübingen, the image reports. The man is therefore senior physician in the pathology of the university clinic in Tübingen. The doctor is the father of the 24-year-old student who infected the patient (25) from Göppingen.

    The senior doctor took part in the tumor conference of the clinic on Tuesday. Twelve senior physicians from various specialist departments participated. You would now be monitored at home accordingly.

    Coronavirus back in Germany: Two more Covid 19 cases in Baden-Württemberg

    Update from February 26, 2020, 4:00 p.m .: Since yesterday evening, two more patients have been at the University Hospital Tübingen with suspected Covid-19 . The University Hospital has now confirmed this on Twitter and at a press conference :

    Since yesterday evening, two people have been at the University Hospital Tübingen, who are currently classified as a suspected corona case.
    Both are fine. You have no previous illnesses and feel healthy regardless of the infection. More information will follow during the afternoon.

    - University Hospital Tübingen (@uktuebingen) February 26, 2020

    Both patients - a father and his daughter who had contact with the first patient - were in good health. As the dpa reports, the two cases have now been confirmed as infections : in addition to the case from Göppingen, there are now three infected people in Baden-Württemberg .

    Coronavirus in Germany (NRW): Kindergarten teacher falls ill - schools and day care centers remain closed

    Update from February 26, 2020, 2:30 p.m .: In the meantime, a second case has been confirmed for NRW: The wife of the first infected person is also affected and has pneumonia - she works as a kindergarten teacher in the district. The couple's two (school-age) children are not affected. Because there is also a suspected case of a Bundeswehr soldier, an air force base in Cologne was blocked as a precaution - but the block has now been lifted again. The schools and daycare centers in Heinsberg are to remain closed until the end of the week.

    Corona back in Germany: patients' state of health varies greatly

    Update of February 26, 2020, 1.30 p.m .: Thirteen contacts were determined in the case of the 25-year-old patient in Baden-Württemberg, the state's Ministry of Social Affairs confirmed at a press conference, some of which are already under investigation. One has to deal with an individual case, the situation is currently under control - one should prevent the creation of infection chains.

    Returnees from Covid 19 crisis regions should pay particular attention to hygiene and contact the responsible authorities by telephone if they are suspected. Because the infected had visited a cinema in Neu-Ulm in Bavaria , the Bavarian authorities are also investigating possible additional contacts here. The patient is doing well.

    Update from February 26, 2020, 11.40 a.m .: The patient from the North Rhine-Westphalian district of Heinsberg , who has been treated at the University Hospital Düsseldorf since night, must now be artificially ventilated, as n-tv reports, citing the WDR . According to the WDR, the patient had not been abroad for a long time, but was in contact with a person who had recently been to China.

    As the WDR further reports, it is not yet known whether this person is also being treated. It has now become known that the patient from Heinsberg was treated two weeks ago in the Cologne University Hospital - an employee is now being examined there who also shows symptoms.

    Coronavirus in NRW: 47-year-old has symptoms of severe pneumonia

    Update from February 26, 2020, 9.40 a.m .: The 47-year-old from North Rhine-Westphalia , who has been infected with the corona virus, has now been transferred to Düsseldorf: As reported by , he shows symptoms of severe pneumonia and is fighting for his life ,

    A specially sealed ambulance with an air filter system transported the man to the University Hospital in Düsseldorf, where he is now being treated in a special isolation station. The patient's wife also shows the first symptoms and is treated as a suspected case in the university hospital, as reported by

    People in the Heinsberg district were also informed about the Katwarn warning system - people with flu-like symptoms should contact the emergency service or general practitioner by phone, but should not unnecessarily block the emergency numbers 110 and 112.

    Coronavirus in NRW: Schools, daycare centers and the district administration in Heinsberg remain closed

    Update of February 25, 2020, 10:49 pm: According to the authorities, the condition of the patient from Erkelenz infected with the coronavirus is critical. As the district of Heinsberg announced on Tuesday evening, the man had been admitted to the Hermann Josef Hospital in Erkelenz on Monday afternoon with symptoms of severe pneumonia. According to the dpa information, the man is in his mid-40s, but suffers from a previous illness.

    In the district of Heinsberg, schools, daycare centers and the district administration remain closed on Wednesday, as a spokesman for the district said on Tuesday evening to the German Press Agency. At the moment, there are also plans to suspend local public transport. A crisis team was set up in the district. They are in close contact with the Ministry of Health in Düsseldorf.

