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Coronavirus: United States with the Most Deaths Worldwide - More than 500 Soldiers Infected on US Aircraft Carriers


Coronavirus in the United States: Over 2000 people died in just one day. Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump made a mistake during a television appearance.

Coronavirus in the United States: Over 2000 people died in just one day. Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump made a mistake during a television appearance.

  • The United States is suffering from the current corona crisis * and a high number of infected people *.
  • The economy and healthcare are particularly badly affected.
  • President Trump doesn't do well in the biggest crisis of his presidency.

4:52 p.m. update: Director of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci , spoke on Sunday (April 12) to CNN about the development of the coronavirus in the United States. In view of the coronavirus crisis, he believes that a return to normality in the USA may be gradual and with regional gradations. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. The situation is very different depending on the region and the spread of the virus, said Fauci. “At least in some way” a process could possibly start in May that brings about relaxation of the current measures. However, predictions of this kind are difficult and one should not act too hastily, the immunologist and presidential advisor warned. It is also not out of the question that another wave of the epidemic could follow later in the year.

US President Donald Trump wants to return to normal operations as soon as possible in the corona crisis. Trump is expected to introduce an expert panel on Tuesday to advise on this.

Coronavirus in the US: More than 500 soldiers infected on US aircraft carriers

Update from 8:51 a.m., April 12: More than one in ten of the 4800 marines on board the US aircraft carrier "USS Theodore Roosevelt" has tested positive for the corona virus . 92 percent of the crew have been tested so far, the US Navy said on Saturday. The test was positive for 550 crew members and negative for 3673. 3696 soldiers were brought to hotels and barracks on the Pacific island of Guam, where the warship is currently located.

Secretary of State Thomas Modly had resigned a few days ago in the dispute over the coronavirus cases on the US aircraft carrier . Modly had fired the aircraft carrier's commander and later, with a speech to the crew, had caused outrage at the captain.

In late March, Captain Brett Crozier had given a fire letter to his superiors about dozen coronavirus infections on "Theodore Roosevelt". He urged extensive evacuation of the 4800-strong crew of the warship.

Secretary of State Modly was angry that the letter was going public - and promptly removed Crozier from his post. He later caused outrage by addressing the crew of the aircraft carrier with numerous vulgar expressions and finally had to resign.

Corona virus in the USA: More corona deaths than any other country

Update from 10:10 p.m .: The United States is the first country to have more than 20,000 deaths from the corona pandemic. As the Johns Hopkins University figures show, the land of opportunity has now lamented 20,071 fatalities , most of which are in New York State. The East Coast metropolis of New York City alone has 6367 dead . This means that most people in the United States have died of the novel corona virus in a global comparison.

Update from 8:09 p.m .: Meanwhile, the United States has more corona deaths than any other country. According to Johns Hopkins University, 19,701 people in the land of lung disease have so far succumbed or died as a result.

Update from 7 p.m .: In the corona crisis , US President Donald Trump is partially exposed to harsh criticism - for example by Anders Tegnell *. Sweden's state epidemiologist is also not without controversy.

Update from 19:22: The unpopular top position in the deaths due to corona pandemia was quickly passed back to Italy by the United States - if only temporarily. The southern European country reported further casualties, resulting in 19,468 deaths . That is 608 more than in the United States.

Coronavirus pandemic: USA take top of a sad ranking

Update from 6.55 p.m .: The USA has taken the top of a sad ranking. According to Johns Hopkins University, 18,860 people across the country have already died from the effects of the coronavirus .

With this, the United States overtook the previous leader Italy, which had 18,849 casualties in the pandemic.

New York City continues to be particularly hard hit; the popular metropolis on the east coast has recorded 5,820 deaths so far - more than twice as many as Germany.

In the United States, a country with around 330 million inhabitants , there are also significantly more confirmed infections with the virus (503,594) than in any other country in the world. The numbers of the individual countries can only be compared to a limited extent due to the different population size, test rate and a high number of unreported cases.

