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Crazy video popped up: Xavier Naidoo says terrible things about the Greta movement


After his DSDS expulsion, a video of Xavier Naidoo has appeared on the net. What the singer speaks out of him as a conspiracy theorist.

After his DSDS expulsion, a video of Xavier Naidoo has appeared on the net. What the singer speaks out of him as a conspiracy theorist.

  • Singer Xavier Naidoo flew from the DSDS jury for allegations of racism
  • A video is now circulating on the Internet, in which the Naidoo proposes a crazy theory about the climate movement Fridays for Future
  • ZDF satirist Jan Böhmermann reacted to the video

Munich - He brags that he has a lot of cars, starts a climate researcher and proposes a crazy theory about Fridays for Future , the movement of the young activist Greta Thunberg: The singer Xavier Naidoo causes a stir with a video circulating on the web .

“Today is September 20th, a so-called Friday for Future, FFF. Three times F. F is in sixth place in the alphabet, ”explains Naidoo in the clip, which was spread on Twitter by an Antifa group called“ Zeckenbiss ”. The singer further explains in the clip: "666 - you know again who is behind it.

When exactly the video was recorded and for which platform remains unknown. In the apparently cut post, Naidoo announces to his fans a channel "on which I will probably and hopefully be able to speak to you openly".

Video: RTL throws Xavier Naidoo out of the DSDS jury because of racism

Video of Xavier Naidoo about Greta-Thunberg movement popped up

Xavier Naidoo has criticized the Catholic Church several times in the past - and in the other breath has confessed his faith in Jesus. Now he brings the Antichrist on board and claims that Satan is behind the climate movement Fridays for Future.

Naidoo also gives a very earthly reason why he apparently has nothing to do with climate protection. "I have a few other cars and lots of cars and I wouldn't ever scrap a single one because of a climate hysteria that doesn't stand a chance in court."

Climate Denier # Naidoo
Racism against refugees,
Now Satan is supposed to be behind #FridaysForFuture. # Lesch #Schellnhuber #Janich

- Antifa Zeckenbiss (@AZeckenbiss) March 13, 2020

Ultimately, climate researchers and Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber and ZDF science journalist Harald Lesch get their fat off in Naidoo's video. Both would definitely hear from him anyway. And further: "I think I might be able to get Oliver Janisch and I to have a little debate, a discussion with them and argue in the spirit of the good cause. May the better one win. The one with the facts. ”Journalist and blogger Oliver Janich is considered a conspiracy theorist - apparently sharing this area of ​​responsibility in terms of climate change with the singer.

Xavier Naidoo etches against Fridays for Future and climate researchers: "You are liars"

But there is no end to an offer of talks to the two scientists. "You are liars, you remain liars - and come, we go to court," said Naidoo at the end of the clip.

ZDF satirist Jan Böhmermann shared the Naidoos video on Twitter - of course not without comment. "CORONA: count the letters! CORRONA = 6 letters ”, Böhmermann made fun of the singer's 666 note. "And how many people are still on the DSDS jury after Xavier's departure", Böhmermann wanted to know about the singer. The satirist himself answered: “Right. 3! And now it comes: Please write 3 times 6 on a piece of paper. This is an indication of who is behind it - behind EVERYTHING ”. Böhmermann gets a lot of approval for his tweet. "Uff is through," says a user in the direction of Xavier Naidoo. And another scoffed: "My God! Did you puncture your brain ?! "

Already in the first episode, the DSDS jury experienced the first escalation: Xavier Naidoo cheekily laughed at candidates - which then happened ...

The electric cars from Tesla and Co. seem to be the future. Physicist Harald Lesch has his problems with this and also suggests an alternative.


Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-18

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