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Temporary cycle paths for deconfinement? The idea seduces in Ile-de-France


Associations and communities in Ile-de-France say they are ready to facilitate the development of developments on the main axes of the region in order to

What if the bicycle helped overcome the exit from the health crisis? As reported by "Le Parisien" on Monday, the environmentalist Pierre Serne, president of Ville Cyclables and ex-vice-president of transport for the Ile-de-France region, has been entrusted by the government with a mission intended to promote bike trips during the future deconfinement after May 11.

In Greater Paris, as in several large cities in the world, provisional cycle paths, demarcated with blocks or concrete blocks, could be set up in order to facilitate “soft mobility” and individual, respecting social distancing.

Through this approach, the Minister for Ecological Transition, Elisabeth Borne, seeks to draw up a health strategy to reorganize the transport system, while the Covid-19 epidemic could still last for many weeks.

Use the RER bike and Vélopolitain already designed

This "mission" raises great hopes among associations of cyclists in Ile-de-France. Long before the epidemic, the Ile-de-France bicycle collective had been working for several months on the RER cycle and the Vélopolitain, two bicycle networks designed on the model of the lines of train and metro lines.

"The priority is to offer continuous routes," emphasizes Stein van Oosterein, the spokesperson for the collective. These temporary containment exit tracks are an exceptional opportunity to reorganize the space, giving space and safety to cyclists and pedestrians. ”

It remains to put all the players around the table to decide which axes should be developed as a priority. Before the crisis, Valérie Pécresse, the president of the region, undertook to co-finance the RER cycle, with the other communities (cities and departments). "Obviously, we will work hand in hand and contribute to the mission," we confide in the region. Especially since the practice of cycling, which developed a lot during the strikes, will play a strong role after confinement because of the more stringent rules that will be applied in public transport. ”

The region had identified two RER bike routes that it wanted to complete. The provisional tracks could give a taste. “After the containment, we will set up the participatory stimulus budget which will speed up all bicycle investments, including the RER bicycle which we are ready to finance at 50%. We also want to increase the Véligo offer (Editor's note: the rental bike offered by the region) , we add in the entourage of Valérie Pécresse.

"Lift the red tape"

Boulevards temporarily transformed into cycle paths during deconfinement? The City of Paris is also in favor. "It is clearly an option that is on the table," confirms the first deputy to the town hall of Paris, Emmanuel Grégoire (PS). The transport assistant, Christophe Najdovski (EELV), says he is optimistic. “The deadlines are short. But the cycling networks proposed by the associations are consensus. The municipal elections allowed all the candidates to position themselves, ”he judges.

Boulevards temporarily transformed into cycle paths during deconfinement? "It is clearly an option that is on the table," confirms the first deputy to the mary of Paris Emmanuel Grégoire

- BFM Paris (@BFMParis) April 14, 2020

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The installation of cycle paths will no doubt have to receive authorization from the prefectural authorities. In the past, the veto of the Paris prefect of police had been able to bury certain runway projects south of the capital ... "The fact that Minister Elisabeth Borne is committed is a very important sign. Because that can make it possible to remove the red tape, ”hopes Christophe Najdovski.

The latter also advocates for a "global strategy", including public transport. "It will be necessary to restore the confidence of users for public transport, which is the most capable solution". This will involve the generalization of masks and "increasing the frequencies the first few days so that the trains are not crowded". This is in line with the request made on Tuesday by elected PC Jacques Baudrier, administrator of Ile-de-France Mobilités, the organizing authority for transport in Ile-de-France.

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Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-04-14

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