Coronavirus in the USA: Trum before the "biggest decision of my life"

Update from 7.38 a.m .: US President Donald Trump sees himself in the corona crisis before the "biggest decision of my life". He will have to make a decision to relax the stringent corona protection measures , "and I hope to God that it will be the right decision," he said at a press conference in Washington on Friday.

Trump wants to introduce an expert panel on Tuesday to advise on easing the restrictions . This "advice on opening our country", as Trump called him, would include "great doctors and business people" as well as cross-party experts.

The president said that the medical assessment would be decisive. "We're looking for a date, but we're not doing anything until we know this country will be healthy," he said. "We don't want to fall behind and go through it all over again."

Coronavirus in the USA: More than 2000 deaths in one day

Update of April 11, 7:05 am: In the United States, more than 2,000 people died for the first time within 24 hours after being infected with the coronavirus. The University of Johns Hopkins in Baltimore recorded 2108 deaths between Thursday and Friday evenings (local time). It is the highest increase in deaths within one day in a country since the global pandemic began. In total, over 500,000 people in the United States are infected.

For the US, calculations had predicted that the crisis could peak in mid-April in terms of deaths and that more than 2,000 people could die each day from an infection with the Sars-CoV-2 pathogen. In total, approximately 18,600 people have died in the United States as a result of the pandemic. Almost half a million infections with the novel coronavirus, which can trigger the lung disease Covid-19 , have been detected, according to the university in the United States.

Trump: USA should help Italy in corona pandemic

US President Donald Trump has instructed his government to help Italy fight the corona virus. For example, military personnel stationed in Italy should help build field hospitals and transport food, a memorandum said late Friday evening (local time). Italian patients not afflicted with Covid-19 could be treated in U.S. military medical facilities.

Minister of Economics Wilbur Ross should also encourage US companies to deliver materials such as medical equipment to Italy, it said. With his help, Washington is responding to the request of the Italian government.

Coronavirus in the USA: "We have not yet reached the climax"

Update of April 10, 2020. 11:00 pm: The peak of the coronavirus crisis has not yet been reached in the USA. This was the finding of researchers from the University of Washington at Seattle (see our report below) and experts from the government working group on the corona pandemic . The latter said at a press conference in the White House on Friday that there were encouraging signs , but it was far from time to give the all-clear.

"We have not yet climaxed, " said White House Corona coordinator Deborah Birx. The population has taken the guidelines for restricting social contacts very seriously and this is having an effect. In terms of population size, the coronavirus death rate in the United States is also lower than in many other countries. But efforts should not be allowed to subside.

Corona virus in the US: can Google and Apple help fight Covid-19?

Update of April 10, 2020, 9.40 p.m .: Google and Apple work hand in hand to facilitate the use of tracking apps in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic . The US technology giants decided to collaborate on the use of Bluetooth technology, as both companies announced on Friday. Google CEO Sundar Pichai tweeted that the two companies are working together "to help health authorities curb the spread of the virus." However, more attention should also be paid to user data protection.

To help public health officials slow the spread of # COVID19, Google & @Apple are working on a contact tracing approach designed with strong controls and protections for user privacy. @tim_cook and I are committed to working together on these efforts.https: //

- Sundar Pichai (@sundarpichai) April 10, 2020

Tracking apps are designed to ensure that contact persons of people infected with Corona can be found and informed more quickly. Such applications are being worked on worldwide - including in Germany.

New York is particularly hard hit by the Corona crisis. A US emergency doctor describes the terrible conditions.

Update of April 10, 2020, 8:00 p.m .: According to a projection by US experts from the Institute for Health and Evaluation at the University of Washington in Seattle, the peak of the corona crisis in Germany is expected on April 19 Researchers with death number forecast until August * (April 12, 2020). Researchers expect over 2,200 deaths to occur in the U.S. on Sunday.

Update of April 10, 2020, 10.15 a.m .: New alarming figures from the USA: 1783 people died on Thursday after being infected with the corona virus . The number of deaths rose to around 16,500 , as data from the University of Johns Hopkins show. "These are not numbers, they are lives," said Vice President Mike Pence at a press conference in the White House. In total, around 460,000 people in the United States have already contracted the virus.

