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Coronavirus: Eight patients from Italy landed in Saxony


Coronavirus in Germany: A group of Corona patients from Italy ends up in Saxony. It complies with a request from the Italian government.

Coronavirus in Germany: A group of Corona patients from Italy ends up in Saxony. It complies with a request from the Italian government.

  • The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) warns of "up to ten million infected" in Germany in the corona crisis
  • Bavaria's first curfew is imposed in Germany
  • Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 continues to advance: This is the situation in Europe and in the world

+++ Update ticker +++

+++ 24.03.2020, 6.40 a.m .: A group of Corona patients from Italy to be treated in Saxony has landed at Leipzig-Halle Airport. Two rescue vehicles were waiting on the airfield to transport the patients to the hospital.

The hospitals in the Free State had previously signaled that they had the capacity to do so. In addition, one could learn to deal with the virus by treating the Italian patients. "This is a very important sign that we can help others," said Kretschmer.

+++ 21.32 PM: Saxony wants to admit Coronavirus patients from Italy in its hospitals. Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) announced on Monday (23.03.2020) in Dresden. It complies with a request from the Italian government.

The hospitals in Saxony had agreed to have the capacity to do so. In addition, the treatment of Corona patients from Italy can learn to deal with the virus. "This is a very important sign that we can help others," said Kretschmer. At first Kretschmer had spoken of six patients from Italy, in the evening there was talk of eight patients. They should be spread across several clinics.

By Monday, 865 cases of infection had been registered in Saxony, most of them in Dresden, Zwickau and Leipzig. So far there have been three deaths from the new virus in the Free State.

Corona virus in Germany: first death in Saxony-Anhalt

+++ 20.25 PM: In the state of Saxony-Anhalt there is the first death after a coronavirus infection . In Halle, an 80-year-old woman with serious previous illnesses died on Saturday (21.03.2020). The coronavirus was also found, the city of Halle announced on Monday evening (23.03.2020). It was the first known corona- related death in Saxony-Anhalt, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Social Affairs said.

Overall, the number of deaths after infection with the corona virus in Germany is 118. According to data from John Hopkins University (USA), more than 29,000 people are infected in Germany.

Coronavirus in Germany: Result of Chancellor Merkel's first test negative

+++ 23.03.2020, 4.40 p.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) 's first test for the novel corona virus revealed no infection. "The test result of today's test is negative," said government spokesman Steffen Seibert on Monday (23.03.2020) in Berlin on request. "Further tests will be carried out in the next few days."

Corona virus in Germany: Aid package for many sufferers

+++ 23.03.2020, 1:05 p.m .: The federal government is supporting families, tenants, employees, the self-employed and companies in the corona crisis with an aid package.

The cabinet passed several protective shields and changes to the law on Monday. To ensure that aid arrives quickly, the Bundestag should approve the measures on Wednesday and the Federal Council on Friday.

The federal government is raising huge sums. After six years without new debt, the black zero falls in the federal budget - the cabinet decided to borrow around 156 billion euros. To this end, the Bundestag is to put an emergency regulation into effect on the debt brake on Wednesday.

In the corona crisis, Hartz IV recipients should also be protected

The package encompasses many areas: Small companies and solo self-employed persons such as artists and nurses should receive direct grants of up to 15,000 euros over three months. Large companies should be strengthened with capital through a stabilization fund, and the state should also be able to participate in the companies if necessary. At the same time, an unlimited special loan program from the KfW development bank started on Monday.

Landlords should no longer be allowed to give notice to their tenants if they cannot pay their rent due to the Corona crisis. In the case of applications for Hartz IV, the asset assessment and the examination of the amount of the apartment rent should be suspended for six months. Families with slumps in income should be able to get a child supplement more easily.

With extended regulations on short-time work, companies should also be able to keep employees easier instead of sending them into unemployment. Germany's hospitals are to be supported with more than three billion euros.

+++ 23.03.2020, 11.30 a.m .: Doctors worry about unwanted pregnant women who are planning a termination due to the corona crisis . It could be that they resorted to unsafe abortion methods again, "with the risk of health damage such as inflammation, sterility, bleeding, and even death," explained Gießen doctor Kristina Hänel together with a network of doctors who offer the procedures.

Because of Corona: concern for women

There are currently major restrictions in counseling centers, medical practices and clinics. At the same time, there are fears that the initial restrictions will lead to more unwanted pregnancies due to an increase in domestic and sexual violence.

The network of doctors and associations such as Pro Familia demands, among other things, to enable video advice or telephone advice for women. Otherwise, the mandatory advice prescribed before the interventions and the waiting period would have to be suspended.

+++ 23.03.2020, 10.00 a.m .: Chancellor Merkel will attend the Federal Cabinet meeting from home quarantine by telephone. A government spokesman said.

As in the past, the ministers are not meeting in the cabinet room of the Chancellery in Berlin as usual because of the corona crisis , but in the much larger international conference room - so they can keep the necessary distance from one another to prevent contagion.

Economy demands fast help because of Corona

+++ 23.03.2020, 7.45 a.m .: In view of the dramatic consequences of the coronavirus crisis with acute danger for companies and jobs, companies are urgently waiting for government aid.

