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Trump denied coronavirus test despite contact with infected people - now the sudden U-turn


United States President going it alone: ​​Donald Trump announced a far-reaching decision for all Europeans. He considers a corona virus test on himself unnecessary.

United States President going it alone: ​​Donald Trump announced a far-reaching decision for all Europeans. He considers a corona virus test on himself unnecessary.

  • Donald Trump is increasingly criticized for his handling of the coronavirus spread .
  • After Trump has also had contact with politicians who are now in quarantine, it is not clear whether he has already been tested on CoVid-19 .
  • President Trump has now announced a far-reaching decision.

Update from March 14, 2020, 6:26 p.m .: Donald Trump is said to have carried out the Corona test on Friday evening. He said that himself on Saturday. Many criticized his easy handling of the suspicion . For example, he continued to shake the hands of his visitors.

Anyway, Donald Trump generally faces a lot of criticism when it comes to his behavior in the Corona crisis. To the accusation that too few tests were offered in the USA, he replied: "I have no responsibility at all."

Update of March 14, 2020, 10:27 a.m .: Donald Trump confuses the public even in times of the corona virus . After refusing a test for the disease so far and underpinning it with a public appearance , the US president suddenly sounded completely different at the same date, according to US media, when asked by a journalist. "I didn't say I wasn't going to be tested, " the 73-year-old responded to the accusation that he was being selfish.

To the following direct question whether he would now be tested, Trump replied: "Very likely, yes. Most likely. Not for any reason, but I guess I'll just do it. "Very soon," he added: "We're working on it, we're working on a schedule." The Republican had recently received Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro for his Staff also included press spokesman Fabio Wajngarten . The latter has now been proven to be infected with the corona virus .

Two other people in the Trump environment are also suspected of being ill. Republican Matt Gaetz and Congressman Doug Collins, for example, went into quarantine for contact with a sick person ( entry on March 11, 9:13 am ).

Meanwhile, Prince Harry was the victim of a curious prank. The Royal thought he had Greta on the phone - and bluntly blasphemed about Donald Trump.

Update of March 14, 2020, 6:19 am: In the United States, the government and opposition have agreed on an aid package in the fight against the corona virus. The House of Representatives voted on Saturday night with a large majority for a legislative package that, among other things, should enable free virus tests. President Donald Trump previously called for a national emergency to provide more federal funding to fight the new pathogen. In addition, he entered a travel ban for travelers from Europe.

Given the rapid spread of the novel corona virus in the United States, the most important thing is now "test, test, test," said opposition leader Nancy Pelosi after reaching an agreement with the government. The aid package should therefore also enable people without health insurance to be tested free of charge. It is also designed to ensure continued sick pay, strengthen unemployment insurance and provide more money for the Medicaid state health system and free school lunches.

In the United States, according to President Donald Trump, cruise ships will not start for 30 days due to the coronavirus pandemic.



Corona: Trump declares a national emergency - and irritates with flippant announcement

Update of March 13, 2020, 8:30 p.m .: US President Donald Trump declared the national emergency in the face of the corona crisis. This would free up funds of up to $ 50 billion, Trump recently said at a press conference in the Rose Garden of the White House. An emergency plan for the hospitals in the country has already been drawn up.

Trump also praised his previous approach. The United States has already made great strides in the fight against the novel corona virus - "if you compare it to other regions in the world, it is really astonishing," said the Republican.

Trump also repeats allegations against the European states. "As you know, Europe is now the hotspot, the center of the pandemic," he said. The US closed this border in good time; "Call it talent or luck as you like."

U.S. citizens returning to the country will have to go into a fortnightly quarantine, Trump announced. He promised improvements in Corona tests : Anyone who needed such a test would get it. A cooperation with the private sector should help - half a million tests should be ready next week.

However, not everyone should take a test, it is unnecessary: ​​"This will pass," Trump emphasized with a view to the corona virus - "and we will emerge from it strengthened". Trump himself does not currently want to have a corona test carried out - despite a delicate meeting with Brazilian President Bolsonaro.

