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【Coronavirus disease. Latest】 Now News Station's Clippers have been diagnosed and work in Wanchai Telecom Building


Over 300 confirmed cases of new type of coronavirus pneumonia in Hong Kong (commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia)! As of 4 pm today (23), there were 39 new confirmed cases in Hong Kong, a total of 356 confirmed cases and 1 suspected case. Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e announced that non-Hong Kong people will be banned from entering in the early hours of Wednesday and will consider amending legislation to prohibit liquor restaurants and bars from selling alcoholic beverages.

Social News

Written by: Lao Minyi, Yuan Yan, Chen Qianting, Li Enci, Li Fuyuan

2020-03-23 ​​06:00

Last updated: 2020-03-23 ​​23:23

Over 300 confirmed cases of new type of coronavirus pneumonia in Hong Kong (commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia)! As of 4 pm today (23), there were 39 new confirmed cases in Hong Kong, a total of 356 confirmed cases and 1 suspected case.

Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e announced that non-Hong Kong people will be banned from entering in the early hours of Wednesday and will consider amending legislation to prohibit liquor restaurants and bars from selling alcoholic beverages.

[23:04] Two other preliminary confirmed cases of Nethersole Hospital. The information indicates that one of them was an 18-year-old male patient studying in the UK; the other was a 56-year-old male patient who had visited Germany and returned by air last Saturday. In Hong Kong, sitting in the front row of another confirmed patient.

The Eastern District Hospital added a preliminary confirmed case in the evening. The 36-year-old female patient was a close contact with the previously diagnosed patient. Her husband was the 217th person who had pasted in the Lan Kwai Fong and Soho districts for three times after the onset and transferred several times One case, a 35-year-old male patient. The 217th case was the staff of Watson's Fo Tan China Telecom Building, who visited Lan Kwai Fong and SOHO several times from 13 to 15.

[22:52] The 217th male patient visited Lan Kwai Fong, and his wife was diagnosed initially.

[22:23] It is understood that a male editor from Now News Station was diagnosed today and the patient is working in Wanchai Telecom Building. The patient was the second media agency to have an illness after an employee was confirmed by a part-time reporter in the South China Morning Post.

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During the incubation period, a number of confirmed patients went to Lan Kwai Fong for recreation. The area was no longer lively under the haze of the epidemic and became very deserted. (Profile picture / Photo by Luo Junhao)

[21:23] It is understood that a preliminary confirmed case was added in the evening. The patient was a 60-year-old woman who had been to Portugal and Spain. She was treated in isolation at Queen Mary Hospital.

[17:32] The information indicates that Hasofer Menachem Mendel, a partner of Mayer Brown, a Hong Kong firm, has been diagnosed. Mayor responded to "Hong Kong 01" to confirm an employee, saying that he had traveled overseas for two weeks after leaving Hong Kong. During the home quarantine, he was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia and is now receiving treatment at the hospital. The law firm did not disclose the patient's name, only saying that he did not return to the company or contact the company's personnel after returning to Hong Kong last week.

[New Crown Pneumonia] He Mingqin, partner of Mayer Brown, confirmed after returning to Hong Kong

Sources said that He Mingqin, a partner at Mayer Brown in Hong Kong, was diagnosed. (Image of law firm)

[17:24] How many second-generation transmissions are there? Zhang Zhujun pointed out that the second and third generations have always been there, and some cases will be seen, one person going to other places to others; tracking to the second three four. We have tracked that close contacts can be brought to quarantine. Some people have no source, so they do n’t know. People with no symptoms pass them to people with symptoms, and even if they do an epidemiological investigation, they ca n’t find the source. The more such cases, the harder it is to track. Even if he isolated his close contacts, he couldn't do it.

[17:15] 24,000 quarantine inspections have been issued. Huang Jiaqing refers to Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories.

[17:10] There are confirmed cases of working in the Hollywood Road Trading Company, colleagues who sell wine, restaurants, and follow-up related cases; as far as I know, most of the 16 colleagues have already been admitted to the hospital for testing, and many of the results are Is negative.

[17:08] Why don't we ask merchants to stop operations? Huang Jiaqing pointed out that at the level of public health, I do not think that severe measures are needed, and unimaginable severe measures to reduce social distance. In addition, there will be full-time colleagues of infection control going to the airport to check on the environment, work processes, and infection control equipment. Is there any place for improvement?

[17:05] Three of the four people diagnosed at Huangzhukeng went to the party together, and they believed to be acquaintances; it was not necessarily a party infection, because another unidentified person had also gone, and a confirmed diagnosis was also made. Any party without masks, even if it does nothing, may constitute transmission. No big difference.