Anthony Fauci, virologist and director of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases, spoke of a "bad week" in terms of deaths. "In fact, there seems to be a new record every day compared to the previous day," said Fauci.

US President Donald Trump, on the other hand, sees the country at the height of the corona pandemic and called the American test system "the best in the world".


Anthony Fauci (right), director of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases and Virologist, at a press conference in the White House.


Meanwhile, there was an absurd family dispute in the United States over toilet paper.

Corona virus in the United States: deaths continue to rise in New York - more and more unemployed

Update of April 9, 2020, 7:54 p.m .: Despite the still increasing death toll in New York, the US state seems to be getting the corona crisis under control. The number of those in hospital only increased by 200 on Thursday compared to the previous day , according to Governor Andrew Cuomo.

This is the lowest increase in three weeks, which means that the figures developed far better than forecast, which Cuomo attributed primarily to the effectiveness of the initial restrictions. "They work better than everyone thought," said the governor.

Update of April 9, 2020, 4:00 p.m .: The tragic news from the USA is never ending. In addition to thousands of people who are infected with the corona virus, more and more people have to register as unemployed . The U.S. State Department announced on Thursday April 9 that approximately 6.6 million people reported to have been unemployed last week.

However, the rise in unemployment was somewhat lower than before. While 6.61 million US citizens lost their jobs last week, the figure was 6.87 million previously. In total, 17 million Americans registered as unemployed in just three weeks.

Corona crisis in the USA: 6.6 million people register as unemployed

According to the news agency AFP , the authorities are overworked due to the high number of first reports - many unemployed have problems submitting their application at all. The number of unemployed could therefore be even higher. President Trump is already facing an end to the pandemic. The country would open again soon, he announced on Twitter - and unpacked a new - rather dubious - "miracle weapon".

Once we OPEN UP OUR GREAT COUNTRY, and it will be sooner rather than later, the horror of the Invisible Enemy, except for those that sadly lost a family member or friend, must be quickly forgotten. Our Economy wants BOOM, perhaps like never before !!!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 8, 2020

Financial aid for companies and municipalities comes from the US Federal Reserve . The emergency program includes $ 2.3 trillion. According to central bank chief Jerome Powell , the economic recovery must be "as vigorous as possible". "The role of the Fed is to provide as much relief and stability as possible." The key interest rate has already been reduced to zero.

Corona crisis in the US: President Trump sees green light for NFL

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump is obviously more optimistic than the unemployed authorities. Apparently he is positive about the start of the NFL in early September. According to media reports, he said this in a conference call with several leaders of the US leagues. However, Trump did not speak of ghost games - fans should also be part of the game by then.

Corona crisis shakes USA - Researchers discover: Virus spread unnoticed for weeks

Update of April 9, 2020, 1:00 p.m .: US researchers have apparently found that the outbreak of the coronavirus in the State of New York is largely due to European immigrants . The New York Times reported on Wednesday, April 8, research results from geneticist Harm van Bakel and his team from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

"The majority (of the cases) are clearly European," the researcher and co-author of a study that has not yet been published is quoted as saying. The virus had already appeared in the city ​​of New York in the middle of February - weeks before the first official cases of infection. Despite different observation groups , researchers at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine in New York also came to the same conclusion.

Scientists have been studying genomes of the virus among New York citizens since mid-March. The virus had apparently spread unnoticed before. The researchers are of the opinion that it could have been discovered beforehand with the help of broad-based test programs.

Coronavirus hits African Americans particularly hard: President Trump is also shaken

Update of April 9, 2020, 11.30 a.m .: The corona pandemic is apparently affecting large numbers of African-American people in the United States. “It's terrible and doesn't make sense, and I don't like it. We will likely have statistics in the next two to three days, ”said President Donald Trump at a press conference on Tuesday April 7th.

As the "Washington Post" reports on Tuesday, according to local authorities, African-American counties in particular are affected by the spread of the virus. This means that there are three times as many infections and six times as many deaths compared to other counties.


