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Corona in Baden-Württemberg: Six more deaths - textile giant plans hundreds of thousands of face masks


Baden-Württemberg fights against the spread of the corona virus. In Freiburg, the public meeting in groups via ban is made impossible.

Baden-Württemberg fights against the spread of the corona virus. In Freiburg, the public meeting in groups via ban is made impossible.

  • The corona virus * continues to keep the world in suspense - Baden-Württemberg is also affected.
  • In Baden-Württemberg, the spread of the corona virus is trying to curb and enacted an ordinance on March 18.
  • There are now several deaths.

Update of March 20, 8 p.m .: The number of deaths due to corona is also increasing in Baden-Württemberg : As the Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration announced early Friday evening, the number of fatalities caused by the corona virus in the country rose to 17 - that is six more than the previous day.

Early evening update:
917 further cases of confirmed infections with the #Coronavirus were reported to the @MSI_BW by the State Health Office. The number of infected people in Baden-Württemberg thus increases to a total of ➡️ 3,665 @RegierungBW

- Ministry of Social Affairs and Inclusion BW (@MSI_BW) March 20, 2020

917 further (reported) corona cases were added, so the number of people suffering from insidious lung disease was 3,665 confirmed.

Update from March 20, 7.30 p.m .: The fight against Corona has reached the Swabian province - more precisely: Burladingen in the Swabian Jura.

Corona in Baden-Württemberg: Textile giant Trigema wants to manufacture hundreds of thousands of face masks

The headquarters of the textile giant Trigema is located in the small town of 12,000. As of now, the company plans to manufacture 100,000 face masks to prevent the coronavirus - as the SWR reports.

Accordingly, Trigema got the go on Thursday because the proposed face masks meet the safety regulations. According to media reports, Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Social Affairs Manfred Lucha (The Greens) contacted the company directly and asked for help.

Company founder and boss Wolfgang Grupp , who is known from ARD and ZDF political talk shows, recently said in an interview with Focus Online : "We can easily sew it together." As the SWR reports further, the laundry manufacturer Mey is also said to be out the nearby Albstadt are currently testing the production of face masks in large quantities.

Curfew in Baden-Württemberg? Because of Corona, new rules apply

Update of March 20, 3:07 pm: In Baden-Württemberg, meetings of more than three people in public places are now prohibited due to the corona crisis .

In addition, restaurants must remain closed from Saturday, as Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) said on Friday. Border traffic with corona risk areas is also strictly controlled. Commuters are still allowed to drive across the border to work. However, it is forbidden to shop across the border.


A city in the corona crisis: In Freiburg, groups were banned from entering public places.

© dpa / Patrick Seeger

"We are aware that we are cutting deeper into freedom rights," said Kretschmann. But too many people have not followed the rules so far and it is important to slow down corona infections every day.

State Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) said that it was no longer about what everyone could contribute, but what he should contribute . Anyone who continues to violate the requirements must face fines of up to 25,000 euros and even prison terms of several years .

Update of March 20, 1:51 p.m .: Baden-Württemberg is now postponing final exams at schools due to the coronavirus pandemic . The Ministry of Culture announced on Friday in Stuttgart . The start of all central final exams will therefore be postponed to May 18 .

Minister of Culture Susanne Eisenmann (CDU) said: “With the schedule, we want to enable the students to have enough time to prepare. The main goal is that everyone gets fair conditions for their final exams. "

Previously, several other federal states such as Bavaria, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Thuringia had postponed the exams for the Abitur. The Association for Education and Upbringing (VBE) assumes that the exceptional situation in schools will last even longer. One is not very confident that normal school operations can be resumed after the Easter holidays, said VBE country chief Gerhard Brand in Stuttgart.

Corona crisis in Baden-Württemberg: After Freiburg there is a curfew for everyone

Update of March 20, 10:32 p.m .: The entry ban for groups in public places in Freiburg (see entry from March 19, 9:48 p.m.) is to be introduced nationwide , according to CDU interior politician Armin Schuster. In this way, a general curfew can be avoided. Schuster spoke of a "model for all of Germany". The chairman of the Union faction on the Bundestag's Interior Committee also said: "This is a solution that is very proportionate on the one hand, but also very effective on the other - provided it is consistently enforced."

Update from March 20, 9:47 a.m .: The planned ban on the establishment of groups in public places (see entry from 9:24 a.m.) should already apply to single-digit groups , as reported by dpa. The Ministry of Justice has yet to examine this point. In this way, the actual social contacts below a curfew should be reduced as much and as necessary.

Update of March 20, 9:34 a.m .: After Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (see entry on March 19, 11:27 a.m.), Baden-Württemberg's Interior Minister Thomas Strobl is also threatened with curfews - nationwide. In order to slow the spread of the corona virus, "everyone would have to adhere to the drastic rules and regulations," Strobl told the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung . If too many people are too unreasonable, "there is a curfew as a possibility - and that will happen very quickly".

