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Rainbow City Hall is on the way: CSU parliamentary group leader warns of “catastrophic” scenario


What form will the next Munich City Council take, which will be voted in mid-March in the 2020 municipal election? A new survey by our newspaper shows the trend.

What form will the next Munich City Council take, which will be voted in mid-March in the 2020 municipal election? A new survey by our newspaper shows the trend.

  • Local elections will also take place in Munich on March 15, 2020 .
  • According to a new survey, a politician has particularly good chances.
  • The Greens are currently the most strongly represented force in the city ​​council.

Update, 10:17 p.m .: The Munich Greens are facing a historic election success in the 2020 local elections. According to an INSA survey commissioned by tz (see below), they can count on 27 percent of the vote in the local elections and would be the strongest faction in the town hall.

The CSU and SPD would each get 23 percent . For comparison: In the 2014 local elections, the Greens received 16.6 percent, the SPD reached 30.8 percent and the CSU 32.6 percent.

According to our survey, the FDP would reach four percent , which would be about the result of 2014 (3.4 percent). The free voters were three percent (2014: 2.7 percent) - just like the ÖDP (2014: 2.5). The left would reach four percent (2014: 2.4 percent), the Bavarian party would get three percent (2014: 0.9 percent). The AfD is seven percent in the INSA survey (1009 participants, February 19-26), which would be stronger than in 2014 when it came to 2.5 percent.

The result of the AfD is terrifying, says Green Party leader Florian Roth. "We will do everything we can to ensure that there is voter turnout that means that the democratic parties are far ahead." The result of the Greens, however, is positive for Roth: "We feel confirmed."

2020 local elections: Pretzl fears red-red-green left-wing alliance

SPD parliamentary group leader Christian Müller assumes that his comrades will get some more, "also in view of the good values ​​for our OB." The survey shows: Reiter has the best chance of choosing the OB (regardless of the city council election), the executive chair Defend in the town hall: It clearly ranks ahead of Katrin Habenschaden (Greens) and Kristina Frank (CSU).


The exclusive INSA poll sees the Greens as the strongest force in the next city council.


FDP chief Michael Mattar sees only a snapshot in the survey. The right to vote finally enables the distribution of votes among individual candidates, regardless of the party: "Everything is still possible."

CSU parliamentary group leader Manuel Pretzl: “In some surveys the Greens are at the front, in others the CSU. Let's just wait and see. But what worries me is that there is a real danger that a red-red-green left-wing alliance will form after March 15 - that would be catastrophic for Munich. "

OB election in Munich: So are OB Reiter's chances - and those of the competition

Update, March 2, 2020: Dieter Reiter (SPD) will accompany an anti-AfD demo on March 6 and is the clear favorite in the race in the OB election. This is the result of the current INSA survey on local elections in Munich on behalf of tz, Münchner Merkur and 95.5 Charivari. The incumbent would therefore get 49 percent of the vote in the first ballot. Katrin Habenschaden (Greens) is forecast 17 percent, while Kristina Frank (CSU) reaches 16 percent.

Are you still undecided? Then we bring OB rider, challenger Habenschaden and Frank onto a stage for you. The candidate duel will be broadcast live on Thursday evening (March 5th).

Municipal election surveys / forecasts: Mayor election Munich



Dieter Reiter (SPD)

Katrin Habenschaden (Greens)

Kristina Frank (CSU)

Insa (Mercury, tz)

March 2, 2020




GMS (17:30 Sat.1 Bavaria)

February 27, 2020




AZ trend (evening newspaper)

January 13, 2020




OB election poll in Munich: So are OB Reiter's chances - and those of the competition

Munich - The local elections in Bavaria are getting closer - on March 15 , 2020 , elections will take place in the Free State. An election in the Bavarian capital is likely to be particularly exciting: the mayor is elected in Munich .

Among other things, the three promising OB candidates from the SPD, CSU and Greens are available. The favorites Dieter Reiter (SPD), Kristina Frank (CSU) and Katrin Habenschaden (Greens) want to hold the office.

Forecast OB election 2020 in Munich: Exclusive survey shows a candidate's great lead

Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) has legitimate hopes for his re-election , the Greens could become the strongest force in the city council . These are the main results of a representative survey on the local elections on March 15, which the opinion research institute INSA carried out on behalf of tz , Münchner Merkur and 95.5 Charivari . The survey took place between February 19 and 25. 1009 people took part.

