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Radical Coronavirus measures: All schools close from Monday - Söder announces ban on visits


The corona virus continues to dominate the headlines. Some students have already been infected. Bavaria closes all schools on Monday. The government announces further radical measures.

The corona virus continues to dominate the headlines. Some students have already been infected. Bavaria closes all schools on Monday. The government announces further radical measures.

  • The corona virus continues to dominate the headlines.
  • There are dozens of new infections in Bavaria too.
  • All schools in Bavaria are scheduled to close on Monday. The press conference here in the ticker.

Update, March 14, 9:50 a.m .: After the decision to close all schools in Bavaria , the Free State wants to help the bus companies affected by this. Since the radical measures will also bring all school bus traffic to a standstill, advance payments for 2020 would be brought forward, said Minister of Transport Kerstin Schreyer ( CSU ).

Bus companies receive these installments to make time tickets cheaper for schoolchildren and trainees. According to Schreyer, the total for Bavaria is around 35 million euros. Actually, the payment is only due in July.

CSU boss Markus Söder is the driver of the coronavirus crisis * - Munich's Merkur editor-in-chief Georg Anastasiadis wrote in a comment. His current actions could even bring him the chancellorship.

Radical Coronavirus measures: All schools close from Monday - Söder announces ban on visits

2.30 p.m .: With a view to the school closings, the Bavarian Parents Association (BEV) warns of childcare problems in Bavaria. Martin Löwe , state chairman of the BEV, says: "Where should you get a reliable, non-infected, reliable" babysitter "for every household with schoolchildren?"

Grandparents, as particularly vulnerable people, would not be considered as watchdogs. In view of this, Markus Söder also stressed not to send the children to the grandparents (we reported).

It is now a question of the creativity of every individual and of the state, so as not to burden the already tense situation of many companies even more. "Everyone will have to give up somewhere," said the vice chair, Henrike Paede , on Friday to the German Press Agency. Basically, the association welcomes the school closings. "This is the right measure to minimize the risk of infection and fear."

The Bavarian Ministry of Culture has meanwhile put together the most important information for schoolchildren, parents and teachers about the closure of schools . It also says that emergency care is guaranteed for children in grades 1-6.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Abitur exams should take place

10.45 a.m .: Addendum to the Abitur exams in Bavaria despite Coronavirus: Abitur exams take place from April 30: He also ensures fair conditions. Two models are now being discussed:

a) A later examination date, then without Germany-wide comparison tasks

b) A regular start, but then with an extensive follow-up appointment for those who don't start on April 30th. The Ministry of Culture is currently working on further Abitur tasks.

Piazolo: Students should have something to do at school at home. Guarantees fair conditions for final exams without becoming specific.

- Dirk Walter (@dwmerkur) March 13, 2020

9.55 a.m .: The press conference has ended. All decisions here for reading.

9:36: Now Health Minister Melanie Huml speaks. Visits to retirement and nursing homes and hospitals are prohibited . Especially for visitors who were previously in risk areas. But also wherever it is not absolutely necessary. The rule is one visitor per day, one hour per patient. There are exceptions. In children as patients or when a patient is in the process of dying.

Corona virus in Bavaria - The same applies to daycare centers: entry is prohibited from Monday

9:31 am : Minister of Social Affairs Carolina Trauter confirms the regulation. All daycare centers and kindergartens remain closed. The rule also applies here. For parents who work at THW as rescue workers etc. and who are available as the only caregiver, there are also emergency groups. However, the minister appeals to find other solutions. For example, with the help of friends and neighbors.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Students should be provided with tasks at home

9:29 am: For everyone else, Piazolo makes it clear: "There is no class at home." It should be ensured that the students have something to do at home. But there are no tests.

Corona virus in Bavaria: teachers have to keep working

9.25 a.m .: For parents with critical professions, care is provided for classes 1 - 6 . If the parent is the only caregiver available. Critical professions are, for example, doctors, police officers or the like.

9.22 a.m .: Minister of Culture Piazolo speaks now. He emphasizes: "It is not a vacation." There are no lessons. But teachers are still on duty

9.20 a.m .: Söder recommends to cancel all events of 100 people and more.

9.21 a.m .: Söder wants to do everything to prevent the Bavarian economy from crashing. Söder: "We don't leave anyone alone. It's the biggest test for our country in 50, maybe 70 years. ”

9.18 a.m .: The hospitals will change their operations. All non-acute surgeries are postponed so that there is space for additional intensive care beds.