"Immediate help is the order of the day - and to be taken literally," said Wolfgang Ewer, President of the Federal Association of Liberal Professions, to the press. The German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga) said that the consequences of the corona pandemic were "devastating". Existences are more than at risk, jobs are at stake. Politicians must now help quickly, comprehensively and in a targeted manner.

Business and private individuals are urgently waiting for government aid in the corona crisis

"Companies really need to get liquid funds as quickly as possible, as this is the only way to save businesses and employment," said Reinhold von Eben-Worlée, president of the family business association. The current situation is dramatic. “Large parts of the service area such as hotels, restaurants, travel companies, event agencies are already on the upper lip, because no bookings have been made since the beginning of March, only cancellations. But the costs keep going. ”Eben-Worlée called for more help for small and medium-sized businesses.

+++ 22.3.2020, 8.45pm: In the fight against the spread of the corona virus, the Federal Cabinet wants to take comprehensive measures on Monday. These are large protective screens for companies, employees and clinics. Extensive changes to the law are planned. The Bundestag is to approve on Wednesday and the Federal Council on Friday.

Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) is expected to chair the meeting - Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had to go into quarantine at home. It will probably be activated by video or telephone.

Chancellor Angela Merkel in quarantine at home

+++ 22.3.2020, 7 p.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) went into quarantine at home on Sunday because of the risk of a corona infection. As government spokesman Steffen Seibert announced in the evening, she was informed that a doctor who had given her pneumococcal vaccination on Friday has now tested positive for the coronavirus.

Merkel will be tested regularly over the next few days, "because a test would not yet be fully meaningful," continued Seibert. The Chancellor would go about her business from the quarantine.

Restaurants and hairdressers close

+++ 22.3.2020, 4.50 p.m .: The federal and state governments want to close restaurants and inns immediately - where this is not yet the case. The federal government and the prime ministers of the federal states agreed on this in their conference call on Sunday. "This does not include the delivery and collection of take-away meals for consumption at home," says the decision.

Service companies in the field of personal care must also close. This affects, for example, hairdressers, cosmetic studios, tattoo studios and massage parlors. Medically necessary treatments should continue to be possible.

+++ 22.3.2020, 3:50 p.m .: The federal and state governments want to adopt a kind of “contact ban” in the fight against the spread of the corona virus . Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of the federal states agreed at a conference call to fundamentally prohibit gatherings of more than two people. Families and people living in a household should be excluded.

+++ 22.3.2020, 2.20 p.m .: Chancellor Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Ministers began their discussions on Sunday about further measures in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Chancellor advises on curfews

The conference call is about whether there are nationwide exit restrictions. In addition to Merkel, the ministers most important for the fight against the spread and the consequences of the coronavirus also take part. In addition to Vice Chancellor and Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz (SPD), Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD), Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) and Minister of Defense Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) will also be present. A statement is expected at 5:30 p.m.

+++ 22.3.2020, 10.30 a.m .: The discussions of Chancellor Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Minister of the federal states on further measures in the corona crisis begin on Sunday at 2 p.m.

Corona: Restrictions depending on people's behavior

The switch conference is about whether further restrictions on public life are necessary to contain the coronavirus. According to government spokesman Steffen Seibert, the chancellor and the country heads want to carry out a "very serious, relentless analysis of the situation" of the past few days.

Whether there will be further restrictions for the citizens should be made dependent on their behavior this weekend.

+++ 22.3.2020, 9.15 a.m .: Würzburg is particularly affected by deaths from the corona virus in Bavaria. Nine seniors from a nursing home in the city have since died, the home confirmed at the weekend. A total of 34 residents were tested positive, it said.

Seven would be in hospitals. 27 employees also had the virus. The day care center and the geriatric center had been closed so that workers from these areas could support their colleagues.

+++ 22.3.2020, 9.00 a.m .: On Saturday, the number of people infected with corona rose for the first time to more than 22,000. According to data from the district and health authorities, 22,364 people in Germany tested positive for the virus. 84 people have already died.

The Robert Koch Institute sometimes transmits other numbers. The deviations can be explained by a delay, which is due to the discovery of cases on site and the transmission of the figures to the RKI.

Chancellor Merkel wants to advise on nationwide curfew

+++ 21.3.2020, 7.40 p.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Ministers will discuss tomorrow morning (22.03.2020, from 2 p.m.) on further measures in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic . The main focus of the conference call will be whether there are nationwide exit restrictions.

In addition to Merkel, the ministers most important for the fight against the spread and the consequences of the coronavirus also take part. In addition to Vice Chancellor and Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz (SPD), Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD), Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) and Minister of Defense Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) will also be present.

Relief planned for Hartz IV recipients

+++ 21.03.2020, 4.30 p.m .: Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) wants to suspend the property check for half a year in the Coronavirus crisis with a Hartz IV application. "We are now making sure that the costly asset review is no longer necessary for six months from April 1," said Heil of the "Bild am Sonntag". "In addition, everyone can stay in their home." The basic security benefits would be granted quickly and unbureaucratically. "That helps first of all, so as not to plunge into the bottomless."

