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Corona virus already mutated: WHO warns of escalation - "no time for excuses"


Infections with the corona virus are increasing worldwide. There are now terrifying figures from China, and no relaxation is in sight yet. The WHO boss warns with drastic words.

Infections with the corona virus are increasing worldwide. There are now terrifying figures from China, and no relaxation is in sight yet. The WHO boss warns with drastic words.

  • The corona virus * Sars-CoV-2 is spreading in numerous countries.
  • China is particularly hard hit - infections are also on the increase in Iran and South Korea .
  • There are also new cases in the United States .

Corona virus: New figures from South Korea and China

Update of March 6, 2020, 8.22 a.m .: More and more Sars-CoV-2 infections are reported in South Korea. There are currently 6,248 cases. No country outside China has reported more cases of infection.

In China, the deaths from Covid-19 lung disease increased by 30 more people. So far, more than 3000 people in China have died from the pathogen. The number of new infections increased by 143 to 80,552 cases by Friday. However, according to official information, more than 53,000 patients have recovered and have been discharged.

Coronavirus - WHO warns of escalation

Update of March 5, 2020, 9:06 p.m .: The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that the corona epidemic can be brought under control. However, this calls for a deliberate and joint action by governments if the health authorities are to contain the fatal outbreak. Some states would not be pursuing this seriously enough at the moment and would therefore contribute to an escalation of the situation .

" This is not an exercise . This is not the time to give up. This is no time for excuses. This is a time to pull out all the stops. The countries have been planning such scenarios for decades. Now the time has come, ”said WHO chief Tedros on Thursday.

We're concerned that in some countries the level of political commitment & the actions that demonstrate that commitment don't match the level of the threat we all face. This is
NOT a drill
NOT the time to give up
NOT a time for excuses
This is a time for pulling out all the stops

- Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (@DrTedros) March 5, 2020

The corona virus has now also had an impact on the workings of the European Parliament in Brussels. And the German drugstore chains are also feeling the effects of the general excitement.

Coronavirus: Chinese scientists have already discovered the first virus mutations

Update of March 5, 2020, 4:05 p.m .: As studies by Chinese scientists have shown, the Sars-CoV-19 virus has already mutated. The Chinese experts were able to detect two different strands of the virus . A so-called L-type and an S-type of the novel coronavirus . The scientists assume that around 70 percent of those infected worldwide are affected by the L type, which is considered to be more aggressive. Accordingly, this developed from the older S-Type, but has since spread much faster.

These findings could be problematic with regard to a possible vaccine . This could only be developed for one of the two types, which makes research much more complicated. However, experts note that the mutation of a virus is normal and does not necessarily mean that the mutated virus poses a greater risk to humans.

Coronavirus - China is trying to prevent imported COVID-19 cases

Update of March 5, 2020, 2:52 p.m .: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the new coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 is registered in 79 countries. The increase in new infections is now greater outside of China than in the country of origin, said Lothar Wieler, President of the Berlin Robert Koch Institute on Thursday.

The Chinese authorities are now also alarmed about this. As CNN reports, several cities and provinces - including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong - announce a 14-day quarantine for overseas travelers. This is particularly strict for travelers from countries with severe coronavirus outbreaks such as Italy, Iran, South Korea and Japan.

Coronavirus: Bethlehem locked

Update of March 5, 2020, 1:40 p.m .: The world-famous Church of the Nativity in the Christian pilgrimage site closes eight suspected cases of the novel corona virus near Bethlehem in the West Bank on Thursday afternoon. From 4:00 p.m. (local time) the church will remain closed, the churches said. The Church of the Nativity stands in the place where, according to Christian tradition, Jesus Christ was born.

Coronavirus: Bad new numbers from China - Israel takes radical measures

Update 12.30 p.m .: Just a few hours after the strict entry stop for tourists from countries with hundreds of cases of infection, including Germany , the country imposes domestic quarantine on 100,000 Israelis.

Fearing Sars-CoV-2, the Israeli army canceled a joint exercise with more than 600 U.S. soldiers who had entered Germany and the United States on Wednesday. According to the Ministry of Health, the virus has now been detected in 15 people in Israel. No deaths have been recorded so far.

According to a decision by the Ministry of Health, travelers from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Spain can only enter if they can credibly assure that they can comply with a two-week domestic quarantine. This does not affect people who come to Israel with transit flights via these five countries. Tourists who are already in the country can continue their journey as long as they do not show any symptoms of illness. According to the Israeli Ministry of Tourism, around 15,000 Germans visited the Holy Land in January alone.