Because of the corona virus: Democrat has a word battle with Trump officials

Update of March 13, 2020: Democratic politician Katie Porter made a name for herself when asked about the coronavirus in Congress . The 46-year-old is known for her concise questioning of witnesses.

The session dealt with the current corona crisis , which has now hit the USA with full force. The democrat interviewed several senior Trump officials, including the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) . A video of the survey went viral on social media.

Previously, according to CNN, President Trump had incorrectly hinted that coronavirus patients could have access to free treatment. Some insurers had announced that they would pay for the tests, but treatment was not free. Meanwhile, Trump's government is criticized for its poor crisis management worldwide, the ZDF editor-in-chief finds drastic words.

Porter asked Dr. Kadlec, the deputy secretary for readiness and response at the Ministry of Health, whether he knew the cost of several medical services related to the coronavirus test . In doing so, she calculated actual costs for him. It came to a total of $ 1,331 . "The fear of these costs will keep people from being tested, receiving the care they need, and protecting their communities," said Porter. Most Americans cannot afford that.

Porter puts CDC boss under pressure and demands urgent action from him

Then she turned to Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the CDC : "Do you want to know who has coronavirus and who doesn't?" "Yes," Redfield replied. "Not just rich people, but anyone who could have the virus?" Porter asked. Redfield replied that all Americans should be tested.

Porter then confronted the head of the CDC with a law that says that as head, he can approve that no American has to pay for care and treatment himself. "Dr. Redfield, will you now sign up to the CDC and use that existing authority to pay for diagnostic tests regardless of insurance? ”Poter continued. However, he did not want to give an exact answer and tried to wriggle out. He had to discuss this with other offices.

Trump official has been softened by the democrat and promises corona measures

The questioner did not give up. His answer was not "good enough". After further back and forth, Redfield got involved. Porter now turned to the population: "Everyone in America should hear that - you are entitled to get tested for corona virus and to have it covered regardless of the insurance."

However, the CDC has not yet officially announced that the measures Porter had fought will also be implemented. However, the democrat inspired many people with her commitment. Many are already calling for her to be the next president.

Coronavirus: Bolsonaro employees tested positive for coronavirus after meeting with Trump

Update from 8:01 p.m .: Donald Trump is perhaps misjudging Coronavirus ? The US president does not want to do a corona virus test himself - but he did have direct contact with an employee of the Brazilian head of state Jair Bolsonaro who was later tested positive .
Trump's spokeswoman on Thursday responded to information from the Brazilian government that Bolsonaro's communications chief Fabio Wajngarten had contracted Covid-19 . Wajngarten had accompanied Bolsonaro over the weekend to visit Trump at his golf club in Mar-a-Lago , Florida.

The Trump spokeswoman now stressed that Trump and U.S. Vice President Mike Pence had virtually no contact with Wajngarten. Therefore, the two would not have to be tested for the novel corona virus. She referred to a CDC guideline that recommends coronavirus testing only for patients with symptoms .

Freeze on entry and blame: Europeans outraged by Trump's actions in the corona crisis

Update 3:59 p.m .: Secretary of State Heiko Maas (SPD) is also bitterly upset by US President Donald Trump's coronavirus push. The reason: Trump did not coordinate the entry stop for Europeans in the USA with his allies. Maas emphasized the global challenge in Berlin: "We will not do it justice, not even in the USA, when decisions are made that are garnished with blame ."

Mass said: "The announcement of this decision that there have been failures in Europe also suggests that less factual reasons may have played a role in this decision."

Europeans outraged by Trump's entry ban decision - "Cooperation Instead of Unilateral Actions"

Update 2:00 p.m .: US President Donald Trump's entry ban to the United States for Europeans outrages the European Union. EU leaders criticized the measure on Thursday - and opposed the accusation that the EU had not done enough to combat the new Covid-19 disease. The EU Commission was not yet able to say on Thursday how exactly things will continue in transatlantic air traffic.