African Americans particularly affected by Corona

© dpa / Mary Altaffer

Corona virus in the USA: African Americans are particularly affected

The numbers in the affected states speak for themselves: In Michigian , around 40 percent of deaths are attributable to African Americans. 33 percent in total. African Americans make up only about 14 percent of the residents. The numbers look similarly bad in the state of Illinois and in the US capital Washington DC .

The reason for this extent has not yet been clarified. However, there is a suspicion in the underlying diseases . Washington DC Mayor Muriel E. Bowser knows that people with diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes are more likely to be infected. "And we also know that African Americans are affected by these underlying diseases to a greater extent than most of our American citizens."

Corona virus: Repeats thousands of deaths in the United States

Update of April 9, 2020, 6:20 a.m .: In the United States , nearly 2,000 people died for the second day in a row after being infected with the novel corona virus. The total number of deaths in the country was 14,817, according to data from Johns Hopkins University shortly after midnight on Thursday (April 9). 24 hours earlier, the university had reported the death toll at 12,907. According to the information, around 430,000 infections with the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 have already been detected.

Corona in the USA: Sad death record in New York - 779 victims in one day

Update of April 8, 2020, 10.30 p.m .: The USA continues to be hit hard by the corona crisis . New York with around nine million inhabitants in the city is the epicenter with more than 140,000 confirmed coronavirus cases . There are now more than 400,000 registered corona infections and around 13,000 deaths across the country. That came out this Wednesday afternoon (local time) from data from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore .

In the United States, which has 330 million inhabitants, the number of unreported cases is said to be far higher. There is also said to be a higher number of unreported cases among the dead in New York, which is increasingly indicated.

According to various news agencies, many people would die at home without medical treatment.

Corona crisis in the USA: Donald Trump deals against Sweden

Update of April 8, 2020, 10.15 p.m .: The US President is truly struggling with his own problems in the corona crisis . Instead, Donald Trump has now made fun of a press conference about Sweden *.

Update from April 8, 2020, 8:42 pm: The US state of New York , which was particularly severely affected by the corona crisis , again records a sad record.

With 779 deaths in one day , the state has seen more victims than ever in the crisis. The number of deaths is thus a total of 6268 , said Governor Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday at his daily press conference. " This number will continue to increase, " he announced.

Corona virus in the USA: New York flies flags at half mast

Cuomo caused the state's flags to be hung at half mast . He compared the situation to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 , which killed nearly 2,800 people in New York. Nevertheless, the governor affirmed that the far-reaching exit restrictions worked . This would continue to show in the declining number of newly admitted to hospital . But it does not mean that the measures can already be relaxed. "If we change anything, the curve will change," Cuomo warned.

I am directing flags be flown at half-mast in honor of those we have lost to this vicious virus.

They are in our hearts.

- Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) April 8, 2020

It was not even beginning to get out of the worst, he further emphasized. After reports of higher infection rates among African-Americans and Latinos, Cuomo announced that it would do more tests in the relevant communities.

In addition to the shocking death toll from New York, US President Donald Trump also made headlines. He accused the World Health Organization (WHO) of failing to deal with the corona pandemic on Twitter. The WHO has now rejected these allegations. She countered with a dramatic appeal. Abusing the corona virus for political purposes is the most harmful thing that can happen now, said WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Geneva on Wednesday.

Corona virus: According to Trump's criticism - WHO counters with an urgent appeal

It is about national unity, working across ideological and party borders and finally international solidarity. "The worst is yet to come if we don't hurry to ensure unity," warned the WHO chief. He also received tailwind on Wednesday from UN Secretary-General António Guterres . He defended WHO's work in the corona crisis. However, he also held out the prospect of an investigation later .

"It is my belief that WHO needs support because it is absolutely essential to the world's efforts to win the fight against Covid-19 , " Guterres said in a statement in New York. The thousands of WHO employees who previously fought extremely successfully against Ebola, among other things, are now working on the front line against the spread of coronavirus.