Update of March 20, 9.24 a.m .: Baden-Württemberg is preparing a ban on the settlement of groups in public places due to the corona virus . The German press agency learned this from government circles.

Corona crisis in Baden-Württemberg: three new deaths

Update from March 19, 9.48 p.m .: The city of Freiburg has issued a ban on entering public places due to the corona pandemic. This ban should apply from March 21 to April 3, as the city in Breisgau announced on Thursday evening.

Update of March 19, 4:27 pm: As the SWR reports, three more people died on Thursday as a result of the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 .

Thus, the number of Covid-19 deaths in Baden-Württemberg rose to eleven , as the Ministry of Health announced on Thursday in Stuttgart.

The dead are over 80 year olds from the Sigmaringen district, over 90 year olds from the Esslingen district and over 90 year olds from the Emmendingen district.

Corona crisis in Baden-Württemberg: Kretschmann threatens to curfew

Update of March 19, 11:27 a.m .: Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann has urged the citizens to abide by the restrictions to curb the rampant corona virus - and to offer more stringent measures in the event of a violation.

"Everyone must adhere to the guidelines," said the Green politician at a special session of the state parliament on Thursday. It is not known whether an exit ban will be issued in the future. One wants to avoid such a ban. But if the citizens did not adhere to the new regulations, it would probably happen. "It cannot be that young people are now running to corona parties," said Kretschmann. "If not everyone changes their behavior fundamentally, then we cannot avoid tougher measures and sanctions."

Police in Freiburg dissolve several "corona parties"

Because of “corona parties”, the police in Freiburg (Baden-Württemberg) were deployed several times throughout the entire service district on Thursday night. At the parties, the emergency services mainly met young people and adolescents who had gathered on barbecues and playgrounds, for example.

The size of the groups of people was in the two to three-digit range. Local residents often alarmed the police. The young people sometimes reacted inconsiderately when their meetings were canceled. The police issued reprimands and pointed out that gatherings like this are currently not helpful and unnecessarily burdens officials.

#StayAtHome # COVID2019de

Our appeal to you

- Federal Police Baden-Württemberg (@bpol_bw) March 18, 2020

Corona crisis in Baden-Württemberg: "Corona regulation" in force - medical students should help

Update from March 18, 2.17 p.m .: In Baden-Württemberg, many shops will be closed from Wednesday due to the Corona crisis. The state government passed a corresponding ordinance on Tuesday evening, called the “Corona Ordinance”. Grocery stores, drug stores and pharmacies as well as hardware stores, laundromats and banks are allowed to remain open. The rules apply until March 18. The federal state is trying to organize further “corona beds”, reports Disused clinics and multi-purpose halls are under discussion. The number of 3,246 patient beds for intensive care is to be doubled.

Medicine students should help in the crisis situation. “I therefore call on the students to make themselves available. You can make an important contribution in the current crisis situation, ”said Science Minister Theresia Bauer on Wednesday. Those who are ready should contact medical faculties in Freiburg, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Tübingen or Ulm.

As of Wed. March 18th at 0 a.m., a new legal ordinance will be introduced with further drastic measures that affect, among other things, meetings, retail, catering and hotel accommodation. However, all shops for daily needs remain open: #cornavirusdeutschland

- Landesregierung BW (@RegierungBW) March 17, 2020

Corona virus in Baden-Württemberg: Europa-Park Rust remains closed due to corona

Update from March 17, 2020: The Europa-Park Rust near Freiburg remains closed. The amusement park will not open as planned on March 28, the company said on Tuesday. The amusement park gave the reason that authorities had ordered the forced closures of leisure facilities.

Europa-Park will now open on April 19 at the earliest. However, this depends on the further development of the corona. The indoor water world “Rulantica” belonging to the park is also said to be closed until then. Due to the risk of coronavirus, operations had already been stopped there on Monday.

Check out this post on Instagram

A post shared by Europa-Park (@europapark) on Mar 17, 2020 at 2:03 p.m. PDT

Coronavirus: federal state stops air traffic - number of infected continues to increase

Update from March 16, 2020, 9:38 p.m .: The number of infected people in Baden-Württemberg continues to rise. On Monday evening the number rose by 128 to a total of 1,105 cases . As reports, these are cases with predominantly traceable infection chains . Baden-Württemberg has the most corona infected people after North Rhine-Westphalia.

Meanwhile, the European Commission wants to support the Tübingen vaccine company CureVac in the development of an anti-coronavirus agent . The EU supported CureVac's research at an early stage and will now provide financial support, said Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Brussels on Monday. Von der Leyen had called Mariya Gabriel, CuraVac Research Commissioner. It was important to find a vaccine as soon as possible that would help the whole world.