9.17 a.m .: Söder: The local election in Bavaria will take place. There is an absentee ballot for the runoff. Anyone who is entitled to run the ballot will receive the documents.

By the way: reprimand for a Munich tabloid (not tz), which today headlines with the closure of all restaurants. Söder: irresponsible, absolute duck.

- Dirk Walter (@dwmerkur) March 13, 2020

9.17 a.m .: The government does not want to close bars and restaurants. Different reports are wrong.

9.15 a.m .: The state government will also drastically restrict the right to visit hospitals and nursing homes. Söder asks: "Do not send children to the grandparents now." The older population must above all be protected.

9.13 a.m .: Söder officially orders: All schools, kindergartens and day-care centers in Bavaria will be closed on Monday (March 16) until the end of the Easter holidays. The Minister of Culture will soon speak about emergency care measures.

9:11: Söder speaks first - and that is a major challenge. Since there are no medications, no vaccinations against the coronavirus, Söder wants to act to avoid further spread.

9.09 a.m .: At the PK, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder, Culinary Minister Michael Piazolo and others speak.

9.02 a.m .: The PK about the school closings in Bavaria from Monday (March 16) due to the corona virus is delayed by a few minutes. As soon as it starts, here in the ticker and above in the live stream .

8.47 a.m .: The PK for the school closings should start punctually at 9 a.m. We report live here.

8.31 a.m .: The press conference with Prime Minister Söder will begin shortly. We report live here.

Livestream video: Bavaria closes all schools, kindergartens and daycare centers

BR livestream: Prime Minister Söder speaks live at the press conference about planned measures for the Corona crisis.

Update of March 13, 2020: Due to the coronavirus crisis, Bavaria will close all schools starting Monday. All kindergartens , schools and day-care centers will be closed by the beginning of the Easter holidays on April 6, as the German Press Agency learned from government circles on Friday. In fact, the educational institutions in Bavaria are closed until April 20. The state government wants to announce details of the procedure on Friday (9:00 a.m.) at a press conference in Munich.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Large-scale school closings are imminent - Söder talks about high school plans

Update, 3:25 p.m .: Parents in Bavaria have to prepare for large-scale school closings next week. Prime Minister Markus Söder ( CSU ) has asked the Ministry of Health and Culture internally to immediately develop a plan for digital distance learning, early Easter holidays and emergency care at schools. On Friday morning (March 13th) he wants to announce his decision officially.

"I do not rule out school closures for Bavaria ," confirmed Söder on the sidelines of the Ministerial Conference in Berlin. The trend is clearly going. Daycare centers should also close regionally. Despite resistance from several countries, Bavaria wants to go it alone if necessary. “We are more affected. I am afraid that we have to make decisions faster and more clearly. We cannot duck away on the subject, ”said Söder.

However, he announced that the Abitur 2020 should take place in any case. "We will do it," says the Ministry of Culture about the closure plans. Teachers should continue to send tasks and documents to the pupils via the "Mebis" system. The Greens parliamentary group leader Katharina Schulze called the plans "right". According to information from the Merkur editors, there are internal CSU mind games to start the summer vacation in Bavaria a little later in order to make up for missed lessons . This has not been officially confirmed.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: More than 100 Schools Closed - A Nationwide Decision Soon?

Update, 3:05 p.m .: Are there any country-wide school closings in Bavaria ? It should be decided by Friday morning (March 13th). Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) announced this after the premier conference in Berlin. "I do not rule out that we will have school closings," he said. A solution would also have to be found for kindergartens and after-school care centers in the Free State.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: More than 100 schools closed

Update, 1.35 p.m .: More than 100 schools in Bavaria are now completely closed. Last Tuesday (March 10th) there were around 50 closed facilities. There are around 6,000 schools in total in the Free State .

In the Upper Bavarian district of Miesbach, the primary school Gmund * closed - a teacher could have been infected with the corona virus. Now all daycare centers in town are closing.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Further schools closed - Abitur exams in the Free State at risk

Update 1:01 p.m .: Due to the spread of the corona virus , more and more schools in the Free State are closed. Several associations are now concerned about the Abitur exams , which are due to start in Bavaria on April 30th .

A meeting with the Ministry of Culture was requested . The aim is a fair implementation of the high school diploma with simultaneous containment of the virus, announced among others Philologists Association, Directors Association, State Parents Representation in Bavaria .