"The corona virus is a global crisis that is not confined to one continent and requires cooperation instead of unilateral action," said EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Council President Charles Michel . "The European Union disapproves of the fact that the US decision to freeze entry was made unilaterally and without consultation." They added: "The European Union is acting decisively to limit the spread of the virus."

The EU Commission initially left open whether the EU is considering travel restrictions. "The EU is not in the habit of shooting from the hip," spokesman Eric Mamer said. "Good politics needs reflection, it needs consultations." The consequences of US policy will be analyzed and the next steps examined.

Meanwhile, the federal government coordinator for transatlantic relations , Peter Beyer, accuses Trump of politically abusing the corona crisis. He considers the entry ban imposed by Trump to be "excessive" for Europeans, said the dpa CDU politician. "So this seems to be primarily a political decision," said Beyer. "Politically misusing the Corona epidemic is critical and questionable." It was also inconclusive why Britain had been exempted from the entry stop, even though it was geographically part of Europe.

Corona virus: Lufthansa is examining the consequences of Trump's entry ban - flight cancellations are coming

Update 10:54: After US President Donald Trump surprisingly announced an entry stop for Europeans to the USA in the night on Thursday, the German airline Lufthansa is now examining the consequences of this step. It was still too early to mention concrete effects on the flight schedule and operations, a company spokesman said on Thursday. However, it is clear that the situation has worsened again with the announcements of the US President and there will be further flight cancellations.

Corona virus: Trump locks out Europeans from the United States - Dax crashes

Update 9.33 a.m .: The widespread Covid 19 crisis has pushed the Dax back below the 10,000 point mark for the first time since July 2016. The German stock index plummeted 5.5 percent to 9,864 points at the start of trading. Previously, prices at the major international trading centers in Tokyo and New York had also dropped significantly.

After the recent casualties, US President Donald Trump's announcement that US borders would be closed to foreigners from Europe came under new pressure on Thursday night. "We will suspend all travel from Europe to the US for the next 30 days," Trump said in a speech to the nation. This does not apply to travelers from Great Britain.

EU Council President Charles Michel has already warned of the economic consequences of the US entry ban on Europeans. "Economic disruption must be avoided," wrote Michel on Thursday in the short message service Twitter. The European Union will check the entry stop against Europeans on Thursday. "Europe is taking all necessary measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus, limit the number of people affected and promote research."

Coronavirus: New York State makes tough decision - St. Patrick's Day parade suspended

Update 8.32 a.m .: To prevent further spread of the corona virus , the traditional parade for St. Patrick's Day in New York has been suspended for the first time in more than 250 years. The decision was not an easy one, state governor Andrew Cuomo said after media reports on Wednesday evening (local time).

Health experts agree, however, that large events and close contacts must be restricted in order to curb the spread of the virus. The parade planned for March 17 in honor of the Irish patron saint Saint Patrick should take place later, it was said.

Coronavirus: President Trump announces far-reaching decision - few exceptions

Update March 12, 2020, 6:14 a.m .: The United States imposes a general entry ban for people from Europe due to the spread of the novel corona virus for 30 days. The entry ban is due to come into effect on Friday at midnight (local time), as President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday in a television speech. According to him, it does not apply to US citizens living in Europe who would be tested negatively for the pathogen. Great Britain is also exempt from the entry ban.

The measures are needed to protect "health and well-being" of US citizens, Trump said. He accused the EU of not reacting sufficiently to the spread of the pathogen. The European Union has failed to impose a general entry ban on travelers from China after the virus has broken out. The pandemic had started in China.

Trump also appealed to Congress to curb the economic impact of the corona crisis by rapidly cutting income taxes. He also announced that for certain companies and groups of citizens, the deadlines for their tax payments should be extended. This should flow $ 200 billion in additional liquidity to the US economy, the president said.

The corona virus is spreading increasingly in the United States. More than a thousand contagions have now been confirmed in the country. Around 30 people died from the infection.

Coronavirus: Trump refuses to have testing done - despite contact with potentially infected people

Update March 11, 2020, 9:04 pm: Given the coronavirus crisis, the US government is considering future entry bans for people from Europe . Acting Vice Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli said Wednesday in Congress that the question was how to treat Europe as a whole.