The virus also affects political developments. In the United States, Sars-CoV-2 is Trump's biggest opponent *, says Mike Schier, deputy editor-in-chief of Munich's Merkur.

Coronavirus: Bad new numbers from China - man suspects his wife and loses nerves

Update 11:53: Because of the corona virus, the theatrical release of the new "James Bond" film has now been postponed. The premiere was rescheduled for the third time. Fans have to be patient for several months, many of them criticize the decision.

Update 9.57 a.m .: The novel corona virus not only triggers uncertainty, but also real panic. This sometimes leads to criminal excesses. Now a man from Lithuania has locked his wife in the bathroom and refused to let her out after telling him that she was talking to someone who had returned from abroad. The woman had expressed the suspicion that she may have been infected with the Sars CoV-2 pathogen . As a result, her husband must have lost his nerve.

As the police report, there was no "violence or complaint" when the officers arrived to rescue the woman. An ambulance was nevertheless called. The test for the coronavirus much negative in women.

So far, there has only been one case of infection with the novel pathogen in Lithuania. It is a man who had previously been in northern Italy. Italy is the most severely affected country in Europe . More than a hundred people died there; there are more than 3,000 worldwide, most of them in China, the country of origin of the corona virus.


The new corona virus broke out in China in December 2019. Sars CoV-2 infections have increased worldwide.

© dpa / Lee Jin-Man

Coronavirus: Bad new numbers from China - California announces an emergency

Update of March 5, 2020, 9.22 a.m .: A further 31 people fell victim to the lung disease Covid-19 in China . As the Beijing Health Commission announced on Thursday, all new victims were registered in the particularly hard-hit province of Hubei, where the novel coronavirus had originally broken out in the metropolis of Wuhan. In addition, 139 newly confirmed infections with the pathogen were added. More than 3,000 people have died from the virus in mainland China so far. According to official information, 52 045 of a total of 80 409 people have been cured so far.

Update of March 5, 2020, 8:06 a.m .: Governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency on Thursday due to the corona virus in the US state of California . The decision was made just a few hours after the first death in California became known. "With 53 positive cases, this (virus) is no longer isolated in only part of our state," Newsom said.

The death was reported on Wednesday. The local health authority in Placer County said it was an older man who was probably infected in February on board the cruise ship "Princess" from San Francisco to Mexico. This brought the total number of deaths in the United States to eleven. To date, more than 100 Sars-CoV-2 infections have been confirmed in the United States. The western state of Washington is particularly affected.

The emergency declaration has advantages for the West Coast State. In an emergency, funds and other aids can be quickly mobilized. In California, natural disasters such as forest fires or earthquakes often call for an emergency to better coordinate emergency aid.

Corona virus worldwide: Terrifying numbers from China - 80,151 cases, but it could be much more

Update of March 4, 10:53 p.m .: There are now new cases in Ireland and France, where the number of infected people has risen to 285. Slovenia also reported the first coronavirus infected in the evening.

Update 8:58 p.m .: So far, more than 100 infections with Sars-CoV-2 have been confirmed in the USA. The western state of Washington is particularly affected. The local Ministry of Health confirmed Wednesday the 10th death from the illness. US Vice President Mike Pence, who heads the government's coronavirus task force, wanted to visit the state on Thursday.

Update 7:17 p.m .: Due to concerns about the spread of the corona virus , Israel has imposed new entry requirements: Tourists from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Spain are no longer allowed to enter, the Israeli radio reported on Wednesday.

Corona virus worldwide: Terrifying numbers from China - 80,151 cases, but it could be much more

Update 6:51 p.m .: In view of the spread of the novel corona virus, more and more countries are tightening their measures. Italy ordered all schools and universities to close on Wednesday until the middle of the month, while Saudi Arabia stopped all pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina. The federal government prohibited the export of protective masks and other protective equipment.

Russia also banned exports; in France, protective masks should only be issued on prescription. Meanwhile, two employees from Brussels' EU institutions became infected with the virus. China reported a decline in new infections for the third day in a row: the number grew by 119 to 80,200. The death toll rose by 38 to 2,981. Most of the fatalities outside of China were caused by the novel corona virus in Iran. According to the Tehran Ministry of Health, the number of deaths increased by 15 to 92 on Wednesday. The number of new infections rose accordingly by 586 to a total of 2922 cases.

Update 16:23: Eight other countries reported cases of infection with the Sars-CoV-2 , the so-called Coronavirus, on Wednesday: In Andorra, Jordan, Latvia, Morocco, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Senegal and Tunisia, cases of illness have now been recorded. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers the increase in the eastern Mediterranean region to be worrying. Tests for the virus and the associated knowledge for their evaluation would have to be provided as quickly as possible. In total, more than 93,000 infections were reported worldwide on Wednesday.