Joshua Grasmüller, spokesman for state schools for high schools and high school graduate himself, said: "Because of the Corona epidemic, we high school graduates must not have any disadvantages compared to other classes." The chairman of the director association, Walter Baier, said: "What the schools need now are uniform and clear guidelines. "

The Ministry of Culture has not yet issued an official statement on the demands.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Next schools closed -

Update from March 12, 9:35 a.m .: The number of coronavirus patients * is increasing in Weilheim in Upper Bavaria. As a precautionary measure, the Weilheim State Vocational School was closed for the time being on Thursday (March 12) and Friday (March 13) tomorrow for reasons of infection protection .

Also from March 12, as a precautionary measure because of the corona virus *, the State Gymnasium Kirchseeon (Ebersberg district), the Gmund am Tegernsee primary school (Miesbach district), the Haar am Jagdfeldring primary school and the Johann-Andreas-Schmeller-Realschule (among others) both in the district of Munich). A detailed overview of closings and their duration can be found below.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Dozens of schools remain closed - teachers' association with drastic demands

Update from 3:33 p.m .: The Association of German secondary school teachers demands that schools in Germany be closed immediately because of the risk of infection with the corona virus . "The comprehensive regulations on the closure of state cultural institutions or the exclusion of spectators from major sporting events only make sense if schools are closed at the same time," emphasized Federal President Jürgen Böhm on Wednesday in Munich. "In view of the developments in the corona epidemic in other countries, it is almost irresponsible to the cultural authorities of the federal states that the decision regarding school closures is still often postponed to regional officials."

Böhm asked the state ministers of culture: “Now a clear, manageable period of at least one week for comprehensive school closings must be set in order to give the healthcare system room for maneuver. This period can be extended weekly as required and in coordination with the health authorities of the countries and regions. ”Although children and adolescents were not among the most vulnerable groups, transmission of the Sars-CoV-2 virus could endanger family members, the elderly and the sick .

Corona virus causes school closures in Bavaria: Munich and Aschheim also affected

Update of March 11: School closings continue due to the corona virus. Kindergartens are also affected, such as the Rübezahl kindergarten in the Eichstätt district. The primary school in Aschheim and the FOS / BOS Unterschleissheim remain closed for the time being. In Munich, among other things, the vocational school for building and handicrafts is affected, it closes until March 19 inclusive. The pastor Grimm elementary school as well as the Isar high school at the Hochstrasse location remain closed.

Update from 1:26 p.m .: There will currently be no general school closures in Bavaria due to the spread of the new corona virus . Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said on Tuesday after a cabinet meeting in Munich. The previous procedure remains here. 52 schools have currently closed, he said.

Read also: The corona virus has a firm grip on Europe. The fear of infection is also growing in Germany. Also in swimming pools? The Erding thermal bath reacts calmly to the corona virus.

Bavaria: Further school closings due to corona virus - Augsburg also affected

Update of March 10, 9:14 a.m .: Schools continue to fail due to the corona virus . Kindergartens are also affected. The Obersüßbach primary school in the Landshut district is expected to remain closed until March 20 . The Obersüßbach kindergarten will also be closed from March 10 until further notice. Augsburg is now also affected. Five schools have now been closed. A full list can be found below in the text.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Grasbrunn municipality affected?

Update of March 9, 2020 : For the first time, the municipality of Grasbrunn in the Munich district is also said to be affected by a viral disease.

The primary school in Neukeferloh will be closed from March 10 to March 13, the Grasbrunn community announced on Monday evening.

A statement states:

Due to the contact of schoolchildren with a positive person during non-school sporting events, the Neukeferloh primary school will be closed from Tuesday, March 10th through Friday, March 13th. As a precaution, the State Health Office of the Munich district recommended that a possible infection chain be interrupted.

Corona virus in Bavaria: number of infected people increases - dozens of schools remain closed

Update from 11.32 a.m . : Previously heat-free - today Corona holidays. A number of children will later remember that their classes in 2020 were down for days or even weeks because of a virus. In Germany, the following usually applies: if there is a confirmed case in an educational institution, it is temporarily closed. An overview of closed schools in Bavaria can be found below.

The first data analyzes show that, unlike flu, children at Covid-19 are probably not significant drivers of the spread of the virus in the community. For Sars-CoV-2, it is anticipated that children will rarely develop clear symptoms, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It can therefore also be assumed that children mainly contract adults - adults, however, hardly any children.

