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Corona virus in Iran: over 1400 dead - travel warning is ignored


The number of coronavirus deaths in Iran has exceeded 1400. Due to the Newroz New Year festival, many people traveled in the country.

The number of coronavirus deaths in Iran has exceeded 1400. Due to the Newroz New Year festival, many people traveled in the country.

  • Iran is particularly affected by the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 * coronavirus
  • More than 1400 people in Iran died of the corona virus
  • People ignore New Year's travel warning

Update from Friday, March 20, 2020, 3:14 p.m .: The number of coronavirus deaths has risen to 1,433 in Iran, according to official figures. Vice-Minister of Health Aliresa Raissi said on Freiga. This means that 149 new deaths have been added since Thursday.

The number of registered infections with the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 rose to 19,644. This corresponds to an increase of 1237 people affected.

Iran controls travelers for corona virus

Despite explicit warnings from the Iranian government to refrain from travel, this warning was not always followed on Friday on the occasion of the Iranian New Year festival Newroz. State television released images of travelers' checks for the coronavirus on the occasion of the festival.

Infected travelers were sent home in 13 provinces. Nevertheless, Raissi defended the government's decision not to have a curfew on Newroz.

Coronavirus fears high number of unreported deaths

Update from Thursday, March 19, 2020, 1:07 p.m .: Iranian experts warn that the government's measures against the novel corona virus are not sufficient. The country could have 3.5 million corona deaths due to the long inactivity.

The radio station "Deutsche Welle" reports that scientists from the Sharif University have simulated the further course of the coronavirus crisis in Iran with the help of computer models. If the government takes immediate action, the country would be at its peak in approximately a week, with an estimated 12,000 deaths.

On Wednesday (March 18, 2020) Tehran officially reported 17,361 infected and 1135 dead. WHO emergency director Rick Brennan, who recently visited Iran, is at least five times the actual number, almost 5,000 deaths. Satellite images show that mass graves are being excavated by the authorities in the epicenter of the disaster.

There is still no clear strategy against the epidemic in Iran, as the various centers of power cannot agree on a clear line.

103-year-old woman survives Covid-19 infection

Update from Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 2:01 p.m .: According to the Iranian state media, a 103-year-old survived the virus infection in Iran , which was particularly hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic . The patient was treated in the city of Semnan around 180 kilometers east of the capital Tehran, the official news agency Irna reported on Wednesday night.

#coronavirus situation in #Iran serious. FDP MdP @DjirSarai: “The situation in Iran is extremely dramatic. The country lacks medical aids such as financial means to cope with the crisis. All sanctions against regimes that make access to medicines difficult must be lifted immediately “

- Natalie Amiri (@NatalieAmiri) March 17, 2020

After the woman had "fully recovered", she was now able to leave the hospital, the agency quoted hospital director Nawid Danaji. According to the report, it is the second very old person in Iran to have survived Covid 19 disease. Accordingly, a 91-year-old man in the city of Kerman survived the lung disease caused by the novel coronavirus, although he also suffered from high blood pressure and asthma in addition to his old age.

Coronavirus: dramatic situation in Iran

Update from Tuesday, March 17th, 2020, 12.55 p.m .: According to ARD correspondent Natalie Amiri, a spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Iran describes serious conditions in the country due to the coronavirus pandemic : “The situation in Iran is extremely dramatic. The country lacks medical aids such as financial resources to deal with the crisis. All sanctions against the regime that make access to medicines more difficult must be lifted immediately, ”the spokesman has announced, Amiri said on Twitter.

The total number of coronavirus cases in Iran is now 16,169, the number of deaths is 988. Since Monday (16.03.2020), 1178 new infections and 135 deaths have been counted. The number of those who have recovered from Covid-19 is 5,389. However, the WHO assumes that the number of unreported cases is high.

Update from Tuesday, March 17th, 2020, 11:40 am: Almost 70,000 Afghans have returned from Iran, which has been badly affected by the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus, in the past 20 days. They pose major challenges to border crossing health workers and raise concerns about a major Covid 19 outbreak in impoverished Afghanistan.

Many Afghans live permanently in neighboring Iran due to work. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to paralyze the economy of Iran, which has already been weakened by US sanctions, many are now returning home. This raises fears of a significant spread of the virus in Afghanistan.