Guterres said, however, that an investigation was later . "When we finally have this epidemic behind us, there has to be a time to look back in detail to understand how such a disease could develop and spread so rapidly around the world and how everyone involved reacted to the crisis," announced the UN Secretary General.

How is the Corona crisis going on in Germany? Jens Spahn and the RKI are giving a corona update on Thursday. *

Coronavirus in the USA: African Americans particularly often affected

Update of April 8, 2020, 10:58 a.m .: The U.S. government has admitted that the coronavirus hits African Americans particularly often. "We see strong evidence that African Americans are affected far more than other citizens of our country," Trump said during a press conference on Tuesday (local time). Corresponding statistics will be published in a few days. Trump agreed to work on the matter without giving details.

The Washington Post reported Tuesday, citing data from some local authorities, that the majority of African American counties reported three times as many infections and almost six times as many deaths as counties in which white Americans were the majority. Cities like Chicago and the capital Washington as well as states like Louisiana and Michigan are affected.

Update of April 8, 2020, 7:32 a.m .: In the United States, nearly 2,000 people died in one day after being infected with the coronavirus. That came out on Wednesday shortly before midnight (local time) from data from the American University of Johns Hopkins for Tuesday.

With exactly 1921 deaths within 24 hours, this was the highest increase in a day since the beginning of the crisis. So far, nearly 13,000 people in the United States have died from infection with the Sars-CoV-2 virus. According to Johns Hopkins, the number of known infections was a good 399,000.

USA puzzles over German corona numbers - and see "very real" reasons

Update 10:10 p.m .: The USA has become one of the global hotspots in the corona crisis - New York and California in particular are severely affected (see below). In the painful misery, the country is looking for positive examples abroad with a certain longing. And apparently has just chosen Germany as such.

In the days since the end of March, the view across the pond had been good news on the major news portals in the United States: The New York Times wrote about the "German exception", which Time Magazine , the Washington Post and the CNN and CNBC stations explained a German success story on their websites. The reason for the journalistic expressions of respect is above all the comparatively low death rate .

USA are looking for positive examples of how to deal with corona - and find Germany

The renowned Times identified a “mix of statistical bias” and “ very real differences in dealing with the epidemic ”. The paper positively highlighted early tests, a large number of intensive care beds and the confidence of the Germans in their government - the commandments of "social distancing" were largely followed. In fact, Germany is better off than other European countries when it comes to intensive care.

The newspaper also had praise for the Chancellor : "Ms. Merkel, a trained scientist, communicated the crisis clearly, calmly and regularly throughout the crisis when she imposed ever stricter social distance measures on the country." The positive verdict is also a source of joy in Germany: "I think we can count ourselves lucky," posted the former member of the Bundestag, Burkhard Lischka (SPD), with a view to the much-noticed article on Twitter - and received a like from Chancellor General Helge Braun (CDU).

The “New York Times” published an article on Saturday that profusely praised Germany's handling of the Corona Virus: an excellent health system, the most tests in Europe, a level-headed federal government. I think we can count ourselves lucky.

- Burkhard Lischka (@LischkaB) April 6, 2020

However, there is now criticism of Merkel's approach. The effect in the statistics described by the US journalists with a certain admiring undertone has weakened, as * reported. The Federal Republic is still in a better position than the United States. In Germany, Johns Hopkins University had 106,739 sufferers on Tuesday evening (as of 10:00 p.m.), just over a quarter of the number in the United States (386,800). At this point in time 1,942 people had died in this country - which is not even one sixth of the deaths in Donald Trump's country.

Corona crisis in the US: Trump administration increases aid package

Update 9:38 p.m .: In the corona virus crisis, the US government plans to increase aid to small and medium-sized businesses by $ 250 billion (the equivalent of around € 230 billion). Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin wrote on Twitter on Tuesday that he had discussed the additional funding with Republican and Democratic leaders in Congress. Small and medium-sized businesses would have to get the money they needed to survive.

In late March, US President Donald Trump had already put in place the largest rescue package in US history to contain the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. It is worth around two trillion dollars.