+++ 21.3.2020, 3.40 p.m .: Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) wants to introduce stricter rules for infection protection in an urgent procedure. Accordingly, the federal government should in future be given more opportunities to intervene across the country. The law, together with other government relief and protection laws, is to be passed in a large package as early as next week.

"To prevent the entire health system from destabilizing, the federal government must be able to intervene quickly with protective measures. The federal government is empowered to determine an epidemic situation of national scope, ”the draft says.

Coronavirus pandemic: AfD loses approval in times of crisis

+++ 21.3.2020, 1.45 p.m .: The coronavirus pandemic has a great influence on the political mood in Germany. The CDU / CSU improved in the current "RTL / ntv trend barometer" compared to the previous week by three points to 32 percent. This almost brought her to the Bundestag election result of 32.9 percent in 2017.

The AfD lost two points and slipped to nine percent. The Greens also lost two points, reaching 20 percent. The left lost one percentage point; it came to nine percent in the poll published on Saturday. SPD and FDP were able to increase by one point each.

The Social Democrats reached 15 percent, the Liberals seven percent. The number of non-voters and undecided increased by two points to 24 percent. In this survey, the AfD fell below the ten percent mark nationwide for the first time since September 2017.

Around 20,000 people infected with coronavirus in Germany

+++ 21.3.2020, 12.10 p.m .: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin reported the number of people infected with the coronavirus in Germany on Saturday at 16,662 - an increase of 2705 since the previous day. Johns Hopkins University (JHU), based in the US city of Baltimore, reported 19,848 infected people. The RKI, which only takes into account the electronically transmitted figures from the federal states and updates its list once a day, has registered 47 deaths so far, the JHU 68 deaths.

+++ 21.3.2020, 8.00 a.m .: Young patients infected with the coronavirus are being treated more and more in the intensive care units. That was shown in Italy - and "that is a picture that also emerges in Germany," said chief physician Clemens Wendtner from the Clinic for Infectious Diseases at Munich Clinic Schwabing.

"The youngest symptomatic Covid-19 patients were in their early twenties. Overall, we see the entire demographic age spectrum, whether in normal or intensive care."

Wendtner had already treated the first patients infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus in Germany at the Schwabinger Klinik at the end of January. "Even a young patient is not immune to having a difficult course," warned the doctor.

Coronavirus pandemic: Nearly 20,000 infected - nine deaths in one city

+++ 9:00 p.m .: There are nine corona deaths in just one nursing home in Würzburg. That said a spokesman for the Bavarian State Office for Health (LGL) on Friday of the German press agency. The director of the Würzburg geriatric care facility said that all the deceased had previous illnesses and were over 80 years old. Of the 160 residents, five were currently suffering from Covid 19 disease in Würzburg clinics, and a further ten had been tested positive for the virus and were being isolated in their rooms in the home. There were also 23 nurses who also had a positive test. These are in quarantine at home.

+++ 20.46 clock: The number of infected in Germany has increased to almost 20,000. According to data from “Johns Hopkins University”, 19,711 people in Germany have contracted the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus (as of March 20, 2020, 8:43 pm).

Corona virus in Germany: Cologne prohibits meetings of more than two people

+++ 20.41 clock: The city of Cologne uses drastic means in the fight against the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 . The city said on Twitter: "The gathering of people from more than two people outside the close family is strictly prevented." If people disregard the regulations, they will face a fine and possibly criminal proceedings.

+++ 18.01 PM: The car manufacturer Volkswagen wants to support manufacturers of respirators in the corona virus crisis by building and supplying their own parts. "Medical equipment is of course new to us," said a spokesman. "But as soon as we know the requirements and receive the corresponding blueprint, we can start." It is about components that can be produced with 3D printers. There have already been inquiries from authorities, and there are also contacts with associations and clubs.

Coronavirus in Germany: 18,400 infections

+++ 17.07 PM: More than 18,400 infections with the new corona virus are known to date in Germany . This emerges from an evaluation of the German Press Agency, which takes into account the reported numbers of the federal states.

North Rhine-Westphalia has particularly high numbers with more than 6200, Bavaria with more than 3100 and Baden-Württemberg with more than 2700 cases. Lower Saxony has more than 1200 infections.

53 people infected with Sars-CoV-2 have died nationwide so far, two more Germans according to the Robert Koch Institute during a trip to Egypt.

Corona crisis: Virologist Drosten expects a long state of emergency

+++ 15.57 PM: According to an assessment by the virologist Christian Drosten *, the restrictions on containing the coronavirus pandemic could last for many months. "We may have to assume that we have to spend a year socially in a state of emergency," he said "Zeit Online" on Friday. However, he expects that not all countermeasures can be maintained for so long.

+++ 3.40 p.m .: Nurses from the Philippines should help Germany with the care of Covid-19 patients. According to the Hessische Krankenhausgesellschaft, a "recruitment flight" for intensive care personnel is planned. "We have received a special permit that we can still bring 75 Filipino nurses to Hessen," said the President of the Hessian Hospital Society, Christian Höftberger, on Friday to the German Press Agency.

