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Oliver Pocher whines against Jenny Frankhauser - she shoots back: "Disgusting hate campaign"


Oliver Pocher is currently raging against influencers. The accusation: you would not take the Corona crisis seriously enough. Now a victim of the hate tirades, Jenny Frankhauser, speaks up.

Oliver Pocher is currently raging against influencers. The accusation: you would not take the Corona crisis seriously enough. Now a victim of the hate tirades, Jenny Frankhauser, speaks up.

  • Oliver Pocher criticizes the negligence of many people on Instagram.
  • A few hours later it is clear: Ms. Amira is infected with the corona virus.
  • Then he railed against influencers and was countered by Jenny Frankhauser.

Update from March 24, 2020, 2:50 p.m .: Oliver Pocher continues to rage despite his positive corona test. His new, chosen goal: influencer. The symbol of negligence in times of the Corona crisis , at least that is the derogatory opinion of the 42-year-old. While the normalos had long since shut down their own lives, the Internet stars continued to cheerfully jetted through world history to start their own home-stay campaigns. An unspeakable bigotry that, in his view, finds no justification, especially in the current situation. Two celebrities in particular are currently in the crossfire of the comedian: Sarah Harrison and Jenny Frankhauser.

After Pocher attacks: Frankhauser shoots back

The latter now resists the branding: "I would like to say that I always find constructive criticism good, appreciate it, but wish me and my family death? You can think of it as you want, but: No, I think cyberbullying not okay! ", she writes on Instagram.

Pocher had previously criticized her sharply for a visit to the hairdresser. Although she admits that this was "not correct and absolutely reckless", it in no way justifies the 42-year-old's evil comments.

" Not only does he insult me ​​badly , he even attacks women who are expectant mothers and it just goes too far! He makes us all deliberately part of his disgusting hate campaign . And every idiot knows that this negative stress also on the unborn child! "

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My dears ... I really don't know where to start ... I sometimes really don't have the words. I know that I am someone who is able to endure a lot and fate has given me a real kick a few times in recent years. My strokes of fate hardened me, made me very strong! But I'm not made of stone either !! I am a normal girl with feelings. I have received messages in the past few days that shock me! I don't even know if I should be angry or incredibly sad. As most of you noticed in my story, I was at the hairdresser a few days ago, that was not correct and absolutely reckless, I apologized publicly for this and I see this mistake! And also that I continue to advertise on Instagram is absolutely incomprehensible for some and even if many smile at it and make fun of it: It's a job ... it's MY job. Means: ☝ yes, I make a living from it. I have the chance to do something like that and am infinitely grateful for it. I live with my grandma and my 2 dogs in one house and take care of everyone, including financially. I have complete responsibility for everything and I am so happy that I can earn SO money. A few days ago Oliver Pocher started attacking me for this very reason. I would like to say that I always find constructive criticism good, appreciate it, but wish that I and my family die? You can think of what you want, but: No, I don't think cyberbullying is okay ️ ️ Not only does he insult me ​​badly, he even attacks women who are expectant mothers and THAT is just going too far! He deliberately lets us all become part of his disgusting hate campaign. And every idiot knows that this negative stress also goes to the unborn child! That his wife also participates in this anti-social shit, even though she herself has a little baby at home, is almost only the tip of the iceberg for me. So that was my opinion on the subject. #word #jennyfrankhauser

A post shared by (@jenny_frankhauser) on Mar 23, 2020 at 4:21 am PDT

Frankhauser makes serious allegations

Jenny doesn't stop at Amira Pocher (27) when she turns around: "That his wife also participates in this anti-social *** even though she herself has a small baby at home is almost only the tip of the iceberg for me." Before that, however, Amira had stated that she did not always share her husband's opinion - especially with regard to the most recent statements.

The serious allegations of jeopardizing unborn life probably relate to the collapse of pregnant influencer Sarah Harrison. The 28-year-old was previously defamed by Pocher. He denounced their behavior during the corona pandemic.

Lena Meyer-Landrut especially encourages young fans to exercise caution. You can protect others with a self-made mask.

