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Corona Talk with Anne Will: Press goes to court with Laschet's appearance - "unworthy"


Corona Talk with Anne Will: NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet properly distributed at the ARD show - and now receives harsh criticism from the press.

Corona Talk with Anne Will: NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet properly distributed at the ARD show - and now receives harsh criticism from the press.

  • Anne Will's TV talk on ARD  on Sunday evening deals with the strict measures taken in the  Corona * crisis
  • This time guests include Armin Laschet (CDU) , Annalena Baerbock (Greens) , Christian Lindner (FDP) and Karl Lauterbach (SPD)
  • The positions regarding possible easing of the corona measures  are already clear before the talk.
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Update April 28, 12.47 p.m .: Armin Laschets * Appearance with Anne Will not only caused strong reactions from other politicians, but also provoked a huge press response - and this is anything but flattering. The Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger described the appearance of the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia as "inappropriately loud in tone, insensitive in the choice of words, not firmly rooted in the facts". The newspaper also said: "What Laschet said on Sunday evening in Anne Will's Corona debate during prime time was unworthy of a possible candidate for Chancellor of the Union ."

"Anne Will" (ARD): Laschet's appearance is torn in the press

The Berliner Morgenpost criticized meanwhile Laschet knowledge about the school-holes  in his state. "Shortly afterwards, Laschet was surprised that the schools in NRW were not prepared for higher hygiene standards . That is the task of the municipalities, ”writes the Morgenpost and draws a bitter conclusion:“ The schools were therefore opened without being able to guarantee compliance with certain rules. And the prime minister blames the cities and municipalities . ”Behavior that probably does not only raise questions among the editors of the Berliner Morgenpost . According to the newspaper, however, this behavior " blended seamlessly into Laschet's misleading and less sovereign appearance this Sunday evening". 

And the conclusion of the Tagesspiegel was devastating. After this broadcast , Laschet will never become chancellor, the medium says. Because he had " one zero sentence after the other " in the highest emotionality

"Anne Will" (ARD): After Laschet's appearance, Söder moves away from the NRW politician

Update April 27, 4:08 p.m .: Schools in Bavaria have also been closed for several weeks. The lockdown would have "dramatic effects on the children", as a doctor now reveals in an exclusive interview.

Update April 27, 2020:  Söder misses Laschet after the show with Anne Will: The CSU leadership in the video section clearly moved away from the North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU). He had complained on Sunday evening on the ARD that virologists changed their minds every few days. That leads to uncertainty.

Söder said in principle, without naming Laschet by name: "It would be wrong not to listen to virologists, because they have advised us well so far." Credibility of the population in political decisions. Current data from Google and Apple show how much life in Bavaria and beyond has changed as a result of the corona virus.

"Anne Will" (ARD): The Bundesliga is also an issue in the corona debate

Update 22:35: We continue with a slugfest for football - Bundesliga

Green politician Annalena Baerbock is very critical of opening the Bundesliga . "We gamble away social cohesion because it is deeply unfair to allow the Bundesliga if children cannot even get on the swing," complains the politician. Liberal leader Christian Lindner (FDP) , on the other hand, does not see this quite as strictly: "All areas that meet similar standards as the Bundesliga now should also be able to be opened." 

The opinions between Baerbock and Lindner differ widely. Karl Lauterbach (SPD) has something else to complain about in the Bundesliga. He sees footballers in quarantine treated differently from the rest of the population. His opponent of the evening, Armin Laschet (CDU), can only sigh. He admits a mistake in a completely different place - but not with himself.

"You have to weigh up: What damage do the measures that we have consistently been doing for weeks actually cause?" @ArminLaschet at #AnneWill. #CoronaKrise #Coronavirus

- ANNE WILL talk show (@AnneWillTalk) April 26, 2020

In terms of school openings:  these had not been sufficiently prepared. Not even the hygiene requirements corresponded to appropriate corona standards. But he does not see the blame for his state government. No, the schools and their municipalities are responsible. "For us, that is the responsibility of the school authorities, and that is the respective city." 

In plain language shimmers through: Laschet ordered the schools in North Rhine-Westphalia to be opened without consulting the local authorities. The viewers raged on Twitter.

Laschet is surprised and annoyed that the municipalities in lockdown did not prepare the schools in NRW for higher hygiene standards.

This means that the school openings were decided without feedback beforehand

irresponsible # AnneWill @welt

- Claudia Kade (@claudia_kade) April 26, 2020

Laschet is giving the Trump from the Rhine to Anne Will. It's always the other's fault. Now the evil virologists, who always find out new things and then adapt their recommendations. Nobody can know anything about it anymore and then you open everything without meaning and understanding

- Stefan Hübner (@HuebnerMobil) April 26, 2020

Mr. Laschet you lie something in your pocket: The school authorities !!!!! You said: We open the schools! Without a plan and support for local schools! The pre-graders are still waiting for information from you! @ArminLaschet #Anne Will

- Everyday pleasures (@AlltagsDes) April 26, 2020

"Anne Will" (ARD): Laschet and Lauterbach in a duel for statements by virologists

Update 10:11 pm: NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) and SPD politician Karl Lauterbach are giving a showdown on "Anne Will". The recommendations of the virologists on the decisive factors for the  corona measures were constantly changing, Laschet criticizes. This also leads to uncertainty among the population. “Originally, the goal was: we have to prevent Bergamo,” Laschet looks back. "To do this, we doubled intensive capacities and shut down the whole country." That seemed to have worked well. 

