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Latin American emergencies


Spain must flee the hollow rhetoric that takes as its common elements history, culture, community. It is time for action. Great causes of the global agenda demand great alliances

Beyond the anecdotario that has occupied us lately, there are countless reasons to explain the importance of Latin America for Spanish politics. There are 1.5 million Spaniards in Latin America and 1.3 million Latin Americans in Spain. 24.5% of the income of the IBEX 35 companies comes from there. We are the second country in volume of investments (behind the US) and that constitutes 30% of our investments in the world. Ten IBEX companies have more than 20% of their business in Latin America and there are more than 100,000 Spanish companies that export to Latin America. In the geopolitical board of the world we influence little, but in Latin America we are decisive, and today, some of the battles that are fought on that board, occur precisely in those parts. There are great causes of the global agenda that claim great alliances, and it is not easy to find them. Spain is the faithful friend of Latin America and nobody will do more than us so that Europe is too. We are that door, and not by chance Latin America entered the European radar when Spain claimed it.

But Latin America is in crisis. Unfortunately, the prosperous decade 2004-2014 has been fading away with the Great Recession and a new internal conflict has filled the continent with social explosion and political instability. The internal fractures of its regional integration are paradigmatic and are growing dangerously. Most countries are economically stagnant. The democratic and humanitarian crises in several countries become enchanted, and the traditional problems of social inequality, violence and extreme ideological confrontation now unite the tensions produced by desperate and empowered middle classes and a growing citizen distrust of political institutions.

It is not the time for partisanship in this policy. We have always acted jointly Government and opposition on these issues. But we must flee from that hollow rhetoric that takes our common elements: history, culture, community, etc., as a discursive framework to stay in words and nothing. It is time for action. Spain is key and must act in Latin America aware of its common interests and its enormous impact on it. We must also take advantage of the presence of Josep Borrell in charge of European foreign policy. Here are some suggestions:

1. In November we will celebrate the XXVII Summit on Innovation for Sustainable Development - Objective 2030 and it will be good to remember that this summit has been bringing together the leaders of Latin America Spain and Portugal for 29 years, that currently there is no international organization that can do the same and that the traditional and important presence of the King formalizes the symbolic Spanish influence in the region. That this summit is a success is fundamental.

A new internal conflict has filled the continent with social explosion and political instability

2. Approving the EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement constitutes the great urgency in the commercial and economic field. It is a commitment to regulated international trade, against protectionism and trade wars, which releases 90% of the tariffs of the products that we exchange two gigantic markets, that of the EU and Mercosur, with 500 and 250 million consumers respectively. This agreement culminates the extraordinary framework of EU-AL Agreements that connects us to the two continents almost completely.

Along the same lines, the modernization of the Agreements with Mexico and Chile must be approved and Bolivia must be incorporated into the Multipart Agreement that works - and very well - with Colombia, Peru and Ecuador.

Spain must open its doors to emigration when the US lifts walls and millions of people flee from misery

3. Europe should take advantage of Mexico's pro tempore presidency in CELAC and be able to hold the suspended summit in 2016 in El Salvador. It is true that CELAC has suffered a severe blow with the abandonment of Brazil. Even so, CELAC is the only regional organization that integrates the entire subcontinent, and the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the 27 European countries and the 33 Latin American countries was and is an extraordinary and unique platform to give content to our strategic alliance. We should take advantage that the Mexican head of the CELAC presidency is the - until yesterday - ambassador to our country Roberta Lajous.

4. Cuba is a country of enormous political influence in Latin America and is subject to a political-economic-financial siege of the United States harder than ever. Our companies suffer and our banks fear it, and yet, Cuba is in need of help, especially investment and economic development. The EU-Cuba Agreement signed in 2017, is an opportunity to make ourselves present and defend European interests in Havana. And this should help us in our mediating task for a democratic electoral exit in Venezuela and Nicaragua, to help end the violence in Colombia, and in overcoming the fractures suffered by the region. Of course, I also believe that it will help Cuba's internal political transition.

5. A reflection on the future of Spanish business interests in Latin America is urgent. Our companies have helped modernize basic services and large physical and technological infrastructures in Latin America. But circumstances have changed. China's strong economic presence, political instability, legal insecurity and the growth of other markets are reducing our presence and weakening our negotiating strength.

The time has come to strengthen ties with governments in the country-commitment of these companies. To improve corporate reputation with sustainable social strategies. To set solid and stable investment horizons. To develop our own productive fabric in the surroundings of large companies. To take advantage of our quality in the training of cadres and managers. To generate synergies between our universities. To carry out our R&D open and in collaboration with its centers and take advantage of the dimension of our common language in the development of platforms and applications of new services on the Internet.

6. Within the framework of our Strategic Partnership, Europe and Latin America should establish an alliance in the common defense, of a series of coincident objectives. The Paris Agreement and its derivatives in the fight against climate change; multilateralism in international relations; the WTO and regulated international trade; the 2030 Agenda; the fight against tax havens and international cooperation against evasion and avoidance; human rights and the rule of law should be, among others, part of that common platform.

7. <TB> Spain is 40% of the official development assistance that Latin America receives. We operate throughout the region with country programs for millions of citizens. But we must go further. Spain must open its doors to Latin American emigration when the United States raises walls or millions of Latin Americans flee misery without life or future. For Spain it is a fantastic immigration. They speak our language, have high educational level and the same cultural substrate. Their adaptation is extraordinary and we need them. In this sense, Spain should lead the abolition of the European visa to some of the countries that still suffer from it, such as Ecuador, despite the fact that almost 200,000 Ecuadorians live with us.

The first meeting of the new minister with the ambassadors in Madrid was with the diplomatic representatives of Latin America and discussed with them our framework of relations. Good sign and I hope that good start.

Ramón Jáuregui is president of the Euroamerica Foundation.

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Source: elparis

All news articles on 2020-03-05

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