Oliver Pocher whines against influencers despite Corona disease: "Such a hollow bulb"

Update from 03/23/2020, 10:13 p.m .: Although Oliver Pocher recently also tested positive for the corona virus (see below), his fans obviously have to worry less about his lungs than about his heart. So the comedian seems to put up with his Covid 19 illness quite well and also has "no major physical weaknesses", as he explained himself, but another topic is causing his blood pressure to skyrocket: influencers. After he had already spoken about some of them via Instagram in the past few days and announced further attacks (see below), he has now actually added more. So Oliver Pocher is currently busy giving out violently and talking in a rage.

Oliver Pocher freaks out on Instagram

"I RASTE AUS", Oliver Pocher shouts in the comment to one of his anti-influencer posts - and then he does the same in a number of different videos. Two of his new favorite victims include Jenny Frankhauser and the Harrisons. While he first got over the newly bleached mane with the words "We have f *** ing corona and you are still going to the hairdresser - you are such a hollow bulb", he uses the latter as an example to explain the "cunning" of so-called "Influencers and content creators". What Pocher didn't like, among other things, is their “double standard,” because the two were still on vacation in Dubai, but then they campaigned for the “Stay at home” campaign. What else bothers him is explained by Oliver Pocher in numerous other examples in further, often more than ten-minute, Instagram videos.

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Sorry, I got MADNESS when watching your submitted influencer videos !! Amira then filmed at some point and I talked myself into rage !! Everything I say I said in Corona fever and is sometimes very hard ... but I mean it 100%

A post shared by Oliver Pocher (@oliverpocher) on Mar 19, 2020 at 12:08 p.m. PDT

Oliver Pocher: When will the next influencer attack follow?

It seems that the comedian on the subject of influencers has just let off steam - but this is probably just the beginning: "I can just hold the mirror up to you," the Ulknudel justifies his actions to his critics. He explains that he does not do the whole thing in order to increase his level of awareness himself, but simply for himself, "for the fun of it." If so, you can be curious about what will come in the next few days - as long as Pocher's nerves can stand it.

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The insidiousness of "influencers & content creators" explained using Harrison's as an example!

A post shared by Oliver Pocher (@oliverpocher) on Mar 23, 2020 at 8:50 am PDT

From now on Oliver Pocher can also be seen in the RTL “Quarantäne-WG”

Oliver Pocher has just gotten another platform from Instagram to talk about the issues of the time, especially with a view to the corona virus, from RTL. From now on, he will be seen there with Günther Jauch and Thomas Gottschalk in the new "Quarantine-WG".

Oliver Pocher infected with corona virus - Comedian announces new attacks on Instagram

Update of March 21: Last Thursday, Oliver Pocher and his wife informed their fans via Instagram that Amira was infected with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . The couple has been in quarantine since then. But now things have gotten worse.

The comedian addressed the followers in another video on Saturday and brought the news that he too had been tested positively. “I got my Corona test result this morning and I also tested positive for Corona. It was actually more or less clear to me, but now I know it in black and white, ”said Oliver Pocher, who previously described Johannes Haller as“ King of the nonsense ”.

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It's official ... I also have Corona, so my urgent call to ALL people ... stay at home with your ass !!

A post shared by Oliver Pocher (@oliverpocher) on Mar 21, 2020 at 3:59 p.m. PDT

The 42-year-old announced that he must remain in quarantine at least until early April. He said that he had a "little dry cough" but otherwise "no major physical weaknesses".

Oliver Pocher has Corona: Comedian announces further Instagram attacks

Then he renewed his appeal again: “Please, just stay at home. It's really not that difficult. ”He didn't accept complaints from people who didn't know what to do. “That used to be called house arrest. You stayed at home, you had nothing, no Gameboy, no iPad, no Playstation, no 20 TV channels. We had ARD and ZDF, the afternoon program didn't start until 2 p.m. and we were happy when Heidi ran, ”said Pocher. Like the comedian, Boris Becker addressed his fellow human beings with haunting words.

In conclusion, he promised further attacks on Instagram: "Don't worry, you influencer, I will continue. Just because I have Corona doesn't stop. "

With Amira and Oliver infected, it remains to be hoped that the baby of the two, who was born in November, will stay healthy.

