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Suddenly violent weather fall on Easter Monday - after that everything turns again


Easter has been sunny and warm so far - but on Monday a cold front with violent effects is now reaching. But then everything turns back around 180 degrees

Easter has been sunny and warm so far - but on Monday a cold front with violent effects is now reaching. But then everything turns back around 180 degrees

  • Germany is currently experiencing a changeable spring.
  • Now the temperatures are slowly becoming more pleasant.
  • What will the weather be like * over the Easter holidays?

Weather from April 13: Germany expects a sudden fall in the weather on Easter Monday, which will initially be clearly felt in northern Germany. Meteorologist Corinna Borau from expects temperatures of just 2 to 4 degrees for the coasts! The reason is the cold polar air that brings us low pressure area Tanja, even snow showers are possible on the Baltic Sea. In southern Germany it is still spring-like warm, but in the afternoon there can also be thunderstorms and rain.

But the good news: it's just a short interlude! The next high comes from Wednesday, the temperatures rise again significantly! Meteorologist Franziska Polak from expects 25 degrees on Friday on the Upper Rhine and up to 26 degrees in the south on Saturday.

Weather madness after Easter in Germany: meteorologists with winter comeback forecast - and explicit warning

Update from April 12: The fantastic temperatures of the past days already gave a foretaste of the approaching summer, and the Easter weekend also surprised with summer temperatures. After the warm days, however, the meteorologists expect a change in the weather for Easter Monday with showers, thunderstorms and even snow.

Deep "Tanja" directs cool polar air to Germany, said the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach on Sunday. The maximum values are only between 8 and 12, on the Upper Rhine at 12 to 16 degrees. As if that wasn't enough, a mini-winter comeback can now be expected.

The snowfall limit will drop in the course of Monday to the low mountain ranges. The Alps are forecast to have sleet and snow for a long time. Even on Tuesday morning there is a risk of slippery locally before the weather in Germany calms down again.

DWD meteorologist Jacqueline Kernn warns that the temperatures for the recently planted plants will be a particular challenge . "Who can, should protect them from frost, otherwise there is a risk of replanting."

The wind refreshes noticeably with the change in weather. In the northern half of Germany, a stormy northwest wind was blowing on Monday, on the coasts and in the mountainous areas individual storms are likely, the DWD said. On Tuesday morning, the last flakes fall on the Alps before the sun sets through again.

Weather madness after Easter in Germany - meteorologist makes heat forecast

Update April 11, 2020: At Easter , the spring-like April weather puts the Germans to the test in the Corona crisis. In the middle of the Corona contact block, the Easter weather convinces with summer temperatures during the holidays - and attracts many people in Germany to the streets. also announces summer temperatures of 20 to 23 degrees for Easter Sunday - for all federal states.

Update April 10, 9 p.m .: The past few days have been warm like spring - but after Easter there could be a veritable weather madness in Germany. Although a drop in temperature awaits us on Easter Monday (see first report below), it then rises rapidly again.

Meteorologist Paul Heger from now said in his weather forecast that even hot days up to 30 degrees could be possible. They are “not excluded” and possible according to some weather models!

In any case, there is a long period of high pressure in Germany again, the temperatures are climbing and it will hardly rain. The disadvantage of this forecast: It gets very dry in the country - too dry! The risk of forest fires increases due to the weather.

Total change in the weather situation is pending - expert predicts "crashing Easter final"

First registration April 9, 2020: Munich - Spring is finally showing its beautiful side. Despite the corona crisis, the sun's rays and pleasant temperatures sweeten the days and radiate a good mood.

While it is still cloudy on Thursday in the north, the sun shines in large parts of Germany . And the good weather should continue over the Easter holidays - but not all over Germany. On Good Friday, it should be cooler again in the north and east. However, early summer temperatures can persist in the south and west. All over Germany then expect maximum values ​​of over 20 degrees on Easter weekend.

Weather in Germany: Meteorologist expects "cracking Easter final"

But already on Sunday , as reports, the first thunderstorms are coming. On Easter Monday, as meteorologist Georg Haas reports, the good weather will be over for now. Rain and probably sleet and sleet falls are forecast. A cold front with polar air rushes through. It should also cool down strongly in the south. There will be a "crashing Easter finale", as meteorologist Georg Haas reports at

Total weather change on Easter Monday - "The weather situation changes completely"

“The weather situation is changing completely. We have a cold front on Monday. Then cold polar air comes to us over the Norwegian high mountains, ”predicts Georg Haas the coming weather forecast. Some thunderstorms will discharge, the meteorologist says. A cold front would then rush through Germany on Monday.

Perhaps a little cooling off isn't too bad, given the current Corona crisis . Because people repeatedly violate the corona restrictions, which are supposed to slow down and reduce the spread of the virus. The weather certainly plays a not unimportant factor here, because the wonderful temperatures have driven many people into the fresh air in the past few days. However, many people are also asking the question: Can the sun stop the virus? *

Meanwhile, weather experts are making a first forecast for summer 2020. The result is unsettling and indicates one of the most extreme weather conditions in 70 years.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digitalial network


Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-04-13

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