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Trump is becoming increasingly confusing: Ivanka in the new team of experts - but not a virologist


Donald Trump names a team of experts to help get the US economy back on track after the corona shutdown. You won't find a virologist.

Donald Trump names a team of experts to help get the US economy back on track after the corona shutdown. You won't find a virologist.

  • The corona virus * is raging in the USA
  • The nation has the most infected and fatalities worldwide
  • President Donald Trump * often seems overwhelmed - but he could be the big winner of the crisis
  • Here you will find the basic facts * about the corona virus . You can also find current case numbers * in Germany as a card *. The following recommendations for corona protective measures are currently available

Munich / Washington - The USA remains the hotspot in the coronavirus pandemic worldwide. This is confirmed, on the one hand, by the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University , which show that more than 1500 people (as of April 14th at 12 noon) have died of a Covid19 infection in the past 24 hours.

However, the country is not only concerned with the currently uncontrolled spread of the virus and the associated large number of deaths, but also politically in the United States because of the corona crisis is going haywire.

Coronavirus / USA: Trump shoots media - US President feels treated unfairly

US President Donald Trump * defended his approach to dealing with the corona virus in a heated exchange of blows with journalists.


Coronavirus - USA

© dpa / Evan Vucci

At his press conference on the corona crisis, which is now taking place almost daily, Donald Trump defended himself on Monday evening (local time) against allegations that he had reacted too late * . First, he explained in detail what measures he had taken since the outbreak. He then had a video of a compilation of statements by numerous people - including governors, health experts and journalists - who praised his work in the crisis.

"We can show you hundreds of such clips," said Trump . "It's very sad when people write wrong stories." Nobody recognizes what has been done in the past few weeks. Trump directly referred to a New York Times article from the weekend documenting the White House's hesitant behavior.

Coronavirus / USA: CNN calls Trump briefing "propaganda session"

Journalists in the room accused Trump of having government officials produce a Trump-style campaign video. TV station CNN summed up the press conference with the following words: " Angry Trump turns briefing into propaganda session ".

However, the US President's reaction to criticism of his work is not new. Trump repeatedly attacks numerous media - especially the New York Times , the Washington Post, and the CNN TV station - for reporting on him.

Coronavirus / USA: Trump names team of experts - without a virologist, but with Ivanka

But not only the media are storming the US President. So New York governor Andrew Cuomo and Trump fought a violent dispute. The US President spoke of his "all-encompassing power" with regard to the shutdown easing in the USA.

The United States will continue to deal with this issue in the coming weeks. Trump wants to boost his country's economy as soon as possible. In the past few days, he has therefore put together a team of experts to get the economy going again during and after the Corona crisis . The US President spoke of a "Council for the Opening of Our Country".

However, this body is actually put together remarkably, because you won't find a virologist or an economist in it. The top US virologist Anthony Fauci is also missing - but Trump's daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner are part of the team.

Not an economist. Not a health professional. For daughter, son-in-law and his own chief of staff. Trump's "expert council" to prepare the "reopening" of the country. Except maybe in New York everywhere, the pandemic is about to peak everywhere in the US ...

- Karl Doemens (@ Doppelgeist60) April 13, 2020

It has even recently been reported that Trump fired Fauci as a consultant. "The media chatter is ridiculous - President Trump fires Dr. Fauci not, ”said a White House spokesman on Monday. Fauci has the confidence of the President and remains his advisor.

Coronavirus / USA: Trump fuels speculation about Fauci kick-out

Trump himself had previously sparked speculation that the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases would be fired. The president had shared a tweet from a conservative politician on Sunday evening with the hashtag #FireFauci (fire Fauci). The respected medical professional, who is one of the President's most important advisers in the coronavirus pandemic , had previously carefully criticized the US response to the crisis.

Trump on why he retweeted a #FireFauci tweet: "I retweeted somebody - I dunno."

- Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 13, 2020

The 79-year-old scientist on the CNN news channel made it clear that human lives could have been saved if the United States had reacted earlier and more decisively to the virus . In right circles, however, Fauci is hostile: Many Trump supporters believe that the danger from the corona virus is exaggerated.

They fear that the economic crisis caused by the containment measures will damage the president's chances of being re-elected in November. Fauci even had to be placed under personal protection because of threats.

smk / afp / dpa

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital network

Rubric list picture: © dpa / Evan Vucci

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-04-14

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