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"White-hot" by Trump, who are these Americans who are demonstrating against containment?


Thousands of Americans took to the streets of several major cities to support the President in the face of Democratic governors

There are thousands of them and march to say their opposition to confinement but also, and even, above all, to defend Donald Trump against the Democrats. In several states of the country, these Americans have been taking to the streets since Wednesday, flags of the United States and signs displaying libertarian and pro-Trump slogans in hand.

Regardless of the social distancing measures to be followed due to the Covid-19 epidemic which has already killed more than 30,000 people in the country. "It is above all Trumpist Republicans who also defend the idea that the state does not have to interfere in their lives", summarizes Jean-Eric Branaa, specialist in the United States and lecturer at the Assas-Paris II University.

"Walz is the virus"

Several hundred of them gathered on Friday outside the residence of Minnesota governor Tim Walz in St Paul. The slogans on their placards set the tone: "Walz is the virus", "F * ck i, mask off", can we read in particular on images taken by the local press.

A sampling of the signs at the protest:

“I need a haircut.”

“F * ck it, mask off.”

“Walz is the virus.”

- Theo Keith (@TheoKeith) April 17, 2020

On Wednesday, nearly 3,000 citizens conducted a car snail operation near the Capitol in Lansing, Michigan. They protested the extension of the confinement until April 30. Other protests have taken place in Virginia.

VIDEO. United States: pro-Trump demonstrators to end containment

These three states, where new rallies are planned for this Saturday, have in common to be led by democratic governors who want to maintain containment. Michigan is also the third territory with the most deaths from coronavirus, behind New York State and New Jersey. "Free Minnesota!" "," Free Michigan! And "Free Virginia," chanted Trump on Twitter on Friday, encouraging supporters to demonstrate even if armed if they wanted to.

LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under seat!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020

It all started with the violent attacks of the American president against the governors who would refuse to soften the sanitary measures too much, last Monday. “It is the President of the United States who decides! He hammered during his daily press briefing, while several local leaders believe they have the right to keep hold of the relief measures. "Trump sent the signal to his supporters by calling to restart the economy and that created the spark," judge Jean-Eric Branaa.

Right to carry a weapon

The economy also comes up a lot in the demands of the demonstrators. Some demand the reopening of businesses, others fear for their jobs. "We are tired of not being able to buy the products we need or going to the hairdresser," lamented a protester in Lansing, showing the cameras her whitening hair.

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There are also those who do not hesitate to go out with their weapons in hand, as authorized by some states under the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, to illustrate their attachment to freedom. " We're going to be able to take your guns is the slogan that Trump regularly brings to his base. It is heating up this part of the electorate, ”judges political scientist Nicole Bacharan.

Above all, it is Trump's defense that stands out among these demonstrators. Some of the American flags they wave display the face of their President crossed out with a "Keep America great", a reference to his presidential campaign slogan "Make America great again".

All of this, against the background of the health crisis, is also part of an electoral context, six months before the presidential election. Which is no stranger to Trump's attacks. In the camp opposite, Democrat Joe Biden has accumulated support in recent days. Former President Barack Obama has gone out of his way to officially support him while several of his former opponents in the primaries, including Bernie Sanders, have joined him.

"Trump appears lost in his role of protector of the nation. Biden takes power behind the scenes, it accumulates support and confidence in the country, ”notes Jean-Eric Branaa. Joe Biden could also have as listière in the race for the White House the governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-04-18

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