"School closures can make sense if hygiene measures cannot be guaranteed," says virologist Ulrike Protzer from the Technical University (TUM) and the Helmholtz Zentrum München. "But you have to consider the enormous impact on the economy and above all on the health system, when the young parents can no longer go to work but have to look after their children."

Also on Monday: other schools close

Update from March 9, 10:31: The corona virus causes numerous school absences . Classes cannot take place in many schools in Munich, for example the Rupprecht-Gymnasium and the Maximiliansgymnasium in Munich remain closed. Kindergartens are also affected, for example in the Munich district. Below you will find the complete overview for Bavaria.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Numerous kindergartens are also closed

Article of origin from March 6: The corona virus continues to dominate the headlines. Numerous new infections are added every day. In just one week there were 66 new cases in Bavaria (as of Thursday, March 5, 3 p.m.).

Corona virus in schools in Bavaria: teaching affected throughout Bavaria

In Nuremberg , two students tested positive for the corona virus on Thursday. They are believed to have been infected by their mother, a returning traveler from Piedmont. Two schools in Nuremberg are therefore closed. More and more kindergartens and schools are experiencing this because pupils or supervisors are tested positive or suspected.

On Friday (March 6th) there was even a warning for Freising through the KATWARN app : “Katastrophenschutz Ebersberg, Erding, Freising reports: Due to a confirmed Corona case, the Au primary school is closed today. A student has tested positive for the novel virus. The Freising Health Department, in consultation with the Freising State Education Authority, decided that classes should initially be canceled until Tuesday, March 10th. ”

Corona virus: school dropouts in Bavaria - large overview

Here we collect all reports sorted by administrative district and district about coronavirus-related school closures in Upper Bavaria.

Coronavirus: Closed schools in Upper Bavaria

District of Eichstätt

  • Kindergarten Rübezahl (until March 12)

Freising district

  • Elementary school Wolfersdorf (4b to March 11th)
  • Elementary school Haag (grades 1a and 4a until March 13th)
  • Rudelzhausen: elementary school (until March 11th; class 4a until March 17th)
  • Zolling: elementary school (until March 13, only classes 1a, 1b, 1c, 3a to March 24)
  • Moosburg: Karl-Ritter-von-Frisch high school (until March 12th - Class 5b until March 20th)
  • Nandlstadt: Johannes Kindergarten (until March 13)
  • Marzling: community kindergarten (until March 20)
  • Au in der Hallertau: primary school (grades 3b to 16 March)
  • Langenbacher kindergarten "Haus für Kinder - Arche Noah" (until March 13th)
  • Zolling primary school (until March 20)
  • Freising: Lerchennest Kindergarten (March 16)
  • Freising: Wetterstein daycare center (March 16)
  • Hallbergmoos: BRK nursery Spatzennest (March 20)
  • Hallbergmoos: BRK Kindergarten Wolkenschlösschen (March 13)
  • Zolling: St. Johannes Kindergarten (until March 16)
  • Zolling: after-school care center (until March 13)
  • Langenbach: "House for Children - Noah's Ark" (until March 13)
  • Au in der Hallertau: Community kindergarten Maria de la Paz (until March 13)

Ebersberg district

  • Vaterstetten: Humboldt High School * (until March 12)
  • Vaterstetten: elementary and middle school on Hans-Luft-Weg (until March 12)
  • State High School Kirchseeon (until March 13th)

District of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm

  • Hallertau Gymnasium Wolnzach (until March 11th; grades 8 and 9 until March 19th)

Fürstenfeldbruck district

  • Realschule Unterpfaffenhofen * (until March 11th; grades 8 and 9 through March 19th excluded from class.

