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Donald Trump is "happy" that Kim Jong-Un is "back and in shape"


The American president rejoiced after the North Korean official media released images of his counterpart, whose absence had

Relieved, Donald Trump. The American president welcomed Saturday the public reappearance of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. "For my part, I am happy to see that he is back and in good shape! "Donald Trump wrote on Twitter after the North Korean official media released images of his Asian counterpart, whose absence for weeks had raised questions and rumors.

I, for one, am glad to see he is back, and well!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 2, 2020

North Korean state television showed it on Saturday walking, smiling widely and smoking a cigarette at the opening of a factory on Friday in Sunchon, north of Pyongyang. In these images, we see Kim Jong-Un sitting in front of a sign describing the event as a factory inauguration ceremony on May 1.

The official press agency KCNA also published photos of the event, notably showing the North Korean leader alongside his sister and adviser Kim Yo Jong.

Trump minimized rumors

Questions about Kim Jong-Un's state of health had multiplied since his absence noted at the April 15 celebrations. This day is the most important on the North Korean political calendar because the whole country commemorates the birth of the founder of the regime, Kim Il Sung, the grandfather of the current leader.

Speculation about his health came at a time when discussions between Pyongyang and Washington over the North Korean nuclear arsenal have stalled for months, despite three historic highs between Kim and Trump. If he had died or been unable to exercise his functions, this would have increased uncertainty about the future of this negotiation process.

During the days of uncertainty over his health, Donald Trump downplayed the rumors. "I wish him luck" and "I hope to see him again in good health," he said.

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VIDEO. Kim Jong-Un reappears after 3 weeks of absence

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-05-03

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