USA in the corona crisis: Trump sees clear culprits: "WHO screwed it up"


US President Donald Trump.


6:00 p.m. update: US President Donald Trump has accused the World Health Organization (WHO) of failing to deal with the coronavirus and of being overly dependent on China. The organization "really screwed it up," Trump wrote on Twitter on Tuesday.

Even though the United States paid a large part of the WHO budget, the organization was too focused on China. "We will take a good look at this," he continued. The WHO recommendation that the borders not be closed to travelers from China was "wrong". "Why did they give us such a wrong recommendation?" Asked Trump.

The WHO really blew it. For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric. We will be giving that a good look. Fortunately I rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to China early on. Why did they give us such a faulty recommendation?

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 7, 2020

In Trump's conservative news channel Fox News, several experts recently criticized the Geneva-based WHO being under China's spell. The organization should have warned the world earlier and more drastically, they argued. They also resented the fact that the WHO had repeatedly praised China for dealing with its own epidemic of the novel corona virus.

However, Trump's negligence may also have been to blame. A senior president-adviser to the US has warned media reports earlier in January that a coronavirus pandemic could result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. The population in the United States would be "vulnerable" to the virus because there has so far been no immunity or vaccination against it, Trump's trade advisor Peter Navarro wrote to the National Security Council of the White House. Trump himself publicly maintained until early March that the virus was no cause for concern for the United States.

Corona virus in the USA: New York police in need - 20 percent of the emergency services are sick

Update 5:50 pm: The New York police are badly affected by the corona pandemic . At least twelve employees have already died in connection with suspected coronavirus infections, the news channel CNN reported on Tuesday. More than 2,000 other employees are infected with the Sars-CoV-2 pathogen . Almost 7,000 police officers reported sick for a variety of reasons and were currently unable to appear on duty, which is about 20 percent of the NYPD's uniformed forces .

At a press conference on Monday evening (local time), Mayor Bill de Blasio emphasized that the situation was gradually improving. More and more police officers would report back to duty after surviving illnesses. There are currently no considerations to request temporary workers. "We have the situation under control with the very large squad that the NYPD has."

There are also fears of virus threats for and by the police forces in Europe.

USA in the corona crisis: New York hit hard - refrigerated trucks are already in front of hospitals

Update 4:33 p.m .: A gigantic New York cathedral as a makeshift hospital , cooling truck for corpses and a debate about burials in parks: The United States has become one of the focal points of the coronavirus pandemic . And yet there are signs of hope that the authorities are slowly getting to grips with the crisis, including in the states of Washington and California that were the first to be affected.

However, according to a report by the AFP news agency, the New York hospitals are so overloaded that field hospitals are to be built in the Anglican cathedral of St. John the Divine in addition to Central Park. In total, nine air-conditioned tents for around 200 patients are to be set up in the bishopric, which is known for its animal blessings, Dean Clifton Daniel told the New York Times .


The New York Cathedral of St. John the Divine is to be used for a field hospital


In view of the burial companies, which are completely overwhelmed with the many deaths, there are already more and more refrigerated vehicles in front of the hospitals . A representative from the Manhattan City Council, Mark Levine, has already proposed to temporarily bury the dead in public parks . However, the mayor's spokeswoman immediately made it clear that the authorities were considering the possibility of provisional burials in an emergency - but not in parks.

California's health experts, meanwhile, were confident that the epidemic could be brought under control, among other things, with large-scale virus tests and the creation of additional treatment capacities. The state of Washington sent 400 ventilators to New York . However, according to the unanimous opinion of the experts, the worst is yet to come.

Despite the warnings from experts, primary elections were held in the state of Wisconsin on Tuesday . Numerous polling stations remained closed due to the lack of election workers. Long queues sometimes formed in front of open polling stations, people wore protective masks out of fear of infection and kept a safe distance. National guardsmen support the process of the election.