The measures adopted so far could not yet prohibit entry from Europe. But the question will be examined. At the end of January, the US government had already imposed entry bans on non-US citizens who were in China .

Coronavirus: Trump refuses to test despite contact with possible infected people - with an absurd reason

Update March 11, 2020, 4:55 pm: In the face of the coronavirus crisis, the US government is continuing to work on a package of measures to support the US economy. "That is a top priority for the President," said Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in Washington on Wednesday. The government of President Donald Trump is working "full time" on the aid package . After meeting representatives of Trump's Republicans and opposition Democrats, Mnuchin was confident that the US Congress could soon pass a law to this effect.

Trump had already announced a package of measures on Monday to cushion the effects of the corona virus on the US economy . He actually wanted to present his plans on Tuesday - but that never happened.

Update of March 11, 2020, 9:13 a.m .: Although US President Donald Trump recently came into contact with three MPs who in turn came into contact with coronavirus infections , Trump still does not agree to be tested for the lung disease . He bases this decision on the fact that he has no symptoms. However, since the incubation period after infection * with the corona virus can take up to 14 days and Trump's most recent contact with a quarantine case was only on Monday , according to dpa information, this reasoning is not exactly reassuring. Because during the incubation period, the affected person can already be infected without showing symptoms *.

No corona symptoms: US President does not want to be tested

Republican Matt Gaetz, with whom Trump had flown from Orlando to Washington on Monday, according to the Swiss daily Tagesanzeiger , has since quarantined because he has had contact with an infected person. His test result is not yet certain , it is expected this Wednesday. Another of the three critical contacts, Trump's designated new head of state Mark Meadows , already had a corona test negative . Congressman Doug Collins is another suspect that Trump has had contact with.

Update at 10:25 p.m .: Republicans and Democrats - especially in times of the election campaign - rarely agree. The handling of the new corona virus * is emblematic of this claim. While Democrats Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders canceled planned campaign appearances in Ohio due to the Corona virus, Donald Trump was not particularly impressed by the virus.

Incidentally, not only Donald Trump is criticized for his handling of the corona crisis. Angela Merkel also had to face allegations in connection with CoVId-19 *.

Coronavirus: Trump's MP with contact with infected person - President refrains from testing

The US President * sees no need to undergo a corona test. The 73-year-old feels "extremely good", as he assured journalists in Washington. "There are no symptoms, nothing," said the president. Donald Trump * recently had contact with three MPs from his party, who in turn had contact with an infected person.

One of them is Trump's newly appointed chief of staff Mark Meadows , who has already tested negative for the virus after voluntary isolation. In the United States, according to Johns Hopkins University numbers, over 800 confirmed cases are reported and 28 people died as a result of the virus.

Our Corona Virus Team has been doing a great job. Even Democrat governors have been VERY complimentary!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 10, 2020

The President recently surprised with strange statements about the fight against the corona virus. Meanwhile, the primaries are continuing in the United States - also partially overshadowed by the coronavirus crisis.

Corona virus: Donald Trump again on Twitter - this time against the central bank

Update at 16.06 clock: Donald Trump has to take some criticism for dealing with the corona crisis . Now the US president hands out. In a Twitter post on Tuesday, he described the Federal Reserve (Fed) as "pathetic" and accused those responsible that the institute was moving too "slowly". The central bank must lower the key interest rate to a level similar to other countries with which the United States is in economic competition, Trump said.

Our pathetic, slow moving Federal Reserve, headed by Jay Powell, who raised rates too fast and lowered too late, should get our Fed Rate down to the levels of our competitor nations. They now have as much as a two point advantage, with even bigger currency help. So, stimulate!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 10, 2020

"The Federal Reserve must be a leader, not a very late straggler as before," Trump continued on Twitter. Last week, the US Federal Reserve had already cut its key interest rate by half a percentage point in view of the spread of the corona virus. Trump has repeatedly attacked the US Federal Reserve in the past. It breaks the custom of respecting the independence of the central bank.