OB Reiter therefore comes first with a big lead . Even an absolute majority in the first ballot does not seem to be excluded. Katrin Habenschaden from the Greens would reach the runoff election, but only by a slight margin over Kristina Frank (CSU). So there should be an exciting race for second place . In addition to Reiter, Habenschaden and Frank, there are eleven other OB candidates. According to INSA, these do not play a role. All other applicants land under five percent. According to the survey, Reiter can score across all party borders , not just among his regular SPD electorate.


The top candidates for the OB election in Munich: (from left) Katrin Habenschaden (Greens), Dieter Reiter (SPD) and Kristina Frank (CSU).

© picture alliance / dpa / Sven Hoppe

INSA also examined voting behavior differentiated by age group and gender. Interesting figures can also be reported here. You can read all the details and the exact figures in our newspaper on Monday.

Also interesting: Parliamentary elections are already taking place in Israel. In advance, serious allegations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made headlines.

Poll: The Greens could become the strongest force

The city council election was also part of the survey. The crucial question: is it enough for the current city hall government of the SPD and CSU to win a majority? According to INSA, it doesn't look like that. The Greens would be the strongest force. The SPD and CSU would be on the same level, but with respect to the Greens. They could possibly choose their government partner - CSU or SPD. Because the race is very close, a third party might have to be included in a coalition. According to the survey, the AfD would come fourth.

As the most important future topic, the respondents named “cheaper rents” by a huge margin. Women considered this topic to be even more urgent than men. This is followed by the areas of tram and subway expansion and, in third place, the desire for more green spaces.

OB election 2020 in Munich: According to the latest survey, a candidate has particularly good chances

According to a recently published survey by the Hamburg institute GMS on behalf of “17:30 Sat.1 Bayern”, a candidate has particularly good chances of winning: the current incumbent OB Dieter Reiter. The SPD politician will probably have to face a competitor in a runoff .

According to the survey , 39 percent of the respondents would vote for riders . But he would need an absolute majority in the first round of the 2020 OB election in Munich, i.e. more than 50 percent of the votes.

Video: What tasks does the mayor have?

Munich: New poll on the mayor election - So many votes reached the OB candidates

Greens candidate Katrin Habenschaden got 23 percent of the votes in the GMS survey , Kristina Frank of the CSU got 16 percent. More than a fifth of the potential voters (22 percent) stated that they did not want to vote for any of the candidates or did not want to vote at all - or had not yet made a decision regarding the 2020 local elections in Munich.

For the survey , the Hamburg-based institute GMS asked for information about people in Munich by telephone.

OB election in Munich: Here you can see the candidates live in the video duel on March 5th

All those voters who are still undecided can also see the three OB favorites for Munich in the " Munich election arena ". Munich Merkur , tz and 95.5 Charivari invite you to this event in the press house on Bayerstrasse on Thursday , March 5 . Here you can follow the big panel discussion with the Munich OB candidates on March 5 in a live stream.

Local elections in Munich: Survey gives Reiter opportunities

As early as mid-January, a survey by Munich's current mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) had given good chances of a repetition in office. Despite a share of 17 percent undecided, the AZ trend of the Munich evening newspaper still calculated the incumbent 41.58 percent of the vote. Katrin Habenschaden (Greens) and Kristina Frank (CSU) came in far behind only 17.93 and 13.59 percent. Despite the disappointing forecasts, "everything is still there," said Frank, one is counting on a runoff election for the mayor's office in Munich .

According to the survey, voters are very interested in local elections

In general, the Munich candidates for the mayor election can hope for a high turnout , the Bavarian interest in the local election is consistently high, according to the "Bayerntrend". As the Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) found out through a survey, three quarters of Bavaria are very strongly (31 percent) or strongly (43 percent) interested in the upcoming municipal election on March 15. It is of little importance for a quarter of the respondents (26 percent).

According to the survey, it is not the parties that are decisive, but rather the candidates themselves: 85 percent of the citizens make their choice in this way. Three quarters of Bavaria (75 percent) also state that they pay very close attention to the subject matter of the parties and lists available for election.

Voters have high confidence in local politicians

According to the “Bayerntrend”, Bavaria's local politicians also enjoy a high level of trust among voters. 69 percent of the polls in January indicated that they had a very high or high level of trust in their direct political representatives. At the state, federal and European levels, the trust values ​​are significantly lower at 43, 23 and 21 percent.

nema / ms with dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-02

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