Iran is one of the countries most affected by the coronavirus pandemic worldwide. According to official data, 853 people have died there of Covid-19, almost 15,000 people have been infected with the virus. However, according to a report by the Reuters news agency, WHO director Rick Brennan, who recently visited Iran, believes that the number of reported cases can only be about a fifth of the actual numbers.

Meanwhile, criticism of the authorities in Austria is growing louder because they are said to have reacted too late to the corona pandemic. Ischgl thus mutated into a corona infection focus.

Coronavirus in Iran: holy places blocked

Update of March 16, 2020, 9:12 p.m .: Iran, which was hit particularly hard by the coronavirus crisis, has blocked access to the most sacred site in the country. According to the Fars news agency, the gate to the Imam Resa Mausoleum in Mashad in northeastern Iran was closed on Monday. According to Fars, the pilgrims' contagion should be prevented by closing the shrine.

The province of Khorasan Rasavi and its capital city Mashad is one of the regions in Iran that was particularly hard hit by the corona crisis. That is why the top leader, Ajatollah Ali Khamenei, has canceled his New Year's speech planned for next Saturday in the Imam Resa Mausoleum. Khamenei's New Year's speech in Mashad is one of the most important religious and political events in the Islamic Republic.

The mausoleum of the eighth Shiite Imam is visited annually by millions of Iranian and foreign pilgrims.

Coronavirus pandemic: Number of deaths in Iran increases dramatically - Even a senior cleric dies

Update from 16.03.2020, 12.13 p.m .: The number of coronavirus victims in Iran has risen drastically again. In just 24 hours, the death toll increased from 724 to 853, Ministry of Health spokesman Kianush Jahanpur said in Tehran on Monday. The number of officially recorded infections with Sars-CoV-2 rose to 14,991 in the same period.

Most infections were again in the capital Tehran with over 3700. At the same time, almost 5000 infected patients were cured from the hospitals, the spokesman said on state television.

President Hassan Ruhani on Monday called on all Iranians to stay home for the Persian New Year on March 20 and to avoid travel during the holidays. From Monday, the police will take a fever measurement on drivers on the country roads.

Both schools and universities in the country are not expected to open in early April as planned. The crisis team will still have to discuss with the relevant ministries when an opening is possible, said the president.

The police also banned the traditional fire festival on the last Tuesday of the Persian year because of the coronavirus pandemic - compared to the fireworks on New Year's Eve.

Coronavirus pandemic in Iran: senior cleric dies

Update from March 16, 2020, 11:23 am: In Iran, a senior cleric died of the consequences of the Coronavirus Sars CoV-2. Ayatollah Hashem Bathaji Golpajegani died two days after he tested positive for the novel virus and was hospitalized, the state news agency Irna reported on Monday.

The 78-year-old was a member of the Expert Council, a panel of 88 clerics that appointed the spiritual leader of Iran . At least twelve incumbent or former Iranian politicians and officials have now died of Covid-19 lung disease. Another 13 have been infected with the novel virus and are in quarantine or treatment.

Iran , along with China and Italy, is hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic . So far, according to official information, 724 people in Iran have died of Covid-19 . More than 13,900 infected people were registered.

Local media and individual provincial governments partially reported even higher numbers. The number of deaths and new infections has risen continuously since the end of February. According to the Iranian Ministry of Health, the increase is due to the growing number of tests.

Coronavirus pandemic: no quarantine in Iran

Update from 15.03.2020, 11.35 a.m .: Iran is particularly badly affected by the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . New case numbers have not been released today. It remains to be seen whether the death toll has increased further. Now President Hassan Ruhani has rejected speculation about a curfew in the country. "There will be no quarantine in Iran, neither today nor during the New Year holidays (March 20 to April 2)," he said on Iranian state television on Sunday. If a quarantine should become necessary, it will be decided by the crisis team in Tehran and not outside the government, the president said.

He rejected criticism of his crisis policy and calls for a curfew. Experts and some MPs are of the opinion that a catastrophe could result in Iran without a curfew.

Rumors of a curfew due to the Corona crisis had caused a rush to supermarkets in Tehran on Saturday. In many supermarkets, according to eyewitnesses, most of the goods, especially mineral water, washing powder and plastic gloves, were sold out.

Update from March 14, 2020, 1:05 p.m .: Again, the number of coronavirus victims in Iran has increased dramatically. In just 24 hours, the death toll increased from 514 to 611, Ministry of Health spokesman Kianush Jahanpur said in Tehran. The number of officially recorded infections with Sars-CoV-2 rose by 1365 to 12,729 in the daytime.