[17:02] At the end of last week, saliva collection bottles were distributed to asymptomatic people. For the time being, more than 1,000 have been distributed. After the plan is launched, it will be expanded to target people without infection.

[17:00] Among those diagnosed included Cathay Pacific's management, a 30-year-old man who had traveled to Spain and the United Kingdom and had contact with confirmed cases in the United Kingdom. In addition,

[16:55] Doctors of the Department of Health do clinical work, not high risk; transferred to the airport on March 16 to sign a quarantine order. No one in the housing company travels out, and he does not have to investigate. Policy, if the source of infection has not been found one by one, and the number of infection cases is still high, changes will be considered, and then social distance will be the most important.

[New Crown Pneumonia] The Department of Health issued a quarantine order at the airport to confirm the doctor's symptoms with colleagues

[16:50] One more person who had visited Pure fitness and had no travel history was confirmed. Huang Jiaqing, director of the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health, said that it is now critical time and at the community level, it is necessary to reduce social contact and increase social distance. Some non-essential parties must stop by themselves.

[16:40] Four of the confirmed patients had attended Huangzhukeng and had a private party with more than 100 people

[16:35] One of them, the doctor of the Port Health Department, was dispatched to work at the airport today. He had a sore throat yesterday and his respiratory tract sample was positive. He is currently treating in Wales and is in stable condition. The Department of Health attaches great importance to individual cases and will conduct epidemiological investigations. The airport will also increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection.

So far, a total of 357 confirmed diagnoses, 30 have travel records, including 7 international students, 2 are Cathay Pacific personnel serving the air.

[16:30] There are 39 new confirmed cases today, 21 males and 18 females, of which 30 have been to other places; some of them are related to Lan Kwai Fong, some have been to the Pure Fitness gym, and there are also Flight attendant confirmed.

[16:17] Some employees of Hang Seng Bank were positive for the virus test; Hang Seng Bank announced that the Kowloon City Branch will temporarily suspend services for thorough cleaning and disinfection until further notice. All employees of the branch have also been arranged to stay at home for self-isolation for 14 days. In addition, the bank has determined that all employees of the branch have complied with the bank's guidelines and have wore masks during the duty period.

[15:08] It is understood that there are 4 new initial positive cases in Hong Kong. As of 3 pm today, at least 22 preliminary confirmed cases have been accumulated.

A new case was reported on the Hong Kong Island East Hospital. The patient was a 41-year-old man who began traveling with his wife and two daughters in London in early February. He returned to Hong Kong on March 19, and developed fever and muscle pain.

A new case was added to Princess Margaret Hospital. The patient was a 66-year-old man who visited Macau from March 8 to 11. He had fever and cough on March 20, went to the general outpatient department, and went to the North Lantau Hospital emergency department on the 22nd.

Hong Kong Island East Hospital has a new case. The patient is a 26-year-old woman. She visited Paris and Edinburgh from February to March and returned to Hong Kong on March 19. She started to have a cough and sore throat on the same day. She had a fever yesterday.

Guanghua Hospital also added a new case.

[14:35] The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, will hold a press conference in the underground lecture hall of the Government Headquarters at 3.30 pm, expecting to explain the latest epidemic prevention measures.

[14:25] It is understood that a staff member of the Hang Seng Bank Kowloon City Branch had a preliminary diagnosis. The staff member was a close contact with an earlier confirmed patient and was quarantined from March 20. It is reported that the employee worked from home in early March, and worked at the Kowloon City branch from March 17 to 19, wearing surgical masks at work.




[12:23] It is understood that the United Hospital has four additional preliminary positive cases, one of whom has attended a Discovery Bay wedding, and a total of 11 people in this group have contracted the disease. A total of at least 18 preliminary confirmed cases were reported this morning.

The newly added United Hospital includes a 31-year-old man who attended an open-air cocktail party wedding at Discovery Bay on March 14 and visited the emergency room of Renji Hospital on March 19, whose saliva was positive for the virus Reaction, but no symptoms appeared.

One patient was a 33-year-old woman who worked as a nurse in the Department of Physical Therapy at Wellington Hospital in London, England; she arrived in Hong Kong from the United Kingdom on March 20, and had fever and sore throat the next day. She started coughing and sputum yesterday.

A patient was a 21-year-old woman who had visited Birmingham, England and returned to Hong Kong via Doha yesterday. She has cough, sore throat and diarrhea.

The remaining patient was a 20-year-old woman who studied in the United States and returned to Hong Kong on March 17. She began to have sputum and cough on March 15 and went to the general clinic for a deep throat saliva test on the 20th. The results were positive and she was referred to United Hospital.

[10:38] It is understood that there are an additional 8 initial positive cases in Hong Kong, with a cumulative total of at least 14 this morning.

