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It says in the stars: "The Corona will not seriously hurt Israel" Israel today


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Readers in coffee and optimistic contacts about the spread of Cubid 19 • "Israel will not be hurt like Italy and China, find a cure soon" • And when will the exchange recover? • For the forecast

When the whole world is noisy, surging and anxious about the spread of the Corona virus, with Italy and Spain experiencing alarming chaos and the experts and scientists at a loss, we have nothing left but to contact callers and futures to try to predict how the worrying phenomenon will end, and when. In addition, we wanted to find out whether the virus would severely harm Israel, or that so far, Israel is relatively (and if we put aside the enormous economic damage right now) "will come out of peace" from the spread of the virus. Need a shot of optimism? You should read the following article.

"The corona will disappear by the end of the month"

One of the well-known authorities in the field is the occultist who specializes in occultism, Sana Koma, who lives in Jaffa. Regarding Corona, Coma has good news too. "The cure for the virus will soon be found and it won't do much harm in the country," Coma claims about the Corona virus. "At the beginning of the year I saw that there would be a lot of rainfall, political turmoil and stock market falls this year. I also saw a disease coming from China or Japan, which would do a lot of damage in the world. But what I see is that in Israel it will not hit hard and should not be pressured at all."

Corona spread in the world // Photo: Reuters + Gil Kramer // Edit: Eden Barel

Coma even adds some of its own tips for dealing effectively with the corona virus. "First of all, people should eat in the morning against crushed garlic, grate salt at noon and in the evening to wash the whole body except the head in saline. These are now tips for those who now want to deal with the corona. But beyond that, I see in the cards that this disease will disappear in two weeks, and two doctors Big ones in the world will find a cure for her very soon and completely forget about her. "

"Corona won't hit Israel like Italy and China"

Another well-known communicator in the field is Allegra, also a resident of Jaffa, who specializes in reading coffee, opening cards, returning love and removing the evil eye and witchcraft. Allegra tells "Israel Today" that "Although the virus is here to stay, and will return next winter, but the Israeli public need not fear, the virus will not hit the country as it strikes Italy and China. By the way, I see that Italy will get even more complicated, and China will be more But I can assure and assure the Israeli public that, God forbid, there will not be a big epidemic like this is the case abroad, "says Allegra.

"April stock exchange begins to rise"

Astrologer Tova Safra, who also writes the weekly astrological forecast in "Israel Today," says that because of China's lies, it is very difficult to know what was the moment of the Corona's beginning and therefore how to understand the stars that affect the virus. However, she notes that by April there will be increases on the stock exchange.

"When China started reporting the corona, there were no typical stars in the disease and pestilence. There was nothing, which was very strange. Then it became clear that the disease started in December, November, and maybe even October. This lie prevents the possibility of finding out when the corona started, Because there is a certain potential in some of these months, so it is very difficult to talk directly about the Corona. "

Safra adds: "In the past, I saw the stock market fall in February, and the gathering of the public in Israel, I thought it was a security event, but I did not think of this kind of epidemic, because there was no indication. In any case, if we look at the stock exchanges as an indirect predictor, then I see an increase in the month April, which may be related to stopping the virus. In any case in the next two weeks there will be more mental hysteria and less disease. There will be panic and people should prepare for it. "

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-03-17

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