Most infections were again in the capital, Tehran. At the same time, over 4,300 infected patients were cured from the hospitals, the spokesman said on state television.

On Saturday, Iranian President Hassan Ruhani discussed with his advisers new instructions on how to deal with the corona crisis. Speculation revolved around whether schools would reopen after the Persian New Year celebrations on April 2 or, as planned by the Ministry of Education, remain closed until May. Then the date of the entrance exams for the universities would be postponed. When the universities reopen remained unclear.

Coronavirus pandemic: Iranian military wants to crack down on it

Update of March 13, 2020, 3:53 pm: In Iran - the country with the third highest number of deaths in the coronavirus pandemic - the military now wants to crack down rigorously. The country's shops and streets should be completely "emptied" within 24 hours and all citizens tested for the virus, the army said on Friday.

"Within ten days, the entire Iranian nation will be monitored, whether from space, over the phone or - if necessary - personally," army chief Mohammed Bagheri announced. Those suspected of having Covid 19 disease would be identified.

The most drastic measures to date in Iran have been ordered after Iran's spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei instructed the army to fight the novel corona virus. The country is most affected, along with China and Italy. So far, 514 people have died of Covid-19 in Iran. More than 11,300 infected people have been officially registered.

The corona virus also affects several politicians and officials in the country's 80 million inhabitants, some of whom died. It was recently announced that Chamenei's foreign policy adviser, Ali Akbar Welajati, is also suspected of having a corona infection .

In an extraordinary move, Iran asked the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for urgent financial assistance in the face of the pandemic on Thursday. Iran last received grants from the International Monetary Fund between 1960 and 1962. The World Health Organization (WHO) said Wednesday that Iran was doing its utmost to contain the pandemic; the country lacks resources.

Coronavirus pandemic: Iran is building mass graves

Update from 13.03.2020, 11.45 a.m .: How bad is the coronavirus situation in Iran really? So far, 10,075 cases of infection with Sars-CoV-2 have become known , officially 429 people died from the virus. But now satellite images of mass graves in the city of Qom indicate that the situation in Iran is far more serious than the authorities are willing to admit so far.

The images, first published by The New York Times, show, like in late February, a new section and two long trenches with a total length of about in a cemetery on the northern outskirts of the city, which is about 120 kilometers south of Tehran 100 meters have been excavated.

They confirm the worst fears regarding the scale of the epidemic and subsequent government cover-up. For the city of Qom , where almost 1.2 million people live, the city has so far only announced the number of 846 infected. However, there is no official death toll for Qom, the spiritual center of the ruling Shiite clerics in Iran.

OMG .... # Iran, suffering a massive surge in #coronavirus cases, began digging a pair of trenches for # COVID19 victims days after the government finally admitted that the #CoronavirusOutbreak hit their country. Their lengths are that of a football field.https: //

- Dr. Dena Grayson (@DrDenaGrayson) March 12, 2020

However, the situation in Iran is also extremely critical for the political leadership. So far, at least eight Iranian officials have been victims of the corona virus. Among them were the former Vice Foreign Minister Hussein Sheikholeslam and the newly elected MP Fatemeh Rahbar. In addition, at least 14 other officials were tested positive. This group also includes the Vice Minister of Health Iradsch Haritrtschi and the Vice President and Women's Representative Massumeh Ebtekar. The foreign policy advisor to Supreme Leader Ajatollah Ali Khamenei has now been quarantined. Ali-Akbar Welajati was diagnosed with signs of Covid 19 disease. But he is doing well according to the circumstances, the doctors said on Friday.

Welajati is considered one of the most influential politicians in Iran. He is also the director of the Massih Daneshchwari Hospital, where mainly corona patients are now being treated. At the beginning of the month, another guide to the guide, Mohammed Mirmohammedi, had died of the virus.

Corona virus in Iran: number of deaths continues to rise rapidly

Update of March 11, 2020, 1:07 p.m . : The number of coronavirus deaths and infections has risen again in Iran . Over the past 24 hours, the death toll has increased from 291 to 354, Ministry spokesman Kianush Jahanpur said in Tehran on Wednesday. The number of officially recorded infections in the country increased to 9000 - 958 more than the previous day.

Most infections occurred again in the capital, Tehran, where almost 2,700 people were infected with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . At the same time, 2959 patients were healed from the hospitals, said the spokesman on state television.