Outside of China , South Korea is hardest hit. 600 infections were newly detected there within 24 hours. The total number of people infected with the virus increases to 4,812 there. The majority of infections in South Korea continue to be recorded in the southeastern city of Daegu and the surrounding region. The largest cluster is among followers of the Christian sect Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which has connections to China.

Corona virus: Uncertainty about the number of cases in China - counting changed several times

China continues to report not only most coronavirus infections , but also the most deaths. The death toll increased by 31 to 2943 on Wednesday, the Beijing Health Commission reported. A total of 80,151 are currently closed. The number includes 125 new infections. But there is criticism especially against the statistical recording of new infections in China.

However, the true extent of the epidemic in China seems unclear, since the counting has been changed several times, which has a noticeable effect on official statistics. As the Chinese magazine Caixin reported, for example, people who have been shown to be infected but show no symptoms of the disease can no longer be counted as newly confirmed infections since the beginning of February, but can be listed elsewhere. Such people can also be contagious.

Clinical diagnoses have also been excluded. Since the DNA tests are often incorrect, the doctor only determines the infection based on the symptoms. The increase has decreased significantly since the new counting method. According to experts, the changes can also have an impact on statistical surveys such as the mortality rate. "It shows that it could be more common and more difficult to contain than what we think may be the most important component at the time," Caixin quoted Michael Mina of the Harvard School of Public Health.

Corona virus worldwide: Terrifying figures from China - dispute over toilet paper escalates - man pulls out knife

Update 12.15 p.m .: Concern about the new virus Sars-CoV-19 keeps the world in suspense. In many places, citizens are concerned and tend to buy hamsters . In the dispute over toilet paper, a man in Australia has now pulled out a knife and threatened another customer with it. Metro reports.

In a Woolworth supermarket in Sydney, Australia, a man and a woman had been fighting over the last pack of toilet paper when the man pulled out the knife. The store staff then called the police, who swarmed into the supermarket and surrounding area to prevent worse. A witness reported that the dispute could be heard from afar. When the man pulled the knife, the customers were suddenly panicking like mad. Fortunately, nobody was injured.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Jens Spahn made a government statement in Germany on coronavirus development - and made a grim forecast.

Corona virus worldwide: number of deaths in China is reaching alarming proportions - first infection on Amazon

Update 10:57: An employee of the global online retailer Amazon has now tested positive for the corona virus. The employee, who works at the company's headquarters in Seattle, USA, is already in quarantine, the dpa group informs on request. The employee felt uncomfortable last week, the Seattle Times and CNBC broadcaster reported. Those employees who were in close contact with the person concerned were already informed, the company said. The risk for the rest of the workforce is classified as low. At the same time, the online retail giant called on those employees who showed symptoms of an illness to also stay at home and get medical advice.

Amazon is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, DC, and employs more than 50,000 people in the region. Coronavirus-related nine deaths have been confirmed in the United States to date; there are more than a hundred infections nationwide. The area around Seattle is particularly affected.

Corona virus worldwide: the number of deaths in China is reaching alarming proportions

Update of March 4, 8:18 a.m .: In China, where the coronavirus was first detected, the number of deaths increased by another 38 people by Wednesday to almost 3,000 . The total number of officially registered contagions in mainland China since the epidemic started in December rose to more than 80,000 .

When entering China alone, the stricter controls and fever measurements have so far noticed 6,728 people with symptoms of illness, it said. 75 people from abroad are already infected.

50,000 of them have left the hospitals. However, experts assume a high number of unreported cases in China. In South Korea, infections rose again by 516 to 5328. The number of deaths increased by 4 to 32.

Coronavirus: First infections in Argentina and Chile

The novel coronavirus has been detected in patients for the first time in Argentina and Chile . In Buenos Aires, a man had been tested positive and is now under quarantine in a hospital, the Argentine Minister of Health Ginés González García said on Tuesday. The patient entered Italy on Sunday .

In Chile, an infection was detected by a 33-year-old doctor. The man had previously traveled through Southeast Asia for a month, including Singapore. The ministry of health in Santiago de Chile said that he was currently in a clinic but could soon go home and would be monitored there. Worldwide, more than 90,000 people have now been infected with the new corona virus.