According to media reports, US President Donald Trump tries to secure the corona vaccine exclusively for his country and offers the company a large amount for it. SAP founder and 1899 Hoffenheim patron Dietmar Hopp had given Trump a clear refusal.

In an interview with the SWR, Baden-Württemberg's Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) initially ruled out a curfew. “If people stick to the measures that we are now proposing and prescribing, then it will probably not be necessary. But you can't say that today, "said Kretschmann.

Meanwhile, Frank Plasberg first discussed the corona crisis in “Hart aber Fair”. The experts in the group made worrying forecasts.

Baden-Württemberg stops air traffic

Update of March 16, 11:20 a.m .: The state government of Baden-Württemberg wants to stop operating at all airports in the state due to the corona virus. The German press agency learned this on Monday from government circles in Stuttgart. Travelers from abroad would still be brought back. Anyone who comes from a crisis region must be in quarantine. The decision is expected to enter into force during the week.

By Sunday, 977 infections had been confirmed by the authorities in Baden-Württemberg. Three demonstrably infected people have died so far.

Tighter controls began on Monday morning at the Baden-Württemberg borders with France and Switzerland to slow the spread of the corona virus. Commuters and goods vehicles may continue to cross the borders. The inspectors carry out surveys and, in consultation with the local health authorities, could reject travelers if there is evidence of infection or contact with infected people.

Meanwhile, more and more details are gradually being released about the drastic measures taken by the Merkel government *.

Update from March 14, 9:53 p.m .: According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 569 coronavirus infections from a total of 3795 Covid-19 cases have been registered in Baden-Württemberg across Germany.

Corona virus: Second death in Baden-Württemberg - Prime Minister Kretschmann urges responsibility

Update from March 14, 3:48 p.m .: Schools and daycare centers in Baden-Württemberg are now also to be closed from Tuesday, March 18. It is now important to slow the infection rate, said the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) on Friday. The point is not to overload the healthcare system. "That is why comprehensive, far-reaching and also far-reaching measures are needed to limit social contacts and public life as much as possible."

The schools should remain closed until the end of the Easter holidays . For "police officers, nurses, bus drivers, firefighters and many others" who could not stay at home, care facilities for their children will be offered, says Kretschmann. Events under 100 people are now prohibited. One is also in talks with companies, said the Prime Minister. It was also a matter of freeing employees for leave of absence or home office.

"Everyone has to take responsibility for themselves and others," says Kretschmann. Everyone appeals to everyone that they have to do without leisure activities for a while.

The corona virus is also spreading in the UK. Meanwhile, the situation is worsening across Europe.

Coronavirus: Second death in Baden-Württemberg - first details on patient known

Update from March 13, 1:20 p.m .: Now there is apparently a second death in Baden-Württemberg . As reported by the SWR , the Esslingen district office has informed the Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration that an 80-year-old man from Kirchheim unter Teck has died in a clinic. The man had previously tested positive for the corona virus, the SWR continues.

This increases the number of coronavirus deaths in Germany to seven.

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: One death - number of infected continues to rise

Update from March 13, 2020, 9.47 a.m .: The number of infected people continues to increase in Baden-Württemberg. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the number has risen to 454 (as of March 12, 2020). So far, one death has been caused by the corona virus.

In Baden-Württemberg, the SARS-CoV-2 virus also has an impact on local public transport, as the SWR reports. For example, in Konstanz or Stuttgart, bus drivers are no longer sold for protection on buses. The Stuttgart Transport and Tariff Association (VVS) also offers people on its website to get on and off the bus in the back.

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: State government wants to decide on school closings on Friday

State Minister of Health Manfred Lucha (Greens) also confirmed, according to the SWR, that general school and daycare closings are being considered. “These can be an important building block to reduce social contacts, which always involve the risk of infection, to a necessary minimum. There are very drastic decisions now to steer the country through the crisis well and not to overload our health system. "

After Bavaria closes all schools on Monday, Baden-Württemberg wants to decide on the closure of all schools and daycare centers, as * reports. Chancellor Merkel also called for social contacts to be avoided. In addition to Bavaria, Berlin, Lower Saxony and Saarland have also closed schools and kindergartens. *

Corona virus:

Update from March 12, 2020, 11.45 a.m .: Baden-Württemberg has the first confirmed death due to the corona virus . The body of a 67-year-old man from the Rems-Murr district who died a few days ago had been tested positive for the corona virus, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs said on Thursday. This increased the number of deaths from the virus in Germany to four; the three other cases came from North Rhine-Westphalia.

Update from March 11, 2020, 4:14 p.m .: Due to the corona virus, the traditional Stuttgart Spring Festival is canceled . The city of Stuttgart announced this on request on Wednesday.