This number relates only to the Asklepios clinics, whose regional manager in Hesse is Höfteberger. "But I am aware that there are other Filipino intensive care nurses on the same plane." They are supposed to work in another large private hospital company. Höftberger also said that two other large clinics would have got nurses into this “recruiting plane”.

Corona crisis: federal states restrict public life

+++ 13.35 p.m .: Saarland wants to close restaurants in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus and impose an exit restriction. Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) will propose this to the cabinet on Friday, the State Chancellery in Saarbrücken said.

+++ 12.48 p.m .: Bavaria issues “basic exit restrictions” in the fight against the corona pandemic. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) announced on Friday. "We are almost completely shutting down public life," said the head of government.

As of Saturday, leaving your own apartment is only permitted if there are good reasons. This includes the way to work, necessary shopping, visits to the doctor and pharmacy, help for others, visits from life partners, but also sports and exercise in the fresh air - but only alone or with the people you live with.

Corona crisis in Germany of "unimaginable proportions"

+++ 12.15 p.m .: According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the corona pandemic in Germany is a disease occurrence of unprecedented dimensions. “We are all in a crisis that is of a magnitude that I could never have imagined myself” , warned RKI President Lothar Wieler on Friday in Berlin during his assessment of journalists. The seriousness of the situation must now be completely clear to all citizens and decision-makers. "Everyone has to understand that."

Wieler made an urgent appeal to the population to implement measures to reduce social contacts, to keep their distance in everyday life and to quarantine themselves in the event of symptoms of illness. He emphasized this because he was "convinced" that this was absolutely necessary now. "We have never had the situation of an epidemic of this magnitude in Germany."

Meanwhile, lawyers and data protection experts criticize the measure that the Robert Koch Institute can access the data of 46 million mobile phone customers in Germany in the fight against the corona pandemic in order to understand their mobility.

Corona crisis in Germany: drastic increase in infected people

+++ 10.50 a.m .: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin reported the number of people infected with the coronavirus in Germany on Friday at 13,957 - an increase of 2958 since the previous day.

The RKI, which only takes into account the electronically transmitted data from the federal states and updates its list once a day, has so far registered 31 deaths, while the Johns Hopkins University (JHU), based in the US city of Baltimore, recorded 44 deaths.

The JHU already reported 16,290 people infected on Friday. More than 244,000 people were infected worldwide; more than 10,000 people died.

Curfews due to Corona: Saturday as a "crucial day"

+++ 09.50: Chancellor Helge Braun described Saturday as a crucial day in the decision about possible curfews due to the corona virus . "We will look at the behavior of the population this weekend," said the CDU politician the "mirror". "Saturday is a crucial day, we have a particular eye on it." There should be curfews in Germany on Sunday evening when Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) meets the Prime Ministers of the Länder in a conference call.

Corona crisis: curfew in Freiburg

+++ 20.03.2020, 6.00 a.m .: curfews are increasingly being imposed in the fight against the spread of the corona virus in Germany. The city of Freiburg has now also taken this step. As of Saturday (March 21st), a “ban on public places” applies to public places, as the city administration announced. The curfew does not apply in general: leaving the apartment is still allowed for "urgent matters". Visits to the doctor, occupational routes and grocery shopping are still permitted.

Mayor Martin Horn (non-party) justified the measure by saying that the city is only a few kilometers away from areas of France and Switzerland that are badly affected by the pandemic. The decision to curfew was made after "thorough" consideration and was personally "not easy for him at all," said Horn in the ARD daily topics. There are curfews in three Bavarian municipalities.

According to the city, the residents of Freiburg are only allowed to stay outdoors on their own, in pairs or with people from their own household. A minimum distance of 1.50 meters must be kept from all other people. Outdoor activities are still permitted, according to Horns, provided that they are practiced alone or with family members.

Maybrit Illner also spoke to her guests about the corona crisis in the ZDF talk. Virologist Christian Drosten indicated that they were also willing to take unconventional paths.

Corona crisis: More than 15,000 people infected

Meanwhile, according to the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (USA), the number of infected people in Germany has risen to 15,320.

+++ 19:20: The number of deaths due to the corona virus is currently 44 in Germany. Around 14,000 people are infected based on the available numbers.

+++ 19.10 clock: The Federal Government has determined places where a border crossing from Austria, France, Luxembourg, Denmark and Switzerland should still be possible. All other border crossings, on the other hand, should remain closed from Friday due to the Corona crisis. The list can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

+++ 17.10 PM: Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer prepares the Bundeswehr for a long crisis deployment, in which 75,000 reservists are called on to help. "We all have to be aware that this fight against the virus is a marathon," said the CDU chair in Berlin. They will "do everything we can" to curb the spread of the virus.

"Maintaining security and order" - the Bundeswehr should help

The task is to support the “sustainability of civilian forces,” says Kramp-Karrenbauer. In a daily order to the troop, she also explicitly mentioned operations to "maintain security and order", if necessary.

In the Corona crisis, 13 of around 50 applications for so-called administrative assistance have so far been approved. Above all, it is about the procurement of medical material. The range of tasks is likely to expand considerably in the next few weeks. "In the current situation, quick decisions are important," said Kramp-Karrenbauer. "We will support as long as we are needed".