First message from March 10, 2020:

Washington / New York - Although the coronavirus * has so far not hit the USA with around 600 infected people and 26 deaths as severely as Italy * or China, for example, there is great uncertainty in the United States due to the mysterious lung disease, which is now being mistrusted the American President Donald Trump * seems to transform.

Corona virus: There is mistrust of Trump on the New York Stock Exchange

"To put it cautiously, you are not exactly optimistic that the American government will correctly assess the seriousness of the situation , let alone have it under control," reported ZDF correspondent Johannes Hano in the journal of the New York Stock Exchange today. There is extreme uncertainty there, Hano described the mood on Wall Street. " Panic, loss of control, recession - these are words that have been circulating here all day."

Trump announced "dramatic measures" against the economic consequences of the corona virus after the massive slump in the New York stock exchange on Monday. But economists and many other observers in the United States doubt whether he actually takes the virus as seriously as it should be. This is not surprising given some of the statements made by the President not so long ago. Trump recently said that you shouldn't worry, everything is fine , reports Hano. As soon as the virus came into the world, it would miraculously disappear .

Also interesting: Why the corona virus will have no chance in the end *, argues Merkur editor-in-chief Georg Anastasiadis in his current commentary on *.

Corona virus episodes are a key issue on Wall Street - traders nervous about Trump

“But you don't believe in miracles here. You look at China, you look at Europe and you see what happens there, that markets break down , chain stores are broken and you get nervous, ”said Hano about the behavior of stock traders on the New York Stock Exchange. The problem is that it is not at all clear where the whole thing will end, Hano continues. "Unlike a singular event like a tsunami." You knew what had happened, you could take action immediately. You can't do that here and that's why you're extremely nervous.

Trump has meanwhile announced that he wants to discuss with Congress members on measures against the consequences of the epidemic for the US economy on Tuesday. The talks will include, among other things, a further possible reduction in income tax . Support measures for companies affected by the corona crisis should also be discussed.

Also interesting: COVID-19 and flu in comparison - this is how the two viral diseases differ

Corona virus "hit the world out of the blue," Trump said

For Wednesday, Trump invited the heads of major US financial institutions to the White House for advice on the economic consequences of the corona virus, reports from banking circles. The virus outbreak * " hit the world out of the blue, " said the US President. So far, his government has "handled the epidemic very well," Trump said again. There is obviously a different opinion on Wall Street . And even with one of his most recent Twitter posts, Trump probably doesn't help to alleviate mistrust of his handling of the corona crisis. In his post, Trump emphasizes that the corona virus has had much less of an impact than common flu so far. Life and the economy could go on as normal, the US President wrote on Monday. But yesterday's stock market slump shows that he's not right.

So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of Corona Virus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 9, 2020

Also worrying is the fact that two US MPs who recently had direct contact with President Donald Trump have quarantined over the corona virus. Republican parliamentarians Doug Collins and Matt Gaetz had been in close contact with a participant infected with the novel pathogen at the annual meeting of conservative activists and parliamentarians (CPAC), the two MPs said on Monday.

Coronavirus: Trump has had contact with quarantine cases - it is unclear whether he has been tested

Last Friday, Collins met Trump at the CDC headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia , and shook his hand . Gaetz was on the road with Trump in the Air Force One presidential plane on Monday. However, whether Trump has now been tested for the virus is unclear. Vice President Mike Pence said Monday that he has no information on this. He announced information from the medical officer in the White House.

Incidentally, the coronavirus is not only causing turmoil in the American government. Government leaders in this country are also currently engaged in heated debates in the Bundestag. In addition, Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer is currently relatively severely restricted by the corona crisis. After being in contact with someone in Brussels who is now suspected of having coronavirus, he initially stays at home in Ingolstadt. Another politician even quarantined for 14 days. Meanwhile, a clairvoyant is said to have hinted at the Corona crisis in the past century. A heart-warming video from Italy shows a special campaign among neighbors - it is now going viral.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Rubric list picture: © dpa / Evan Vucci

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-15

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