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Coronavirus: Jens Spahn recommends returning travelers to stay at home - Donald Trump declares an emergency


So that travelers do not spread the corona virus, some should isolate themselves. Donald Trump probably wants to take a test.

So that travelers do not spread the corona virus, some should isolate themselves. Donald Trump probably wants to take a test.

  • So far, nine Germans have died of Covid-19 lung disease, one of them in Egypt
  • Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 *: Number of deaths on Covid-19 over 5000 worldwide
  • Europe becomes “epicenter” - Donald Trump declares an emergency

Update from March 14th, 2020, 6.45am: In the United States, the government and opposition have agreed on an aid package in the fight against the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . The House of Representatives voted with a large majority for a legislative package that, among other things, should enable free virus tests. The law still has to be passed by the Senate.

Given the rapid spread of the novel corona virus in the United States, the most important thing now is "test, test, test," said opposition leader Nancy Pelosi after reaching an agreement with the government. The aid package should therefore also enable people without health insurance to be tested free of charge. It is also designed to ensure continued sick pay, strengthen unemployment insurance and provide more money for the Medicaid state health system and free school lunches.

In the United States, at least 47 people have now died of Covid-19, a lung disease caused by the virus. AFP reports that more than 2,000 infections have been officially registered. However, the actual number of infected people is likely to be significantly higher. Because of the lack of testing, few people have been tested in the United States compared to other countries.

Coronavirus pandemic: Robert Koch Institute also classifies Madrid and Tyrol as risk areas

Due to the spread of the novel corona virus, the Robert Koch Institute has now declared the Spanish capital Madrid and the Austrian state of Tyrol to be risk areas. The RKI added to its list of international risk areas, which already included Italy, Iran, the province of Hubei in China, the province of North Gyeongsang in South Korea and the Grand Est region in France.

Federal Minister of Health Spahn, meanwhile, recommended that all travelers who have been to Italy, Austria or Switzerland in the past two weeks stay at home for two weeks - even if they have no symptoms.

If you have been in #Italy, #Switzerland or #Austria within the last 14 days: Avoid unnecessary contacts and stay at home for 2 weeks - regardless of whether you have symptoms or not.

- Jens Spahn (@jensspahn) March 13, 2020

In the meantime, Uruguay has closed its borders for travelers from Germany and other "risk countries" because of the coronavirus pandemic. President Luis Lacalle Pou announced that he would quarantine travelers from nine "high-risk countries" for two weeks. According to Minister of Health Daniel Salinas, travelers from China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Iran, Italy, Spain, France and Germany are affected.

New Zealand cancels commemoration of the first anniversary of the Christchurch attack

In New Zealand , the central commemoration of the first anniversary of the attack on two mosques in Christchurch has been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the cancellation made her very sad. The memory of the “terrible tragedy” should not lead to “further damage”. Therefore, her government made a "pragmatic decision" and canceled the memorial service. On March 15, 2019, an Australian right-wing extremist shot 51 people in two mosques in Christchurch. The government of New Zealand wanted to commemorate the victims on Sunday with a central commemoration.

UK local elections are postponed due to coronavirus

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, UK local elections scheduled for early May are postponed by a year. A corresponding law will be introduced, said a government spokesman in London. The British election commission had previously called for the election to be postponed because the spread of the corona virus would affect the election campaign and prevent many voters from voting. A new mayor was also to be elected in London on May 7th. Incumbent Sadiq Khan wanted to apply for another four-year term.

Corona virus: Donald Trump is likely to undergo a corona virus test

Update from 13.03.2020, 10:26 p.m .: The US President Donald Trump now wants to "probably" undergo a coronavirus test. He could do such a test "very soon," he said. Trump again emphasized that he had no symptoms of illness.

Trump had come into contact with one of Brazil's leaders, Jair Bolsonaro, at a meeting a few days earlier , when the coronavirus was later detected. So far, the White House has said Trump's test is not necessary.

In the meantime, France reports almost 800 further cases of infection with the corona virus. The French minister of health, Olivier Véran, announced that the number of people infected had increased to a total of 3661 cases. 18 patients died within one day of the lung disease Covid-19 caused by the virus. This increased the death toll in France to a total of 79. In the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Thursday the closure of all schools, colleges and daycare centers in the country - several German states followed suit on Friday.

Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2: Donald Trump declares national emergency for the United States

First announcement from 13.03.2020, 9.01 p.m .: US President Donald Trump has declared a national emergency in front of the White House in Washington. Trump wants to release $ 50 billion to fight the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . "We will overcome the corona virus threat," Trump said on Friday afternoon (March 13, 2020, local time). Trump promised that up to half a million coronavirus tests will be made available in the US next week, with millions more to follow.

Significant US CEOs stood on stage behind US President Donald Trump and one after the other joined his statement on the microphone. What is striking is that Donald Trump shakes everyone's hands despite the danger of the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus - and thus violates the hygiene instructions in times of the corona crisis. "Wash your hands, use your common sense," said US Vice President Mike Pence in his speech.