Update from March 20: After Oliver Pocher and his wife Amira told about the infection with the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 on Thursday, Pocher's "intimate enemy" Michael Wendler also expressed himself shortly afterwards - and with a nice gesture. "The Wendler" wished the newlywed parents "get well soon" and immediately sent a few hearts after them.

After Oli Pocher has recently targeted Instagram influencers, who send their advertising messages to the world unfiltered, and no longer Wendler, the rivalry between the two TV entertainers seems to have been finally settled. Finally, there was the ultimate encounter in a direct duel and live on TV *.

Other German celebrities such as Lilly Becker, TV presenter Laura Wontorra or model Rebecca Mir wish Pocher and his family a speedy recovery.

Read also: "Soon private bankruptcy too" - celebrity chef Tim Mälzer calls Markus Lanz for help *

Oliver Pocher angered by "sensational corona number"

Article of origin: The coronavirus crisis has the country under control and hardly anybody should be unaffected by the effects of rampant lung disease Covid-19 . A curfew - as in some other countries - has not yet been imposed in Germany and so many people spend their time as if they did not affect the danger in the slightest.

On Wednesday Oliver Pocher posted an Instagram story in which he described the madness that he encountered while walking with his youngsters, who were only a few months old: "I think it's just sensational how this corona number and all these announcements are implemented so incredibly well "The 42-year-old sarcastically criticizes those people who, despite the urgently recommended limitation of social contacts, sit next to each other and talk to each other as if there is no risk of infection at all. Many playgrounds are full of children who are aware of the current situation Location may not even be aware.


Oliver Pocher and wife Amira have Covid-19. There are encouraging words from Wendler.

© Rolf Vennenbernd / dpa

Prime Minister Markus Söder has already announced drastic measures for Bavaria * if many people should not continue to restrict themselves voluntarily.

Avoiding physical contact or keeping your distance ? As you can see again and again, this seems to be an impossibility for a large part of the population. Comedian Oli Pocher says: “People didn't quite understand it. I am now on my own here, with a child, take a short lap at a distance, "explains the TV star, who wanted to take a breath of fresh air. The difference: Staying alone is perfectly fine to prevent contact with others People .

"Up to three older people were sitting right next to each other here," says Pocher, the irresponsibility of many parents also makes the father of four mad : "But I think the playground is really cool. I have rarely seen the playground as fully as I have just seen it. People get the principle. " “Terminator” Arnold Schwarzenegger also addresses his fans with an announcement regarding corona virus.

Coronavirus suspected by Oliver Pocher: TV couple with an urgent appeal

However, it soon becomes clear that despite precautionary measures it can be seen a short time later: On Thursday morning Oliver Pocher, who in the Corona crisis named the king of the nonsense, and wife Amira with another video in the social Networking to the public: Amira Pocher now suffers from the lung disease Covid-19 . The couple tells their fans how it could have happened and that they will now go into quarantine for two weeks:

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Amira has tested positive for Corona! Accordingly, I have to assume that it caught me too! Accordingly, we are now in quarantine, do not go to Dubai and drink influencer tea to get fit again!

A post shared by Oliver Pocher (@oliverpocher) on Mar 19, 2020 at 1:08 p.m. PDT

Oliver Pocher and Amira tell where they were abroad and whether it makes sense to puzzle over where the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus was caught . "Up to 70 percent of people are supposed to catch the virus, it sure has caught you before. I'm assuming that I was also hit, ”says Pocher. The better half then talks about the symptoms and so someone who might see the video may be forced to request a test himself .

After being infected with the coronavirus, Pocher will go on the daily RTL show “Coronavirus-Quarantäne-WG” with three top entertainers.

Oli Pocher, who is still drawn to the face from his serious incident during a TV shoot, and Amira therefore appeal to her followers: "Please stay at home".

With a similar request, an Instagram beauty goes public - and gives bra-less corona tips. And even a model can feel the effects. She is probably stuck. But their followers are only interested in one detail.


* is an offer from the nationwide Ippen Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © PublicAd / Mirko Hannemann

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-25

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