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Merkel's corona deal in danger: "relaxation heroes" probably in a clinch with Söder - "completely at odds"


Chancellor Merkel will advise the country heads on Wednesday during the corona virus pandemic. Decisions about the further measures will be made.

Chancellor Merkel will advise the country heads on Wednesday during the corona virus pandemic. Decisions about the further measures will be made.

  • Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the country heads will discuss the Corona crisis * on April 15 .
  • It is about an exit strategy from the exit restrictions * and the shutdown * .
  • Politicians disagree about the duration and strength of the anti-corona measures.
  • Here are basic facts about the corona virus * and the corona news from Germany *. Also: current case numbers as a card *.

Update 9.10 p.m .: The federal and state governments had long taken their time, put off and referred to the time after Easter: Well, on Wednesday (April 15) it should be time - you want a nationwide exit strategy from the Corona Find exit restrictions.

The pressure is now high. But the chances of a quick settlement seem to have decreased the day before. According to information from the Bild newspaper, the federal states “completely quarreled” on Tuesday when developing uniform criteria. The crack goes not only along national borders, but also across the parties.

Corona virus and the path to relaxation: suddenly an alliance of CSU and left?

So there is supposedly on the one hand an alliance of rather restrictive-minded federal states - to which not only the countries close to the border and led by the Union include Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Saarland , but also Thuringia with its Left Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow and that red-green Hamburg. Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder once again appears at the forefront : "It is far too early for major easing," he said on Tuesday, the report said. Söder also explained something similar to his Twitter followers.

We need a safe and prudent way out of the corona crisis. Our measures are working, but we must not risk a setback. Cautious relief can only be achieved with additional protection. 1/2

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) April 14, 2020

North Rhine-Westphalia and Armin Laschet appear to be on the other side. The CDU candidate for chancellor had already announced in the afternoon that the schools would be opened for higher grades from next week. Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (also CDU) also called for easing from Monday. Berlin's governing SPD mayor Michael Müller is one of the supporters of easing. Like NRW, he called for quick relief for shops, schools and daycare centers.

Corona virus and the way out of the shutdown: Söder apparently thinks about "material timetable"

Once again there is a speculation behind the scenes that political considerations are partly responsible for the tug-of-war. Bild quotes a high-ranking SPD politician with the assessment that Laschet and some comrades wanted to be "relaxation heroes" - and with praise for Söder: Without the CSU leader, there would have been "no hard and effective measures for the whole of Germany".

Söder, meanwhile, has apparently also proposed a possible solution. For him, a “ material road map ” is conceivable, the report says. For example, it could be decided to first let the final classes back into schools. It is then up to the individual federal states to determine when this will actually happen.

Coronavirus: Wednesday's easing plans? Merkel in the expert conflict

Update 8:39 p.m .: Will there be easing ? And which? Chancellor Angela Merkel's statement is eagerly awaited. It is known that the Chancellor attaches great importance to the assessments of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina . However, their advice runs counter to Merkel's earlier statements.

In its “Third Ad High Statement” published on Monday, the academy suggests different regional solutions. "In regions with low infection rates and low spreading potential, restrictive measures, possibly also specific for individual groups of people, could be relaxed", says the Leopoldina paper.

Corona crisis: Leopoldina's advice opposes Merkel's "uniform" approach

The aim is to "recognize the expected recurring regional clusters, in which infections occur frequently in terms of time and space, as early as possible and to resolve them with tailored regional measures" - and this, where Merkel had emphasized when the curfew was announced, that the Federal Republic of Germany was wanted get out of the measures together.

In fact, the situation in the regions of Germany is very different. In many clinics, there are more intensive care beds empty than ever, reports . At the same time, however, there are remote places where the way to ventilation in an emergency would be far too far. The trend among newly infected people, in contrast to many other federal states, is still roughly constant, for example in Bavaria, Hesse and Berlin.

Regional or nationwide? Guesswork about loosening strategy

How tailor-made regional solutions and the desire for a nationwide approach can be brought together can currently only be speculated. But there are indications, among others from Health Minister Jens Spahn (see update from 7.15 p.m.) and from an "insider of a state government". quotes one: "The drug is the same everywhere, but the dose could be chosen differently."

In any case, the situation for Angela Merkel is not a very trivial one - as Munich Merkur * analyzed in a comment.

Corona crisis: Spahn gives first signs of easing

Update 7.15 p.m .: According to Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU), decisions about possible relaxation of the corona regulations require careful consideration. "In the end it is about finding the right balance between health protection, public life and the economy," said Spahn on Tuesday (April 14) in Wiesbaden. There would be "careful first steps" into a new normal. "It's about living with the virus and learning to live."

For the question in which areas a gradual relaxation of the conditions could take place, three points are important, said Spahn: “Where is the least likely to be infected? What is most important for us as a society and as an economic nation? And how do we protect the most vulnerable? "

When returning to a new normal, it must also be ensured that distance and hygiene rules are observed. These are "already very practiced" in supermarkets, for example. Now it would be necessary to discuss "in which areas of the retail sector this can also work". But it is also clear that "parties and festivals can go last again," said the Federal Minister of Health. "They are the easiest for all of us to dispense with and at the same time carry a high risk of infection." It is still unclear whether the Oktoberfest in Munich will have to be canceled this year.

