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Abuse of corporate assets: four years firm required against Pierre Botton


Four years for a " litany of offenses ": the prosecution on Wednesday demanded a prison sentence against ex-businessman Pierre Botton, suspected of having embezzled the association's money against the recidivism that he founded.

Read also: Pierre Botton again in court for misuse of corporate assets

Already convicted in 1996 of misuse of corporate property, Mr. Botton spent 20 months in prison. After his detention, he had decided to make a commitment to improve conditions of detention and to fight recidivism, by creating an association. But since Monday, he again faces a court, suspected of having diverted, through his company, part of the association's money for personal purposes.

Within his company, Mr. Botton passed, according to the prosecution, personal expenses for professional expenses - travel, rent and work in a villa in Cannes ... - for about 600,000 euros " All this organization of flow is made to evade the tax administration, "also said Mr. Goldszlagier. " The cause is noble, human, just, it deserves our attention and the commitment of Mr. Botton must not be dismissed, it was important, " acknowledged the magistrate. But " we do not defend ourselves from offenses with a commitment, " he added.

The prosecutor requested a year of suspended prison sentence against Anne-Valérie Noir, former president of the association and ex-wife of Mr. Botton, who was tried for " breach of trust ". Since the start of his trial, Mr. Botton has proclaimed his innocence, denying having implemented any financial " arrangement ". He assured that he did not take care of the accounting and that he had " total confidence " in his accountants. " I am aware of the mistakes I made, " he said on Tuesday. " I see that for you it is not legal, well I will assume. Defense arguments are scheduled to continue into the evening.

To read also: At his trial, Pierre Botton denies having “hit the cash”

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2020-03-04

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