According to the constitution, the Bundeswehr can also be deployed domestically in the event of a natural disaster or a particularly serious accident - in deviation from its actual mission of national defense.

+++ 16.38 PM: Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) said on Thursday (March 19, 2020) about a possible curfew in the fight against the corona pandemic in Germany : “The curfew is the ultimate ratio. The curfew will come, I am convinced when it is clear that everything else will not work. ”Everyone who still believed that“ was somehow a game or a two-week interlude ”should be aware of this. "And that's why I am absolutely certain that there will be a curfew at some point, because at some point there will be no alternative," said Pistorius at the state press conference in Lower Saxony. According to Pistorius, "the hour of truth is on the weekend." Until then, the situation must improve significantly.

Clear announcement straight from @borispistorius to the # exit gate in # Lower Saxony: “Hour of Truth” is coming at the weekend. If people then deal with the previous # Corona restrictions as laxly as in the past few days, there will be a curfew. @welt @welt_hh

- uli exner (@UliExner) March 19, 2020

Pistorius announces that the police and local law enforcement agencies will crack down on measures to prevent the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . The police presence on the streets will be significantly increased, Pistorius announced. "In the event of violations, shops, ice cream parlors, cafes or restaurants are closed, gatherings of people are dissolved and fines are imposed on the basis of the Infection Protection Act and prosecuted as criminal offenses," said Pistorius.

Corona crisis in Germany: politicians threaten to curfew

Update from Thursday, March 19, 2020, 3:05 p.m .: As on Wednesday (March 18, 2020), German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeals to German politicians from the federal and state governments to stick to the measures to restrict public life. Several prime ministers, including Markus Söder (Bavaria), Winfried Kretschman (Baden-Württemberg), Tobias Hans (Saarland) and Armin Laschet (North Rhine-Westphalia) did not rule out curfews as a means to fight the corona pandemic . "Each individual has it in hand to prevent curfews," said Laschet on Thursday (March 19, 2020) in Düsseldorf. The Johns Hopkins University currently has more than 13,000 confirmed infections with the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 for Germany.

In view of the strolling groups, especially young people, in the parks, Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) said that one should refrain from "sitting in the park drinking and celebrating in groups". Defense minister and CDU chief Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has also urged the population to adhere to the guidelines to contain the corona pandemic. "If you don't want a curfew with all its burdens, you have to maintain the highest discipline," said Kramp-Karrenbauer on Thursday in Berlin.

In Bavaria, curfews have been imposed in three municipalities. According to the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR), the city of Halle (Saale) in Saxony-Anhalt is also considering tightening the measures up to a curfew. Mayor Bernd Wiegand therefore complained that law enforcement officers had met with resistance to control young people.

Halle is considering curfews. OB Wiegand said that especially young people who were celebrating on green spaces had not yet recognized the seriousness of the situation. Law enforcement officers are met with massive resistance. #coronavirus

- MDR AKTUELL (@MDRAktuell) March 19, 2020

Corona crisis in Germany: two more curfews imposed

Update from Thursday, March 19, 2020, 1:02 p.m .: The announcement by Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has been implemented: In two municipalities in the Upper Franconian district of Wunsiedel in Eastern Bavaria, there is now a curfew “due to the dynamic spread of the corona virus” the district office in Wunsiedel. Accordingly, the urban area of ​​Hohenberg an der Eger, the Neuhaus district and the Fischern district, which belongs to the Schirnding municipality, are affected.

"If so many people do not voluntarily restrict themselves, in the end only a Bavaria-wide # exit block remains as the only instrument to react to it." Markus # Söder on his # government statement on the situation in the # corona crisis # corona # corona virus # corona Germany

- BR24 (@ BR24) March 19, 2020

A curfew had previously been imposed on Wednesday (18.03.2020) for the Bavarian city of Mitterteich in the fight against the corona pandemic . The website of the district council in Wunsiedel states: “All citizens in the affected areas must now reside in their home environment. They are only allowed to leave them for good reason: for example, to go to work, run errands, visit a doctor or go to the pharmacy. ”

Corona virus in Germany: Prime Ministers do not rule out curfews

Update from Thursday, March 19, 2020, 12.12 p.m .: After the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) , other Prime Ministers are warning to impose curfews. Because of the corona pandemic , according to the Saarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) everyone has to limit their lives and be disciplined. "But our first experiences show that many people do not adhere to our specifications and continue to take the danger lightly," he told the newspapers of the Funke media group. "If many continue to fail to comply with our requirements, the only thing left is a quick and hard curfew as an instrument."

MP @tobiashans calls for discipline on # coronavirus measures. He told the Funke media group: "If many continue to fail to comply with our requirements, the only thing left is a quick and hard # exit barrier as an instrument # Saarland

- SAARTEXT (@SAARTEXT) March 19, 2020

The Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) has also made an urgent appeal to citizens to abide by the restrictions to curb the rampant coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 - and to offer more stringent measures in the event of a violation, which could include curfews . "It cannot be that young people are now running to corona parties," said Kretschmann. "If not everyone changes their behavior fundamentally, then we cannot avoid tougher measures and sanctions."

Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 in Germany: Cem Özdemir tested positive

Update from Thursday, March 19, 2020, 11:01 a.m .: The member of the Bundestag Cem Özdemir (Greens) is infected with the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 . This was announced by Özdemir on Thursday in a video on social media. In it he said that he was "very well". He wanted to make his contagion public "to make it clear that each and every one of us can be infected".

He called on the limitations of public life in the fight against Corona pandemic comply and appealed: "Take it seriously, stay home!" He himself had largely voluntarily before the test result Quarantine issued and must not now more change a lot.

Corona virus in Germany: Söder does not rule out curfew for Bavaria

Update from Thursday, March 19th, 2020, 10.11am: On Wednesday (March 18th, 2020 ) the Bavarian district office Tirschenreuth imposed the first curfew in Germany in the fight against the corona pandemic . Now Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) no longer excludes a curfew for all of Bavaria - and announces that the second curfew will definitely come in the district of Wunsiedel on Thursday. This was announced by Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) in his government statement in the state parliament in Munich. “If many people do not restrict themselves voluntarily, then in the end only the Bavaria-wide curfew remains as the only instrument to react to it. Everyone has to be clear about that, ”said Söder.

Corona crisis in Germany: Söder wants to prevent "second Heinsberg" with curfew

In the district of Wunsiedel, stricter measures against the spread of the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 are necessary, just like in the Upper Palatinate town of Mitterteich , because there are high numbers of cases. A curfew was imposed yesterday in Mitterteich. Söder emphasized that Bavaria did not want a spreading situation in any municipality, such as in the district of Heinsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia or in Austria's Ischgl.

After the Upper Palatinate town of #Mitterteich has imposed a # exit curfew, Prime Minister Söder does not rule out a blanket curfew for Bavaria. Many did not stick to the recommendations: "We must not allow a second Heinsberg."

- WDR news (@WDRaktuell) March 19, 2020

Update from Thursday, March 19, 2020, 7:00 a.m .: The number of people infected with the new coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 in Germany continues to rise. To date, Johns Hopkins University, located in the US city of Baltimore, has counted 12,327 cases. 28 people have died in this country so far. The death rate is 0.23 percent. This is many times lower than in Italy, where mortality is alarmingly high.

Updated on 03.18.2020, 20:09: Germany expands the entry restrictions due to the novel coronavirus now on flights and shipping traffic from. As the Federal Ministry of the Interior announced on Wednesday evening, only Germans or travelers with "an urgent travel reason" can now come to Germany by plane or ship from Austria, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Denmark. If you come from an EU country, you can only land at a German airport if you travel from there to your home country.

Merkel on the corona virus in Germany: the biggest crisis since World War II

Update from March 18, 2020, 6.30 p.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) sees the fight against the novel corona virus as a task of historical proportions. "Since the Second World War there has been no challenge to our country that depends so much on our joint solidarity ," she said in a television speech that will be broadcast on Wednesday evening. "Our idea of ​​normalcy, of public life, of social interaction - all of this is being tested like never before."

The corona virus changes life in Germany dramatically, said Merkel in the recording. She knows how hard closings of event rooms, schools, daycare centers and playgrounds are. "There are restrictions that have never existed in the Federal Republic."

Corona virus in Germany: Merkel appeals to the population in television speech

Nevertheless, the regulations must be followed, Merkel emphasized. "I appeal to you: stick to the rules that will now apply for the next time. As the government, we will always re-examine what can be corrected, but also: what may still be necessary. "

The "most urgent" thing for her this evening was the message that all government measures would be in vain "if we were not to use the most effective means of preventing the virus from spreading too quickly: and we are ourselves," said the Chancellor. "All count, it takes our effort."

The number of people infected with the corona virus in Germany had risen to over 10,000 on Wednesday. At midday, Johns Hopkins University (JHU), based in the US city of Baltimore, had 10,069 cases. A total of 26 people have thus far died of the corona virus in the Federal Republic. In order to slow the spread, public life has been severely restricted in recent days.

Corona virus in Germany: Mecklenburg-West Pomerania blocks tourists

Update from Wednesday, 6.10 p.m .: The next federal state seals itself off: To curb the coronavirus epidemic in Germany , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania also does not allow tourists to enter the country. The state chancellery in Schwerin announced that all tourist providers, from hotels and guesthouses, inns, campsites and camper sites to landlords of holiday apartments and home sharing providers, have been banned since Wednesday. Tourists who are already in the country should now vacate their accommodations and return home by Thursday at the latest.

“Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is a popular and successful tourist destination. In the current situation, vacation is no longer possible. That is why we have to shut down tourism in the country completely, ”said Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD). This is done for the safety of the local population, the employees in the tourism industry and also the guests. The main goal is to slow the spread of the corona virus.

Corona virus in Germany: First German city imposes curfew

Updated on Wednesday, 17:18: For many apply curfews as a last resort in the fight against Corona pandemic . Now the first curfew has been imposed in Germany : The Tirschenreuth district office in Bavaria has taken the measure because of the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus for the city of Mitterteich . The curfew is set to last until April 2, the agency said. Around 6,500 people live in Mitterteich. There were 40 confirmed coronavirus infections in the district until Tuesday, with around half of the Mitterteich area being the focus. "Leaving the home without a good reason is prohibited," said the order, which only refers to the urban area and not to all districts. Before that, the population had already been called on via loudspeakers to minimize social contacts, reports the BR.

