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Coronavirus: Spahn and Merkel have a grim prognosis - and appeal to all Germans


The Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 keeps Germany in suspense. Health Minister Jens Spahn now made a somber forecast - and appeals to all citizens.

The Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 keeps Germany in suspense. Health Minister Jens Spahn now made a somber forecast - and appeals to all citizens.

  • Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn advises against traveling to and in NRW because of the corona virus * in Germany.
  • At the EU level, Spahn (CDU) is under pressure due to its comments on the export restriction of protective clothing .
  • Spahn now appeals to all Germans.

Update of March 11, 1:29 pm: In a joint press conference by Angela Merkel (CDU) , Jens Spahn (CDU) and RKI President Lothar Wieler , all those involved urged prudence. You have to do without a bit of everyday life "to protect yourself and to protect others", says Jens Spahn. He was grateful to companies moving to home offices and also welcomed the cancellation of larger events. Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Minister for Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier (CDU) want to announce next Friday whether and how financial aid for the economy can be increased. The press conference was Merkel's first statement on the corona crisis.

Update of March 10, 6:39 am: In the fight against a further spread of the corona virus, Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) has asked the Germans to act in solidarity. "We will deal with this situation. If we all help, stick together and trust each other even under stress, "he wrote in a guest post in the picture published late Monday evening, adding:" It works. And it works best together . ”The epidemic has not yet reached its peak. "We expect a further increase in infections," wrote Spahn: " There will be further restrictions in our everyday life ."

A new coronavirus card, which was developed in Germany, now shows current case numbers. Merkur editor Christian Deutschländer asks why Angela Merkel has not commented on the coronavirus fight for a very long time *.

Corona virus: Jens Spahn appeals to Germans - and gives grim prognosis

Spahn wrote that the corona virus is a major challenge "for us as a whole society". The virus will change everyday life. "The fewer people who get infected at the same time, the better our healthcare system can handle it," wrote Spahn. Older and chronically ill people in particular are dependent on a sufficient number of available intensive care beds. "The primary goal is to slow the outbreak ."

One thing is clear: the safety of everyone comes first - including economic interests. But restricting public life is not an easy decision. The public is part of democracy. "It should stay that way. So we have to be careful and prudent. "

He sees skeptical school closings across the board. "Because parents then have to look after their children and can no longer work in the hospital."

Coronavirus: Spahn calls for new institute - "The European epidemic authority is much too small ..."

Update from March 8, 10.20 a.m .: Germany has so far been reluctant to cancel major events compared to other countries. The Bundesliga match between Mönchengladbach and Dortmund in the area heavily affected by Sars-CoV-2 in NRW also took place on Saturday yesterday as planned.

According to Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU), there will be increased rejections in the future. "Safety first. Therefore, even more major events will have to be canceled, ”said the CDU politician. This would have major economic consequences, especially for smaller companies, craftsmen or service providers, which would have to be intercepted by the federal government.

Safety first. Therefore, even more major events will have to be canceled. This has major economic consequences, especially for smaller businesses, for craftsmen, restaurateurs or service providers. Therefore, we should think about targeted and swift help.

- Jens Spahn (@jensspahn) March 8, 2020

Coronavirus: Jens Spahn advocates a larger disease agency

Update of March 8 : Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) calls for a European institution based on the model of the German Robert Koch Institute. "The European epidemic authority ECDC is far too small to be able to accompany epidemics like these properly," said Spahn der Bild am Sonntag. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control must "get a larger budget and more options for action".

For Germany, Spahn also plans to introduce a reporting requirement for all corona tests. So far, this only applied to tests in which the corona virus was detected, the minister explained. In the future, however, negative test results should also be reported in order to better assess the situation. Dealing with the consequences of the new corona virus for the economy is the subject of a crisis summit in the Chancellery.

Corona virus: fight for protective clothing - Spahn comes under pressure because of export ban

Update from March 7, 12.47 p.m .: Europe's borders should remain open - despite the rapid increase in infections with the new corona virus , Sars-CoV-2. Health Minister Jens Spahn remains convinced of this. Nevertheless, the CDU politician has called on German citizens to refrain from unnecessary trips to heavily affected areas. In addition to regions in Italy, such as South Tyrol, this also includes North Rhine-Westphalia. So far, the federal state has been the most affected in Germany in terms of the absolute number of cases of infection.

The region reacted with ignorance to South Tyrol's classification as a risk area in Germany. According to a spokeswoman for the governor Arno Kompscher, South Tyrol has so far registered only two cases of infection. In the meantime, the Vatican has also reported a first coronavirus case.

EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides said that the number of cases is expected to rise rapidly in the EU countries in the coming weeks. This will be a test for health systems in the EU. She appealed to the citizens to observe hygiene measures.

Spahn came under considerable pressure at the meeting of EU health ministers because he announced German export restrictions for protective clothing on Wednesday. EU crisis commissioner Janez Lenarcic said that export restrictions are possible in exceptional cases in the internal market. But it would be un-European to close your own market. Solidarity is required in the EU. Spahn countered, so far the distribution has not worked: the protective clothing currently only goes where the highest prices would be paid. Exports from Germany are not prohibited, but must be approved individually.

He asked the EU Commission to put an export ban on third countries into force, said Spahn. "We can shut down national measures if there is a European Union measure."