Two new cases were reported at the Queen Mary Hospital. The patient was a 58-year-old man and a 57-year-old woman. The two were married. They visited Texas and Taiwan together, and were in Texas on March 10. Watching the concert in Texas, he got sick after returning to Hong Kong.

A new case was reported at Tai Po Nethersole Hospital. The patient was a 30-year-old man.

Two new cases were reported at Prince of Wales Hospital. One patient was a 24-year-old man who had been tested for virus at Ren'an Hospital; the other was a 27-year-old woman.

A new case was reported at North District Hospital. The patient was a 20-year-old woman and returned to Hong Kong from the UK.

A new case was linked to the New Territories West Hospital. The patient was a 25-year-old man and was referred by the Asia Expo Museum. In addition, a case was detected by the Asia-Pacific Testing Center. The patient was an 18-year-old woman.

[09:25] The information indicates that the 54-year-old patient initially diagnosed at Prince of Wales Hospital was a doctor of the Department of Health who was responsible for detecting immigrants at the airport.

[09:20] It is understood that at least 6 preliminary diagnoses were added this morning (23).

The Prince of Wales Hospital has three new confirmed cases, including a 54-year-old woman, a 26-year-old man, and an 18-year-old man.

Ruttonjee Hospital has a preliminary diagnosis of two foreigners, a 37-year-old woman and a 30-year-old man, who have travel records. The female patient has been to the Philippines and Turkey; the male patient has been to France, Spain and the United Kingdom, and he has been contacted by a tour guide in Barcelona, ​​Spain, who was later diagnosed with new pneumonia.

There is also one case in the Eastern Hospital, a 66-year-old female patient who visited Thailand from March 15 to 19.

[08:00] As of Monday (23rd) at 8 am, 81,577 confirmed cases nationwide, with a cumulative death toll of 3,267, 118 suspected cases, and 72,391 cured cases; in Hubei, a severely affected area, a total of 67,800, with a total of 3,144 deaths .

[03:45] The Macau New Coronavirus Coordination Center stated that a new imported case had increased the number of confirmed cases to 22. The patient was a 44-year-old Macao man who departed from Dublin, Ireland, arrived in Hong Kong via Frankfurt, Germany on March 21, and arrived at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Macau Port in the afternoon of March 22 due to a runny nose and other symptoms. Earl's General Hospital is in an emergency department and confirmed after a nucleic acid test.

Overview of yesterday:

[New Crown Pneumonia] Increased medical pressure in confirmed cases

[New Coronary Pneumonia] Increasing the number of imported cases: or transfer patients in rehabilitation to a modified isolation room

[New Crown Pneumonia] Lan Kwai Fong Tsui Wah closed as a regular customer as the dining room is full of memories: I hope to reopen

[New Crown Pneumonia] Some students return to Hong Kong from the United States via Taiwan without being asked to quarantine the government, and then follow up

[New Crown Pneumonia] Discovery Bay Wedding Group Increases to 10 People Affected

[New Crown Pneumonia] The father of a medical nurse at Renji Hospital has confirmed that the two had traveled to Turkey.

[New Crown Pneumonia] Teacher Kelly Hill from International School Leads Students to Four Swiss Staff

[New Crown Pneumonia] Many patients have been to Lan Kwai Fong and a confirmed band musician has performed at several bars

Former Director of the Centre for Health Protection Zeng Haohui: The government has "explained" the anti-epidemic initiative

[New Coronary Pneumonia] PURE Fitness has been diagnosed and used a sauna.

[New crown pneumonia] 36 people illegally left their homes and wanted to be checked by police

【Coronavirus disease. 3.23 epidemic situation] 36 people wanted to quarantine order, 2 people wanted to cut their hands

[New Crown Pneumonia] Liang Zhuowei: If self-regulation measures fail, the government should imitate British restaurants, etc.

[New Crown Pneumonia] After the new quarantine order came into effect, 7,116 people entered the airport for a three-day high yesterday.

[New Crown Pneumonia] Increased medical pressure in confirmed cases

[New Crown Pneumonia] Some students return to Hong Kong from the United States via Taiwan without being asked to quarantine the government, and then follow up

[New Crown Pneumonia] Discovery Bay Wedding Group Increases to 10 People Affected

[New Crown Pneumonia] The father of a medical nurse at Renji Hospital has confirmed that the two had traveled to Turkey.

[New Crown Pneumonia] Kelly Hill International School Teachers Lead Students to Four Swiss Staff

[New Crown Pneumonia] Many patients have been to Lan Kwai Fong and a confirmed band musician has performed at several bars

▼ Outbreak of global pandemic in Hong Kong is waiting ▼




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Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-03-23

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