Corona in the USA: the baby of an infected mother dies one day after birth

Update 11.50 a.m .: There is a particularly sad record in the USA : The youngest victim worldwide was reported there. It is a little girl who was born prematurely in Louisiana. The baby died after only one day. The girl's mother had been hospitalized for a week because of her Covid 19 disease . Although the infant was not tested positive for the virus, doctors are considering linking death to corona .

The mother, who was infected with the coronavirus , had labor pains and gave birth to the child too early, explains Dr. Wiliam Clark from East Baton Rouge. "In consultation with the state virologist, we agree that this death is related to the coronavirus because the mother tested positive," Clark continued.

The mother was attached to the ventilator because she was suffering from shortness of breath in connection with the disease. If she had not had these symptoms , she would not have had early labor - that is what the doctor assumes.

Corona in the USA: New York plans "corpse island" for virus victims

Update from April 7, 2020, 10.14 a.m .: The USA has now developed into an absolute Corona hotspot. According to the Johns Hopkins University, 368,449 people in the United States are currently infected with the novel virus, nearly 11,000 people died as a result. New York is a particular focus of the pandemic. With 3,485 deaths , the city on the east coast is by far the hardest hit region.

New York must now find new solutions for where the many bodies are housed . The situation is particularly difficult for the relatives, because no real funerals can currently take place. That's why New York is now planning an interim solution: The island of Hart Island, which lies in front of the Bronx district, is to serve temporarily as a corpse storage, reports the New York Times . However, this is currently only an option. However, Mayor de Blasio said: "If we need temporary funerals to stay afloat during the crisis and then agree with each family on the appropriate course of action, we now have the opportunity."

Meanwhile, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has extended the shutdown until April 29.

Corona in the USA: Trump with a worried outlook - "will have a hard week"

Update of April 7, 2020, 7:00 a.m .: According to US President Donald Trump , the fight against the corona virus is entering a "decisive and difficult phase" in the United States this week. "We're going to have a hard week, maybe we'll have a little more than a hard week," Trump said at a White House press conference on Monday night (local time). "But there is tremendous light at the end of this tunnel." He highlighted the states of New York and New Jersey - the situation there is particularly tense. "We'll hit this virus, we'll hit it together," Trump said.

Corona in the USA: Virologist Fauci is optimistic

The director of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases , virologist Anthony Fauci , was cautiously optimistic about the decline in the number of new patients admitted to New York hospitals and the number of people intubated there.

"That's the kind of good sign you're looking for," he said. "You don't even start thinking about announcing a win early, but that's the first thing you see when you see the turnaround." There is still a lot to do. "We have to realize that despite all the suffering and death, this is an indication that what we did worked." Now it was important to continue to get out of the crisis.

Corona in the United States: Republican Protest - Wisconsin Primaries Held

Update of April 7, 2020, 6.40 a.m .: Despite the corona crisis , the area code in the US state of Wisconsin is supposed to run this Tuesday. The state's Supreme Court overturned the move by Governor Tony Evers, Wisconsin Democratic Party leader Ben Wikler wrote on Monday night (local time) on Twitter.

The Supreme Court's ruling , which was widely reported in the US media , came just hours after Evers ordered the last minute two-month postponement of the area code out of concern for human safety . Republican representatives in Wisconsin had taken legal action against the decision and accused Evers of an "unconstitutional maneuver" . It had exceeded the governor's powers to "cancel" an election, they had argued.

Corona in the USA: 10,000 deaths exceeded - head of agency compares crisis to 9/11

Update of April 6, 2020, 10.15 p.m .: The number of coronavirus deaths in the USA has exceeded the symbolically significant threshold of 10,000 - and the government is preparing the population for a devastating week. According to Johns Hopkins University on Monday , approximately 10,400 people have died in the United States as a result of Covid-19. Meanwhile, the Wisconsin governor last minute postponed Tuesday's presidential primary in the state.

The United States is by far the number one worldwide in the number of confirmed infections. Around 347,000 infections have been confirmed in the United States so far, according to Johns Hopkins University, which evaluates data on coronavirus cases worldwide. However, this is also due to the fact that extensive testing is now being carried out in the USA.