Reliable data are still missing to determine the lethality of Covid-19 *. A mortality rate of 3.3 percent was calculated for Iran with more than 7,000 infected people. It is generally believed that many cases may have been overlooked, suggesting a lower death rate.

Update from March 11, 2020, 10:31 am: According to media reports, the corona crisis in Iran is to become a top priority. President Hassan Ruhani therefore wants to personally lead the crisis team. The proposal comes directly from the top leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , after a crisis meeting of government officials and MPs, the Isna news agency reported on Wednesday. So far, the Ministry of Health has been responsible for the fight against the virus.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called for the immediate release of detained US citizens in the face of the corona virus outbreak in Iran . The Islamic Republic has been called upon to release all wrongfully arrested Americans for humanitarian reasons, a statement from its ministry said on Tuesday.

Iran released 70,000 prisoners on Monday to help prevent the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 agent in its detention centers. According to the UN expert on human rights in Iran, Javaid Rehman, the virus spread to Iranian prisons , where overcrowding, malnutrition and poor hygiene are a major problem.

Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 in Iran: President Hassan Ruhani heads the crisis team

Update from 03/10/2020, 1.30 p.m .: The second round of the parliamentary election in Iran is very likely to be postponed due to the coronavirus crisis in the country. The runoff was scheduled for April 17, and the new parliament was due to start work in late May. "However, if the crisis has not ended by then, the runoff election would have to be postponed (...) maybe even to August," government spokesman Ali Rabiei told the Tasnim news agency.

The corona virus has hit Iran particularly hard. Within a day, the death toll increased from 237 to 291, said ministry spokesman Kianush Jahanpur in Tehran. The number of officially recorded infections in the country increased to 8042 - 881 more than the previous day. Most infections were again in the capital, Tehran, where it has been proven that over 2100 people were infected with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . At the same time, 2,731 patients were cured from the hospitals, the spokesman said. Due to the risk of infection, schools and universities were closed and most political events were canceled.

Corona virus in Iran: number of deaths is increasing rapidly

Update from March 8th, 2020, 2:04 pm: The number of detected coronavirus infections in Iran has now reached 6566. The total number of deaths has risen sharply in the past few days to 194. This makes the Islamic country the most affected by the epidemic worldwide, after China and South Korea. In the meantime, the corona virus has spread to all 31 provinces in Iran. In order to curb further expansion, schools and universities across the country were closed and major cultural and sporting events were canceled.

The airline Iran Air announced on Sunday that all flights to Europe will be suspended until further notice. The reason for this is "restrictions" imposed on the airline by European authorities for "unknown reasons". In the past few days, for example, Sweden had not issued a landing permit for Iran Air flights due to the coronavirus epidemic in Iran.

Corona virus in Iran: drastic punishment for hoarding masks

Update of March 4th, 2020, 11:39 am: In Iran , the hoarding of respiratory masks and supplies has been punished with the death penalty . Around three dozen government officials have been infected there. There is chaos and fear, a doctor reports in the "New York Times". The country's attorney general said the report threatened to execute people hoarding masks and other supplies.

Update from 01.03.2020, 1.30 p.m .: The number of people who die from the corona virus in Iran is increasing inexorably. The number of infected people is also increasing rapidly. According to official bodies, 54 people died within 24 hours, and a total of 978 are currently infected with the corona virus.

The number of infected people is also increasing in Germany. In "Hart aber fair" (ARD) on the subject of corona virus, a virologist therefore makes serious allegations against the German government.

Coronavirus in Iran: spokesman denies report of more than 200 deaths

The capital Tehran is particularly badly affected. At the same time, 175 coronavirus patients were cured and discharged from the hospitals, according to the Jahanpur.

Contrary to the forecasts of the Ministry of Health, the situation in Iran has deteriorated drastically in the past few days. The army and even the Revolutionary Guards are said to help the government fight the virus. Many foreigners want to leave the country on the recommendation of their foreign ministries. Some foreign media representatives have also decided to temporarily close their offices in Tehran. Japanese media workers want to leave the country.

Update from February 29, 2020, 2:15 p.m .: How many people died in Iran from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus? At least 210, according to a BBC report citing hospital circles. A spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Health denies this: So far, 43 people have died from the novel corona virus and 593 people have been infected, the spokesman accuses the foreign media of spreading false information.