City of Munich

  • Samuel Heinicke Realschule (until March 23)
  • Municipal vocational school for dental assistants (classes 10B z, 10H z, 10I z, 10N z, 10O z, 10Z z, 11H z, 11L z, 11M z until further notice)
  • Lincoln School (Classes 2a and 4c until March 13th, for classes 2b, 2c, 3b, 4b, who attended the Climate Protection Group on Wednesday, March 4th, lessons will be canceled until March 13th inclusive)
  • Vocational school for construction and handicrafts (until March 19)
  • Elementary school on Astrid-Lindgren-Straße (until March 13)
  • Pastor Grimm primary school (until March 20)
  • Elementary school on Weißenseestrasse (until further notice)
  • Isar Gymnasium Munich (for classes at the Hochstrasse location until March 20)
  • Rupprecht High School (until March 20)
  • Robert Bosch technical college (until further notice)
  • Vocational school center on Riesstrasse (until March 18)
  • Archbishop Maria Ward High School (until March 20)
  • Archbishop Maria Ward Realschule (until March 11)
  • European School Munich (until March 20)
  • St. Klara Catholic Kindergarten (closed for 14 days from March 6)
  • St. Rita Catholic Kindergarten (closed for 14 days from March 6)
  • Special Education Center Munich-East (until March 20)
  • State Technical College Unterschleissheim (until March 17)
  • State Wilhelm Hausenstein High School (until March 11)
  • Municipal Wilhelm Busch Realschule (until March 20)
  • Municipal vocational school Deroystraße (until March 10th)
  • Municipal vocational school for office management and industrial clerks Munich (until March 11)
  • Elementary school Südliche Auffahrtsallee (until March 20)
  • Urban school type-independent orientation level (ORI) (50th, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3: classes are canceled)
  • Otto Steiner School, Priv. Support center, focus on intellectual development (until March 24)
  • Jan Amos Comenius Elementary School of the Munich School Foundation - Ernst v. Borries (until March 13th)
  • Municipal Elly-Heuss-Realschule Munich (until March 20)
  • Municipal St. Anna High School Munich (until March 13th)

Munich district

  • FOS / BOS Unterschleissheim (until March 17)
  • Aschheim primary school (until March 12)
  • St-Emmeram-Realschule Aschheim (until March 12th)
  • Kindergarten Sunrise ABC in Graefelfing (until March 16)
  • Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium Unterhaching (until March 15th)
  • Oberhaching High School
  • Elementary school Neukeferloh (from Tuesday, March 10th to March 13th)
  • Elementary and middle school Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn (until March 11)
  • Ernst-Mach-Gymnasium Haar (until March 15th)
  • Deisenhofen primary school in Oberhaching (until March 15)
  • Grundschule Haar, at the Jagdfeldring (until March 13th)
  • Hohenbrunn primary school (until March 15)
  • Johann Andreas Schmeller Realschule (March 17)
  • Elementary school Munich, Turnerstrasse 46 (March 25th)

Dachau district

  • Elementary school Dachau on Klosterstrasse (March 20)
  • Elementary school Schwabhausen (four classes, students were informed)
  • FOS Karlsfeld (until further notice)

District of Starnberg

  • Tutzing High School (until March 16)
  • Starnberg Secondary School (until March 18)
  • Weßling primary school (until March 17)
  • Otto von Taube Gymnasium Gauting (8th and 12th grades until March 12th)
  • Children's house Henry & Henriette Gauting (until March 12)

Miesbach district

  • Private Volksschule Holzkirchen GmbH - elementary school and high school (March 9)
  • Primary school Gmund a.Tegernsee (until March 27)

Rosenheim district

  • Karolinen-Gymnasium (until March 20; students in year 12 have normal classes)

Garmisch-Partenkirchen district

  • Kindergarten Krün * (until March 12)

Coronavirus: school dropouts in Lower Bavaria

Dingolfing district

  • Middle school Frontenhausen (all students in class 6 a until further notice)
  • Herzog-Tassilo-Realschule State Realschule Dingolfing (until March 20)

Deggendorf district

  • Buchhofen primary school (until March 13)

Passau district

  • St. Martin Vilshofen kindergarten (until March 18)

Landshut district

  • Ergoldsbach Elementary School (3c, March 10th to 11th, all other classes have lessons)
  • Obersüßbach primary school (until March 20)
  • Kindergarten Obersüßbach (until further notice)

District of Kelheim

  • Elementary school Bad Abbach (classes 2b and 4c, until further notice)
  • Primary school Aiglsbach (until further notice)

Coronavirus: school dropouts in Schwaben / Allgäu


  • Bodensee-Gymnasium (until March 11th)
  • Valentin-Heider-Gymnasium Lindau (until March 11th)
  • Elementary school Lindau-Zech (initially until March 11)


  • Marktoberdorf High School (ages 7 to 9, until 10 March)


  • Auwald Kindergarten (until further notice)

Augsburg district

  • Adelsried primary school (until March 23)
  • Elementary and middle school Großaitingen (until March 23)
  • Kutzenhausen primary school (until March 23)
  • Zusmarshausen Elementary and Middle School (until March 23)
  • Secondary school Zusmarshausen (until March 23)
  • Hessing Kinderhaus location Mühlstraße (until March 19)

