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Local election 2020 in Ingolstadt: poll predicts runoff election for OB Lösel


OB Christian Lösel (CSU) sees a run-off election in a poll on the 2020 local elections in Ingolstadt. He stepped into several fat boxes before the election.

OB Christian Lösel (CSU) sees a run-off election in a poll on the 2020 local elections in Ingolstadt. He stepped into several fat boxes before the election.

  • According to a survey , only 33 percent of Ingolstadt's Christian Lösel would like to be OB, in 2014 he still had an absolute majority.
  • The incumbent mayor made several headlines in the run-up to the 2020 municipal election * .
  • At * you can find out the preliminary result of the election in Ingolstadt * and from all over Bavaria *.

Ingolstadt - Unpopular decisions can make sense in the long run. Before elections, however, politicians are more concerned than ever about not falling out of favor with citizens. Anders Ingolstadt's Mayor Christian Lösel.

The CSU politician has put his foot in it in the past few months. According to a poll prior to the 2020 local elections in Ingolstadt, Lösel now receives the receipt: Only 33 percent of Ingolstadt would vote him OB at the current status. Forsa found out for the Danube courier . The Berlin institute asked 500 citizens about their preferences.

2020 local election in Ingolstadt: Mayor Lösel sees poll in runoff election

With less than 50 percent of the votes, he would have to be in the runoff *. In the last municipal election, Lösel was still able to win an absolute majority with 52.6 percent in the first ballot and had moved directly into the town hall as the new boss. The fact that, according to the new municipal election poll from Ingolstadt, he is far from this result in 2020 is due to some mistakes made by the incumbent mayor.

At the last city ​​council meeting in 2019, the CSU (including Lösel) and free voters got together with the AfD . In terms of content, it was only about the application for a club home (which was rejected, since otherwise all clubs would have to be granted the right to a home in the center of the village, according to the AfD man), but the other groups fear normalization of cooperation with the Right-wing populists.

Eklat, led by OB Lösel, preceded the poll for the 2020 local elections in Ingolstadt

Losel caused another excitement in the election campaign *. A posting appeared on Facebook, which shows him shooting the shooting section in Ingolstadt. That is where Lösel aims with an air rifle. "Our OB shoots crowd (p) f" can be read in the text. The background: Christain Scharpf ( SPD ) is arguably the most promising challenger to Losel for the post of Mayor *. In the Forsa poll on local elections in Ingolstadt, he got 15 percent of the vote.

Although the post did not come from Lösel himself, but from CSU city councilor Hans Achhammer, the outrage was great. Scharpf himself also took a stand: "At a time when local politicians are being attacked, politicians are being physically attacked, regional politicians like Walter Lübcke, President of Kassel, are even being murdered, I have to say, the fun stops," wrote the social democrat on facebook .

2020 local elections: Mayors and city councils throughout Bavaria are newly elected

The fact that the faux pas took place on the Holocaust Memorial Day gives the matter an additional bitter aftertaste. Although Achhammer deleted the post and apologized from everyone, the damage was already done. Lösel is at least as much a victim of the cause as Achhammer, whose post is also up for grabs in the local elections. Because the city council is newly elected in Ingolstadt *. will keep you informed on the evening of the election whether Christian Lösel can defend his office again *. And also in Munich the acting mayor Dieter Reiter has to face his challengers *. The campaign is fueled not only by politics, but also by the spread of the corona virus. One party has already announced the consequences *. Find out what else is going on in the Free State in the run-up to the election in the Bayern ticker *.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-11

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