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Coronavirus: what to remember from Emmanuel Macron's speech


In an attempt to limit the spread of Covid-19, the head of state notably announced the closure of schools.

No postponement of municipal and inter-municipal elections. But firm measures in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. After consulting the main political leaders of the country, as well as most of the health and scientific authorities, Emmanuel Macron spoke during a televised address, delivered this Thursday evening live from the Élysée Palace. He detailed the national system to limit the spread of Covid-19, of which France is the second European focus after Italy, with more than 2,200 confirmed cases.

LIVE - Coronavirus: more than 1,000 people died in Italy

● "The most serious health crisis" in France "for a century"

While France has 2,281 confirmed cases, 48 ​​people have died. According to Emmanuel Macron, this is " the most serious health crisis in a century ". In total, the virus has infected more than 130,000 people worldwide since its appearance in late December in China, according to a count by Agence France-Presse.

● No postponement of municipal elections

The head of state has not announced a postponement of the municipal and inter-municipal elections, scheduled for March 15 and 22. After consulting Richard Ferrand and Gérard Larcher, the presidents of the National Assembly and the Senate, he thus confirms the government's objective: to ensure "democratic continuity" .

Read also: Coronavirus: assessment, symptoms, treatment ... All the answers to your questions about the Covid-19 epidemic

● Nurseries, schools, colleges, high schools and universities closed "from Monday and until further notice"

" As of Monday, and until further notice, nurseries, schools, schools, colleges, high schools and universities will be closed, " said Emmanuel Macron. This represents 62,000 establishments, and more than 12 million young people. Until then, the only French region to have implemented such a measure is Corsica, Thursday, until March 29.

Read also: Coronavirus: is France following the same epidemic trajectory as Italy?

● Those over 70 and the most vulnerable are encouraged to stay at home

" I ask tonight all people over the age of 70, those who suffer from chronic diseases, respiratory problems, or are disabled, to stay as much as possible at home, " urged Emmanuel Macron.

● Transport remains open, but the French must limit their journeys "to what is strictly necessary"

After announcing that public transport would remain open, Emmanuel Macron asked the French to limit their trips " to the bare minimum ".

Read also: Coronavirus: why the situation is extremely worrying

● “All the necessary means” for health will be deployed “whatever the cost”

After having praised the French healthcare system, which according to him has the best experts in the world, Emmanuel Macron assured that " all the necessary means " for the health of citizens would be deployed, and this " whatever it costs ".

● “exceptional and massive” partial unemployment measures

Aware that the economy was almost paralyzed by the health crisis, especially the tourism and hotel sectors, Emmanuel Macron undertook to put in place "exceptional and massive" measures of partial unemployment. He undertook that the State would " fully cover " the compensation of certain employees.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2020-03-12

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