#Mitterteich in the district #Tirschenreuth is a # Corona hotspot in #Bavaria. Here, the population is now called through loudspeakers to reduce social contacts to a minimum. #Coronavirus #CoronaVirusDE

- BR24 (@ BR24) March 18, 2020

Leipzig sociologist Holger Lengfeld warns against the hasty imposition of a blanket exit ban in Germany. "This has so many negative consequences for social cohesion that it can only be the very last resort," said the humanities scientist in Leipzig on Wednesday. Lengfeld referred, among other things, to the threatened loneliness of the elderly, especially in large cities. In addition, there would be "conflicts within families if all members of a household are not allowed to leave the apartment".


The Tirschenreuth district office in Bavaria has imposed a curfew on the city of Mitterteich due to the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus.

© picture alliance / dpa / Daniel Karmann

So far, France, Spain, Italy, Austria and most recently Belgium have imposed curfews due to the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. So far, Germany has relied on restricting public life.

Corona virus in Germany: Easier short-term benefits are coming

Update from Wednesday, March 18th, 2020, 4.40pm: Many workers in Germany fear loss of wages and unemployment due to the corona pandemic . The state now wants to protect many of them from short-time work . In the Corona crisis, politicians and social partners want to jointly cushion shortfalls in wages for short-time work benefits. That's what Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) said on Wednesday (March 18, 2020) after a top meeting with employers and unions in Berlin. Heil said with regard to short-time work benefits that the Federal Employment Agency had a buffer of 26 billion euros. The aim is to preserve companies and prevent layoffs.

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Nationwide there is already a rush of companies for the extended short-time allowance in the corona crisis. The companies apply for the benefit on a large scale to the local offices of the Federal Employment Agency (BA). A spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry of Labor said in Berlin "that there is currently an enormous increase in the need for advice". Many companies wanted to take advantage of short-time work benefits for the first time. The simplified short-time work allowance is regulated as follows:

  • The reduced short-time work benefit will flow retrospectively to March 1st.
  • The BA pays 60 percent of the lost net wages. The figure for workers with children is 67 percent.
  • Companies can use short-time work benefits if only 10 percent of employees are affected by the loss of work - instead of a third as before.
  • Employers are also fully reimbursed for the social security contributions they have to pay for short-time work.

Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2: Germany suspends refugee admission

Update from Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 2:47 pm: Due to the corona pandemic , Germany has suspended humanitarian refugee reception. In the fight against the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus, humanitarian admission will be "suspended until further notice". A spokesman for the Federal Interior Ministry said the newspapers of the Funke media group.

At the same time, fear of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus is growing in refugee camps. Should it spread through the various trouble spots in camps, countless people would be helplessly exposed to the lung disease. For fear of an outbreak of the corona pandemic in the overcrowded registration camps for migrants, Greece has taken a number of precautions. * Visits are currently prohibited. Humanitarian organizations warn of an outbreak of the new lung disease in the hopelessly crowded camps. "It's only a matter of time," says Dimitris Patestos, head of the branch of the organization Doctors of the World on the island of Lesbos.


A woman who currently lives in the Moria refugee camp sews face masks.

© picture alliance / dpa / Aggelos Barai

German citizens will be flown back from Wednesday afternoon during the largest return campaign for Germans from abroad in the history of the Federal Republic. On Wednesday afternoon (March 18, 2020), the first machine chartered by the federal government is to land in Munich with vacationers stranded in Tunisia due to the corona crisis. According to the Federal Foreign Office, two machines from Egypt in Munich and three from Morocco in Frankfurt am Main will follow.

Coronavirus in Germany: More than 10,000 infected

Update from Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 2:11 p.m .: Infections with the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 continue to increase strongly in Germany : Now the number has risen to more than 10,000. According to the Johns Hopkins University , located in the US city of Baltimore, the number of registered infected people in Germany rose to 10,069 cases by Wednesday (March 18, 2020). A total of 26 people have thus far died of the corona virus in the Federal Republic.

The latest official figures from the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI) were significantly lower with 8198 people infected with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus, but they came from 00:00 on Wednesday. Johns Hopkins University updates its numbers more regularly, according to the Robert Koch Institute, the numbers from the US University are plausible. In terms of the worldwide number of confirmed infected persons, Germany was in fifth place - after China, Italy, Iran and Spain.

Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 in Germany: mega traffic jams on the border with Poland

Update from Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 1:34 p.m .: The border controls introduced by Poland in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic at the weekend led to a mega traffic jam of around 60 kilometers at the German-Polish crossing at Ludwigsdorf near Görlitz on Autobahn 4 . The German Red Cross (DRK) was in action at night with around 90 helpers to take care of those waiting. "In our view, it is a humanitarian situation," said DRK spokesman Kai Kranich. Sometimes people - including many families - would be stuck in traffic for up to 20 hours. There are no toilets or food supplies. Border guards in Poland reacted on Wednesday and opened four more crossings for car traffic.


