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Coronavirus: Marine Le Pen denounces the “amateurism” of Emmanuel Macron


The president of the National Rally declares to the Parisien-today in France not to have been convinced by the speech of the head of the E

After the speech of Emmanuel Macron, who praised the welfare state this Thursday, March 12 in his television intervention on the coronavirus crisis, the president of the National Rally Marine Le Pen denounces, in an interview with Parisien - Today in France, an “absence of anticipation” and a “form of amateurism”.

What did you think of the President of the Republic's speech on the coronavirus crisis?

MARINE LE PEN. I can only rejoice that we are coming out of the period of trivialization of the virus. Better late than never, but it reflects a lack of anticipation, a form of amateurism. I also observed a lot of ideology on the borders and an embarrassment of the President of the Republic on this subject. On the one hand, he recalls his religion by saying that borders are useless, but he recognizes that it will still be necessary to close them. It's still an incredible challenge! Are you done with ultra-liberalism, all-out relocations? We will learn from it when the time comes…

But his speech in protectionist tones should make you happy…

I am delighted. Still it has to hold, I am wary of these moments of passion ... Unfortunately, I do not think he is convinced. It is a speech that responds to a specific situation. When Emmanuel Macron says that everything cannot be subject to the laws of the market, he pays true homage to those who were at odds with his thinking. He sees a model collapse before his eyes. We come back to the Nation, as we can see, each has taken over the reins of its own country.

The President of the Republic made specific announcements on the closure of schools, the winter break, partial unemployment ... What do you think?

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These announcements are a step in the right direction. But there are a few that I have been waiting for, such as the suspension of unemployment insurance reform. What about the deficit in the number of masks intended for health professionals? What about the number of limited tests against coronavirus? I posed these questions to the Prime Minister on Thursday morning but received no response.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-03-12

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