Corona crisis: Germans apparently feel too safe

Update 16:18: Are the Germans too sure of themselves in the Corona crisis ? If you believe the motion radar of the Bild newspaper, it seems that way. Three weeks ago, politicians called the "Day of Decision": The behavior of the population on Saturday, March 21 should show whether a exit ban is necessary in Germany. The following Sunday the decision was made: it wasn't, because the population largely adhered to the voluntary restrictions.

But now the movement numbers are apparently increasing again. Compared to Sunday, March 22nd, this Easter Sunday, national mobility soared by 43 percent. That reports picture .

Corona crisis: easing of measures depending on behavior

If so, it could also be included in the decision of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and her federal government, which she wants to meet tomorrow. Then it is a question of whether the measures are relaxed or not. If the Germans behave too carelessly, easing could still be a long time coming. The Chancellor will probably only agree to these if she can be sure that the population continues to take the pandemic seriously.

Particularly bitter: According to the report, the movement curve in Germany had recently looked quite decent. Movements declined from the beginning of the Corona crisis in the first third of March to the end of the month. Then the values ​​stagnated for a few days - and since April 5, they have been rising almost every day. The motto is now to wait and see what Merkel says.

Merkel is preparing a new statement on the corona crisis

First report from April 14, 2:00 p.m .: Berlin - When and how should you return to your everyday life during the Corona crisis ? When Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) discussed with the Prime Ministers of the federal states on precisely this question, the Leopoldina's exit plan is an important basis.

The researchers' opinion has already convinced the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) , which also advises the German government , but not one hundred percent. Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia argued particularly conspicuously about the right time for possible relaxation of the coronavirus measures. Now a decision has to be made again, which affects the exit restrictions to a very large extent.

Merkel and Prime Minister have to make coronavirus decision again

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder warned shortly before Merkel's conference call with the country heads on Twitter: "We need a safe and prudent way out of the Corona crisis." The CSU politician continued: "Our measures are effective, but we must not risk a setback."

There should be no bidding competition that unsettles people. Measurements and middle are in demand. We are far from over the mountain. Tomorrow federal and state governments are talking about a coordinated concept. It is therefore worth carefully reading and evaluating all arguments and expert opinions

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) April 14, 2020

When should strict coronavirus measures end? Laschet and Söder disagree

Söder, who is currently chairing the prime ministerial conference, will travel to Berlin on Wednesday to discuss with Merkel. The Bavarian cabinet then meets on Thursday to formally decide on the specific further decisions relating to the corona virus for the Free State.

North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) , in his Easter speech broadcast on WDR, has demanded an exit schedule from the strict restrictions * . "We need a roadmap that shows us the way to a responsible normality," said Laschet. Given the negative consequences of the Corona crisis, not only of an economic nature, he was convinced that the willingness to forego "also needed a prospect of normalization".


Armin Laschet (l.) And Markus Söder

© dpa / Guido Kirchner

Coronavirus exit restriction decisions - AKK: "It is important ..."

CDU boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer focuses not only on the content of the decision on coronavirus measures, but also on another matter: “It is important that we have the most uniform rules possible. Everything else raises additional questions, ”said Kramp-Karrenbauer of dpa in Berlin. There is also a firm agreement within the prime ministerial conference "to be able to present a good overall package together with the federal government, with which one can - depending on the development of the numbers over Easter - take the first steps".

Corona virus: decision to end shutdown? Altmaier evades

Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (CDU) has spoken cautiously about a possible reopening of shops in the Corona crisis. In the ARD morning magazine , he avoided mentioning an appointment for possible relaxation of the strict rules on exit restrictions on Tuesday. "I don't want to anticipate the Prime Minister, that's a decision made by 16 federal states," said Altmaier.

Habeck and Baerbock: "... should go back to school first"

At least as urgent as the question of the economy * is the question of the reopening of schools and day care centers * . The Green bosses Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck have spoken out in favor of gradually opening the facilities again - but accompanied by precautionary measures. According to the dpa , the two wrote a letter to the party members. “Graduating classes should be the first to go back to school,” it says. Grades one through six should also be a priority because the care of younger students is particularly important.

Limitation of fundamental rights are "appropriate" according to Lambrecht (SPD)

Federal Minister of Justice Christine Lambrecht (SPD) has meanwhile described the restriction of fundamental rights due to the corona crisis as "appropriate". "Nobody in the federal government" is "interested in maintaining the measures even a day longer than absolutely necessary," Lambrecht told the editorial network Germany (RND) . As Minister of Justice, she would "work to ensure that the restrictions do not last any longer are absolutely necessary to protect life and health, ”she assured.

Leopoldina makes recommendations before deciding on coronavirus measures

The national science academy Leopoldina had pleaded on Monday for a "realistic" schedule back to normal. The scientists recommended opening schools "as soon as possible" - starting with primary schools as well as lower and intermediate levels. The Leopoldina also mentioned many conditions for a return to more normalcy. There is also a drafting of an expert council appointed by Laschet . Merkel and the prime ministers will then discuss on Wednesday how to proceed after April 19 . The round had initially decided on March 22 for two weeks extensive restrictions.

dpa / AFP / frs

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Rubric list image: © AFP / JOHN MACDOUGALL

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-04-14

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