Kilometers of traffic jams are currently forming on the German-Polish border.

© picture alliance / dpa / Robert Michael

Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) wants to ask the Bundeswehr for help in view of the long traffic jams on the German-Polish border. He said he had spoken to the Federal Defense Minister and asked for support in the care of those waiting, should the situation worsen, on Tuesday in Dresden. The Free State is also in discussion with the Polish government about the situation, emphasized Kretschmer. Fifteen minutes to clear a single truck are not suitable to defuse the current situation. "The Polish side has to react faster here," Kretschmer said.

Long #STAU s again on the # A11 and # A12 at the border crossings to Poland. Currently waiting time is several hours!

- Traffic Information Center Berlin (VIZ) (@VIZ_Berlin) March 18, 2020

Corona virus in Germany: RKI warns of "up to ten million infected"

Update from Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 12.47 p.m .: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) warns of "up to ten million infected" in Germany alone in view of the rapid spread of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus in Germany . This was announced by RKI President Lothar Wieler on Wednesday (March 18, 2020) in Berlin. The number of coronavirus infections in Germany is currently growing exponentially, Wieler reported in his daily press conference on Covid-19 . The RKI currently reports almost 8,200 infected people in Germany.

President of @rki_de, Wieler, warns of ten million coronavirus infections within a few months. This could happen if the protective measures ordered were not observed.

- MDR LATEST (@MDRAktuell) March 18, 2020

The extreme situation with millions of infected people could occur if the population did not adhere to the measures and information on social distancing that were issued by the federal government in consultation with the federal states. The guidelines for restricting public life in most federal states will come into force on Wednesday. Wieler said: "We are only at the beginning of an epidemic that will continue to be in our country for many weeks and months."


RKI President Wieler uses drastic words to warn of an extreme situation.

© AFP / Tobias Schwarz

Coronavirus pandemic in Germany: Merkel speaks on television

First report: The number of people who are infected with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus in Germany continues to rise. On Wednesday evening, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will address the residents of Germany in a large television speech.

The corona pandemic is gradually slowing public life in Germany. The restaurant, bars, cinemas and theater remain closed. All events have been canceled. Citizens are encouraged to stay at home. A tightening of measures to curb the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus cannot currently be ruled out. However, supermarkets, drugstores, pharmacies and specialist shops for pet supplies remain open. The complete drying up of cultural activities can have dramatic consequences for freelancers and smaller cultural centers and is currently causing heated discussions at federal level.

Number of people infected with Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 in Germany is increasing: curfews possible

The number of infections in Germany with Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 is very different. The Johns Hopkins University, which records the number of people infected with Sars-CoV-2 worldwide in a live statistic, speaks of 9788 people who were infected with the disease in Germany (as of 19.03.20). The Robert Koch Institute currently estimates that there are more than 8,000 infected people in Germany.

A few days ago, a "curfew" was not an issue. The Prime Minister of Hesse Volker Bouffier (CDU) emphasized this on Monday (16.03.2020) in a radio interview. Such a strong measure should be avoided if possible. The situation looks different two days later.

Coronavirus pandemic in Germany: emergency plan for hospitals

Due to the rapid spread of the corona virus, the federal and state governments have also decided on an emergency plan for hospitals. By "upgrading, equipping and retrofitting rehabilitation facilities, hotels or larger halls, additional capacities can be built up for the numerous easier treatment courses," says the drafted decision. It is planned to double the number of intensive care beds. The states should now develop plans with the clinics "to achieve this goal by building provisional intensive capacities," it continues. According to Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), there are currently 28,000 intensive care beds in Germany, of which 25,000 have ventilation options.

The Berlin Senate plans to use the Bundeswehr to build a hospital for 1,000 Covid-19 patients on the Berlin exhibition grounds.

Corona virus pandemic: thousands of Germans are flown home on special Lufthansa flights

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, tens of thousands of Germans are stuck in other countries and can no longer return home via regular routes, because flight operations to Germany and Europe are being increasingly restricted. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the German government is working with the "airlift" for German tourists on the largest return campaign in the history of the Federal Republic. There has been a worldwide travel warning since Tuesday evening (March 17th, 2020).

Worldwide #travel warning! We warn against unnecessary tourist trips abroad. The risk that you will no longer be able to start your return journey due to increasing restrictions is currently high. More: #COVID ー 19

- Federal Foreign Office (@AuswaertigesAmt) March 17, 2020

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has promised to immediately implement the entry restrictions for non-EU citizens to Germany. "Germany will implement this immediately," said Merkel on Tuesday in Berlin at a press conference after the video summit with her EU colleagues on how to deal with the coronavirus crisis. The restriction initially applies to 30 days. The heads of state and government also spoke about the joint struggle against the dramatic economic consequences of the epidemic. It is important to maintain the free flow of goods, said Merkel. "Serious, very serious consequences" for the economy must be expected.

Germany could soon impose a curfew on the way of the corona virus. Will there be exceptions? What if you violate it? Everything that is important.

Now a ban on corona contact has been decided in all federal states - even the closures caused by corona virus hit truck drivers particularly hard.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Peter Ending

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-24

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