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Corona in Saxony: Relaxation for playgrounds, zoos and more - is gastronomy now also to follow?


New unemployment figures show how the economy in Saxony is doing. Meanwhile, there are timely easings across the state that also affect demonstrations.

New unemployment figures show how the economy in Saxony is doing. Meanwhile, there are timely easings across the state that also affect demonstrations.

  • On Thursday, 30 April, the conference call between the found German Chancellor Angela Merke l and the prime minister instead. 
  • Angela Merkel recently criticized the measures to ease some of the federal states, but Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer does not feel the criticism has been raised
  • Kretschmer explains that catering and retailers need a perspective
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus * and the corona news from Germany *. You can also find current case numbers in Germany here as a map *. The following recommendations for corona protective measures * are currently available. The most important thing about the topic is also on our brand new Facebook page Corona News. Become a fan now.

Update, May 3, 12:30 p.m .: After Saxony announced further easing of the corona measure on Saturday (May 2) (see below), Saxony's Minister of Economics Martin Dulig now also wants clarity for the cafés , pubs and restaurants that have been closed for weeks Create restaurants .

If the development of the infection numbers allows, he suggests opening the outside areas under strict conditions for May 15, the SPD politician. "You could test whether the security measures work before everything starts to build up on Pentecost weekend." Dulig wants to suggest May 15 to the prime minister with a view to the next federal-state counter on May 6. 

Coronavirus in Saxony: Demonstration in Leipzig resolved with 200 participants

Update from May 1st, 2:15 p.m .:  A demonstration was held in Saxony on May 1st despite the extensive ban on contacts . Several hundred people took to the streets in the alternately shaped Leipzig district of Connewitz, according to police estimates that more than 200 people were involved in the protest. The campaign of the initiative #NotOnOurBack called for the meeting under the motto "Combative for May Day". However, the demonstrators adhered to the mouthguard requirement . The regulatory office spontaneously agreed , as the police said. 

According to the police, the elevator went peacefully . During the Corona crisis, only two stationary demonstrations with a maximum of 25 participants each were approved. 

Already on Wednesday (April 29th) the Saxon police had to dissolve an unauthorized assembly in Pirna , as around 350 people followed an online call to "go for a walk" in the market square. Officials cleared the space within a quarter of an hour before investigations into violations of the Saxon Corona Protection Ordinance began. However, an organizer was not found. A week earlier , an AfD district councilor who is himself a police officer had organized a demo in Pirna.

In contrast to Saxony, particularly tough corona measures still apply in Bavaria - the owner of a golf course now takes a risky step *.

Coronavirus in Saxony: Further easing announced

Update from April 30, 9:31 p.m .: Saxony has announced further corona loosening. Specifically, the ban on assembly will be implemented less strictly in the future. 

From next Monday (May 4th) demonstrations with up to 50 participants will be possible again. The state cabinet agreed on Thursday in Dresden. "Assemblies to protect against the spread of the virus are still subject to further restrictions," said Justice and Democracy Minister Katja Meier (Greens) from the German Press Agency, but at the same time also referred to freedom of assembly as an essential core of democracy. This is particularly important in times of crisis.

Meetings in Saxony have been severely restricted in recent weeks for reasons of infection protection. They were only allowed with a special permit with a number of up to 15 participants.

Coronavirus in Saxony: Further easing announced

Update from April 30, 5:38 pm: On Thursday, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) announced further easing together with Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and Hamburg's First Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) . So certain places and institutions are accessible again.

According to the Chancellor, the federal states should decide individually where to reopen playgrounds, museums, zoos and memorials in view of the Corona pandemic. There should be the possibility to allow that again with conditions, said Merkel. 

Merkel and the prime ministers want to make it possible to open up the playground so that families have additional opportunities to spend time in public spaces in addition to green areas and parks. If queues were avoided, visitors would again be able to visit museums, exhibitions, galleries, memorials and zoological and botanical gardens.

Corona virus in Saxony: Before the Chancellor's statement - first details known

Update of April 30, 1:52 pm: Chancellor Merkel advises the country heads on further easing of the corona measures. It is clear that the Chancellor will only have larger opening steps on May 6want to decide. The contact block will be extended until May 10th. 

