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Director of Fire Services Li Jianri bids farewell to 37 years of firefighting career


The Director of the Fire Services Department, Li Jianri, will retire and retire from office. After 37 years of firefighting career, he experienced an anti-repair case that lasted for more than half a year in the last year of his tenure and a new pneumonia outbreak. He pointed out that the gathering activities in the past year had brought more challenges to the prescription than colleagues. The colleagues had to cope with the sudden fire in a fierce conflict. At the same time, the daily emergency call "will not be less because of demonstrations." Deploying a lot of manpower and material resources, he is grateful to his colleagues for their active support, "Well, it ’s just waiting for the public to call 999."

Social News

Written by: Zheng Qiuling

2020-04-16 06:00

Date of last update: 2020-04-16 06:00

The Director of the Fire Services Department, Li Jianri, will retire and retire from office. After 37 years of firefighting career, he experienced an anti-repair case that lasted for more than half a year in the last year of his tenure and a new pneumonia outbreak. He pointed out that the gathering activities in the past year had brought more challenges to the prescription than colleagues. The colleagues had to cope with the sudden fire in a fierce conflict. At the same time, the daily emergency call "will not be less because of demonstrations." Deploying a lot of manpower and material resources, he is grateful to his colleagues for their active support, "Well, it ’s just waiting for the public to call 999."

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Director of Fire Services Li Jianri bid farewell to 37 years of firefighting career

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Li Jianri, director of the Fire Services Department, will retire and meet with the media before leaving office. (Photo by Zheng Qiuling)

Refute the frontline accusations of not fighting the fire

Li Jianri described the prescription work as more challenging than Zhanzhong. The demonstration mode is different from Zhanzhong's fixed one zone. How fast and unannounced multi-zone operations, even if he is finished, he will set up his own "podium" even when he returns home. Turn on all communication systems and computers and pay close attention to developments. He thanked his colleagues for working overtime and took the initiative to come to the command center for support when an accident occurred.

He pointed out that there were a lot of online rumors that were troubled during the anti-revision laws, and some examples were the use of temporary actors ’old photos as fake identities, and more accused the prescription frontline of not fighting the fire. He pointed out that gasoline bombs appeared in August and September The road is blocked and the prescription vehicle cannot be approached. The front line will "run a few hundred meters to the scene."

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The incident of the injured at the Prince's Station on August 31 was one of the disputes involving the Fire Department. Ambulances were refused entry into the station. The prescription's incident record was found to have been revised afterwards. Li Jianri pointed out that at that time, two press conferences were held to "discuss questions until no questions were asked" for the controversy. "It means that the non-control group grades may not recognize the practice," Well, I can guess too much, and I can listen back if there is a belt. "

There were firemen involved in anti-repair demonstrations and arrested. Li Jianri said "one is too much" and emphasized that the overall service was not affected. He pointed out that as a disciplinary force, if a person is suspected of committing a crime, he must be suspended from investigating. Reinstatement, if convicted, will be handled according to the mechanism.

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The union fights for salaries and keeps up with the police

When asked whether he regrets leaving office, Li Jianri pointed out that the handover targets set a few years ago, including the Fire Safety (Industrial Building) Bill, etc., failed to be passed within his term of office. Regarding the “upgrading” to the level of emergency disciplinary forces that the trade unions have always advocated, which is in line with the salary and treatment of the police force, he pointed out that the government has launched a review of the grade structure. The prescription has submitted a report last year. The sense of mission to handle the work is not affected by it. "

Li Jianri said that he particularly agreed with the colleague who rescued Uncle Qiudang recently shared "Save everyone is his family." Recalling the unforgettable things during his promotion to management in recent years, he took the initiative to mention the fourth level of Amoy mini warehouse. Huo and Diaoyanyan rescued three Chinese and British heroes who died in martyrdom and brought a heavy blow to the team. Regarding the fourth-level fire accident in the mini warehouse, he pointed out that the prescription had submitted an investigation report to the police, pending the inspection and scheduling of the cause of death.

The new Director of the Fire Services Department, Leung Wai Hsiung: "Sorry," is a sentiment and the department has no distinction

Fire department ambulances with more than 700 diagnosed persons concealed because of patients 8 firefighters became close contacts

In March 2017, the Suwate Rock Fire Brigade was killed and Li Jianri visited the media after learning about the situation. (Profile picture / Photo by Yu Ruijing)

Li Jianri joined the office in 1983 and recalled that he had participated in the fire rescue operation of the Aberdeen industrial building at level 5, describing that the protective clothing at that time was only waterproof material, and the respirator would inhale thick smoke, but there was another fire alarm. They arrived at the scene ignoring the black dirt. He had unforgettablely dealt with the bombing of the Tuen Mun Timber Factory, describing it as "an instant of life and death". When he visited three colleagues at the water hose, a sudden explosion of oil vapor occurred. Fortunately, he was only pushed down by the air wave. "If I believe it is unbearable. "

In 2003, he was the director of the New Territories South Fire District. The fall of Tuen Mun Highway double-decker bus was shocking. A large number of injured people were hung on the fallen slope bus. The temporary morgue made him deeply feel that the department "has a good sense of respect for the dead." The logistics warehouse accident occurred the following year, and allergic reactions caused by chemicals were found to be delayed. It also inspired prescription research to improve equipment.

On May 9, 2018, the 150th Anniversary General Assembly of the Hong Kong Fire Services Department. (Profile picture / Photo by Lu Yiming)

Saying goodbye to his 37-year firefighting career, Li Jianri said that after retirement, he would enjoy listening to the symphony orchestra performance. He also worked as a wife driver. He did not disclose whether there are any new work arrangements. The last time I wore a director ’s uniform to see the media wearing a mask, he laughed and said, “It ’s the witness of the times.”

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Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-04-15

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