Corona virus worldwide: number of deaths in China and the USA is increasing rapidly - Macron demands drastic measures

Update from 10:38 pm: As RTL reports, two Germans have been stuck in a luxury hotel in Abu Dhabi for a week. The reason: A few days ago there was a suspected corona case in the five-star hotel. The suspicion was not confirmed, the two Germans were also tested negatively. Nevertheless, the men are not allowed to leave. According to their own statements, along with 50 other Europeans, they are arbitrarily prevented from leaving.

At the same time, participants of an international cycling race stopped in their and another hotel. The members of the Cofidis cycling team report similar occurrences - they too would be held against their will. “When we meet someone from the hotel in the hallway, they run away. We are treated like plague victims, ” RTL team boss Thierry Vittu quotes.

Corona virus: first death in Spain

Update from 9:04 pm: In Spain there is the first coronavirus death, as a representative of the health authority in Valencia confirmed. As it became known on Tuesday evening, a 69-year-old man died on February 13 in Valencia in the east of the country from pneumonia of unknown origin. It should now be confirmed that the patient was infected with the Covid 19 pathogen. He is said to have previously been in Nepal, a neighboring country to China, where the virus first appeared.

The seventh death has already been reported in the United States.

Corona virus: first case in Argentina

Update 8:05 pm: For the first time in Argentina, the novel corona virus has been detected in one patient. The man arrived from Italy on Sunday, Health Minister Ginés González García said on Tuesday. The patient is now quarantined in a hospital in Buenos Aires . After Ecuador with seven cases and Brazil with two cases, Argentina is the third country in South America with confirmed infections with the pathogen Sars-CoV-2.

Update 5:55 p.m .: A high-ranking official in Iran has been infected with the corona virus. That reports the picture . It is the head of the national emergency services , Pirhossein Koliwand.

Coronavirus: There are 90,900 infections worldwide

Update 16:16: 90,900 coronavirus infections are currently known worldwide. This is reported by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Accordingly, people in 73 countries around the world have tested positive for the pathogen Sars-CoV-19. 80,280 of them in China alone. But: "The events are shifting somewhat away from China, and the rest of the world is increasingly affected," said RKI Vice President Lars Schaade in Berlin on Tuesday. Since Monday, 115 cases have officially been added in China , and 1,700 cases in the remaining 72 countries.

"Other cases, chains of infection and outbreaks in Germany must be expected." The danger for the population in Germany is currently rated as "moderate".

A case also became known on the Iberian peninsula of Gibraltar on Tuesday. A resident of the British overseas territory had been tested positive for the corona virus. He was recently in northern Italy. While Gibraltar has to deal with its first case, the corona virus is spreading massively in Iran . The number of dead and infected has risen sharply again. Eleven more people have died within 24 hours, the Iranian Ministry of Health said. The death toll is 77. According to official information, around 2336 people - 835 more than the previous day - were tested positive for the new coronavirus Sars-CoV-2. According to the picture, this includes the head of the Iranian emergency services. Pirhossein Kolivand has been tested positively, the emergency services told the Ilna news agency.

According to unconfirmed reports, 23 Iranian MPs are among the infected. One of Khamenei's advisors and one of the chiefs of the judiciary are said to have even died as a result of the virus. Many bank officials are said to have been victims of the virus.

Update 15:54: The massive spread of the Coron avirus leads to hamster purchases in the health sector. Infectious agents are sold out in most European drugstores. Mouthguards are also hardly available anymore. Providers have massively increased their prices for the masks - which is also putting pressure on European health systems. French President Emmanuel Macron now wants to confiscate such masks from the state. On Twitter, he called for all stocks and new masks to be made available to the healthcare system.

Nous réquisitionnons tous les stocks et la production de masques de protection. Nous les distribuerons aux professionnels de santé et aux Français atteints par le Coronavirus.

- Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) March 3, 2020

Corona virus worldwide: The number of deaths in China and the USA is now increasing rapidly - 600 newly infected people in South Korea

Update of March 3, 9:38 a.m .: The company Twitter is now also reacting to the risk of infection that the new corona virus from China brings with it. Worldwide management is gradually responding to the disease, which now seems to be spreading to an epidemic on the European continent. As a precaution, Twitter is now instructing its employees to initially work in the home office. Now Google decided to send its employees to their home office in Dublin for a day after they had flu-like symptoms.

The new restrictions on the branches of China's state media in the United States are somewhat unsavory. These burden the already tense relations between the two countries. The US State Department in Washington had a cap of 100 accredited employees for five Chinese press organs on Monday. According to US media reports, the procedure could result in up to 60 licensed Chinese having to leave the country. The US government is also considering tightening visas for Chinese journalists in the future, as a senior US official told journalists.

