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"Let's Dance" (RTL): Luca Hänni after a sudden relationship break - "Was a turbulent time"


At the moment the celebrities are whirling again on the dance floor of "Let's Dance". Luca Hänni is also there. But now he has separated from his girlfriend. The fans see a connection.

At the moment the celebrities are whirling again on the dance floor of "Let's Dance". Luca Hänni is also there. But now he has separated from his girlfriend. The fans see a connection.

  • Luca Hänni is currently dancing on the floor of the "Let's Dance" casting show
  • Now he and his girlfriend Michèle Affolter have split up
  • They announced the split on Instagram

Update from March 21st, 2020, 5:27 pm: He jumps, he rolls over the floor, he whirls through the air: Luca Hänni * gave everything in the last episode of "Let's Dance" . Together with his dance partner Christina Luft, he brought a particularly emotional contemporary to the song "Someone you loved" ("Someone you loved") on the floor. The expressive dance and the moving song title should have somehow suited Lucas's current emotional state, because he recently separated from his girlfriend Michèle (see below). In the RTL interview, he himself commented on this during the training for his big appearance on the dance floor.

Luca Hänni: "Was a turbulent time"

"It was a turbulent time for me, I've also gone through it a few times," Luca recalls the last few weeks and says that everyone knows the feeling when everything just flies around your ears. "You are together and yet somehow you pull away again. And that is what we are trying to show in this dance, ”continued Luca.

"Let's Dance": Luca Hänni dances off relationships with emotional contemporary

In fact, the former DSDS winner did just that incredibly well. So his private situation may also be the reason why Luca was able to bring the heartache, as he should be in music and choreography, to the stage in a particularly authentic way. The jury * was more than enthusiastic about Lucas Contemporary and awarded a whopping 30 points. Even Joachim Llambi , who was otherwise so strict, could not find anything to criticize after the emotional performance of the Swiss: "We'll make it short: This is my first 10", the judge awarded the highest score for Lucas' performance in the current season like never before .

"Let's Dance" (RTL): Luca Hänni separates from girlfriend - dancer makes a slippery announcement

Update from March 14, 2020: For years, the RTL show " Let's Dance " has been providing great TV moments. It is therefore not uncommon for the popular show to crackle between the dance couples . A few days ago, the message from participant Luca Hänni made the headlines. The 25-year-old surprisingly separated from his pretty girlfriend.

Promptly fans speculated about a turtle with dance partner Christina . Although the two didn't want to comment on emerging rumors, the performance of the dance couple seems to speak volumes in the current episode of the RTL show . Even before their dance, the two announced a samba for the "age group 18+".

"Let's Dance": Luca Hänni separates from girlfriend - rumor mill is bubbling

While still training, the pretty dancer even described her partner as a “whole body erection” and “pure sex”. Clear comments that really fueled the rumor mill again.

While the 25-year-old whirled the pretty dancer over the floor with the samba, many fans once again rumored about a love affair between the two. Many fans already describe the two on Instagram as "dream couple". "Something is going on", "You are so cute" and "You are a great match" can be read there, among other things.

"Let's Dance" star separates from his girlfriend - does the show have anything to do with it?

Announcement of origin from March 13, 2020: Cologne - The Swiss is currently floating on the floor in "Let's Dance" * , dances to samba and cha-cha-cha rhythms and is celebrated by the audience. We're talking about Luca Hänni * , who became famous thanks to his victory at DSDS 2012. He is now active as a songwriter, singer, juror and model and now also as a dancer. But Luca Hänni did not get attention with today's show, but with the separation from his girlfriend.

Luca Hänni and Michèle Affolter: The couple broke up

Luca Hänni and Michèle Affolter split up. The 25-year-old announced on Thursday on his Instagram account. "This is an amazing woman and deserves the best, I'm sorry that I have to find myself first and concentrate on myself," wrote the singer under a couple pic of the two.

Check out this post on Instagram

This is an amazing woman and deserves only the best. I'm sorry that I have to find myself first and concentrate on myself. ♥ ️

A post shared by Luca Hänni (@ lucahaenni1) on Mar 12, 2020 at 8:58 p.m. PDT

As the Swiss news portal 20 Minuten reports, his ex-girlfriend Michèle Affolter also posted a message about the separation. In the meantime, however, your account is set to private.

Separation from Luca Hänni: fans scoff at the show

Luca Hännis fans react very differently to the news. Some regret the separation of the two, wish them luck and write, for example, “What a shame! I wish you all the best and who knows what time will bring, true love has no end. "

But other followers joke about the time of the separation. "Let's separate #RTL", they comment, or "Find yourself in Christina's arms." They refer to the current "Let's Dance" participation by Luca Hänni and his dance partner Christina Luft, with whom he trains daily.

Luca Hänni is "happy" on the show

Luca Hänni , on the other hand, seems to feel comfortable on the dance floors and during training. "I am mega happy with Christina, to be honest she is exactly the partner I have been secretly wishing for all along. It is great, we got on well right away. Now everything is just perfect, ”the singer said at the opening show about his dance partner. Then there is nothing standing in the way of the next "Let's Dance" show - even if it will take place in front of empty audience seats.

All broadcast dates for "Let's Dance" can be found here.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Rolf Vennenbernd

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-27

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