Günzburg district

  • Ziemetshausen Hyacinth Wäckerle Elementary School (until March 12)
  • Freiherr-von-Stain-Mittelschule Ichenhausen (grade 6a, from March 10th)
  • Heinrich Sinz School Ichenhausen (until March 12)
  • Theresia-Holdberger Elementary School Balzhausen (until March 13th)

District of Donau-Ries

  • Montessori school in Einingen (until March 12)

Neu-Ulm district

  • Kindergarten "House of the Child - Good Shepherd" in Bellenberg (until further notice)

Coronavirus: school dropouts in the Upper Palatinate

Schwandorf district

  • Ortenburg High School in Oberviechtach (grades 10a and 10b until March 11th)
  • Regental-Gymnasium Nittenau (grade 9 PLc until at least March 11)

Cham district

  • Joseph-von-Frauenhofer-Gymnasium (until March 13th)
  • Pemfling primary school (until March 13)
  • Robert-Schuman-Gymnasium Cham (until March 13th)
  • Pemfling day care center (until March 13)

On the mountain

  • Gregor Mendel High School (until March 15th, 8th grades until March 18th)


  • Elementary school Deuerling (1st class on March 10th and 11th)
  • Middle school at Regenberg Castle Hill (ninth grade, March 11-12)

Regensburg district

  • Lappersdorf High School (until March 23)

District of Neumarkt id Oberpfalz

  • Erich Kästner Postbauer-Heng primary school (until March 16)
  • Erich Kästner Postbauer-Heng Middle School (until March 16)

Coronavirus: school dropouts in Lower Franconia


  • Dag Hammarskjöld High School (until March 13th)
  • Leonhard Frank Elementary School Würzburg Heuchelhof & Rottenbauer (until March 13)
  • David-Schuster-Realschule (until March 13th)

Würzburg district

  • Secondary school at the Main Triangle in Ochsenfurt (7th grade, until further notice)
  • Georg Anton Urlaub Elementary School Thüngersheim (until March 13)

Main-Spessart district

  • Realschule Marktheidenfeld (all classes until March 13, classes 8a, 8c, 8d to March 20)

District of Haßberge

  • Wallburg-Realschule Eltmann (March 11th)
  • Eltmann Middle School (March 11)
  • Elementary school Eltmann (March 11)
  • Elementary school Hofheim (March 11th)
  • Realschule Hofheim (March 11th)
  • Hofheim Middle School (March 11)
  • Waldorf School Haßfurt (until March 13th)
  • Jacob Curio Realschule State Real School Hofheim (March 11)


  • Priv. Montessori elementary school Sulzbach (primary and secondary school, until March 22)

Coronavirus: school dropouts in Middle Franconia


  • Labenwolf high school (until March 20)
  • Elementary school Sankt Johannis Nürnberg (until March 13th)
  • Rudolf Steiner School and Day Care Center (March 13)
  • Urban hoarding in St. Johannis, Adam-Kraft-Strasse 2 and Heimerichstrasse 42 (until March 13)


  • Leopold-Ullstein-Realschule (until March 22nd)


  • Franconian International School Erlangen (March 13)

Coronavirus: school dropouts in Upper Franconia

District of Forchheim

  • Franconian Switzerland High School Ebermannstadt (until March 20)

Kulmbach district

  • CVG Casper-Vischer-Gymnasium (until further notice)

Bayreuth district

  • Graf Botho Elementary and Middle School Pottenstein (until March 11)
  • Pegnitz secondary school (until further notice)
  • Elementary and middle school Eckersdorf (until March 20)
  • ASB Kindergartens St. Kunigund in Pottenstein (until further notice)
  • ASB-Kita Rasselbande in Pottenstein (until further notice)
  • Jean Paul Elementary School Bayreuth (until March 13)

District of Hof

  • Johann-Christian-Reinhart-Gymnasium Hof ​​(until March 13th)

Bamberg district

  • ETA Hoffmann High School Bamberg (March 11)

The article is continuously updated.

We keep you up to date on all developments related to the corona virus in Bavaria in our news ticker. The corona virus continues to spread. There are hundreds of infected people in Germany, dozens of schools in Bavaria remain closed. Large events are now threatened with cancellation.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © epa / Center for Disease Control, dpa / Sven Hoppe

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-14

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