China's foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying condemned the ceiling in Beijing as "de facto expulsion" on Tuesday. "Another step towards political oppression and evidence of hypocrisy in the freedom of the press in the United States," wrote Hua Chunying on Twitter.


New York Stock Exchange

© picture alliance / dpa / Richard Drew

The new figures are also dramatic: The national health commission in Beijing reported another 31 deaths on Tuesday. This means that 2943 deaths from the new lung disease Covid-19 have been reported in mainland China. With a further increase in officially confirmed infections by 125, the number of virus cases increased to 80 151.

The number of Covid 19 infections in South Korea continues to rise. Health officials reported another 600 cases on Tuesday in which people contracted the pathogen of the lung disease. The total number reached 4,812. The number of deaths associated with the new corona virus increased by two to 28 compared to the previous day.

Better weather could weaken the virus. This is how the pathogens react to rising temperatures. Meanwhile, a virologist complains massively about the handling of the outbreak of the corona virus in Germany on the WDR special broadcast “Hart but fair”.

Update of March 2, 9:23 pm: The number of deaths in the United States has meanwhile increased to six. The German press agency said, citing nursing homes in the US state of Washington. There are now 43 people infected in the United States.

The first case in the metropolis of New York was also found. A woman was probably infected with the virus on a trip to Iran .

Corona virus reaches Africa: infections introduced from Europe

Update, 5.48 p.m .: The corona virus is now spreading to the African continent . The Algerian Ministry of Health reported two cases . A German woman (53) and her daughter (24) fell ill after housing a foreign man and his daughter who had tested positive for the virus on their return to France , the German press agency translated. Egypt , the most populous country in Africa, also reports a new infection .

It is worrying that the disease has recently reached sub-Saharan Africa . A first case was reported in Nigeria a few days ago. Here, too, the virus was brought in from Europe . An Italian who works in Lagos probably got infected on home leave.

Corona virus is spreading in the USA: Two deaths already - Terrifying figures from China

Update, 1:15 p.m .: In Iran , the death toll from the corona virus has risen to 66. As Vice Health Minister Aliresa Raisi announced, twelve more deaths have been reported since the previous day (1.3.). In addition, 523 new cases of infection were found. This means that 1501 people in Iran are now infected with the pathogen.

In no other country outside of China have so many people died of the coronavirus *. In China itself, over 80,000 people are now infected. As the Beijing Health Commission said, 202 new infections were added nationwide,

In Thailand there is now apparently also a first death from the corona virus *. A 35-year-old man died in a hospital. It is unclear whether Covid-19 is really the cause of death. The patient also suffered from dengue fever.

Corona virus is spreading in the USA: Two deaths already - Donald Trump with warning

New York - The corona virus has reached New York - Governor Andrew Cuomo has now announced the first case of infection. The patient is a woman in her late 30s.

The patient was probably infected on a trip to Iran . The governor said that she was currently in quarantine at home and was not seriously ill. The states of Florida and Rhode Island also reported first cases.

Coronavirus in USA: First infection in New York - Second death reported

The U.S. authorities had previously announced a second coronavirus * death . Both dead are residents of King County in the west coast state of Washington, which also includes the city of Seattle. The first death was a woman in her late 50s. She had a previous illness. The second dead man, an approximately 70-year-old man, also had previous illnesses. Both patients died in the Evergreen Health hospital in Kirkland, a suburb of Seattle. Three other seriously ill patients are currently being treated in the clinic .

As of Saturday, 69 confirmed coronavirus * traps were reported in the United States - most of them in California. The route of infection is unclear in several patients . They were not abroad and had no contact with other known infected people . This indicates that the virus is already spreading among the population. President Donald Trump believes that more deaths are likely. However, he warned of scaremongering .

Coronavirus: In addition to screening travelers “prior to boarding” from certain designated high risk countries, or areas within those countries, they will also be screened when they arrive in America. Thank you! @VP @SecAzar @CDCgov @CDCDirector

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 1, 2020

Coronavirus in China: The situation is likely to worsen - More and more infections also in Europe

In China, the situation continues to deteriorate. The city of Wuhan , which is considered the epicenter of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is particularly badly affected. Many people are also infected in Iran.

The Covid 19 pathogen * also spreads in Europe . While Italy is hardest hit and has already set up numerous restricted areas, the situation in Austria and Switzerland is also getting worse. More and more people are infected in Germany - the corona virus has now reached Berlin. A German prison is now apparently struggling with an outbreak of the corona virus - the site has been completely closed off.

The corona virus is now also burdening the economy. This is not only visible on the stock markets. BMW in Munich also has its first coronavirus case - the company announced a measure.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Rubric list picture: © dpa / Li He

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-06

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