Coronavirus: Health Minister Spahn considers travel restrictions to be exaggerated

Update of March 6, 11:24 a.m .: Within a few days, the number of infections with the new corona virus , Sars-CoV-2, rose to more than 500 in Germany . EU-wide to 4200. Nevertheless, Health Minister Jens Spahn considers the travel restrictions within the EU to be exaggerated. "I still find any measure that leads to the restriction of travel across the border, in view of what we know about the virus status, not appropriate," said the CDU politician on Friday before a special EU meeting in Brussels. "And if we had a consensus there today, I would find it an important signal."

The health ministers of the 27 EU countries met for the second time in three weeks to coordinate their measures against the new disease Covid-19. The situation has changed dynamically since then, Spahn said. At the time, the aim was to keep the epidemic that broke out in China away from the EU. This was also done for some time. Now the wave of diseases has arrived in Europe. "Now it's all about containing that together," said Spahn.

However, the handling of the new disease is quite different within the individual EU countries. Italy has closed all educational institutions. Such a measure is largely rejected in Germany.

The EU itself has hardly any competencies in health policy, that is a matter for the member states.

Spahn's government statement on the corona virus: "The climax has not yet been reached"

Update of March 4, 1:55 pm: Amira Mohamed Ali, leader of the Left , says at the lectern: "Panic is completely inappropriate." But: from their point of view, one should have stocked up earlier - because there are already bottlenecks in health care. Her central demands: The health system belongs to the public sector, politics must offer concrete aids for employees .

Update 13:53: The deputy chairman of the Union faction , Georg Nüßlein , points out the special role of the media - one should not unsettle people. He also speaks to Jens Spahn directly: "We have to give the health authorities more responsibility and think about hygiene locks in hospitals." What concerns him is the question of where the raw materials of the medicines come from - cost advantages from outsourcing production in other countries are also detrimental to the environment. The corona crisis indicates such deficits that must now be addressed.

Government declaration on Corona: Christian Lindner (FDP) calls crisis management team for business

Update 1:48 p.m .: The next speaker is Bärbel Bas, the deputy parliamentary group leader of the SPD. There are pandemic plans - people who try to contain the corona virus should not be accused of negligent bodily harm. "It is now important that we protect the medical staff , for this we have the export stop for protective clothing. I can only ask everyone to stay calm and to act with researchers in a targeted manner. We have not solved all construction sites, ”she says and - unlike Jens Spahn - she also sees weaknesses in federalism. “We have implemented everything we know so far well. I think we are well positioned. "

Then Christian Lindner , chairman of the FDP faction, steps up to the lectern. “We are sometimes considered a risk country ourselves. That shows how quickly the situation is changing. ”But he also says:“ We welcome the clarity, prudence and transparency with which the Federal Government deals with this uncertainty. ”Parliament had to work together, apart from small-party disputes, the medical staff did not need any Fire. Christian Lindner draws attention to the economic risks and calls for a crisis team to be set up by the economics ministers . “As an export nation, we are particularly vulnerable. We expect a package of measures that also includes fiscal relief such as special depreciation ”. He also demands that the possibilities of short-time work be made more flexible again.

Government declaration on Corona: Health Minister Jens Spahn speaks in the Bundestag

Update 1:37 pm: Following the government statement , representatives of the parties present speak. It starts with Alice Weidel (AfD). It accuses the government of jeopardizing the lives of citizens through confusion of competences and late action. It calls for the expansion of treatment capacities, protective measures for vulnerable population groups and systematic entry controls at the borders. In return, she receives applause from her faction - but a lot of protests from other factions. "I don't see a strategy, wake up," she said at the end of her speaking time.

First report from March 4, 2020:

Berlin - Angela Merkel sat next to Horst Seehofer on the government bench: Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn spoke on Wednesday afternoon about current developments regarding the corona virus in Germany *. Experts expected that he would also comment on what was to come in the economy .

"We work every day to cope well with the situation together," said Spahn at the beginning of his government statement on the corona virus *. The actors involved would be under great pressure - but Germany could still rely on experts who are among the best in the world. He admits that not everything is going optimally, such as the tests.

There are already restrictions on everyday life. The principle always applies that the security of the population takes precedence - also before economic interests, according to the Minister of Health .

Jens Spahn on the corona virus in Germany: This is what a possible next stage can look like

"I also want to say frankly what a possible next stage could look like," Spahn then continued. The focus in relation to the coronavirus * will be on people who are more seriously ill. The vast majority of people are then asked to cure themselves at home. "This will lead to stress in the system," Spahn continued, "you cannot say when the point will come, but it is important to me to say what can come."

"There will be restrictions in everyday life in the affected regions," said Spahn. This would allow further daycare centers to be closed and major events to be canceled.

Corona virus in Germany: Jens Spahn - "As a society, the situation is a major challenge"

“Fear can be a greater danger than illness. The pictures from China are disturbing. Fear and worry are a deeply human reaction. Yes, we have little experience with the virus - but as a society we have experience with dangers, ”continues Spahn.

“My goal is to empower people, not to alarm them. Punish those who spread fear and hoax with disregard. ”Spahn urged the citizens to keep a cool head.

"Working together is one of the greatest strengths of democracy ," Spahn continued. "The federal government and the federal states take all measures that make sense." In times like these, the federal state could show its strengths - because the local authorities could make decisions.

Jens Spahn on Sars-CoV-19 in Germany: "Every citizen can contribute"

"There is also good news," Spahn continued, considering the chronology of the virus *: the number of registered recovered patients worldwide is higher than the number of newly infected people in the past two weeks.

kat / nai

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Former Minister of Labor Norbert Blüm is paralyzed on his arms and legs - he feels "like a puppet"

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Wolfgang Kumm

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-12

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