"What we publish as final statistics is based on the latest final results from laboratory tests," the spokesman continued. He denounced "rumors" and "wrong and contradictory content" from media that "were not positive for the Iranian people". In no other country outside of China have so many people died of the novel corona virus as in Iran.

Update of February 28, 2020, 1:15 p.m .: According to official figures, the death toll from the coronavirus epidemic in Iran has risen to 34. The Tehran Ministry of Health said Friday that eight more deaths have been reported in the past 24 hours. In addition, 143 new contagion cases have been identified, said the ministry spokesman Kianusch Jahanpur. This means that 388 people are now infected with the causative agent of the lung disease Covid-19.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Iran: number of deaths is increasing

Update of February 27, 2020, 6.55 p.m .: Iranian soccer player Elham Sheikhi has died of the corona virus . The 23-year-old was already suffering from Covid-19 lung disease last week and died on Wednesday in the city of Qom, according to a report by the Rokna news portal.

Update of February 27, 2020, 3:26 p.m .: Iran's Vice Minister Massoumeh Ebtekar has been reported to be infected with the corona virus. This is reported by journalist Natalie Amiri. She is a correspondent for the ARD in Iran and refers to the report in an Iranian daily newspaper. Masoumeh Ebtekar was the first female member in the Iranian cabinet since 1979 and is now Vice President for Women and Family Affairs.

So I won't send my team to the PK of the government spokesman either. #Coronavirus #Iran

- Natalie Amiri (@NatalieAmiri) February 25, 2020

It is probably not the only member of the government that has contracted the coronavirus. It is now known that the Deputy Minister of Health, Iradsch Harirtschi, is also infected. Due to current developments, the Friday prayer in Tehran has been canceled. Iran is badly hit by the virus: the death toll is officially 26.

Coronavirus in Iran: 26 killed by epidemic

Update from February 27, 2020, 1:29 pm: The death toll from the coronavirus epidemic has risen to 26 in Iran, according to official figures. The Tehran Ministry of Health said Thursday that seven more deaths have been reported in the past 24 hours. In addition, 106 new contagion cases have been identified, said the ministry spokesman Kianusch Jahanpur. This means that 245 people are now infected with the causative agent of the lung disease Covid-19.

On Wednesday, the Iranian Ministry of Health reported 139 people infected and 19 dead. If the official numbers are correct, the mortality rate in Iran would be extremely high. A high number of unreported infections is feared.

Coronavirus in Iran: Airplane landed in Ankara with 17 suspected cases - Turkey closes border crossings

Update of February 27, 2020, 9:24 a.m .: The coronavirus epidemic in Iran plunges the country's tourism into a new crisis. "With a view to the Corona eruption, this year is a drought year for tourism," said Javad Musawi, director of tourism in the Iranian Organization for Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism, according to the Iranian business newspaper "Eghtesad-e Donja".

The outbreak with dozens of people infected with Covid-19 hits Iran's tourism industry almost a month before the Persian New Year "Norus", the main travel season within Iran. The number of Covid 19 deaths rose to 19 . According to the government in Tehran, the virus has been confirmed in a total of 135 people from different parts of the country.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Iran: 90 percent of the hotels are empty

According to the business newspaper, 90 percent of hotels in Mashhad, the second largest city in Iran, remained empty due to concerns about the coronavirus . 75 percent of the trips were canceled. Meanwhile, the neighboring countries of Iraq, Turkey and Afghanistan temporarily closed the borders. Air traffic to Iran has been restricted.

Most recently, Iran's tourism had already slumped considerably with the killing of a Ukrainian passenger plane in early January, with 176 deaths. Up to 70 percent of trips abroad to Iran were canceled at short notice, the Iranian Tourism Association reported two weeks later. Due to the tense situation, the German travel operator Studiosus canceled all trips to Iran by the end of April.

Coronavirus in Iran: Airplane landed in Ankara with 17 suspected cases - Turkey closes border crossings

Update from 02/26/2020, 10:33 a.m .: With the increasing number of Sars-CoV-2 infections in Iran , the corona virus threatens to spread more and more in the Gulf region. Iran's neighboring countries Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) reported several new cases of patients who had previously traveled to Iran. Some countries in the Arab region tried to prevent spreading through reduced travel connections with Iran.

Meanwhile, a plane from Tehran landed in Ankara on Tuesday. According to the German edition of the Turkish daily Hürriyet, there is concern that 17 people on board are infected with the corona virus. All 132 passengers and the crew were quarantined after landing.

Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced on Tuesday that all border crossings to Iran have been closed since February 23. Flights to four major Iranian cities have been canceled. There are only two planes a day between Turkey and Tehran, but only for Iranians who want to return home. According to Koca, there is still no officially confirmed case of corona infection in Turkey.

Coronavirus in Iran: Vice Minister tries to talk the crisis down - now he is apparently infected himself

First report from February 25th, 2020:

Tehran - The coronavirus * is spreading more and more worldwide. The country of origin China and other East Asian countries are particularly affected. Cases have been on the rise in Iran for a few days now.

Coronavirus in Iran: Vice Minister of Health Harirtschi infected with Sars-CoV-2

According to official information from the Iranian Ministry of Health on Tuesday, the number of fatalities reported in Iran has now risen from 12 to 15. In addition, 95 people - 34 more than the previous day - from different parts of the country had been tested positive.

The Iranian deputy minister of health and the country's direct coronavirus officer have also contracted the virus, as several media representatives report independently of one another. This was also confirmed by the state news agency Irna. As a result, Iradsch Harirtschi himself tested positive for Sars-CoV-2 . "I've been a Corona since last night," said Harirtschi in a video message on state television on Tuesday. Natalie Amiri, head of the ARD office in Tehran , and the Arab news channel Al Jazeera spread the video message of the Iranian Vice Minister of Health on Twitter.

The #Iran deputy health minister has been infected with the #Coronavirius, he says here in a video message. He's been writing to journalists and officials about the #virus in the past few days. Officially, 16 have died in Iran in the meantime.

- Natalie Amiri (@NatalieAmiri) February 25, 2020

Corona virus: Infected health minister Harirtschi tried to downplay the corona crisis

The deputy minister had tried in recent days to downplay the country's corona crisis . At least that's what ultra-conservative MP Ahmad Amirabadi Farahani said. He said Monday the Isna news agency said the leadership in Tehran said "not the truth" about the epidemic.

Harirtschi had denied the allegations by the MP who accused the government of obscuring the facts about the spread of the coronavirus . According to the Ilna news agency, Amirabadi Farahani even named the number of "50 deaths" from the virus in the central Iranian city of Kom alone. "I categorically contradict this information," Harirtschi said at the time.


Iran's Deputy Minister of Health, Iradsch Harirtschi (left), was infected with the corona virus.

© Iranian Presidency / AFP

Farahani is not alone in his concerns. Many people fear that there are far more dead and infected people than is known to date. Disinfectants are sold out in almost all drug stores, pharmacies and supermarkets in Tehran.

Coronavirus in Iran: Did Minister of Health already show signs of illness at press conference?

Another video that circulates on Twitter shows Harirtschi at a press conference on Monday. Raf Sanchez, Middle East correspondent for the British Telegraph, also shared the video. He wrote: "Iradsch Harirtschi, Iran's Vice Minister of Health, said yesterday on TV that the Iranian government has the coronavirus spread under control. Today it was announced that he himself is ill. ”The video shows how Harirtschi dabs sweat from his face with a cloth. One of the main symptoms of the coronavirus * is fever.

Iraj Harirchi, Iran's deputy health minister, went on TV yesterday (left) to insist the Iranian government was getting the #coronavirus outbreak under control.

Today it was announced Harirchi himself has the virus.

- Raf Sanchez (@rafsanchez) February 25, 2020

dpa / md / afp

More and more countries in Europe are affected by the coronavirus epidemic. It is currently the worst in Italy. The whole country has been declared a restricted zone there. In Tenerife (Canary Islands) over 1000 guests of a hotel had to be quarantined due to an infected vacationer. The corona virus continues to spread.NRW reports the first cases. Germany is gearing up for the epidemic.

The State of Hesse sees itself well prepared for possible coronavirus cases, said Social Minister Kai Klose.

Maybrit Illner deals with the corona virus in her TV talk: Virologist Christian Drosten predicts: "It will be bad"

The first German to become infected with the coronavirus expressed himself for the first time. The time in quarantine was very boring.

The corona virus is more deadly than influenza *, explains the Robert Koch Institute. But it is difficult to calculate this.

In the meantime, the Mainz-based biotechnology company "BioNtech" is planning to develop a vaccine against the disease Covid-19 caused by the Sars-CoV-2 virus in cooperation with the "Fosun Pharma" company from Shanghai. *

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

Rubric list image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi / ZUMA Wire / dpa

Source: merkur

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