Then the period of the doubling number   should be decisive. “First it was ten, then ten to 14 days - we have now reached 22 in NRW,” says Laschet. But now the so-called R-factor for the number of reproductions is suddenly decisive. 

The indirect accusation that the German scientists are constantly changing their guidelines is apparently hardly bearable for Karl Lauterbach. He leans forward in his chair, shakes his head and tries to interrupt Laschet. But the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia spoke furiously: "And now I can already see the next factor," he says indignantly. Because recently there has been talk of the goal of a few hundred new infections per day. The virologists would sometimes have to make clear statements, says Laschet.

As can Lauterbach  only disagree. The criteria are different values, all aiming for the same goal. "We were lucky that we didn't wait for the first one," said Lauterbach. But it was clear from the start that after the catastrophe was averted, the task was to prevent a second wave. Because as long as there is no immunity, one cannot prevent it. "A second wave must be prevented in Germany," said the epidemiologist. Because with such a the focus of infection could no longer be traced. 

Corona lockdown topic at "Anne Will" (ARD): Lindner wants to "dare a different strategy"

Update 10:05 pm:  "Angela Merkel doesn't trust the citizens enough," asks Anne Will Christina Berndt , science editor of the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Berndt stands behind the chancellor and evaluates the openings in some federal states as "brisk". Germany is the frontrunner in the coronavirus pandemic, and this lead should not be squandered.

Update 22:01: FDP leader Christian Lindner makes it clear that he is no longer convinced of the crisis strategy as it was initiated at the beginning of the crisis. "Because I think the country is now in a different constitution." The health system has been strengthened, the population has been responsible for the situation and the lack of protective equipment has been remedied. "So I think we can try a different strategy."

Also Lindner refers to the Helmholtz scientists in Braunschweig. However, on a different recommendation. The only decisive factor was therefore: "Is there a hygiene concept?" One should not be guided by individual spades. "If you keep your distance, there are masks - only that is decisive," says Lindner. 

"I am not convinced that Mr. Lauterbach's hotels in Leverkusen must be closed because there is a Corona outbreak in Passau. We have to act more regionally," says @c_lindner at #AnneWill. #Coronavirus #CoronaKrise

- ANNE WILL talk show (@AnneWillTalk) April 26, 2020

ARD talk "Anne Will" on the corona crisis: Lauterbach - "I would never have opened the schools"

Update 9:54 p.m .: Karl Lauterbach (SPD) makes it clear  that the mortality rate of Covid 19 patients is increasing , that he disagrees with Laschet. "The greatest threat is still death from this disease." With intensive care beds , only the worst can be prevented. But even those who are ventilated “die 60 percent” from the consequences of the virus infection, according to Lauterbach. In the United States, the death rate for respiratory patients is as high as 80 percent.

So far nothing has been won. In Germany, only one to two percent have been infected so far. The massive majority of the population is still facing an infection. "I would never have opened the schools before," says an epidemiologist, referring to the Helmholtz study. And Lauterbach goes one step further: "I would not have opened at all."

"I would never have opened the schools, the schools are not prepared at all," @Karl_Lauterbach told #AnneWill in the discussion about the relaxation of the # Corona measures. #CoronaKrise #Coronavirus

- ANNE WILL talk show (@AnneWillTalk) April 26, 2020

Update 9:53 pm:  It's about life and death. ARD presenter Anne Will and NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet agree on this. Laschet is considered a strong representative of a holistic easing approach. "I've been advocating this for weeks: you have to weigh it up," says Laschet. The drastic consequences of the corona measures for children have to be taken into account - and the serious economic consequences that massive unemployment entails. "And at the same time, 40 percent - in our North Rhine-Westphalia state as of this afternoon - are free for intensive care places." One has to at least talk about the fact that this crisis hits the weakest in the population the hardest, says Laschet.

Corona Talk at Anne Will: Does Laschet again "briskly" demand more corona loosening?

Original article from April 26, 2020:

Berlin - The coronavirus pandemic * will also be the dominant topic in Anne Will's political talk. "Fear of a second wave of infection * - does Germany relax the corona measures 'too research'?" Is the title of the talk on Sunday at 9.45 p.m. , which will be broadcast on the first.

Measures against the spread of the coronavirus * have been eased somewhat in recent weeks. But for some business representatives or even prime ministers, these easing was not far enough. Shortly afterwards there was the Chancellor's Ruffle

Angela Merkel criticized that the Federal Government's measures should not be “too researched” to be adapted . There is a risk of a second wave of infection and this could get worse. High-ranking politicians will then discuss this topic on ARD on Sunday evening

Corona Talk on "Anne Will" (ARD): Does Laschet again "briskly" demand more corona loosening?

With Armin Laschet (CDU) , the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, it is one of the main protagonists in the loosening discussion * guest. In addition, Anne Will will also greet two party leaders with Annalena Baerbock (Alliance 90 / The Greens and Christian Lindner (FDP). 

They have a bike off.

- Frank Lussem (@ frankie1960) April 26, 2020

In addition, Karl Lauterbach (SPD), health economist and epidemiologist, will be in the studio and represent his opinion. Christina Berndt , biochemist and science editor at the Süddeutsche Zeitung, completes the quintet at Anne Will's Political Talk on Sunday evening

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder, who spoke of the "only option", was also recently added. A doctor who was visiting Anne Will feared “collapse in a few weeks”.

As of Monday, the mask requirement applies nationwide *. You can find out what you need to consider in this article. In addition, the summer vacation this year could fall due to the coronavirus pandemic. 


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital network

Rubric list image: © Screenshot ARD

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-04-29

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