I notice that @POTUS #Trump has shaken the hands of every single person brought to the podium - wish he had been elbow-bumping rather than displaying # COVID19 risky hand / hand contact.

- Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) March 13, 2020

The national emergency gives the US government the power to redistribute funds more freely to state and local governments in times of crisis. The president empowers local authorities to take their own civil protection measures because of the Coronavirus outbreak of the Stafford Act, which came into force in 1988. The last time Donald Trump declared a national emergency was in February 2019 when the US president wanted to fund his border wall.

Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2: US President Donald Trump declares a national emergency

US President Donald Trump had already spoken on Wednesday (March 11, 2020) in a television speech about the coronavirus crisis. The appearance was sharply criticized. Trump, without consultation with the EU, announced a one-month entry ban for travelers from Europe, which will enter into force on the night of Saturday (March 14, 2020).

I will be having a news conference today at 3:00 PM, The White House. Topic: CoronaVirus!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 13, 2020

The US president also incorrectly announced an import freeze for goods from Europe and had to row back a short time later. There was also criticism for the fact that he called the corona virus a “foreign” or “foreign” virus. Trump's crisis management is criticized anyway. For a long time, the president had belittled the threat posed by the virus to the United States.

There are now more than 1,700 confirmed cases of infection and around 40 deaths in the United States. The actual number of infections is likely to be significantly higher. However, there is a lack of corona virus tests - one of the most important criticisms of the US government.

❗️If you have been in or within the past 14 days: Avoid unnecessary contacts and stay at home for 2 weeks whether you have symptoms or not.
Please share this information with your friends and acquaintances. # CoronaVirusDE

- BMG (@BMG_Bund) March 13, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has a firm grip on the world

The coronavirus pandemic meanwhile has a firm grip on the world. More and more countries, especially in Europe, which the WHO has declared the "epicenter of the Covid-19 pandemic" have decided to take drastic measures to at least slow the spread of Sars-CoV-2 . Switzerland has declared a state of emergency, the Czech Republic has closed the borders to Germany . Denmark and Poland also close their borders. The number of infected people in Spain is increasing rapidly - the country declared an emergency on Friday. France and Belgium have also decided to take drastic measures. Turkey continues to restrict air traffic. More information can be found here.


Corona pandemic: European public life is coming to a standstill.

© Bart MAAT / ANP / AFP

Coronavirus pandemic: death toll is increasing rapidly

Italy was particularly badly hit. The whole country stands still, life for 60 million people has been massively restricted. On Friday (March 13th, 2020), well over 1,000 people died of the disease Covid-19 , which can be triggered by the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. More than 15,000 people have been infected.

Today, March 10th, new or updated on the #RKI # Covid19 page:

Advice on the prevention and management of diseases in old people's homes and nursing homes

Facts about pathogen # SARSCoV2 and disease Covid-19

Risk areas

FAQhttps: //

- Robert Koch Institute (@rki_de) March 10, 2020

Germany is preparing for a wave of infections with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. The Saarland, Berlin and Bavaria decided on Friday mornings to close daycare centers and schools from Monday until the Easter holidays, followed by Hesse *. The government is also prohibited from visiting retirement and nursing homes in Bavaria, as the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said.

Coronavirus pandemic: Angela Merkel's appeal

On Thursday evening (March 12, 2020), German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) made an urgent appeal to the public. In the next few weeks, people will forego all social contacts to curb the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. "This is an appeal to everyone," said Merkel. So far, six people in Germany have died of Covid-19 (as of Friday, March 13, 2020, 9.30 a.m.).

Hospitals should be kept free for coronavirus patients, and operations that can be planned will be postponed. As far as medically justifiable, this should apply from Monday and for an indefinite period, according to a decision by the Federal Government and the Prime Ministers of the federal states.

Coronavirus pandemic: Public life is slowly coming to a standstill

Major events are being canceled across Europe, and public life has largely come to a standstill. Smaller venues such as cinemas and theaters are also closed there.

In the fight against the coronavirus crisis, President Emmanuel Macron has announced the closure of all schools, colleges and daycare centers in France. This instruction applies from Monday "until further notice," Macron said in a television speech to the nation. The Coronavirus pandemic is the “worst health crisis that France has experienced in a century,” said the head of state.

USA waived 30-day entry ban from Europe due to corona virus #Eilmeldung

- Tagesschau (@tagesschau) March 12, 2020

On Wednesday (March 11, 2020) the US President closed the borders for Europeans. This regulation should initially apply for 30 days.

Coronavirus pandemic: Disneyland is closing in the USA

The measures are necessary to protect "health and well-being" of US citizens, Trump said. He accused the EU of not responding sufficiently to the spread of Sars-CoV-2. The European Union failed to impose a general entry ban on travelers from China after the virus broke out. The pandemic had started in China.

The popular Disneyland amusement park in California has been closed since Thursday (13.03.2020).

* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Rubric list picture: © picture alliance / dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-14

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