The Federal Government believes that museums , exhibitions , memorials , zoos and botanical gardens can reopen under certain conditions. In small and historic buildings in particular, it is a prerequisite that the requirements for hygiene and compliance with the necessary spacing can be implemented in terms of space and personnel, the federal government's draft resolution for the consultations of Chancellor Angela Merkel with the heads of government of the federal states responsible for dpa is present. Even church services and prayer meetings are to be allowed back under certain conditions. And the federal government wants to reopen playgrounds .

An overview of new regulations can be found here.

Coronavirus in Saxony: Number of unemployed rises in April for the first time since reunification 

Update from April 30, 10.45 a.m . The consequences of the Corona * crisis hit the job market in Saxony hard - the unemployment figures are increasing significantly. More than half a million people in the state are now receiving short-time work benefits - and that with only four million inhabitants. This was announced by the regional directorate of the Federal Employment Agency in Chemnitz on Thursday. Klaus-Peter Hansen , Head of Regional Directorate, confirmed the numbers and trends. "This April, we for the first time since the reunification of the situation that the number of unemployed in relation to the March rose are." 

The bare figures indicate serious economic consequences in Saxony due to the corona virus lockdown . Because 42 percent of all approximately 111,500 Saxon companies have for more than 521,000 people applied for short-time working. The unemployment rate rose compared to the previous month by 0.6 percentage points to 6.1 percent , the number of unemployed climbed by 12,600 people to 129,000. The long-term development of the fall in unemployment in the spring was interrupted . In April of last year, the rate was 5.5 percent - 117,000 unemployed were registered at that time.

#Corona crisis does not yet have a dramatic impact on the number of #employed in Saxony-Anhalt: 8,700 more unemployed in April. But 193,000 employees on short-time work - almost a quarter of all employees!

- Steffen Hoehne (@steffen_hoehne) April 30, 2020

According to the state agency, only the introduction of short-time work prevented an even greater increase in unemployment. "The good news: short-time work benefits and secures many jobs," says Hansen.

Already on Thursday morning it was said that the federal government will probably extend the contact restrictions that are intended to limit the spread of the corona virus to May 10 .

Coronavirus in Saxony: Kretschmer is now calling for further easing 

Update of April 29, 1:21 pm : Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has announced a further relaxation of restrictions for the period from May 25 in the Corona crisis . He cited the daycare center operation as an example at a question time in the state parliament on Wednesday . But everything depends on the development of the pandemic. The government has always acted on the basis of facts. Health protection was the be-all and end-all. A life with the virus must be possible. Kretschmer was the first Saxon Prime Minister to take part in such a question and answer session in Parliament. For reasons of infection protection, the state parliament only met with half of its members.

Corona crisis in Saxony: Despite Merkel's criticism, Kretschmer demands further easing

First report from April 29th

Dresden - Despite harsh criticism and meanwhile 4,458 corona people * (as of April 27, Robert Koch Institute), Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) considers a reopening of restaurants at the end of May conceivable. And, although Chancellor Angela Merke l  until Thursday, April 23, had warned of a repeated rise in infection levels * and stresses that it is not likely a false sense of security, due to positive developments. In addition, she criticized the federal states which, in her opinion, "pushed" the measures to loosen up *

Corona crisis in Saxony: Despite Merkel's criticism, Kretschmer demands further easing 

Kretschmer does not feel addressed by Merkel's criticism and emphasized: “People and retailers also need perspective. We want to give them to them ”. Although the measures to loosen up must always be handled with due regard to the number of coronavirus infections, “this is not possible now. But for the end of May I am definitely considering this here in the Free State of Saxony, ”said Kretschmer in the program“ ARD Extra ”. 

The CDU politician praises the citizens: “We were all very disciplined with each other. We let this fire go out and prevented worse things from happening ”. However , the phone call between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor on Thursday, April 30 , will determine whether the restaurants can be opened at the end of May . However, it is certain that Saxony will loosen the exit restriction * and that museums, libraries and exhibitions will reopen from May 4th. In addition, zoo visits should be possible again in early May, but with a mask. Because the mask requirement * will remain for the time being, this has been valid in Saxony since Monday, April 27th.

Markus Söder raves about Bavaria, but then Angela Merkel interrupts him - that makes the travel manager angry. Donald Trump's new spokeswoman makes a promise at her first press conference that breaks it directly. The Thai king resides in a luxury hotel in Garmisch, which is called "Disaster for the reputation of the monarchy".

agf / dpa

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Peter Kneffel

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-05-03

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