In April and May, more than a million visitors were expected at the Cannstatter Wasen for the three-week festival. From April 18 to May 10, around 240 showmen, innkeepers and market clerks would have provided entertainment.

The official website of the Stuttgart Spring Festival states: "We are observing the current developments with great prudence. The health and safety of all visitors, customers, organizers and employees is our top priority. "

Update of March 11, 2020, 2:59 p.m .: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) added the region of France located in France to the international risk areas on Wednesday. This region includes Alsace, Lorraine and Champagne-Ardenne . It borders on Baden-Württemberg, Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate. The Haut-Rhin department in South Alsace is particularly affected by the epidemic.

According to RKI, risk areas are areas where continued virus transmission from person to person can be suspected. A spokeswoman for the Karlsruhe Chamber of Commerce and Industry said there were inquiries from concerned companies about the situation in Alsace. However, she did not do this more precisely.

The district of Rastatt has the highest number of commuters in the Middle Upper Rhine region at 5100. In Karlsruhe there are just under 2500 , in the whole area just under 10,000 . The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Health in Stuttgart already recommended on Monday to all those from there to school or to Commute to work in Baden-Württemberg, stay at home for two weeks if possible. Around 46,000 working people commute to work in Baden from all over Alsace every day, compared to 2000 in the opposite direction.

Update from March 11, 2020, 2:01 p.m .: After the number of infected people in Baden-Württemberg increased to 277, the high school teachers demand an immediate preventive closure of all schools until the Easter holidays.

"If drastic containment measures are not initiated immediately, tens of thousands could be infected in Bad-Württemberg in three weeks," wrote the Philologists' Association (PhV) Baden-Württemberg in a press release. State Health Minister Manfred Lucha told the SWR that there was no rampant virus in the drawer and that schools as an important part of public life had to remain open. Minister of Culture Susanne Eisenmann (CDU) continues to speak out against school closures. "At the current state, comprehensive closings of schools are not an issue and not necessary," she said, adding, "Our course is that we continue to act prudently, location-oriented and based on the assessment of the local health authorities."

Meanwhile, the state theater will be interrupted until Easter. Science Minister Theresia Bauer (Greens) told the SWR that all events in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe will be canceled due to the rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus .

Our first report from March 11th: Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: 2250 people in domestic quarantine - major events on the verge

Stuttgart - The corona virus continues to make headlines worldwide. After China last reported that the number of Chinese infected there is falling enormously, the corona virus is spreading further in Germany.

Coronavirus: Baden-Württemberg in third place behind Bavaria and NRW

According to the current number of cases from the World Health Organization (WHO), just under 1,300 people in Germany are demonstrably infected with the coronavirus (as of March 11, 2020). Baden-Württemberg is also affected and, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) , has the highest number of infected people in third place in Germany after Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia (as of March 10, 2020).

As the Ministry of Baden-Württemberg announced on the official website, the confirmed cases with a positive test result (as of March 10, 2020, 5 p.m.) are 277 . So far there have been two deaths in Germany that can be attributed to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Meanwhile, according to the dpa news agency, up to 2250 people are in quarantine at home in Neustadt an der Dosse in Brandenburg. This was announced by the district of Ostprignitz-Ruppin.

Corona virus: Baden-Württemberg also wants to cancel major events

After Bavaria and other federal states followed the recommendation of Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) to cancel all major events with more than 1,000 people , Baden-Württemberg now wants to ban major events. Jens Spahn had recently pointed out on Twitter that, according to infection control, the federal states and municipalities would have to decide. "I therefore recommended that the authorities cancel events with more than 1,000 participants," he continued.

According to the Infection Protection Act, the states and municipalities decide. I therefore recommended that the authorities cancel events with more than 1000 participants. #Corona #ARDextra

- Jens Spahn (@jensspahn) March 10, 2020

Manfred Lucha, State Minister for Health of Baden-Württemberg, announced on Tuesday in Stuttgart that a binding regulation based on the Infection Protection Act will be launched, as reported by Heidelberg24.

Many people are worried. More and more cases of the mysterious corona virus are becoming known worldwide - including in Germany. But what are the symptoms of the lung disease? * Meanwhile, German scientists are on the trail of a potential medication for the coronavirus. In Munich, meanwhile, a woman reported on an “absurd” situation during the Corona test *: “Maybe you could have said beforehand”. In addition, there are now the first deaths in Mallorca and Poland. In Spain, the disease is also spreading rapidly. Meanwhile, the search for "patient zero" continues. The trail allegedly leads to a Bavarian coronavirus patient. During the corona talk on “Hart aber fair”, a virologist made a steep forecast. Minister Peter Altmaier admitted a misjudgment. Meanwhile, there is a mega traffic jam on the A4. The borders are tight because of the corona virus.

In Bavaria, the first federal state is an exit restriction - from March 21 to April 3.

*, and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digial editorial network


Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-21

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