However, according to the unanimous opinion of the experts, the worst is yet to come. Healthcare supervisor Jerome Adams warned the country was facing the “hardest and saddest week” that most US citizens have experienced in their lives.

"This will be our Pearl Harbor moment, our 9/11 moment," said Adams on Fox News. He compared the pandemic with the Japanese surprise attack on the US base at Pearl Harbor in the Second World War and with the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

The pandemic has also upset the presidential primaries in the important election year 2020. Wisconsin's governor, Tony Evers, last Monday canceled last minute's area code calls for the following day.

Corona virus in the USA: New York hopes for light at the end of the tunnel

Update of April 6, 2020, 7:05 p.m .: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sees light at the end of the tunnel for the particularly severely hit state by the corona virus. Although the number of people who died in the pandemic in New York rose by 599 compared to the previous day to 4,758, this was within the range of the previous days, Cuomo said at his daily press conference on Monday. In addition, the number of newly admitted to hospitals has dropped significantly, as has the number of intubated patients. The number of those who tested positive for Covid-19 is now more than 130,000.

However, Cuomo warned the New Yorkers against becoming negligent and underestimating the virus. "It's not the time to play Frisbee with your friend in the park." The closure of all non-"vital" shops and schools had Cuomo extended until the end of April. He emphasized that the health system was "at its capacity limit", and that it would remain so in the coming days. It could also be that the numbers will rise again . Above all, the situation is a heavy burden for medical personnel who are under intense pressure.

Corona crisis in the US: Trump gives sensitive advice - alarming unemployment figures

April 6, 2020 overview: Washington - The economic consequences of the corona pandemic are already clearly visible in the United States . The number of unemployed is increasing rapidly. Within a week, over 6.6 million people registered as unemployed. In the state of New York alone, the Department of Labor received around 8.2 million calls between March 23 and 28 - the systems in many places were completely overloaded.

A website from the New York Department of Labor, where you can register as unemployed, experienced a similar rush. In the same period, it was viewed 3.4 million times - a 900 percent increase compared to the average number of views.

USA: Economy is in a state of emergency

"The states are getting real problems right now," said economist Heidi Shierholz NBC News. The systems are in an "incredible stress test".

But above all the labor law in force in the USA is a problem for US citizens in this crisis. Where occupational health and safety laws * apply in other parts of the world, Americans can expect quick and unprotected dismissals . Former US Department of Labor economist William Rodgers reported to the Guardian newspaper an estimated 17 percent current unemployment rate in the United States. In February this was still 3.5 percent. The New York Times currently anticipates an unemployment rate of 13 percent. "We are completely at the mercy of the virus," Rodgers told the Guardian .

USA: A high unemployment rate is the result of the corona crisis

But the stress test for the economy * is not the only challenge for the country. Healthcare is also under pressure. In particular, the clinics * lack ventilators . However, the government around President Trump has so far not wanted to release the emergency reserves - despite increasing requests from the states.

Instead, Donald Trump continues to rely on a drug that he has highlighted several times * . While this drug is under discussion, it is still not approved for the fight against Covid-19 . At a press conference on Saturday, April 4, he said again: “Take it. I would say just take it. ”The drug is a combination of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin . "What do you have to lose?" Asks the President.

USA: Trump continues to rely on a drug - this has not yet been sufficiently tested

Even Anthony Fauci, an important virologist for President Trump, is currently advising against the drug. There are still too few tests, side effects and effectiveness have not been adequately tested.

Meanwhile, there was another sensational case in the United States: On Sunday (April 5), the New York Bronx Zoo announced that the Malaysian tiger cat Nadia had tested positive for the virus. The tiger Nadia, her sister Azul and three other African lions developed a "dry cough," reports the CNN news channel. It is believed that a carer with no symptoms may have infected the animals. The zoo had been closed for three weeks anyway.

The Heinsberg study seemed to be encouraging in the corona crisis - but now criticism is loud.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital network.

List of rubric lists: © AFP / ANGELA WEISS

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-04-12

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