    Update from February 25, 2020, 10:02 p.m .: Now the confirmation: a couple from NRW was admitted to a clinic in Düsseldorf because of the suspected coronavirus. At least one of them is said to have tested positive for the virus. According to the picture , it should be a 46-year-old man.

    As RP-Online reports further, the couple themselves should not have traveled. The two were said to have had contact with Chinese from the areas concerned in China. The couple was initially treated in a hospital in Erkelenz. As the portal continues to report, all schools and daycare centers in the Heinsberg district are to be closed on Wednesday.

    Update from February 25, 2020, 9:14 p.m .: According to RP-Online there is even a second infected person in Germany. According to this, a couple from Erkelenz had been hospitalized under suspicion, at least one of the two had already been tested positive for the virus.

    Update from February 25, 2020, 9:04 p.m .: As the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs explains in the evening, there is a first coronavirus case in Baden-Württemberg. According to this, a 25-year-old man from the Göppingen district was probably infected during a trip to Italy in Milan.

    After returning, the patient was ill with flu-like symptoms and contacted the local health department. He was to be taken to a clinic on Tuesday evening and housed and treated in isolation.

    Corona virus: is Germany prepared for an emergency?

    Announcement of origin from February 25, 2020: Munich - The first coronavirus cases occurred in Bavaria *. 14 people tested positive for the Sars-CoV-2 * virus. The patients had a connection to China. All stand, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) , in connection with a company in Bavaria, which apparently infected a colleague from Shanghai at a workshop. The other two cases were German citizens who had been flown out of Wuhan in early February.

    The Covid-19 patients were treated in isolation in clinics and contact persons were quarantined . The excitement was great, but doctors and experts were positive about the course of the disease and the path of infection. The measures to contain contagion through the so-called "containment" were successful.

    The RKI is continuously concerned with the situation. The RKI website reads that there is currently insufficient data available for a final risk assessment of the novel lung disease Covid-19 . An import of further cases to Germany must be expected. Further transmission chains and local infection events are possible in Germany.

    As early as February, the RKI stated that global development could result in a worldwide spread of the virus in the form of a pandemic . Despite increasing numbers of cases in several countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) is optimistic. According to the WHO's assessment, it has so far not been a pandemic, but epidemics in individual countries. Unlike a pandemic, an epidemic remains regionally limited.

    Coronavirus: Covid19 is moving closer to Germany - other countries are reporting cases

    Coronavirus outbreak in Italy worried. There are already deaths and the number of infected people is increasing. Initially, no connection to China was found in the patients. Who was the first to be infected with the corona virus in Italy? How did the rapid outbreak come about? So far it is

    Search for the so-called "patient zero" unsuccessful *. The country seals off entire cities . Football games take place without spectators. The Italian government has decided to completely suspend sporting events in the five regions affected - Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Piedmont. But the Sars-CoV-2 * coronavirus continues to spread.

    Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) said on Monday that such a step was not necessary. "From the cancellation of major events (...) to the complete closure of entire cities, there are still many intermediate stages."

    The president of the Robert Koch Institute , Lothar H. Wieler, said in the “heute-journal” of the ZDF : “I cannot imagine quarantine of whole towns in Germany .” People would then have to use food and water, but also medical ones Help. That is very difficult in a quarantine area.

    The Robert Koch Institute and the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) have compiled all information about the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus .

    In German clinics and medical practices , at least the way of working has already been adapted. Doctors and nurses are already very careful about flu symptoms. The Bayerischer Rundfunk ( BR ) reports. For example, Dr. Markus Frühwein's attention to influenza symptoms. In his practice there are protective masks and disinfectants - to protect staff and patients. The health system still needs to be expanded *.

    Corona virus: Europe worried - is Germany ready?

    In view of the rapid spread of the new corona virus in Italy, the Italian government is advising the situation this Tuesday with neighboring countries and Germany. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn also travels to Rome for this. In addition to the host, his colleagues from Slovenia, France, Switzerland and Austria will also take part in the afternoon meeting.

    The corona virus has now also arrived in Austria (as of February 25, 2020). Two cases of infection are reported from Tyrol. That's why preparations are already being made in Bavaria *.

    dpa / ml

    *, and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

    List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Sven Hoppe

    Source: merkur

    All news articles on 2020-03-01

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